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Tionese to Rakata Shells lost forever after 2.0?


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I have essentially asked the same question in the PTS forum, but I guess the rate of success (and discussion) might work better here.


Essentially, the old gear tiers of Tionese, Columi, Rakata and Exotech will be removed from the game due to gear progression and the new level cap. My question (mostly directed at Bioware is), will we be able to still get the shells of these items somewhere? I've always liked the aesthetics of these old armors and am quite sad to see them go.


For instance, I got a level 15 Agent that I was hoping to one day put into that specific type of Agent gear, simply because it looks awesome. I doubt however that, even if I had something like a month to still level the character to 50, I probably wouldn't make it so I could at least get the Tionese set. I could probably buy a ton of them using commendations and tokens from other characters, but since everything is Bind on Pickup, no luck whatsoever.


So yeah, will we still be able to get she shells somehow later? I would even pay the standard 1440 Cartel Coins for some of them.

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When you say they will be gone, do you mean they will poof if I already have them?


No. There will simply be no way (as far as we know) to obtain them once 2.0 hits Live Servers. The commendations for them will be converted into a new currency and the vendors selling them will be gone.

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When you say they will be gone, do you mean they will poof if I already have them?


It will be like Battlemaster gear last change, if you have it you keep it if not you can't get it.


As for the Shells, they may be craft able or added as shells to buy but I think they will be gone for good

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I can't understand why some people worry so much about the first 3 tier set,it's so easy to get them,and the tionese is basically for free,so i think it will be a good idea to don't make available in the future the shell of these armours.

plus you still have time to get them.

Edited by Marshal_Ney
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I can't understand why some people worry so much about the first 3 tier set,it's so easy to get them,and the tionese is basically for free,so i think it will be a good idea to don't make available in the future the shell of these armours.

plus you still have time to get them.


Yes, it is easy to get - if you're level 50. I however, have an Agent who's still lurking around on Dromund Kaas at level 15. Sure, I could probably start rushing through the game at mindblowing speeds to reach the level cap, but I simply do not believe this to be realistic. Contrary to what some people may believe, players still have lives and responsibilities outside the MMO. I simply do not believe that I would make it to level 50 in time before the expansion officially hits, especially since we don't know when that will be. It could be next month, it could be next week, so I'm somewhat skeptical if it was even worth trying at this point.


Which is why I am asking if there will be any future ways of obtaining these sets of armor - purely for cosmetic purposes. The same goes for all the previous PVP armor actually, Battlemaster etc. I would love to see them still being sold somewhere in the game, be it via an in-game vendor or as Cartel Market gear. Either way is fine with me, so long as there is a way.

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It's easy to get the shells for people who have level 50 characters now, but anyone who has a character they want to gear in Rakata outfits is out of luck if they can't reach 50 before 2.0 drops. Since the modifiable outfits system is one of the big reasons I love SWTOR, I'd hate to see any one set of armor shells completely disappear except for players who were here and at level 50 from the start.
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Well, the easiest way to probably solve this would be if, somewhat like the time between patches 1.1 and 1.2 with the crystal vendors, make Tionese to Rakata gear and tokens bind on equip instead of pickup. I have a whole set of Rakata Agent tokens on my Inquisitor, where they won't do me any good...
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I can understand the reasons of the two posts above,we have life jobs ecc,but my point is this,the 3 tiers have been around the game for more than a year,and in MMORPG situations like this happens,this is also away to make unique a set later in the year,a bit like the founder title,but of course this is just my opinion in this matter. Edited by Marshal_Ney
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It was my understanding that "Classic" in this case refers to Campaign and Dread Guard sets, nothing below that.


Confirmed. I'm on the PTS and that's exactly what he sells.


If you don't have the Tionese, Columi or Rakata shells you're probably going to have to wait until they put them in a Cartel pack.

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Honestly, I don't see what the issue is here. Yeah, if you're level 15 right now and it takes you (time till 2.0)+1 minute to hit 50, you'll likely miss out on this "look". But as far as I can tell, they have no plans to stop giving out the free set once you get there. It very well could be that they just shove a bunch of tionese in a box like they do with the MKII pvp gear. If not, you'll get a bunch of the new tokens to get the lowest tier of the new stuff.


Besides, I only see about 50% of the players anymore that haven't ditched the tier 1-3 shells in favor of something a great number of magnitudes less sh*tty looking than the tionese/columi/rakata shells. The set bonus isn't worth looking like a pile of donkey puke all the time. New art with similar or updated mods and armorings would be a much welcomed addition.

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There are some sets that really look good, and that I would like to get a hold off. Don't care about the mods, I got better to send over with my legacygear, I just enjoy the look. But I will not ruing the lvl:ing experience by simply running through the story. Perhaps crafters could be able to make those shells later on? Just like the PvP-gear. So far I've bought the trooper and sage PvP-gear on GTN so they are safe in the bank waiting for their future character to start lvl:ing.


Now if I could only get a hold of a pretty PvP shell for a Sith Inq on GTN... *hint hint nudge nudge* I would be very happy :p

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There are some sets that really look good, and that I would like to get a hold off. Don't care about the mods, I got better to send over with my legacygear, I just enjoy the look. But I will not ruing the lvl:ing experience by simply running through the story. Perhaps crafters could be able to make those shells later on? Just like the PvP-gear. So far I've bought the trooper and sage PvP-gear on GTN so they are safe in the bank waiting for their future character to start lvl:ing.


Now if I could only get a hold of a pretty PvP shell for a Sith Inq on GTN... *hint hint nudge nudge* I would be very happy :p


I heard that I may be able to get the battlemaster consular gear from a crafter. I really want that look (the white set). Does anyone know what it is called. I took 6 months off and in that 6 months, the armor was gone. I loved it. I had to get a new sub, make new characters and I want it on my sage.

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No. If you already have them, you will keep them, they will not disappear. However, 2.0 strips all the set bonuses off the shells so everyone who is currently using 63 armorings in Rakata shells will be screwed.


That doesn't seem to make much sense. The 63 armorings hold the set bonus. If you put a Campaign armoring into a Rakata piece, it overwrites that Rakata piece's setbonus, doesn't it? I still have a Sentinel who uses the Rakata Boots, but with a 61 armoring in them. You're saying that the set bonus disappears?

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