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Rome-fu's Resolve Guide


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Agreed the system does not work. It is all great putting a guide if this is how it works. But to not include snares on a timer means that you can be chained (yes CHAINED) rooted and not able to nothing. So in huttball = worthless.


And as everyman and his dog can heal in this game trying to get a healer down is impossible when it is root, run away heal. oh wait you moved stun, root run away again.


Which is also why people are complaining that the system is broken. Also even at full bar you can be stunned. Trust me

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It doesn't really matter. Resolve is broken. It works....sometimes. And sometimes it doesn't at all. Yes, I'm aware that roots/snares are not affected by resolve. But after a couple of weeks of paying very close attention I find myself stunned quite often when my resolve bar was completely full. I see myself stunning others when their resolve bar is completely full. The mechanic is mostly broken. The end.
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It doesn't really matter. Resolve is broken. It works....sometimes. And sometimes it doesn't at all. Yes, I'm aware that roots/snares are not affected by resolve. But after a couple of weeks of paying very close attention I find myself stunned quite often when my resolve bar was completely full. I see myself stunning others when their resolve bar is completely full. The mechanic is mostly broken. The end.


Yep. What you just said.


Plus, I've watched while in a single combat, the resolve bar trickle down from completely full (and, in fact, doing its job of blocking some stuns) to bottom. Combat wasn't broken, etc etc, it just gave out.


*shrug* Then again, maybe I missed the part where after so many stuns blocked, you lose your resolve.

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Resolve is trash, its pretty much the lazy mans way to do DR. WoW had it right this crap doesnt work, I see people with half resolve and you can't stun them. You can still get snared an unlimited number of times with a full resolve bar. Its a broken and horrible system and should be changed.


But who am I kidding it wont ever be changed. Because it would seem this game prefers to be different for the sake of being different even if its worse... "ATLEAST ITS NOT WOW" /rolleyes

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Ok, so I'm a melee, who gets effectively shut down with roots, that doesn't trigger resolve.

Had a BH root me in huttball, he just stood 10 meters from me, spamming tracer missile, because my cc break was not up.


Second thing: as an SW marauder, I don't have a second stun or a mez. I don't have a knockback or pull. I just have 1 stun that roots me, and "stuns" me, cause I can't do anything while it lasts. If someone sees me doing it, he can pop his cc break and be sure as hell, that I don't have any other form of cc left.

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so today I was mezzed and my resolve bar filled but while I was still mezzed from the first stun another one hit me and triggered the resolve bar and I watched helplessly as my resolve gauge trickled away to nothing by the time I was free it was empty only to be stunned again . resolve does not work the system is broken and flawed , bottom line there is just absurd amounts of cc destroying gameplay
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The resolve system is broken imho. It's apparent that there are many skills that pay it no mind whatsoever.


You can be stunned almost indefinitely resolve full, empty, or anywhere in between.


It's important to know what skills are effected by it. Some classes are 100% unable to stun someone with a resolve bar, while others are unaffected and may stun at will.

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You forgot to mention knockdowns. They DO fill the resolve bar but they CAN NOT be broken by the CC break ability that all classes have.


The Knockdown can be purged with your cc break ability. However, you still need to stand up, what takes about 1 second. The Stun is already over, but you're still laying on the ground. During the stand up sequence you're also "stunned", because you can't do anything but standing up.


This is also the reason why knockdowns seem to be longer than mentioned in the tooltip. It's always the standing up second you need to take into consideration.

Edited by iTrouble
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As a sith marauder the pvp seems to irritate me more than anything, maybe its me being in full champion gear but the resolve bar does nothing. I get chain cc'd all the time some classes have multiple cc's and trying to kil 1v1 seems almost impossible at times. multiple times ive watched my resolve bar be maxed out and use my cc breaker (2 min cd) unleash at the so called right time just to be cc'd again! . my unleash needs to be on a shorter cd like 1 min, give me immunity for like 3 secs or so not to use it and boom cc'd again. ive pvp since eq days was glad in wow 4 years straight i know how to pvp, just seems my class has the short end of the stick against those that can cc u multiple times.maybe i shouldnt complain i still averag 300k dmg and ive maxed out at 415k thx for the incite into resolve ill continue to play with it and see where it takes me
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Since I only read the OP's post, I apologize if this was mentioned before, and chances are it has been.


In the case of getting knocked down by Operative's opener, which fills resolve 100%, you do want to get out of it asap. As a light armor wearer with more than decent pvp gear, in those 2-3 seconds, I got skinned alive by operatives. Until I noticed the 100% resolve and started getting out of the knockdown, that is.


Something not mentioned in the OP, but extremenly important to know about Operatives, seeing as they do quite a serious burst of dmg in a rather short period of time.

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lets be honest resolve is crap, takes 3 cc's to fill it and every one of those last their full duration, and half the time my resolve bar is full i still somehow get cc's. also if the resolve bar is full or depleting it should make u immune to snares as well. love the fact that every clas has at least 1 snare ability and there is no "freedom" type ability in the game. so basically everyone in the WZ runs around at 50% or lower speed. what a joke
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lets be honest resolve is crap, takes 3 cc's to fill it and every one of those last their full duration, and half the time my resolve bar is full i still somehow get cc's. also if the resolve bar is full or depleting it should make u immune to snares as well. love the fact that every clas has at least 1 snare ability and there is no "freedom" type ability in the game. so basically everyone in the WZ runs around at 50% or lower speed. what a joke


agreed and on top of all the cc in this game why does trauma have to reduce my speed on top of a healing debuf.

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If you are non stop snared to the point you really can't move what is the difference from it being CC? Seems to be the same or have the same effect. Snare is a CC spell in my mind and should impact the Resolve bar. If you CC break out of the stun and happen to be alive....you can hardly get away with the snares being non stop applied and like you said 100% movement snares = dead player. For ranged casters this is unfair. If I were a melee it wouldn't be as bad since most have better armor and their skills are more designed for upclose fighting anyways. The system may seem ok in a 1v1 situation but it is pretty much still in need of tweaking. Add in the delay in most of the skills now and you have a Sage or SI thart can't bubble when they want and cant force run away since your dead before they actually go off. two issues that is making PVP less fun. Ask anyone in a warzone....the stuns and snares in the game are out of control. It is bad enough they reduced the jump/charge for war and knights...They essentially made melee range cause we have to get within jump range to cast. either reduce the jump/charge range or put a linger CD to allow a fair chance.




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this guide is awesome, and does explain features of resolve i did not understand or use right.




resolve is still broken somehow. I've had a full resolve bar and still been caught in the sorc whirlwind. short-lived stuns still allow many classes to take you from 100% to dead before the stun wears off, and with stealthers you can't pop mitigation 'in preparation for CC'.


one-shot kills, or kills within a single stun, should not exist in the game.

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I read it. I understand it.

But I still think we need DR, not this PoS Resolve system.

My Resolve bar works when I'm at 10% hp. Real helpful. By the time my Resolve 'works', I'm already dead.

You may be able to understand the system, but that doesn't mean it isn't horribly flawed and inconsistent.

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