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2.0 Combat dps low? Or just me?


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Hello there,


I have been testing all the Advanced classes and I have to say besides shadow, Sentinel parses the lowest of them all some by up to 700dps difference.


What are you guys finding on the PTS?

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I spent most of the day yesterday parsing and found our dps on the new dummy to be pretty sad long term. Which scares me from being a pure DPS advanced class that we get annihilated by certain classes, for example DPS Vanguards, who can also Tank.
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The combat parse is in marauder forums in carnage spec...stock arkanian gear ripped and put into the old gear for the augments...they were stacking power...I think with strength it would come out better, plus that's not min/maxed yet either...


The Annihilation parse was a guildie that posted the link in teamspeak...would have to see if I could track it down again...he was also just using arkanian plus augments iirc, though he stacks strength...not power.

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I've been parsing in the high end of 2400. I've cracked 2500 once. These are all 5+ min parses on the dummy.

My gear is optimized Arkanian. I pulled all the alacrity mods and replaced them with power/surge.

My relics are war hero boundless ages and matrix cube. I'm fully augmented with 11/14 purple grade 28 might augments. I'm using nano-might stim. no clicky relic, no inspiration, no attack adrenal.

My crit is sitting about 23.7%.

The initial burst is HUGE. In the first 10-15 seconds of the fight, I'm parsing over 4000, but it quickly drops and for the remainder, focus is a big issue. I still haven't found a smooth rotation. It seems like i can luck out, and everything lines up right, but then it all goes wonky after a few rounds. It's going to take me a lot of practice finding my groove in 2.0.

I'd like to know what crit% other combat sents are shooting for in 2.0. I've tried swapping mods/enh to get my crit up to 25+%, but the outcome seems to be a wash.

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  • 2 months later...

My concern is not dummy pares, it is the evasions and buffs other classes got. I have played against sents more than with. if you were ranged they got you and then a good swing at a buddy. Healers were dead. On Jung Mah, there is maybe 2 at most melee dps on imp side. You do not get to make it through your rotation unless ganking a loner. It takes time to solo suicide a healer because they have teeth. Good snipers are a real pain. I hated pure smash, but it kept ranged ranged. They are now staying very close to objectives with enough spread that they can support each other, but still have time to react before u get to them. Snipers are the highest pure dps now in my findings over time on this server.


My biggest real whine is watching the stealth who should be helping pick up the elimination of priority targets popping guards and taking nodes that can not be defended and picking up massive medals, kills and dps but are never present at the main fight. We had one match with 4 stealth yelling at everybody else that they did the hard work but we did not keep the objectives. Then they called each other names for kiting the nodes they were going for. That is the exception, and with one 55 I have a feeling this will change when I hit that bracket.


Of course it is nice not seeing defeated by x damage 6000-8000 at the bottom of the window while spawning.


My 2cents

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Combat Spec is probably the most gear dependent spec in the game. Not only does it need top end gear, but it needs to be min/maxed to really shine.


This is par for the course.


When 1.2 came out many of us Combat spec lifers felt like we were just getting smoked. Then once more people started min/maxing they saw the potential.


You need to be buying the gloves or feet with your ultimate comms for PvE. They have the Deft Mod and Adept Enhancments. Get 9 of those Mods, and 5 of those enhancements. Get two of the Initiative enhancements for your other two slots. And fill in your armorings as you get 72's to drop for your set bonus.

Edited by Dawginole
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2nd parse ever in combat spec, respecced about 20 minutes prior to this parse


http://www.torparse.com/a/223921/time/1368348812/1368349113/0/Overview - combat trimmed to 5mins, 2612 dps


Still geared for watchman spec, so I was sitting at 2520 str, 1600 pwr, 102.8% acc, 18.9% crit, 68% surge. 69 main and offhand.


Normal parses when running watchman in this gear would give me between 2650 and 2700, I know I could have gotten more out of combat but as I said, 2nd parse ever in this spec so it was probably sloppy.

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Parsing around 2500s over a long duration. Still need a lot of gear and enhancement/mod rebuilding.


Get your accuracy to as close to 100% as possible(not much over), get power enhancements/mods, surge 70-75%. My crit rate is at 18% buffed, not wasting any mod for critical rate.


Rotation is as follows: Force Leap->Zealous Strike->Precision Slash->Zen->Blade Rush 3x, Blade Storm(if proc) Dispatch(if no proc->Precision Slash->Master Strike->Blade Storm or Dispatch(depending on what used in first PS phase), ->Cauterize. Keep focus around 7 with strike in between burst phases and throw some Twin Saber Throws in between.

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Just re-itemized a little bit, still running 102% accuracy. Updated stats are 2549 str, 1721 pwr, 18.67 crit, 70.09 surge. Relics are Underworld Relic of Serendipitous Assault and Elite Warhero Relic of Boundless Ages (152 pwr augmented). 69 mainhand, 72 offhand.


http://www.torparse.com/a/230236/time/1368644653/1368644974/0/Overview - 2650 over 5m 20s.


I'm still not too used to combat, staring at the cooldowns with no idea what icons / procs / buffs to watch for. I'm also not using valorous call on cooldown which would probably be helpful. As it stands though, I am happy with the dps I can pull in this spec and actually have quite a bit of fun using it.

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Just re-itemized a little bit, still running 102% accuracy. Updated stats are 2549 str, 1721 pwr, 18.67 crit, 70.09 surge. Relics are Underworld Relic of Serendipitous Assault and Elite Warhero Relic of Boundless Ages (152 pwr augmented). 69 mainhand, 72 offhand.


http://www.torparse.com/a/230236/time/1368644653/1368644974/0/Overview - 2650 over 5m 20s.


I'm still not too used to combat, staring at the cooldowns with no idea what icons / procs / buffs to watch for. I'm also not using valorous call on cooldown which would probably be helpful. As it stands though, I am happy with the dps I can pull in this spec and actually have quite a bit of fun using it.



You gotta look out for blue saber proc(bladestorm autocrit) and dispatch (yellow saber proc) for precisionslash reset and of course the proc of your relic.

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This is why the comm distribution is so jacked up to me. You did everything you could to help your team win. You almost doubled my highest dps of 700k+ in a wz and you still only got 98 comms, while the guy on the losing team in last place probably got about 30 more comms than you. That guy rides the coat tails of his team mates in every match and gears up faster than you. That's just silly to me.

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