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Pre-order Color Crystal add. Thats some dirty misleading advertising.


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I wouldn't except odds are your just disagreeing with my to be argumentative.


You know darn well EVERYONE thought that meant you could pick your own lightsaber color.


Even the NEWS sites thought that's what it meant.


You would be a terrible bookie. I know darn well that EVERYONE I personally know made no such assumption. I also know that there were several sites that listed it as the black/yellow color (although a couple had them reversed to be yellow core with black "glow")


Sorry that you (and admittedly a number of others) were disappointed due to reading too much into a description.

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It kind of is a reading comprehension thing. It didn't state you could change it to any color. Don't get mad because you assumed something that wasn't true. Sorry though you were disappointed - seriously.


However, a lot of problems that have been brought up have been based on assumptions; so you are definitely not alone.

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Gotta point out that there were several locations on this site that indicated the intended color of the color crystal. I think I found the first one 3 weeks after pre-order popped up. Can't find any of them now (naturally since pre-order is over), but they were there (you had to click the link for the crystal description if I recall correctly).
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Eh first off, who here thought the pre-order color crystal which said "Pre-order comes with a color crystal that allows you to change the color of your lightsaber or blaster" meant that you got a crystal that would let you pick a color for your lightsaber?


Yeah pretty much everyone.


Now, its a nice pre-order gift I suppose, but good god is it ugly. Does Bioware have a lot of Steelers fans or something?


Can I maybe get the same thing except without the yellow? Maybe a red or hell, any color but yellow?


it does EXACTLY as advertised ... where did it say you can change the color of the crystal? huh? Where?? Reading comprehension people!! wait till you are out of your mom's basement and in the real world and you will understand.


I bet you thought that K&N air filter would put that 80 hp civic of your up to 100 hp because it states on the box "Up To 20 hp gains"


why do people not just read exactly what's in black and white instead of trying to force what they want it to read

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I agree with you. But get ready for the folks who are going to say it's not misleading at all, nope, nosiree, it does exactly what it says it does.



Indeed, it seems there is already an influx of 'lol learn 2 read' posts here. :rolleyes:


Honestly though, the description was very open to interpretation, possibly on purpose (they had to know Black core'd Yellow would not be the most beloved in all the 'verse). So no, the description did not say "a color crystal granting a black core with a yellow glow", which is what it should have, but rather simply that 'changes the color of your blade/bolts'. Not really a lie, but still very misleading.


And while I don't recall any official ever saying it, a number of fansites, fans, and forum members stated and propagated the rumor that it would allow you to select a color.


I don't really feel 'cheated', as I would have preordered anyway, but I do feel that Bioware/EA was purposefully deceitful/underhanded about the pre-order crystal. And honestly, what a horrible choice of color to 'reward' your 'dedicated' customers with. :/ I mean, I suppose I could see it as SW:TOR's 'colors' (logo and such) are yellow-ish (really more gold though), but if that's the case a standard gold crystal would have been a better choice. A good portion of the fanbase has been very vocal about their dislike of the 'canon-iffy' black-core'd lightsabers.

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Eh first off, who here thought the pre-order color crystal which said "Pre-order comes with a color crystal that allows you to change the color of your lightsaber or blaster" meant that you got a crystal that would let you pick a color for your lightsaber?


Yeah pretty much everyone.


Now, its a nice pre-order gift I suppose, but good god is it ugly. Does Bioware have a lot of Steelers fans or something?


Can I maybe get the same thing except without the yellow? Maybe a red or hell, any color but yellow?


What's a shame is that after a few levels it just doesn't keep up. Can't use it until level 7 and I finished with it at 12.


I would have liked it to be a crystal that let us pick our own color yes; sadly it's just a regular crystal with a black center.

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I thought that people knew that it would be black and yellow? I could have sworn BW even said so, I can't provide a quote, I just vaguely remembering seeing it somewhere. Maybe I'm just going crazy. Ha:p


If you can't tell yet, I really don't care haha being artifice I have tons a colors to choose from :)

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it does EXACTLY as advertised ... where did it say you can change the color of the crystal? huh? Where?? Reading comprehension people!! wait till you are out of your mom's basement and in the real world and you will understand.


I bet you thought that K&N air filter would put that 80 hp civic of your up to 100 hp because it states on the box "Up To 20 hp gains"


why do people not just read exactly what's in black and white instead of trying to force what they want it to read


Cmon, while I agree with you as do many others - let's not turn this community into WoW where we are just bashing and insulting and ripping on people. Let's try from the start to curtail that crap and at least have that over WoW for a while.


Just a suggestion. ;)

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Indeed, it seems there is already an influx of 'lol learn 2 read' posts here. :rolleyes:


Honestly though, the description was very open to interpretation, possibly on purpose (they had to know Black core'd Yellow would not be the most beloved in all the 'verse). So no, the description did not say "a color crystal granting a black core with a yellow glow", which is what it should have, but rather simply that 'changes the color of your blade/bolts'. Not really a lie, but still very misleading.




I think a politician might have written the description. ;) I, for one, didn't come to these forums much until the last few weeks so didn't know that the crappy yellow/black color had been announced here.


Luckily, the color crystal would not have affected my decision to pre-order so eh... it's all good.

Edited by Morgasi
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Eh first off, who here thought the pre-order color crystal which said "Pre-order comes with a color crystal that allows you to change the color of your lightsaber or blaster" meant that you got a crystal that would let you pick a color for your lightsaber?


Yeah pretty much everyone.


Now, its a nice pre-order gift I suppose, but good god is it ugly. Does Bioware have a lot of Steelers fans or something?


Can I maybe get the same thing except without the yellow? Maybe a red or hell, any color but yellow?


if you read the pre-order info about the stone it said black-yellow, nothing about choosing what ever color you want.

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You can buy more of the same crystals on your fleet station for 10 creds each


As of the other day the merchant was missing.


Did they replace him or move him? he used to be on the outer ring near supplies. Oh and to echo what others have said, it looks frakkin amazing in blasters. Got a second before they moved or removed the vendor and my BH mercs blaster bolts are <3.





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That pre-order crystal though. Even ALL the news sites reported it as "Being able to change color" not as "You get a new color" but you get to pick you lightsaber color.

Actually, you CAN change your color, that's a no brainer. Now, nowhere did it say "you can pick your color".

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Ok I stopped reading after the 1st page so this may have been said already. But in reference to your title, its not "dirty misleading advertising", its a bit vague yes, but not dirty and misleading. When I saw the icon picture on the description page I figured it'd be a yellow crystal, the pic even reminded me of the ones Rift used for their preorder weapon glow enchant crystals which were keyed to the color of the enchant. Also this has been discussed many times on the forums which since you signed up in June of '10 I'm pretty sure you've checked out, and I'd be surprised if you weren't in the beta.

Long story short, this has been known for a while now so why you are only now whinging about it I don't know.

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they said a long time ago it would be a black blade with a yellow glow.


Am I the only on that think it looks kind of cool. It's a sick look when dual wielding with a red lightsaber.


yea, I think it looks pretty sweet, when have you ever gotten to use a lightsaber of this color combination?

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