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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

MVP system is trash


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LOL! I vote for guildies over nobodies.If someone actually heals me, I'll vote for them.


I vote for no one if we lose, unless guildies are in the match.


Who are you to dictate otherwise?


I have wondered who that dbag was. Question answered.

Edited by throapy
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This is a wasted vote a player must achieve 1 (down from 3) in order to recover ant reward from the match. This includes for MVP votes. So while you concede their tugh luck theywont get anything from your vote.


I guess if he had straight 0s this would probably be true, but I mean **** who doesn't get at least a 2.5k medal in every fight at 50...

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I have wondered who that dbag was. Question answered.


Coming from someone who berates others on a forum.




Ill keep doing it just so it puts a smile on my face and a frown on yours!



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Players don't vote for the mvp, they vote for their friend Guildie, or anybody but that person they don't like.


MVP should be calculated and chosen by an in game program. Tired of being the one doing most of the work, or having highest dps and watching some clown that isn't healing or doesnt have any medals or dps getting the vote over me when I sat around and waited for the team to exit the match.


what a silly thing to complain about. who cares that people dont vote for you even though in your eyes your the greatest.

i usually vote for the person with the lowest medal count.


all you get for getting votes is more comms and valor. sorry but if your maxed i would rather help out someone thats not but still put out effort the whole time.


the only thing that annoys me is the crybabies that do not vote for anyone when they lose a match. grow up and spend 1 sec to click someone babies.

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i vote everytime just to see others' votes..

i vote watching stats only if anyone makes a good impression on me ingame..usually you can make your idea about who is actually playing..

if i can't remember no one when i watch the board, we must have lost and we didn't play well..so i go for objectives(excluding the 10500 for defending if the node wasn't attacked at all)

heals/dps or protection

i'd suggest to avoid looking deaths and kills because you could be a good player in recruit gear or a smashing monkey

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As healer I often get 3-5 votes every match. Since I'm usually the healer I obviously don't vote for myself so I go for whoever has the most protection. Which on my server means one in every ten games there's actually a tank that know he can throw out taunts and still get protection even if he doesn't want to guard. Guarding tanks are even better. For the other nine matches that have no tanks I vote for whoever is lowest because they need the comms more than the other people do.
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Never vote for smash monkeys, juggs/sins/PTs with no protection (is hitting taunt really that hard?), and never ever for healer who sits offnode by reducing his health to heal and farm medals (not becose I'm jealous, but it's a risk of very fast nod lost if stealther comes while guys is 30%HP).


Usualy going for healers or for node guarder if he calls good incs.

or for person who did something stupid and apologised without being called out.

Like guy who mixed his buttons and could not interrupt cap, or used force stealth instead of run/pass while having ball, AND said 'I am sorry, I screwed up, my fault'

Edited by Atramar
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For example. I vote for guy who def alone nod during game and call incs. He sacrifice his time to let my team wins.

I vote for healers who didnt give up on me and pull me from 100 hp to full hp 20 k with 2 enemys on me. I vote for a guy who save my life pullig out Yedi of me. I vote to sneaky guy who set bomb all alone on enemy gate. This things you cant measure in medals, you just see them sometimes in game. To make this silent heros reward you gave them mvp's.

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I feel like the MVP system should force you to vote for an opposing player making it more arbitrary as you're more like to vote for someone you feel really contributed to the team.


Voting should not be lossed when someone leaves either. But I'd like to see an automated vote for each as the "all around player" for each team.


I've wished I could do this sometimes when I feel nobody on my team contributed jack.

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For example. I vote for guy who def alone nod during game and call incs. He sacrifice his time to let my team wins.

I vote for healers who didnt give up on me and pull me from 100 hp to full hp 20 k with 2 enemys on me. I vote for a guy who save my life pullig out Yedi of me. I vote to sneaky guy who set bomb all alone on enemy gate. This things you cant measure in medals, you just see them sometimes in game. To make this silent heros reward you gave them mvp's.


+1 Don't understand some of that, but it's definitely the way to go.

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MVP must give social points.


MVPs should nerf shadows. So if I do 500k dmg and 400k protection in dps gear 31 0 10, I am op, therefore get all the votes in the yard. Consequently, on my next warzone, i should have no cloak, no resilience and no gear because I got all the MVPz! Also, at 5 MVPs for my shadow, i should be in queue with a team of stun locking operatives in order to die at least once! I never die, i keel all of you!

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Players don't vote for the mvp, they vote for their friend Guildie, or anybody but that person they don't like.


MVP should be calculated and chosen by an in game program. Tired of being the one doing most of the work, or having highest dps and watching some clown that isn't healing or does'nt have any medals or dps getting the vote over me when I sat around and waited for the team to exit the match.


Your right in most cases, but a lot the time players vote for the highest damage player or the healer that kept them alive or in my case as a healer if I got guarded and the tank that guarded me gets my vote or if no tank the other healer on my team, You must not be any of those players on the team if your not getting MVP's! o.O


I like the MVP system it gets your Valor maxed quicker when u get MVP votes +62 valor per vote <although Valor is redundant now, although I wish It was used again to unlock PVP gear levels as it used to be!>

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Your right in most cases, but a lot the time players vote for the highest damage player or the healer that kept them alive or in my case as a healer if I got guarded and the tank that guarded me gets my vote or if no tank the other healer on my team, You must not be any of those players on the team if your not getting MVP's! o.O


I like the MVP system it gets your Valor maxed quicker when u get MVP votes +62 valor per vote <although Valor is redundant now, although I wish It was used again to unlock PVP gear levels as it used to be!>


I get mvp votes all the time. I'm just mainly the DPS, but an OP DPS isn't always gonna be at the top, even though I killed the healer several times or I saved the game by planting the bomb, when everyone else was fighting like a bunch of tards on a side where they clearly will never be able to plant the bomb.


I really don't care about the mvp votes as much.. I made this thread over a week ago to point out how stupid the system is. I, too, am guilty here, I do vote for other guildies sometimes even if I know they were not the mvp. Most of the time I vote for the healer, the objectives, but if I don't feel like I was healed I might vote for the dps if they aren't one of those whiners that ***** throughout the entire game making it a bad experience for everyone invovled.


Oh and even if you are the top at dps and saved the game, you still may not get any votes, even if the healer was trash or some idiot was running around trying to out dps everybody, while you were trying to win the game, they may get the vote based off of peoples lack of knowledge. I usually do wind up somewhere at the top of the dps chart, but not easy to get a dps op to the top of the chart, especially when you are focused on winning the game.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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people reserve the right to vote for whom ever they want. but based on your attitude i would be willing to bet that you are constantly belittleing or yelling at your team mates. mabie if that is the case they refuse to vote for you.


Um.. no I never belittle or yell at my team mates. in fact, I hate those kind of people, they suck the fun right out of the game. You have pegged me all wrong here. No, no I just don't like popularity contests really, and I am saying that this system is useless. People are gonna vote for their guildies, they may just vote for the sake of seeing their votes and just vote for any random person.. I think the mvp should go to whoever gets the most objectives done really, but I know that mvp system is fixed , because I vote for guildies when they are in my warzone or group. It's a flawed system, and only encourages player worshipping popularity contests.


ZOMG YOU ARE THE BEST HEALER CAN I GIVE YOU A BUTT MASSAGE PLZ, yea i vote for healers that actually did a good job, but I don't fawn over them. It's a game man, who cares if they healed that is what their class is supposed to be doing.

Alot of times I heal other players , and I am not even a medic, I'm a dps op. I just see somebody that needs a quick heal and help them out.

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I ALWAYS vote for healers, DPS and medals don't consider me.


So you would blindly vote for the healer , even if they didn't heal you one time. They healed themselves and did a **** job of healing the team, but you look at the chart and see Oh that was our healer, he gets my vote. I vote for healers when i notice that they been healing the team and keeping us alive. If I don't get heals they don't get my vote.

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Maybe not be a douchebag and or actually carry the team in some capacity and you might get an mvp vote, until then I give them to whoever I queued with because I like them more than you.


What are you talking about? Half the time I do carry the team, and I don't act like a douche bag about it at all. I don't think you even know me, I don't use this name on my main toon.. I use it on another toon who I don't play that often because I found that my operative is alot more fun to me.

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