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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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sorry.. just for my understanding:


1) I've been put on Frostclaw server by BW on the early guild deployment (not my choice)

2) yesterday evening i've logged at 19.00 and(because I PAY to be able to play in the evening since i work for a live during the day) i've waited 2 hours and 32 minutes (152 minutes) because of more than 1000 people in queue and an "estimated (i fear less than euristic) wait time of 1 hour

3) my guild have almost all chars between lvl25 and lvl 38


and the only solution you are offering is: "Sorry change server and restart anew if you want to avoid long wait time"?


I find it really unprofessional, commercially speaking "suicidal" and legally speaking "fraudulent" considering that, as customer, I’ve already paid for a service and currently not fully "serviced"


The results of a full cap server is not only "user fail because they want to play with their friends" but mainly "company fail because they haven’t correctly considered the contingency issues that could have arisen when they've sized the servers and the account per server management.”


I know that this WOT will pass almost unseen, but, considering that BW is an international company and considering the number of unsatisfied customers with my similar issue, a class action could be handled if the problem will persist without, at least, a refund for the missing service


It does not pass unseen, we too were placed here with the GL program, along with our sister guilds, ally/nemesis, it is not just the individual that has to "reroll", most of us are all over lvl 30 with reserved names.


It is totally unfair to expect hundreds of people to organise and force guildmates to move or destry the community.



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Just sent this:


As both a betatester and a pre-access customer I feel it's unacceptable that my guild was moved to a server that was listed as "Full" as of the 14:th december. That it was the only(!) RP-server in Eu at the time wasen't all that great either. When I read the thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=60893 and especially the part "We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues." which means that you think we should reroll new chars on low pop servers and then what? Wait until they are also full and reroll again? No, I'll take this time to hop off and wait until the game is more stable before giving you more of my money. Waiting isn't what I signed up to pay for.


Your subscription has been cancelled.


So I guess you guys have atleast one less player infront of you to get in to the game. ;)

Edited by Shadowsteps
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today at 10 am Spanish time there are 1600 players waiting in line at the tombs server, at 8 am there were 800 and yesterday you saw players running into walls or running around a table and using anti afk or macro systems .




If this does not fix my community and I GOING TO CANCEL OUR SUBCRIPCIÓN and go to another game

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At this point server transfers seem the only option to save those problem servers short-term.


When I started this game on friday, Red Eclipse was still light-standard, it was actually lower then some other servers at the time, but since saturday it surged to very full levels to become one of the fullest EU english PVE servers.


Telling us to start over isn't really a solution, I'd much rather see a server transfer option off, either for full guilds or a per-character basis.


A lot of new servers got added for launch, but you should've added those from the start of EGA, and have the guild program assign a wider list of servers cause all I see that is what caused the biggest short-term population surges.


Going back in time isn't possible so once again, transfer is the only solution that can work to fix both server pop and filling up light pop servers at the same time.


The problem might fix itself but I can tell you it will have negative effect on your MMO, less total customers = less queues but that's not the solution you should hope for BioWare. People already are leaving, so you better hurry to save your game.

Edited by Nycterlia
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How about cloning the very heaviest servers, but allowing the flagging for each to reflect the queue time that "would be" experienced with everyone from both servers being on just the 1?


This would enable the population to spread over 2 servers & alleviate the problem that way?


Because right now the players on these most populated servers, & I assume these were the servers the bulk of the guilds were placed on, are falling behind & losing 20+hours a week waiting in queues.

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How about cloning the very heaviest servers, but allowing the flagging for each to reflect the queue time that "would be" experienced with everyone from both servers being on just the 1?


This would enable the population to spread over 2 servers & alleviate the problem that way?


Because right now the players on these most populated servers, & I assume these were the servers the bulk of the guilds were placed on, are falling behind & losing 20+hours a week waiting in queues.


Cloning sounds really good! I mean, it would solve alot instead of doing character transfers!

Limit the amount of ppl getting to start playing on other server and after a week or two, remove the characters that have not been played!


Well done sir, my hat is off for your idea.

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Hello all.

A lot of the problems on Nadd are caused by ppl that go afk for hours like 6 or something like that using macros (g15 or whatsoever else) in order to stay logged.

Please do something because the reason why there's written 2 hours of queue while you usually wait 6 or more is because of this!


Send csr representatives in cantinas and other safe spots and have a look at those ppl.

Operate a massive logoff so other ppl that are actively in queue can join the game and may be disconnect in those 6 hours so others can join in the meanwhile...

Thanks for reading!



It's like trying to cure diarrhea by locking WC door. Cross server guild transfer system is all we need. No more, no less.

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So the maxium cap on some of the servers is close to happening then you need to lock the servers bioware cause asking people to reroll is not going to make many do it cause a lot of us got in on your high pop servers in ega cause you didnt add more than 7 or 8 of each type english eu pve / pvp realms for 3 days of ega good planing there.


Your also having to make char transfer acess you realy should of had that sorted by now one reason is its a good way of making your selfs extra money in the long term people will probly pay to move in the end.

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Cloning could work but I think character and/or guild transfers (with no cost/cooldown for now) could fix and balance global server populations a lot better, maybe disallow character transfers towards problem servers.


WoW has free transfers from high pop/faction-imbalance servers to lower selected realms at times and people do use that. I know this isn't WoW but something similar, Limited transfer options from high to light/standard would balance global server pops with at the same time working with your "we want long term healthy server population" policy.


Telling us to start over for one doesn't direct and spread population in a controlled way and is a slap in the face and will cause people to leave after month 1, sorry to say.


Medium Pop Servers Globally = Less Extreme Queues = Happy Community = Win/Win

Edited by Nycterlia
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1. The response came way too late. The damage was already done.

2. The whole situation was caused by Bioware and should be fixed by Bioware. We are their customers not their employees, so we should not be forced to face the consequences of their wrong decisions. Asking players to move to other servers is a really bad joke.

3. The guild deployment system was a joke.

4. Errors were made during launch:

- Not all servers were avaiable during ETA

- High population servers were not locked for new players on DD


I have no idea what the situation is like on my server, but I'm feeling lucky it's not on the list of "servers to be avoided at all costs". There were 1h queues yesterday around 18:00 GMT, so it's nowhere near the Hell of Freedon Nadd.


In order to fix the problems whole guilds would have to be relocated and that's gonna be a major problem. Bioware placed too many on too few servers and in order to thrive guilds need new members, so asking everyone but the guildies to reroll would not only destroy the non-guildies but the guilds too in a longer perspective.


In order to achieve anything anywhere you need foresight. You need to know, what your decisions cause and I think it's immoral to post something like that asking the community to cover for your mistakes. Yellow card from me, Bioware. Shame on you.





+REP for Kalantris. I qoute.


* Update:

Here is 10:46AM, still in queue (249th now).

450 players in 1hour and half.

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How about cloning the very heaviest servers, but allowing the flagging for each to reflect the queue time that "would be" experienced with everyone from both servers being on just the 1?


This would enable the population to spread over 2 servers & alleviate the problem that way?


Because right now the players on these most populated servers, & I assume these were the servers the bulk of the guilds were placed on, are falling behind & losing 20+hours a week waiting in queues.


Agree with the other poster who said that this was a great idea.

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Cloning could work but I think character and/or guild transfers (with no cost/cooldown for now) could fix and balance global server populations a lot better, maybe disallow character transfers towards problem servers.


WoW has free transfers from high pop/faction-imbalance servers to lower selected realms at times and people do use that. I know this isn't WoW but something similar, Limited transfer options from high to light/standard would balance global server pops with at the same time working with your "we want long term healthy server population" policy.


Telling us to start over for one doesn't direct and spread population in a controlled way and is a slap in the face and will cause people to leave after month 1, sorry to say.


Medium Pop Servers Globally = Less Extreme Queues = Happy Community = Win/Win


I agree character transfers are the best way, but if they don't have the mechanism in place to do it, then, cloning would be the fastest alternative to alleviating the problem.

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As many of you know, we're experiencing high load and corresponding queues on some servers. This is to be expected during launch, as a high number of people want to play the game, and for long stretches at a time.


We're monitoring all of our servers around the clock, and we're raising server population caps where required. However, to ensure our long-term goals of server stability and healthy populations, we do not want to raise population caps too rapidly. We want incoming players to populate lower population servers. At the same time, higher population servers will not be 'locked' because we want to allow people to join a server to play with their friends if they wish to.


With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.


US-based servers


The Harbinger – US West Coast - PvE

The Swiftsure – US West Coast - PvP


The Fatman – US East Coast - PvP


EU-based servers


Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP

Frostclaw – EU English - PvE

Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP

The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE

Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP


Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP

Darth Traya – EU German - PvP

Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP


Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP


Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.



You need to add servers transfers yesterday, not tomorrow and not next year.

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Thanks for the update Mr Reid. However pointing out servers with high population solves nothing. As others playing on The Red Eclipse EU server I've been suffering queues since start of EA. Still I had thought the cap was set low with a purpose and it will be raised up once the game has official launch. Yet that hasn't happend.


Don't get me wrong, I understand the queues sometimes happen, especially if the game is new or big content patch has been released. But please don't take my understanding for stupidity. While I'm willing to sit in the queue for ten minutes sometimes, I don't like a tiny bit to sit there for hours. My server has had queues even during working hours since 20th Dec. I dread the moment the holidays begin and even more people can play during the day. I've been playing almost 7 years WoW on Arathor EU server. In that time I've had queues only few times and never more then half an hour. Not even when new expansion was introduced. Maybe that was lucky but that's what I would expect to get for my money and that's what I expect to get from Bioware as well.


I've been waiting for this game for some ten years. The game is wonderful and I enjoy it. When I can play. And that's the issue. I bought the pre-order, I bought the CE, and once I got my hands on the box I subscribed for 180 days as I was sure I'll play it for years to come. Now I have 28 days until the money are taken from my account. Now you have 28 days to convince me I should pay for those 180 days. Because frankly, I won't pay any more of my hard earn money unless this situation has been solved.


I understand one voice means nothing, but if it's one voice of many? Who knows. At any rate unless this issue is solved, have fun explaining your shareholders why you did not manage to keep your customers in the game.

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Should add Nightmare Lands to the list.


Been q's during peak since early access began, now that the game has launched your in a q of 300 or so at least at 10am (GMT), and during peak its going closer to 1000.


My Guild love the game, but the queues are starting to grate on everyones nerves, why you didn't lock the fuller servers on launch is beyond me.

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Thanks for the update Mr Reid. However pointing out servers with high population solves nothing. As others playing on The Red Eclipse EU server I've been suffering queues since start of EA. Still I had thought the cap was set low with a purpose and it will be raised up once the game has official launch. Yet that hasn't happend.


Don't get me wrong, I understand the queues sometimes happen, especially if the game is new or big content patch has been released. But please don't take my understanding for stupidity. While I'm willing to sit in the queue for ten minutes sometimes, I don't like a tiny bit to sit there for hours. My server has had queues even during working hours since 20th Dec. I dread the moment the holidays begin and even more people can play during the day. I've been playing almost 7 years WoW on Arathor EU server. In that time I've had queues only few times and never more then half an hour. Not even when new expansion was introduced. Maybe that was lucky but that's what I would expect to get for my money and that's what I expect to get from Bioware as well.


I've been waiting for this game for some ten years. The game is wonderful and I enjoy it. When I can play. And that's the issue. I bought the pre-order, I bought the CE, and once I got my hands on the box I subscribed for 180 days as I was sure I'll play it for years to come. Now I have 28 days until the money are taken from my account. Now you have 28 days to convince me I should pay for those 180 days. Because frankly, I won't pay any more of my hard earn money unless this situation has been solved.


I understand one voice means nothing, but if it's one voice of many? Who knows. At any rate unless this issue is solved, have fun explaining your shareholders why you did not manage to keep your customers in the game.




Well said! I salute you!

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Lock all the full servers then add something so players can invite friends to their server even if its full, that way everyone is happy, you can up the pop cap without worrying about loads of people joining and friends can still play together.
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