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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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Once the counter reaches 5, the offending character gets a new title in front of their name: "Leaver"


Kid, will it solve yr problem? If it so i am ready to use it right now, I can pay some money for this title, just dont cry anymore.

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The deserter problems exist because there is no punishment, no solid structure to prevent it from happening.


I will show you reasons why people think why they should leave,


Secondly, you can't change people in MMOs. I tried for 7 years. It's a losing battle. The ONLY THING you can do at this point is leave warzones that people are too stupid in. Because you have no control otherwise.


This isn't about changing people, this game allows quitters and all I see is reasons like this,


Tell you this: You pay for my playing time than I will follow your rules. I will leave a WZs when I see fit to.




If you don't want people to quit your warzones, be less bad.




Penalties are a stupid idea. What happens when someone crashes? Penalize them?




I'll stop quitting warzones when i stop getting ****** teams going against smash monkies.




I'll quit any game that has more than three smash monkeys on the opposing team, It's too much.





Why did I stay cause my team actually tried to win. Seriously don't hate me cause you can't call out incs, or you like to have tea parties at grass with 3 other princesses. It's not my fault that you are way to important to stand guard at a node so you abandon it. Seriously why should I stay in a warzone with you (if this is you) I don't need the comms (im fully geared) I dont need the valor I'm maxed out.





List could go on and on and on.


All those reasons is excuses, if there was a penalty they would stay, if they decided to go afk they would be kicked, if they didn't Q then no rage quitter.


It's a win win, penalty provides better games and less backfill.


I could cut and paste a hundred more reasons people leave warzones, and all of them will be instant gratification for them, screwing all the other players in the way.


Deserter buff works in other games because people learn to think twice, kinda like punishing a kid for back talking.


Rules provides stability, stability provides structure, structure provides growth.


These are fundamentals that need in place due to massive amount of leavers in warzones, without rules there is no structure for growth.

Edited by Caeliux
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Or parents punishing a petulant child. When there are no consequences for actions, and no discipline, players will act like four year olds and throw tantrums when they don't get their way.


Exactly. ^


It's why you see people posting reasons why they leave, I would think Bioware would care about the people actually playing and wanting to play the game fully in warzones.


Instead of rewarding quitters a free pass each time they click the leave warzone button, allowing one person to ruin a match, and then allowing innocent subs to enter a match already in session.


Some could argue and say their sub is important, and leaving a warzone should happen since they are not happy for whatever reason.


I happen to play devils advocate and say subs get upset when games get screwed due to leavers, subs get upset dealing with it, and subs have to deal with geting into already in session games.


Plus its unsportsmanlike and not tasteful, not to mention rude and unjust.


I would like lets say a 3 times in a 24/7 pass to leave a warzone, after that you get some form of a punishment each time.


That would allow those having connection problems a pass, would give rage quitters 3 passes, and would give any other reason 3 strikes.


After 3 strikes then you pay.


I don't like leavers as you can see, and I would like punishment the first time, but things happen and I understand real life comes first.


There is no reason why this wouldn't be something fair enough.

Edited by Caeliux
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lol you make this big post harassing a guy for fact vs fiction and telling him a deserter debuff would promote longer queue times


separating pug and premade queue would do EXACTLY THE SAME THING


also: pug vs premade isnt a coder problem. it's a l2p problem. good players will excell whether they are in pug or premade. bad players will suck whether they are in pug or premade


A mechanic penalty such as banned from queueing would only hurt everyone. That is why I support cosmetic penalties, such as Leaver Titles, yellow dunce cap visual effects, debuffs that give a yellow aura, etc. A Mark of Cain, if you will.

Edited by Arlanon
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Penalty for leaving does not = better games with no backfillers. It only means the quitters will go stand in the corner until the match is over. Then what? Then BW is gonna implement rules about where people can stand or not stand in a WZ? How long you stand there? Which nodes are ok to camp, uselessly?


Provide a better PVP experience and people will be less likely to quit. You can't force people to play the way you want them to at every level of the game when you want their $15 a month.

What you call "excuses" others call "reasons". It's all the same thing. You're entitled to an opiniion as much as anyone of course, but folks aren't going to pay to be micro-managed like that. I sure as heck wouldn't.

(I know...I know.... good riddance, right? :rolleyes:).

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That is why I support cosmetic penalties, such as Leaver Titles, yellow dunce cap visual effects, debuffs that give a yellow aura, etc. A Mark of Cain, if you will.


This should be for cheaters not quitters......I could support this if it were for cheaters. :)

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If I'm in the middle of a warzone, and 6 out of 8 team members decided to go defense medal farming instead of actually playing the objectives, so it's really just me and some other guy actually playing the game, then yes, I will leave. Sue me.
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People pay money to get a fun, if they do not have fun - they quit. They quit uncoordinated or weak/badly geared teams (wz, fp, ops), especially in wz whenever they face strong premade(or just good team). Weak doesn't mean dumb players, just can b lack of heals/composition or something else.


Ism a bit surprised that a number players have nazi philosophy "let's punish em". Instead of it u have to ask devs to make wz more enjoyable.


For example, I don't like yr thread, shall i ask devs to cancel yr subscription?


you deserve a like button for this

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1) you get locked out after you leave more than 5 warzones / hour (leaves up to 30 seconds before it starts don't count)

2) Warzone stops backfilling after the 5th person left


Point #2, I can support. Enough said.


Point #1, I can get behind as long as people who leave the second they enter (such as I do for CW) do not get the penalty (you seem to opine that this is the case). I won't play Civil War, and I've already posted why. If you leave plenty of time for the system to replace you, dandy, buh-bye, no one ought to complain.

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I quit before the game even starts why when you have 4 out of the 8 in 14k recruit gear i a loss for sure i tried to stick it out but right now they just cant compete with full EWH gear. With the new bolster buff this will change as the lower geared player will have at least good stats. Now weather they will do good in a warzone or not after that will be another thing.


With the bolster changes in 2.0 it will make it so every one kinda has a fighting chance against a premade. As skill will still apply but atleast they will not just be killed in 2 shots.

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I promise, what NO ONE, NEVER leave pure DEATHMATCH warzone, without any objectives except kills, SOLO QUEUE ONLY.

NEVER LEAVE. Cuz its pure fun and enjoy and zero stress.


But BW looks so stupid dont make such simple warzone just for fun and relax...


So, major problem in matchmaking system, wz with objectives, premages/pugs common queue.


Don't promise something you can't keep.


I will leave Deathmatch warzone. Going for the kills is for smash monkey mentality player who is to dumb to play objectives, and in fact, gave my assassin/operative many easy wins by not watching doors on voidstar.

Doing DM WZ will put tanks and some healers permanently off Warzones.

Please, be a smash monkey somewhere else.

ps. We already have almost pure deathmatch warzone, it's called Hyper Gates, any people fail to do it any way.

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lol you make this big post harassing a guy for fact vs fiction and telling him a deserter debuff would promote longer queue times


separating pug and premade queue would do EXACTLY THE SAME THING


also: pug vs premade isnt a coder problem. it's a l2p problem. good players will excell whether they are in pug or premade. bad players will suck whether they are in pug or premade


A mechanic penalty such as banned from queueing would only hurt everyone. That is why I support cosmetic penalties, such as Leaver Titles, yellow dunce cap visual effects, debuffs that give a yellow aura, etc. A Mark of Cain, if you will.


Apparently you ignored the rest of my post, where I said cross server queues would allow deserter penalties without effecting queue times. And premade vs pug isnt a "LAWL LRN2PLY BADDIE" problem, it's a "this game is no longer fun and I'm ready to take my money elsewhere" problem. I know elitists like you don't care but, the people at BW who want my money do care.


Also, I'm not sure what you think the word harassment means. I never claimed I have "undisputed facts and truths". I just gave my opinion on the situation, which was reponded to with "facts" that were not factual.

Edited by Vasagi
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I would opt for some posite incentives (rewards) instead of negative ones (punishment), so my suggestion would be to reward the team that suffers from quitters with one medal per quitter and give the replacing players one medal for free (doing those 1-2minutes wz isnt rewarding as it is). My reasons for this are:


1. Not all quitters quit on purpose, e.g. yesterday from the 8 wzs i played, two times i crashed to desktop and one i was send back to the fleet after one minute (the match was not finished). My Net is fine (swtor only uses up to 15% of my bandwith and its pretty stable) so i blame biowares programing/servers. For me it was frustrating enough to requeue and wait again to play. If i would be punished for someone elses fault on top of that would not add any good imho.


2. The people suffering from this would get a little bonus makeing up for the lower chances winning the map/getting comms/wins. Maybe it could build a more "we fight against the odds" mentality (something a lot of players in this game are lacking imo).


3. I really prefeer someone whos not satisified with the matchup/team to leave the team instead of being flamed/qqed the whole match, makeing opschat something i ignore.


4. For us humans positve incentives are more persistent and have a stronger impact on changeing behaviour than negative ones and games are for fun after all.


in warcraft you get a 15 min penalty for leaving early i hate it cause there are people that can force dc people just to get out back with ab still had a portal out i would abuse that i would mind control people out of the instance and give them a 15 min penalty.

one time i sent their top dps heals and tank out of the game via mind control

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I'd personally rather people who don't want to be in a warzone leave the warzone instead of staying and being a douchebag in ops chat. Someone who doesn't want to be there isn't going to contribute anyways, so why waste a spot on them?


I don't think a penalty for leaving is necesary especially if you consider all of the stability issues a lot of players continue to have. I'd personally be pissed off if I got disconnected mid-game and had to wait 15 minutes for a penalty to wear off.


I'd rather them address people who continue to go afk in warzones. Even if you vote to kick someone half the time when the warzone is over and they are still inside of it receiving credit despite the fact that they haven't engaged in combat.


Are long queue times still an issue on certain servers? On the Harbinger I rarely wait more than a few minutes on any of my toons including those who aren't 50 yet.

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i guess this bears repeating. If they implement a timeout, anyone who would have quit mid-match previously would probably either (1) quit again and log in an alt or (2) stay in the wiz and 'hide' in a remote corner, being even more bitter on how crappy the wz is that they are now forced to remain in, and generally filling the ops channel with their complaining and moaning, making everyone miserable.


Keeping these folks in the wz when they do not want to be would be worse for everyone then having those folks quit mid match. At least the folks that want to stay can either try to recover a win and at least get their their comms for losing without the constant barrage on how much they suck/bw sucks/etc from the folks forced to stay in there.

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Not sure penalties will work, for various reasons all ready outlined by others. And, at the end of the day, quitters are gonna quit. Given their mentality - that 'the team' is crap, somehow forgetting that they're part of that team, and as responsible for the success of the team as any others - I'd rather they did quit. Better that than spend the whole match complaining about, again, "the team" being crap, L2P loozers, lolz, etc. The way some go on you'd expect that they're the one thing holding the whole match together - unfortunately, for them, the score screen rarely backs up their mouth.


Anyway, I digress somewhat from my original premise for this post; what I would like to see is to have the match 'pause', similar to the end of match where everyone is rooted in place, when too many people leave and new players are being loaded in. At the least I'd like to see this when it gets to the 'this warzone will shutdown...' point, but ideally I'd like to see it when 2+ players have left. The 'pause' should wait until the new players have fully loaded in, not just joined the group.


What do people think? Is this too much? Do you guys see quitters too often, to the point this pausing would bother you more than the quitters and/or the resulting loss of the match?

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it doesn't matter how good you "think" you are, and believe me most people think they are better than they actually are..... YOU WILL LOSE WZ'S. if you knew you would never lose would that really be fun? no, quitters need to chill out and go have fun.
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And what about people who quit WZ's because of things happening in real-life i.e. children, people knocking at the door, phone ringing etc etc. Punish those people for that? Wow...just....wow......


just a little thought on that, if you quit a Wz for one of those reasons, will it be likely you will try to get into another one a few seconds later? Most likely not so imho, people that leave for real life reasons will not even recognize a deserter debuff! The only ones affected would be those unfortunate Dc'ers that just git randomly kicked from the server or had their client crash. A debuff/penalty for deserting a Wz is nothing new to MMo's. And thats just life. Always and everywhere people are punished for quitting something in the middle of a progress (ever said "Sorry hun ill go for a cig" while getting it done? I'd say that would give you a way longer debuff from that zone then just 5 Minutes...) So yeah, gice us a nice 5 Minute Deserter Debuff (for instance -25% Damage/Healing done in PvP or a lockout of the same lentgh) and maybe some people will actually learn to stay on a cause and try their best to turn the tides. Or learn to loose in an appropriate manner ;-)

Edited by WolfSp
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Or learn to loose in an appropriate manner ;-)


If some people want to get killed over and over chasing some "cause" that is their right. However, they are not also entitled to force others to participate. Quiting is a very appropriate response to some of the mismatches that pass for pvp wzs or being backfilled into a useless encounter. No player should be held accountable for the lazy coding which is responsible.

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it doesn't matter how good you "think" you are, and believe me most people think they are better than they actually are..... YOU WILL LOSE WZ'S. if you knew you would never lose would that really be fun? no, quitters need to chill out and go have fun.


I don't usually quit warzones that often, but when I look up at the scoreboard and they are three capped and its 600-300 it brings me down. Now the reason this happens in most games is because people forget their objects and just go into a deathmatch type frenzy. This is mostly due to people already seeing they are loosing so they just start trying to kill everything they see. This is not how TOR pvp is and it makes me want to leave the match when people give up on the objective based pvp that SWTOR offers to just kill everything mode and in doing so doom the match for everyone.

Edited by minimize
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10 minute penalty is a must.

Kick afk players after 1.5 mins if not moving fixes idle players.

No medals for healing yourself.

Remove defender medals other than the initial one.

Backfill disabled after 2/3rds of wining requirements are met, (Score, time, progress).


Bioware may inquire at my listed email address for payment options related to the above consulting and its associated fees.




You just made pvp even less fun.


No medals for healing yourself...lol when healers are the only players focused all WZ, and no one peels for them in most WZs... surefire way for no one to ever roll a healer. ever.


No defender medals...now everyone just caps and leaves node. awesome. (pretty much what they do in lowbie zones already)


The real problem is these WZs are team based, and the great majority of players do not know how to do objective play. If Im on a team that relies on objective play and 6 of the 8 players are just derping away from nodes, wheres the incentive to stay in a frustrating one sided loss?


Especially when winning is the only real way forward due to BIowares comms system giving over twice as much for winning than losing. If it was around 20% more for a win than a loss people might actually be incentived to stay in games where losing is a forgone conclusion.


Under the present system, your ideas are horrible and counterproductive.

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