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  1. This part is incorrect, Annhi most definitely got nerfed, hard. Their damage dependent on dots, which have no cleanse protection and can be removed by any healer, and their survivability is based on those dots critting and healing them. BW nerfed that heal by 50%. No one plays it now because its damage is easily mitigated by a half-intelligent healer and its survivability with that healing nerf is garbage. Smash was always strong, people just didn't play it because of how good Annhi was; when its healing was nerfed, people jumped ship and went with smash.
  2. From what I've been able to tell this weekend playing is that it is not Pay to Win, it's Pay to Unlock Faster. Everything you can pay cartel coins to unlock can be unlocked by playing.
  3. He's not talking about a penalty for unranked, he's referring to people who sign up for ranked and leave when they see an undergeared teammate or lose the first round. Since ranked does not backfill this ****s the team over and ruins any chance they have at winning. There very much needs to be a penalty for people leaving ranked arenas. Unranked, who cares, it's annoying but it doesn't matter, the spot will be filled and you don't really lose anything by losing one game. Ranked is a different story.
  4. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    If they gave us a way to challenge another team to Huttball I would gladly pay for server space to create an organized, player-made, Huttball league website. Unfortunately this is probably even less likely than getting a ranked Huttball queue, which is already a ridiculously slim chance.
  5. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    If done right it most definitely could. More than any other game type I've played in an MMO, Huttball has the potential to be an actual eSport.
  6. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    What do I think about that? Well I'll tell you 1. I couldn't agree more on this, especially the part about Warsong, I loved that map. The only map that came close to it was Twin Peaks, which, let's be honest, was just Warsong 2.0. 2. I have to disagree here. Even in Wow, right after Cata came out (last time I seriously played arenas) and I was on a server that almost always had a queue to log in. A game with more than 10 million subscribers at the time and cross server battlegrounds, yet there were many, many times where we would be waiting 10-15 minutes for arenas to pop. Maybe it's different on your server here, but even at odd hours on mine I rarely have to wait more than 5 minutes for something to pop in SWTOR; during prime-time it's usually under one minute. In addition, an 8v8 ranked queue (even if it's not Huttball (but it should be )) would bring more people back to PvP. There are many people who don't like deathmatch style games (i.e. arenas), they want objectives. With the only ranked format being arenas, guess what they do once they gear out in unranked? They quit. Because they have nothing to shoot for, no goals, no objectives to keep them playing; and no, PvP for PvP sake is not good enough. People want competition, they want rankings and ladders to show the world that they're the best (or at least not the worst). While arenas brought many of my friends back to this game, most won't even touch it again. Why? Because it took BW too long in the beginning to add in ranked warzones. They got bored, they craved the competition that comes with a ranked format. When it took five months to release ranked games they had already moved on to other things. Giving people more options does not inhibit gameplay or weaken PvP queues. Stifling options and forcing people to play what they don't want to does. More options would bring more people into the game, look how many are coming back so they can try space PvP. If done right, a ranked Huttball league would bring in more subs and thus make the queues better, not worse. More options is always better for the health and quality of a game than limiting them. Even if only two teams play in the league, battling each other eternally, well that's 16 more subs for BW and 16 people that may not have played at all without the option. Which would leave the other queues exactly where they are anyway. TLDR: More options increases subs and improves the health of the game. Less options drives people to other games to find what they enjoy.
  7. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    I personally think they should have this feature anyway, regardless of what new maps come out. I would be perfectly happy to never play another ****** Alderaan or Hypergate again; I find both maps incredibly dull and hate it every time they come up. Do what Blizzard does in both WoW and Starcraft: show the list of maps/warzones that are in the queue, and let you select 1-2 that you would prefer not to play. It doesn't mean they will never come up, it just means the game will try to put you in any other map before it places you in those ones.
  8. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    This is essentially what I'm getting at. It would cater to both objective PvPers and deathmatch, whereas right now only deathmatch is getting any love. Don't get me wrong, I love arenas, but there are times where we have 8-10 people wanting to group up and play but with arenas being the only ranked option we are forced to pick and choose who gets to play at that point and the others get left out to make a second team or play unranked.
  9. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    I think 2.5 is supposed to add the new one.
  10. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    That would be pretty cool, but even if they wanted to be lazy and just use the same map, all they would have to do is move walkways and traps around and we have new maps.
  11. Dartai

    Huttball Petition

    Before I start, yes, I know this has been proposed many times over the last two years; but perhaps if we inundate Bioware with enough threads on the idea they will listen. Give us new maps. It's been two years, you've given us several new PvP maps with different objectives, but for some reason you have failed to do something incredibly easy: new Huttball maps. You don't have to come up with a new game system. You don't have to come up with a new objective. You just have to make a map, move some traps around, position different catwalks, and bam! Happy PvPers enjoying the awesome that is Huttball. Yes, I am aware that we are getting ONE new map. It should not have taken so long, and they should give us more than one. Why more than one? So they can make a ranked Huttball queue. It is something for which people have asked and petitioned many times over the past two years and yet it still goes unheeded. I'm aware there are people who don't like Huttball, but there are many more who thoroughly enjoy it (and for those who don't there are four other objective based maps and arenas to play in). There would be a great increase (my assumption, pulled from my ***, yet still true ) of ranked PvP popularity if there was a specific Huttball league to play. If you are in favor of more Huttball maps (more than just the single new one announced), and a separate, ranked Huttball queue, then fill this thread up and let the Devs know! If you're not in favor of this, then I hate you, but still feel free to post in here to keep the thread higher up so it might be seen .
  12. As healer I often get 3-5 votes every match. Since I'm usually the healer I obviously don't vote for myself so I go for whoever has the most protection. Which on my server means one in every ten games there's actually a tank that know he can throw out taunts and still get protection even if he doesn't want to guard. Guarding tanks are even better. For the other nine matches that have no tanks I vote for whoever is lowest because they need the comms more than the other people do.
  13. First thing, Mara bubble isn't even close to as strong as the Paly one. Paly bubble: 8 seconds, immune to all forms of damage, removes any negative effects from the player and prevents further effects from hitting while bubble is up, costs nothing to cast. Mara bubble: 5 seconds, reduces 99% of damage (which yes is basically immune), does NOT remove any negative effects, does not prevent further negative effects (cc namely), costs HALF the remaining life of the Mara to cast. They don't compare, it is already so much worse than the Paly version on every part of the ability. It does not need a nerf, people just need to learn to cc when it's up and wait the 5 seconds.
  14. Dartai

    Nerf Snipers!

    You also don't see sarcasm and a very obvious jab at all the crying "nerf x class" threads
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