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Does sniper have any counter now?


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how did engineering take a huge (or any kind of) hit? their dps has increased significantly, at least it did when I tested the spec last night. the reduced cooldown on SoS and the increased damage / energy regain from probe/cluster are significant.


(1) Engineers were strong in duels because of their enhanced survivability. A lot of that has been taken away; engineers get two back-to-back shield probes. In the Good Old Days, those shield probes were both buffed 30%. It's a big survivability hit.


(2) In duels, energy never mattered that much for snipers, because everyone had their initial energy pool and an adrenaline probe available. I don't think resource management is big for ANY class in duels, but I may be wrong.


(3) Every class in the game got new damage buffs, and sometimes new defensive cooldown. Engineers got a big part of their mitigation taken away and a nerf to their AOE damage (because they will crit less often) and no compensating crit buff (unlike MM, which seems to have a +15% crit buff to every single attack in their rotation). The engineer has fallen behind, comparatively.


also the landmines after coverroll make it difficult for melee to close the gap


No it won't. The path is really, really narrow. In the duels I fought against a melee, landmines were never an issue unless I rolled directly through him (and sometimes even then, they didn't get hit). Straffing runs could still make this ability useful in a warzones against crowds; impossible to tell since people think it's fun to run around with 800k HP for some reason. Currently it's possible to sometimes get all 5 charges off on one person by running into a wall you're both standing next to; THAT is nice damage. I suspect it will be changed, however.

Edited by stringcat
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In the past, it was sniper > marauder, assassin > sniper.

With snipers now able to detect stealth and adding a roll to their arsenal, I don't see how sniper can lose to really much of anything.


Did I miss something here?


Stealth is still the counter to a sniper/Slinger. The 30m stealth detection only works for a 15m wide cone directly in front of the sniper. So you can still sneak in from behind. All this really did for them was give them a chance to catch someone stealthing around. All this did was make Stealth classes have to play a little smarter and stay behind the target (which most of us do anyways)

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(1) Engineers were strong in duels because of their enhanced survivability. A lot of that has been taken away; engineers get two back-to-back shield probes. In the Good Old Days, those shield probes were both buffed 30%. It's a big survivability hit.


(2) In duels, energy never mattered that much for snipers, because everyone had their initial energy pool and an adrenaline probe available. I don't think resource management is big for ANY class in duels, but I may be wrong.


(3) Every class in the game got new damage buffs, and sometimes new defensive cooldown. Engineers got a big part of their mitigation taken away and a nerf to their AOE damage (because they will crit less often) and no compensating crit buff (unlike MM, which seems to have a +15% crit buff to every single attack in their rotation). The engineer has fallen behind, comparatively.




No it won't. The path is really, really narrow. In the duels I fought against a melee, landmines were never an issue unless I rolled directly through him (and sometimes even then, they didn't get hit). Straffing runs could still make this ability useful in a warzones against crowds; impossible to tell since people think it's fun to run around with 800k HP for some reason. Currently it's possible to sometimes get all 5 charges off on one person by running into a wall you're both standing next to; THAT is nice damage. I suspect it will be changed, however.


Haha. Ok. Since you only play in duels I can't really discuss the changes with you. I play in wzs

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Haha. Ok. Since you only play in duels I can't really discuss the changes with you. I play in wzs


We were discussing one-on-ones. I can't help it if you can't follow the conversation. And yeah, all the testing is going to be in duels until they fix warzones on the PTS.

Edited by stringcat
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let me see!!!

bad players want BW to nerf sniper

IA\smuglers is until now is the best balance class in the game, not bad but not over either, and 1 escape abilitie that has a CD will turn this class overpowerd GOD MODE the next FOTM class.all the 30m gap closers in the game is for noobs

seriously, you guys need to grow up


In this thread alone we have people saying sniper/slingers are totally OP now and will be again after patch along with others saying they have little or no chance against certain classes and suck in 1 on 1 duels.


It is clear that players are idiots in general.

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Stealth is still the counter to a sniper/Slinger. The 30m stealth detection only works for a 15m wide cone directly in front of the sniper. So you can still sneak in from behind. All this really did for them was give them a chance to catch someone stealthing around. All this did was make Stealth classes have to play a little smarter and stay behind the target (which most of us do anyways)


And if the sniper shifts his cone around by facing another direction? what then?


I'm not saying snipers are op at the moment, rather Im just trying to figure out how this will all play out. That's why the OP was phrased as a question.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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sniper = new FOTM


Sweet! That makes three FOTM classes I managed to roll before they became FOTM! I'm godd*mn Nostradamus!


On a lighter note, am I the only one that loves the sound of Series of Shots? Sometimes I just press the skill because it sounds cool. That's how FOTMers roll don't ya know.

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I think all this stuff about snipers not having any counters is irrelevent. You can't get any proper feel for the class in warzones until they fix that bolster bug.


1 v 1's are always very situational. For example every sentinel/mara I come across I tend to compare to stelios. A lot of them I'll just tear through (talking about in live 1.7) but try and kill ones like stelios....very hard. That goes for any class that really knows their stuff.


The other thing to consider is that not every spec should be played the same, my philosphy is different to Express' for example. Once we've been able to do some proper testing and found out all the possible uses of it then and only then can we say whether it's OP or not.


I believe ever class should have a counter but a hard counter? The problem with stealth is against good ones there's very little we can do and that's frustrating. Snipers needed something against stealthis the combination of the stealth detection and roll op? Only time will tell. What I do think however is against good stealthers it won't make a blind bit of difference they'll still creep up on us, all we can do is to try and get ourselves into the best position possible.


TL;DR give it time, wait for that bolster bug to be fixed and then lets see what comes out of proper testing in warzones before we say whether this class or that class is overpowered. Snipers needed something against stealthers no matter how small that might have been.


Oh and for the record with all the changes the other classes have got collectively I can see me having to change the way I play the sniper! It's going to get a lot more difficult against really good players!

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And if the sniper shifts his cone around by facing another direction? what then?


I'm not saying snipers are op at the moment, rather Im just trying to figure out how this will all play out. That's why the OP was phrased as a question.


You can't stay in cover and turn your char to see stealth coming from behind you.

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In a 1 v 1? Yes.

In a warzone. No.


Flawed arguments presented in this thread.


Stealth beats snipers.


When was the last time you saw a concealment/scrapper op/scoundrel in a premade vs premade? Release? They are a good 1 v 1 class/world pvp class (roll a republic one and grief the hell out of sith doing dailies). Only one problem with that. Hybrid sin/shadow is better, and can solo defend a node for a LONG time before help arrives. THIS is why you never seen op/scoundrels and also why you rarely see pure dps sins/shadows.


Add to that? A hybrid sin/shadow is going to take so freakin long to kill you now that you have an escape, that you essentially have no counter. in a group fight. It is going to be pointless to target a sniper who is being healed with a melee. You will never be able to kill them with their defensive cooldowns/escapes while he is being healed.


Carnage marauders beat snipers. No...should never happen. If it does that sniper is a moron. Add to that? Why the hell would I play a carnage marauder over a sniper. I can do the same burst as RANGED, with a RANGED aoe cc, without being subject to CC. Playing a carnage marauder over a Sniper is just stupid. Why would you ever play a class that can be completely shut down and requires melee range over a class that can do this all from ranged while being immune to CC.


Pyro PT beats sniper. LOL WHAT? You can can go immune to their stuns. You have more defensive cooldowns and a RANGED "disarm" that makes them miss half their railshots (that are on a 6 second timer) and now you have an escape. You should already be beating this class. In 2.0? It is just easier.


Send "two melee on them". Bioware has already decided what melee we will be playing ranked. Tank sin/shadows and rage/focus marauders/sents. The annihilation tree is being nerfed AGAIN (whoever decided rage should be the pvp over annhilation at Bioware screwed up BIGTIME), when it is already screwed over by cleanse, and combat/carnage is just going to be a inferior choice to a sniper/gunslinger.


Hybrid tank sins/shadows are going to take a long time to kill a sniper/slinger through their def cooldowns/escapes. Rage Marauder/sents main dmg is an aoe that does 60 percent less dmg to a MM sniper when entrenched (which is a short freakin cooldown). 2 coordinated smashes will do jack to a MM sniper. It is pointless to even target them.


But whatever. I knew this dev team had no clue when they

A) nerfed the most played classes (with the biggest base of whiners) counter (concealment ops) to the ground

B) nerfed annihilation marauders for 1 v 1 reasons even though hybrid/shadow was better 1 v 1 and has stealth...

C) Then buffed an aoe one trick pony spec to be stupidly better

D) Team bubble stun was the alltime stupidest thing I have ever seen though and the icing on the cake for this dev team.


This game is always going to have trash pvp/balance. The whole guard/taunt thing was flawed from the start. Healers can never be balanced correctly due to guard. A stealth tank was pretty much the stupidest thing I have ever seen in a game, especially when holding a node/objective is so important.


But whatever. IF you want to actually keep playing this game? Yes Snipers are the new fotm. Everyone with a clue knew this was going to happen when they saw the lead dev played a sniper and that sorcs made up 3/4 of this forum. I posted before that all marauders/sents were just going to roll snipers (and this was awhile ago).


The bad dps sorcs just made this game go from bad to worse with their calls for nerfs everyday all day on any class (melee) that stood in front of them and beat them down.


Now? They are going to get killed faster from far away, by a class that can go immune to their CC.


To be honest? I might stick around just for the laughter this forum will provide. Snipers will prob be god mode until the next expansion knowing this dev team. Annihilation marauders will get nerfed again, and so will op's. By the time the idiot dps sorcs know who is really blowing them up? The next expansion will be here.


Besides...I called it awhile ago. We all made snipers anyways. Got to love that it took a whole week of dailies to gear him with legacy gear... :) Also have to love that I can happily blow people to pieces from RANGE, while being immune to charge/CC (LOL?). All with an easier rotation (while chilling in one spot) then I had as annihilation. As much single target dmg as I do aoe dmg as rage (never wanted to play that dumb spec anyways). All while happily never being bubble stunned and never seeing my counters because they are garbage in WZ's.


This is BEFORE the buffs LOL. Now it is just going to be laughable.


Actually NM this post. Snipers are NOT going to be OP. Snipers are "perfectly balanced". You are all "baddies". L2p. Snipers had it rough (not really). I once lost a duel to a marauder/pyro pt while drunk, so they are a counter. Did I miss anything?


Get ready for the BOOM HEADSHOTS! Funny thing? You will probably all call for nerfs on marauders (LOL).

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As for ops taking away 50-60% of the health of snipers with their opener and being a hard counter to snipers, well they can do that to any class except tanks and bubblestun sages. Only snipers get the stealth detection though so even this will be muuuuch harder to do on snipers.


As for combat sentinels beating snipers, if you read my earlier posts in this thread, it was perfectly possible *IF* you can get into melee range of a sniper using LOS etc. Now that is no longer possible. Last thing snipers need is a gap opener - the encounter is already tilted in their favor. Now its just impossble. Also rebuke no longer triggers from DOTs, so the most used sentinel defensive just got a big nerf.

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Good post dude very funny :) So what do you really think?


Hehe. I ain't even mad. Like I said I gave up on "balance" a long time ago (beta). Each decision I have seen made was worse. I don't even care at this point.


Marauder will be rage (even though I hate playing it) for pug stomping when bored.


Sniper will be for "serious" pvp (well as serious as you can get in these modern mmo's where you just stack fotm classes).


Rage breaks CC if you want to put on the pressure (smash). Sniper doesn't. Ranged aoe cc > melee ranged CC all day long (and you aren't breaking it with a smash)..


Both bring mstrike, but a sniper can do it from farther away.


Marauder can be shut down easily as combat, easily as annihilation (cleanse), and smash/force scream is about the only saving grace in between being chain stunned/cc'd.


Sniper is MUCH easier to heal then a carnage marauder.Their chained def cooldowns are borderline ridiculous. Yeah, yeah marauders are good to defensively, but rebuke/cloak of pain can be hard countered with a CC lock and dots don't refresh it in 2.0 (going to be HUGE). Difference between the def cooldowns? You can stay on a marauder/sent easily (mainly cus they need to stay on you). 2.0 slinger? Not so much.


Like I said though. I really don't care at this point. At least sniper is harder to play then Pyro PT, and I am not completely bored out of my mind playing it. Add to that I can "disarm/remove cover" from bad ones and send them to the res spot.


I am happier seeing slinger/sniper be the new fotm over a ranged class that primarily presses 1 button in between 2 dots and a proc, or mainly one button and a proc. At least the latter doesn't go on missions to get classes nerfed though (while being a dps/heal hybrid that doesn't even heal themselves or others and who stands and runs into smashes), and snipers will blow those idiots up, so go go snipers.


I am all for making sorcs cry.

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we're not going to be the new fotm class dude ;)


If you mean "hard to play"? They will be same as smash now. Smash is every bit as hard to excel on as a sniper, but the problem with it is, too much dmg tied up in one ability that allows any idiot to charge/smash. Anyone leading dmg as a rage marauder will find it just as easy to lead dmg on a sniper.


Now if you mean the bad sorcs won't play it? Of course they won't. Then again these people aren't playing smash marauders either. They give up at like level 40 when they go OMG TOO MANY BUTTONS! That is probably WHY they cried about annihilation and now smash so much lol. They know they couldn't play the class (they all prob re rolled one), then got MAD they couldn't play it and knew their only option was to cry about it.


Like I said though? I don't care. I freakin loved playing my slinger in beta (when everyone said they sucked), and I love playing my sniper now. Scoundrel/agent are two best stories in the game as well.


There are exactly two classes I really enjoyed playing and that I found fun/challenging after playing them all. Sniper (always liked MM, but lethality is fun too), and annhilation marauder.


1 of those classes will be awesome in 2.0, so I win regardless.. I am just being honest about stuff, but there are so many balance problems and things wrong in this game that I guess it is pointless to point it out anyways.


Like I said. At least they picked the harder to play ranged class to buff up. :) Add to that? My warrior/mage were pretty freakin OP in Pandaria, so it isn't like other mmo's are exactly doing well with the whole "balance thing" lol. I just hate people who come up with bogus statements like...


Marauders counter us, pyro pt can kill us (LOL that was a good one). We are going to be beasts in 2.0. Might as well embrace it lol :)


I will even do the weekly/daily each week on my rage marauder to keep this sorc *cough* pvp forum focused on the real enemy. DAMN THOSE MELEE. ALL UP IN MY FACE AND KILLING ME WITH SABERS! What? What is a combat log? You mean I didn't just die from smash? The sniper dropped 3/4 of my health in 3 globals? Nerf them too! By then it will be the next expansion though.


Muahahahhaha. :)


P.S. Now if only I could look at Risha instead of Kaliyo on my agent. I miss Risha. She was my first MMO girlfriend.


Maybe the cartel market will make my dream a reality.

Edited by biowareftw
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It will only allow them to detect bad stealth.


pretty much this. Now that each stealth has multiple ways to basically teleport (LOVE THE SPAMMABLE BARREL ROLL LMAO), it really isnt a problem for decent people.


Oh and the roll basically says lol **** you to ambush

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If you mean "hard to play"? They will be same as smash now. Smash is every bit as hard to excel on as a sniper, but the problem with it is, too much dmg tied up in one ability that allows any idiot to charge/smash. Anyone leading dmg as a rage marauder will find it just as easy to lead dmg on a sniper.


Now if you mean the bad sorcs won't play it? Of course they won't. Then again these people aren't playing smash marauders either. They give up at like level 40 when they go OMG TOO MANY BUTTONS! That is probably WHY they cried about annihilation and now smash so much lol. They know they couldn't play the class (they all prob re rolled one), then got MAD they couldn't play it and knew their only option was to cry about it.

I meant neither dude as I said, we're not going to be the next fotm class :)

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In a 1 v 1? Yes.

In a warzone. No.


Flawed arguments presented in this thread.


Stealth beats snipers.


When was the last time you saw a concealment/scrapper op/scoundrel in a premade vs premade? Release? They are a good 1 v 1 class/world pvp class (roll a republic one and grief the hell out of sith doing dailies). Only one problem with that. Hybrid sin/shadow is better, and can solo defend a node for a LONG time before help arrives. THIS is why you never seen op/scoundrels and also why you rarely see pure dps sins/shadows.


First, I'm not sure if you're talking about snipers having counter in warzones or 1-on-1s. Normally one stresses the the importance of teams in warzones....and then you talk about all these 1-on-1s that fundamentally don't matter that much in rwz.


Last saw a scrapper scoundrel in ranked last Monday, on my server's top team. The same team also had a DPS shadow (though, admittedly, typically the shadow guards as a tank).


Second, DPS Ops seem to have gotten good fixes and buffs, so I think you'll probably see them more often. You're talking about changes to snipers as if all the other classes had stood still -- and they didn't. They got big changes too. Take the juggernaut vs. sniper match-up: yes, the sniper has a roll-away. But the jugg now has 3 seconds of reflecting all attacks and in some specs (or hell, just holding a generator), will be shielding lots of damage (and reflecting damage for *5* seconds). The match-up has changed. I suspect that good juggs are going to reflect at least an ambush against a sniper every match-up, because he will know exactly when it will hit and hit his cooldown right before it does. Then most snipers will do a frag grenade, and then it'll be on cooldown and they may or may not remember that suppressive fire exists too. It's a different fight than it used to be.


Add to that? A hybrid sin/shadow is going to take so freakin long to kill you now that you have an escape, that you essentially have no counter. in a group fight. It is going to be pointless to target a sniper who is being healed with a melee. You will never be able to kill them with their defensive cooldowns/escapes while he is being healed.


Well, from what I hear, a hybrid sin/shadow isn't going to even exist because Bioware made hybriding as a shadow pretty unattractive. I have no idea what Bioware did to the other trees. My suspicion is that shadows will do just fine killing snipers, but I only know enough about the class to mostly avoid derping on their defensive cooldowns, so: "we'll see."


Carnage marauders beat snipers. No...should never happen. If it does that sniper is a moron. Add to that? Why the hell would I play a carnage marauder over a sniper. I can do the same burst as RANGED, with a RANGED aoe cc, without being subject to CC. Playing a carnage marauder over a Sniper is just stupid. Why would you ever play a class that can be completely shut down and requires melee range over a class that can do this all from ranged while being immune to CC.


Maybe the reason you want to play a Carnage marauder is that you like actually being able to kill operative healers. Snipers have historically had trouble. Carnage marauders play a different role in rwz than snipers. I would be comparing mercs to snipers, if I were you.


Pyro PT beats sniper. LOL WHAT? You can can go immune to their stuns. You have more defensive cooldowns and a RANGED "disarm" that makes them miss half their railshots (that are on a 6 second timer) and now you have an escape. You should already be beating this class. In 2.0? It is just easier.


First of all, not all snipers are MM. Snipers aren't marauders, where everyone gets an 80% accuracy debuff for no particular reason. (Though snipers do have as many escapes as marauders now, woot., counting our knockback). Again, you're acting as if the other classes have stood still. Powertechs now all have Hydraulic Overrides, granting them 8 seconds of immunity to knockbacks, roots, and snares. It doesn't take 8 seconds to get into 10m range against a sniper. That's a relative buff vs. a sniper.


Send "two melee on them". Bioware has already decided what melee we will be playing ranked. Tank sin/shadows and rage/focus marauders/sents. The annihilation tree is being nerfed AGAIN (whoever decided rage should be the pvp over annhilation at Bioware screwed up BIGTIME), when it is already screwed over by cleanse, and combat/carnage is just going to be a inferior choice to a sniper/gunslinger.


It's too bad that predation is totally optional for winning on some maps. And escaping from a carnage marauder is so much harder than escaping from a sniper. And a sniper with a 12s interrupt is totally as good at killing healers than the marauder with the 6s interrupt. Oh wait.


Hybrid tank sins/shadows are going to take a long time to kill a sniper/slinger through their def cooldowns/escapes. Rage Marauder/sents main dmg is an aoe that does 60 percent less dmg to a MM sniper when entrenched (which is a short freakin cooldown). 2 coordinated smashes will do jack to a MM sniper. It is pointless to even target them.


I thought the tankassins were all guarding nodes???


Rage marauders do a lot more damage to Eng snipers and Lethality snipers. You're right, it's pointless to target a MM sniper with a rager. But killing MM snipers in single combat with warriors and knights (much less ragers) isn't the objective of RWZ.


I agree, if 2.0 snipers were facing 1.7 versions of every other class, there'd be an issue. Luckily that's not the case. I think it's stupid that energy management no longer exists for snipers in 2.0. And MM need to be toned down. But calm down, man.

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In a 1 v 1? Yes.

In a warzone. No.


Flawed arguments presented in this thread.


Stealth beats snipers.


When was the last time you saw a concealment/scrapper op/scoundrel in a premade vs premade? Release? They are a good 1 v 1 class/world pvp class (roll a republic one and grief the hell out of sith doing dailies). Only one problem with that. Hybrid sin/shadow is better, and can solo defend a node for a LONG time before help arrives. THIS is why you never seen op/scoundrels and also why you rarely see pure dps sins/shadows.


Add to that? A hybrid sin/shadow is going to take so freakin long to kill you now that you have an escape, that you essentially have no counter. in a group fight. It is going to be pointless to target a sniper who is being healed with a melee. You will never be able to kill them with their defensive cooldowns/escapes while he is being healed.


Carnage marauders beat snipers. No...should never happen. If it does that sniper is a moron. Add to that? Why the hell would I play a carnage marauder over a sniper. I can do the same burst as RANGED, with a RANGED aoe cc, without being subject to CC. Playing a carnage marauder over a Sniper is just stupid. Why would you ever play a class that can be completely shut down and requires melee range over a class that can do this all from ranged while being immune to CC.


Pyro PT beats sniper. LOL WHAT? You can can go immune to their stuns. You have more defensive cooldowns and a RANGED "disarm" that makes them miss half their railshots (that are on a 6 second timer) and now you have an escape. You should already be beating this class. In 2.0? It is just easier.


Send "two melee on them". Bioware has already decided what melee we will be playing ranked. Tank sin/shadows and rage/focus marauders/sents. The annihilation tree is being nerfed AGAIN (whoever decided rage should be the pvp over annhilation at Bioware screwed up BIGTIME), when it is already screwed over by cleanse, and combat/carnage is just going to be a inferior choice to a sniper/gunslinger.


Hybrid tank sins/shadows are going to take a long time to kill a sniper/slinger through their def cooldowns/escapes. Rage Marauder/sents main dmg is an aoe that does 60 percent less dmg to a MM sniper when entrenched (which is a short freakin cooldown). 2 coordinated smashes will do jack to a MM sniper. It is pointless to even target them.


But whatever. I knew this dev team had no clue when they

A) nerfed the most played classes (with the biggest base of whiners) counter (concealment ops) to the ground

B) nerfed annihilation marauders for 1 v 1 reasons even though hybrid/shadow was better 1 v 1 and has stealth...

C) Then buffed an aoe one trick pony spec to be stupidly better

D) Team bubble stun was the alltime stupidest thing I have ever seen though and the icing on the cake for this dev team.


This game is always going to have trash pvp/balance. The whole guard/taunt thing was flawed from the start. Healers can never be balanced correctly due to guard. A stealth tank was pretty much the stupidest thing I have ever seen in a game, especially when holding a node/objective is so important.


But whatever. IF you want to actually keep playing this game? Yes Snipers are the new fotm. Everyone with a clue knew this was going to happen when they saw the lead dev played a sniper and that sorcs made up 3/4 of this forum. I posted before that all marauders/sents were just going to roll snipers (and this was awhile ago).


The bad dps sorcs just made this game go from bad to worse with their calls for nerfs everyday all day on any class (melee) that stood in front of them and beat them down.


Now? They are going to get killed faster from far away, by a class that can go immune to their CC.


To be honest? I might stick around just for the laughter this forum will provide. Snipers will prob be god mode until the next expansion knowing this dev team. Annihilation marauders will get nerfed again, and so will op's. By the time the idiot dps sorcs know who is really blowing them up? The next expansion will be here.


Besides...I called it awhile ago. We all made snipers anyways. Got to love that it took a whole week of dailies to gear him with legacy gear... :) Also have to love that I can happily blow people to pieces from RANGE, while being immune to charge/CC (LOL?). All with an easier rotation (while chilling in one spot) then I had as annihilation. As much single target dmg as I do aoe dmg as rage (never wanted to play that dumb spec anyways). All while happily never being bubble stunned and never seeing my counters because they are garbage in WZ's.


This is BEFORE the buffs LOL. Now it is just going to be laughable.


Actually NM this post. Snipers are NOT going to be OP. Snipers are "perfectly balanced". You are all "baddies". L2p. Snipers had it rough (not really). I once lost a duel to a marauder/pyro pt while drunk, so they are a counter. Did I miss anything?


Get ready for the BOOM HEADSHOTS! Funny thing? You will probably all call for nerfs on marauders (LOL).


You say WZs are what matters, but then present a bunch of arguments involving 1v1s. LOLWUT.


You're arguements are all pretty much based around MM snipers, and few if any play that anymore in rwzs. The fact you ask "why would anyone play carnage maras in rwz" just shows you know nothing. They're essentially for winning in rwz because of their utility.

Edited by Smashbrother
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He lacks elementary understanding. Most probably he is a melee that cannot deal with a problem unless charging right in its face. Saying that people dont play concealment is statement out of ignorance. On red eclipse we even had an entire rwz team of concealment only.


Pyro vs sniper, you have no idea about this matchup. You would actually lose playing either of them.

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Behold the new FOTM class....good job Bioware.

What is the counter class to snipers/gunslingers? Oh wait, there's none! All other class are simply free kills.

And don't talk to me about LOS.When you LOS you not gaining any advantage over a sniper, you just escaping death.

LOS has never killed any sniper/gunslinger.


Truly disappointing


I'm a sage played since launch


I cabeat ANY equally geared equally skilled sniper slinger with LOS techniques period end of story and god help the ones that have worse gear / connection / crappy pc / or are mouse clickers ... They do not stand a chance



This game is rock paper scissors ... Cant believe so many have not figured that out ..


Now there is one class that destroyed me as well when we are equally geared skilled ... It's same for all classes


In a nutshell quit whining and except there will always be one class that you will have a hard time with and one class you will have an easy time with and several you will be even with


Every time someone gets owned for whatever reason ... It's because the other class is too powerful and they cannot except it could be gear / skill / Internet connection / having a crappy pc / or the rock paper scissors class that is just going to have an advantage over yours after certain patches until the next patch down the road might make another class your classes nemesis ... Focus on the ones your even with or the one you have an advantage over and use your teammates skills to overcome the match


Sheen but enough with all the whinefesting already

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I'm a sage played since launch


I cabeat ANY equally geared equally skilled sniper slinger with LOS techniques period end of story and god help the ones that have worse gear / connection / crappy pc / or are mouse clickers ... They do not stand a chance



This game is rock paper scissors ... Cant believe so many have not figured that out ..


Now there is one class that destroyed me as well when we are equally geared skilled ... It's same for all classes


In a nutshell quit whining and except there will always be one class that you will have a hard time with and one class you will have an easy time with and several you will be even with


Every time someone gets owned for whatever reason ... It's because the other class is too powerful and they cannot except it could be gear / skill / Internet connection / having a crappy pc / or the rock paper scissors class that is just going to have an advantage over yours after certain patches until the next patch down the road might make another class your classes nemesis ... Focus on the ones your even with or the one you have an advantage over and use your teammates skills to overcome the match


Sheen but enough with all the whinefesting already



This. A lot of people are too proud to admit that there are classes that can counter them. Around the forums snipers seem to be the most common given that when they pick someone off at 30m range who hasn't a clue that they're on them, they figure that's a 1v1 and they have no counters. Every class has a counter. Although sometimes its difficult to determine because its rare for the common person to witness top tier players of certain classes face off. This is what leads to a lot of misconceptions about which class counters which. And you're correct about how the Rock Paper Scissors game changes. For example commandos/mercs are shaping up to be a tough opponent for melee classes such as the guardian and sentinel. It will be interesting to see if we're still able to beat them when equally matched, or if their new improvements have given then the upper hand this time around. Won't know for certain until the patch hits live and both parties are able to fully optimize their gear according to their play style.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Sorry man, you are sitting in my ignore list for quite some time already. I cannot see what you posted, i only see a short message that you are in my ignore list and your message has been hidden.


Whatever you wrote there i can only assume that it's another trolling attempt from you, BS claims without backing arguments.


I encourage everyone to disregard whatever message the user above and below me wrote.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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