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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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I just dont know why they cant lock the servers with the issues but remember each guild deployed has its own Tor guild webpage where players can sign up.

The only way to get on to a locked server, for guild members yet to join Tor, is to sign up on the guild page and this gets you flagged and onto the locked server

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1. The response came way too late. The damage was already done.

2. The whole situation was caused by Bioware and should be fixed by Bioware. We are their customers not their employees, so we should not be forced to face the consequences of their wrong decisions. Asking players to move to other servers is a really bad joke.

3. The guild deployment system was a joke.

4. Errors were made during launch:

- Not all servers were avaiable during ETA

- High population servers were not locked for new players on DD


I have no idea what the situation is like on my server, but I'm feeling lucky it's not on the list of "servers to be avoided at all costs". There were 1h queues yesterday around 18:00 GMT, so it's nowhere near the Hell of Freedon Nadd.


In order to fix the problems whole guilds would have to be relocated and that's gonna be a major problem. Bioware placed too many on too few servers and in order to thrive guilds need new members, so asking everyone but the guildies to reroll would not only destroy the non-guildies but the guilds too in a longer perspective.


In order to achieve anything anywhere you need foresight. You need to know, what your decisions cause and I think it's immoral to post something like that asking the community to cover for your mistakes. Yellow card from me, Bioware. Shame on you.




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Hello all.

A lot of the problems on Nadd are caused by ppl that go afk for hours like 6 or something like that using macros (g15 or whatsoever else) in order to stay logged.

Please do something because the reason why there's written 2 hours of queue while you usually wait 6 or more is because of this!


Send csr representatives in cantinas and other safe spots and have a look at those ppl.

Operate a massive logoff so other ppl that are actively in queue can join the game and may be disconnect in those 6 hours so others can join in the meanwhile...

Thanks for reading!



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Voicing opinion in these forums does little good other than provide some catharsis, sadly.


Voicing opinion on social media, the press and printed media has a far greater impact. People (including myself - on Frostclaw server) who are experiencing the aftermath of Bioware's utterly failed guild deployment and early access programme ought to be more vocal in the wider media about this issue. Nothing like negative press to get problems sorted out quicker.


Blizzard, Nsoft and all the other MMO developers must be loving this train wreck of a launch.

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Its a complete joke.


I'm agree, all the game launch has been a great joke.


If I was an EA or Bioware investor, I'd be asking myself about why every specialied wegpage or magazine is talking about the nefarious customer service and server queues, instead to be talking about how amazing is the game.


You've been created this overpopulation problem with a nonsense staged launch and the mindless creation of new servers.

You can`t create 6 PVE and 8-9 PVP Servers in english the pre launch's first day, and now be speaking about their overpopulation.


There is one thing that is obvious: The people like to play with his friends. And if you concentrate the preorders in a few servers this problem is perfectlly normal.


In the case of EU launch the problem is agravated because Europe is not USA, here we're players fromm a lot of countries and we like to play with friends and with the people who speak our same language.

And a lot of different language comunities stablished themselves in a handful of EU servers, so they're overpopulated now. And the solution of BW is "please play in another server".


I'm agree with that if you open a server for my community, something you should be done since the first launch day, and you give the opportunity of a free transfer.


I don't know why if you had got the preorders data and the quantity of copies sold per country ( I presume that a company like BW has a competent marketing department), you've been unable to anticipate this problem.


So my solutions are:


1. A kick in Mythic's ***, I don't know how EA has trusted again on them after the disaster of Warhammer Online launch.


2. The creation of preferred servers for the strong non english communities and free tranfers of the chars in the overpopulated servers.

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Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.

I won't comment on rest since alot of people already said everything. I'm on ToFN also & I'm already about 1hr or more in queue, it's not even noon ffs!


But I have a question about what I just quoted.

Are you serious? Only those who DC during SITTING IN QUEUE will be worked on? Your bloody client is unstable & I'm crashing about 3 times per day if I'm playing , almost all the time I have to queue again even if I'm getting to server list in less than a minute after crash. You're not going to fix THIS?! What the hell is this?

Edited by Redron
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Its a complete joke.

Our guild, together for 7 years in Star Wars Galaxies was deployed by Bioware on a server. Its unplayable for those after work, as ques are around 3-4 hours.


Thier response:

Ditch your guilds, ditch your friends. if you dont want to que on the server we put you on make a character elsewhere.


Well, as i couldnt get online Sunday due to ques i did make a character elsewhere on a light server. Last night, home from work, server full and ques.

So made another character on a light server. Guess that will be full tonight also.


As things stand, Bioware will not be getting my subscription after the initial 30 days or many of the 200 or so in our guild who have come across from SWG who are all equally frustrated. Our guild stucj through the infamous NGE in November 2005 in Star Wars galaxies but this server mis management is doing far more damage to us than the NGE ever did.


No matter how good this game is, this reponse it totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated much longer by players. Luckily we are also as a guild in Lotro so many will depart back to that.


Disgusted with this attitude from them


agree clap clap clap

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I'm agree, all the game launch has been a great joke.


If I was an EA or Bioware investor, I'd be asking myself about why every specialied wegpage or magazine is talking about the nefarious customer service and server queues, instead to be talking about how amazing is the game.


You've been created this overpopulation problem with a nonsense staged launch and the mindless creation of new servers.

You can`t create 6 PVE and 8-9 PVP Servers in english the pre launch's first day, and now be speaking about their overpopulation.


There is one thing that is obvious: The people like to play with his friends. And if you concentrate the preorders in a few servers this problem is perfectlly normal.


In the case of EU launch the problem is agravated because Europe is not USA, here we're players fromm a lot of countries and we like to play with friends and with the people who speak our same language.

And a lot of different language comunities stablished themselves in a handful of EU servers, so they're overpopulated now. And the solution of BW is "please play in another server".


I'm agree with that if you open a server for my community, something you should be done since the first launch day, and you give the opportunity of a free transfer.


I don't know why if you had got the preorders data and the quantity of copies sold per country ( I presume that a company like BW has a competent marketing department), you've been unable to anticipate this problem.


So my solutions are:


1. A kick in Mythic's ***, I don't know how EA has trusted again on them after the disaster of Warhammer Online launch.


2. The creation of preferred servers for the strong non english communities and free tranfers of the chars in the overpopulated servers.


i think the same. perfect in all...

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what a load of crap from devs...


"oh we are aware of the problem but we wont do anything about it"

"oh yes, we will gradually sometime in the future open up for higher player cap"

"if you dont like it then create another toon on another server. sorry for those level 50's but nothing we will do about it."


this ia goddamn outrage. lock the servers from getting new accounts being able to create characters. that way the problem wont increase.


saying **** like "go to another server thats light or medium" is pushing the problem back at the players, we are the ones PAYING you to get this done, so I suggest only one thing...






stop fooling around and playing "oh we got ,ots of players and lots of money, lets sit on our *** and celebrate"

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Hello all.

A lot of the problems on Nadd are caused by ppl that go afk for hours like 6 or something like that using macros (g15 or whatsoever else) in order to stay logged.

Please do something because the reason why there's written 2 hours of queue while you usually wait 6 or more is because of this!


Send csr representatives in cantinas and other safe spots and have a look at those ppl.

Operate a massive logoff so other ppl that are actively in queue can join the game and may be disconnect in those 6 hours so others can join in the meanwhile...

Thanks for reading!





better yet... fix the cap or stop the creation of new characters from ac counts not already on the server. that will alleviate the problem instead of punishing the players trying to avoid 3-4 hr ques due to the devs messes.

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Also , if the account already got 15+ lvl character on the populated server , move it in queue ahead of those who are going to start there & got no or less than 15 lvl characters. It'll still allow people to join their friends after queuing but prevent from overpopulating because of new players who picked server accidentally.

Getting to 15 is only few hours of playtime, it won't hit hard anyone.

Edited by Redron
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sorry.. just for my understanding:


1) I've been put on Frostclaw server by BW on the early guild deployment (not my choice)

2) yesterday evening i've logged at 19.00 and(because I PAY to be able to play in the evening since i work for a live during the day) i've waited 2 hours and 32 minutes (152 minutes) because of more than 1000 people in queue and an "estimated (i fear less than euristic) wait time of 1 hour

3) my guild have almost all chars between lvl25 and lvl 38


and the only solution you are offering is: "Sorry change server and restart anew if you want to avoid long wait time"?


I find it really unprofessional, commercially speaking "suicidal" and legally speaking "fraudulent" considering that, as customer, I’ve already paid for a service and currently not fully "serviced"


The results of a full cap server is not only "user fail because they want to play with their friends" but mainly "company fail because they haven’t correctly considered the contingency issues that could have arisen when they've sized the servers and the account per server management.”


I know that this WOT will pass almost unseen, but, considering that BW is an international company and considering the number of unsatisfied customers with my similar issue, a class action could be handled if the problem will persist without, at least, a refund for the missing service

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10am 1212 que.....


Tomb of Freedom Nad (unofficial Spanish and Italians server)


I and my guild are not Spanish we were assigned to this server.. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MOVE OUR GUILD! We lost half our members due to this and we pay to WAIT every day to get on. This is NOT fun and I do not see the game surviving past the Free 1 Month if this persists,

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10am 1212 que.....


Tomb of Freedom Nad (unofficial Spanish and Italians server)


I and my guild are not Spanish we were assigned to this server.. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MOVE OUR GUILD! We lost half our members due to this and we pay to WAIT every day to get on. This is NOT fun and I do not see the game surviving past the Free 1 Month if this persists,


In the same position as you, BIOWARE you allocated us that server, YOU fix our problem, we are now paying for this game, let us move our guild away from the server YOU allocated to us,

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With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.


EU-based servers


Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP

Frostclaw – EU English - PvE

Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP

The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE

Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP


Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP

Darth Traya – EU German - PvP

Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP


Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP


Wohoo! Its good to know that i don't play on such a high population server. Yesterday i only waited about 2 hours in a queue of about 1000 players.


But as long as this isn't called "high population" by bioware everything is ok. Just come in and play with us on our "not so high population server". You are very welcome.


It ok, too that bioware is trying to even out the server populations by letting thousands of players wait for two or more hours every evening. Its not necessary to provide instruments like "character transfer", "idle kick" for players who stay online for hours just to not get back into the waiting line, or a increase in server capacity(which should be easily possible since your whole game is instanciated) as long as not every player plays on a high population server and we only have to waste 2 hours every evening until we get in.


Customer Support is not ur biggest strength Bioware, isn't it?

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10am 1212 que.....


Tomb of Freedom Nad (unofficial Spanish and Italians server)


I and my guild are not Spanish we were assigned to this server.. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MOVE OUR GUILD! We lost half our members due to this and we pay to WAIT every day to get on. This is NOT fun and I do not see the game surviving past the Free 1 Month if this persists,


You were allocated to that server by the team, but that server was also "called" (*** seriously) the unofficial Spanish/Italian server.


Don't you see where the fault is? I am pretty sure you are a clever boy and you can make it out....


Wohoo! Its good to know that i don't play on such a high population server. Yesterday i only waited about 2 hours in a queue of about 1000 players.


But as long as this isn't called "high population" by bioware everything is ok. Just come in and play with us on our "not so high population server". You are very welcome.


It ok, too that bioware is trying to even out the server populations by letting thousands of players wait for two or more hours every evening. Its not necessary to provide instruments like "character transfer", "idle kick" for players who stay online for hours just to not get back into the waiting line, or a increase in server capacity(which should be easily possible since your whole game is instanciated) as long as not every player plays on a high population server and we only have to waste 2 hours every evening until we get in.


Customer Support is not ur biggest strength Bioware, isn't it?


2 hours isn't pretty....but 2 =/= 5. Just saying.

Edited by Delolith
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Every single popular mmo has had this problem at launch



No, they really haven't. Warhammer had this problem, and we all know what happened there. For the rest, I can't recall a single launch with so many queues being so long and the company response being so utterly disrespectful, incompetent and unsatisfying. And yes it it their job, that's why they should have prevented this. And that is certainly why they should not treat paying customers like garbage. I mean what kind of a solution is that anyway... "Go play on light servers." Those will get crowded too, no? As I assume more and more players will be trying to log in. My servers weren't full or even heavy when I started playing there., so why should I start over and run the same risk on another server? It's really almost beyond belief. People warned me that Bioware would go down the toilet after EA was added to the mix, perhaps they were right.

Edited by VoidWork
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sorry.. just for my understanding:


1) I've been put on Frostclaw server by BW on the early guild deployment (not my choice)

2) yesterday evening i've logged at 19.00 and(because I PAY to be able to play in the evening since i work for a live during the day) i've waited 2 hours and 32 minutes (152 minutes) because of more than 1000 people in queue and an "estimated (i fear less than euristic) wait time of 1 hour

3) my guild have almost all chars between lvl25 and lvl 38


and the only solution you are offering is: "Sorry change server and restart anew if you want to avoid long wait time"?


I find it really unprofessional, commercially speaking "suicidal" and legally speaking "fraudulent" considering that, as customer, I’ve already paid for a service and currently not fully "serviced"


The results of a full cap server is not only "user fail because they want to play with their friends" but mainly "company fail because they haven’t correctly considered the contingency issues that could have arisen when they've sized the servers and the account per server management.”


I know that this WOT will pass almost unseen, but, considering that BW is an international company and considering the number of unsatisfied customers with my similar issue, a class action could be handled if the problem will persist without, at least, a refund for the missing service



or at least give free migration for the guild..

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I'm sorry but I must vent heat.


Having a level 35 character on a server and seeing dozens of "light servers" while I wait in 250 person queues sucks. To hear, it will be like his for the foreseable future, is just unprofessional. Don't raise the server caps, lock the servers. Make people play on other servers. If they want to play with their friends, let their friends join them. All my friends pre-ordered, and we've been doing just fine until BioWare took down all the servers prior to launch so tha all the incoming people had no idea what servers were full and which weren't.


You couldn't have orchestrated this disaser any better if you planned it, which I know you didn't, but it does't less the frustration level.

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I'm not happy with the queues at all but i can understand the thoughts behind raising the population limit slowly so not many new people will join there and i even could live with the queues until then if it wouldn't be for that problem that i am back in a queue when my game crashes or logs me out for some reason. I really hope you'll fix it as fast as possible. Waiting is hard but can be accepted. Re-waiting is just wrong.
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