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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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I got disconnected real badly last night, up to multiple times, where I lost all my progress in the current quest(s), because it happened at the quest boss, or the cutscenes, and tended to not let me speak to my designated goal, after reconnecting. (:confused:)


Thanks for the update, BW.

I'm very glad this is being worked on. :)

Edited by _Strimell
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Please lock full servers. This should have been done ages ago.


Please allow free transfers off the realms you stated, and include Prophecy Of The Five. There's a 1k person queue at 2AM on a weekday night.


If there gonna lock how are the other 1k gonna join in, alot of people will be piss off..

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Well, i am one of the players who ended up on a server with a 8 hour queue this weekend. But i created a alt on the other side on a less populated server and must say i am enjoying the game very much :)


The DC and back in the queue thing does need to be fixed asap and happy to hear you are working on this with a high prio.


So far so good :)

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Give me a god *********** damned transfer off of Swiftsure.


Spent 2 hours waiting to get in. then got booted to some bioware error. then another hour que?????






I randomly rolled swiftsure......get me the **** away from these aussies.


and what error is that? could that just be the software reporting an error that actually tells you the issue is with your system? do you think that when you get a blue screen, that the error is with windows? when it might just be the program you were JUST using...????


Darth Freki

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EU-based servers


Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP

Frostclaw – EU English - PvE

Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP

The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE

Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP


Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP

Darth Traya – EU German - PvP

Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP


Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP



Name 1 error .... I'll do it ... no RP-PVP! add one more, 45min que on current RP-PVP server is too long ...

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they are working in that error. but by the moment in tomb´s server, you can wait 6 hours... and then crack error and you must begin again with other 6 hours more...


12 hours... no works, no studies, no eat... or you turn on your pc and continuos with your life, and if you have luck. play

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As is, I moved from Canada to Korea recently with my wife, and I really don't have much time to play, but when I do want to play I either play at night, or I have to wait in a que?


I love BioWare, always have and always will, but since my wife is expecting, I don't see myself having very many hours to play, so why do I need to re-roll, as I see it, BW, you forced us to choose these servers, why couldn't you have locked it in for those players already on the servers, and make the launch players start on new servers?


But presently, I guess it is ok, since I lost my security key info, silly not to write it down, I can't even log in anyway until customer support e-mails me back.


So, in a sense I guess I'm lucky... lucky like a scruffy looking nerf herder!

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"We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server"


Yeah, thats really smart of you to pre-move my guild to a now unplayable server and then talking about rolling another char on a low pop (until that hits the roof and then reroll again I suppose your solution will be?).


WoW looks more and more appealing again actually.

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"We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server"


Yeah, thats really smart of you to pre-move my guild to a now unplayable server and then talking about rolling another char on a low pop (until that hits the roof and then reroll again I suppose your solution will be?).


WoW looks more and more appealing again actually.


What he said...apart from the wow part... ^^

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Why not moving entire guilds to less populated servers?


When I signed your guild programme, you asigned me a server to play (Tomb of Freedon Nadd). I didn't choose an overpopulated server. It was you.


Now I have some guildmates who can play at early times and, as of now, they have medium levelled characters (lvl 20-30) and some other who can't even enter to play with us because when queue is over they have to go working or sleeping. This is a problem for us, ending in a splitted guild between 2 servers.


People want to play this excellent game, but don't have time to wait for a long queue. I have waited SIX HOURS (queue=2147) for playing 1 hour. And this is almost everyday since early access. Since launch, you can see queues even at 8am (200 people today)


You have the solution and you must fix this asap, please.

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I bet the australians are all over the EU servers, because, c'mon, it's just unthinkable that, at 08 AM we are getting full servers and queues, no matter what size.

At this time, is the peak time for them, so you do the math.


It's fun and awseome to launch a MMO, but, tbh, being part of the WoW Launch, Aion Launch and what not, i thought future MMO's would learn what that meant and be prepared, at least, for it.


As someone said before, 30m queues at peak time (about 6-9PM) is somehow and for a few days, tolerable, but 3-4h ?! You know that's just wrong...


Imagine this, Mr. Reid:


You go on shopping on a new store. New clothes, new line, new style...oh boy, oh boy, the joy. You then go and try to get to that store....oh wait, every way is jammed..you try and stay for 3h on your car, with your kids and wife, to get to that store...so you can, at least, see what's the look of it in the inside.

You give up and take the way home...going to other store, less populate, but that gets things done.


No matter how obviously this situation is...it's just like that, and the community, apart from being comprehensive, some times...most of it, is just harsh, because we "Pay To Play" and don't "Pay to Wait". That's just how things go.

If you don't have an action in the few days to come or just lack on the communication, people will just leave. Believe that.


You should have talked and listened to your friends at Blizzard. They're on this business for 7 years now and apart from all, they get **** done differently and efficiently.


Server full ? Then lock creation of new chars and raise population cap a bit, to end the 3h queues to about 15m in peak time. Problem Solved.


Let new people just start playing on new servers. We're all playing, we're all happy.

Edited by Nynex
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What about server T3-M4 it's full most of the time too my guild is on that server and when you get kicked you have to wait sometime up to 50min before you can get back in. That not making the Game very much fun to play.:p:p Edited by Juggernatus
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Its a complete joke.

Our guild, together for 7 years in Star Wars Galaxies was deployed by Bioware on a server. Its unplayable for those after work, as ques are around 3-4 hours.


Thier response:

Ditch your guilds, ditch your friends. if you dont want to que on the server we put you on make a character elsewhere.


Well, as i couldnt get online Sunday due to ques i did make a character elsewhere on a light server. Last night, home from work, server full and ques.

So made another character on a light server. Guess that will be full tonight also.


As things stand, Bioware will not be getting my subscription after the initial 30 days or many of the 200 or so in our guild who have come across from SWG who are all equally frustrated. Our guild stucj through the infamous NGE in November 2005 in Star Wars galaxies but this server mis management is doing far more damage to us than the NGE ever did.


No matter how good this game is, this reponse it totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated much longer by players. Luckily we are also as a guild in Lotro so many will depart back to that.


Disgusted with this attitude from them

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2nd lunch game day.


Here is 9:11AM, I'm 686 in queue!

I'm playing in Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU).


This is unsane!


Fix it as soon as possible or give us server transfer for free in short time.

Another solutions could be a grace period time with a free month to play for dedicated servers.

This is not our business... Your choice on how to do it, find the trick and fix it!


Game subscription can wait!

Edited by Anabola
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This is the reason there is a free month of game time, because 90% of it will be spent waiting in queues to actually play. So instead of being a free month it's more like a free weekend


Too right.

Many would have already cancelled thier subscriptions over the ques if we had paid from day 1 as many are planning to not subscribe after the 30 days "free" time if these issues with ques still persist

Edited by Ziso
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What i really cant believe is that i find this at 8am GTM.


That is the server where i have my characters, where bioware directed my guild to play to, where i played my early access time and where im actually paying to play.


Please BW folks, offer an ORGANIZED free character transfer so my whole community, (Spanish community up to 30 guilds with more than 1500 players), can choose another server to move, play, enjoy the game and recommend another new players to do so.


Most of the people who i know that still playing WoW are curious to try the game for the good feedback, but they hesitate now because the complains for the server cues.


If you will alloud all of us to do so, ToFN will be releaved on cues and we could also enjoy the game.

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the sentence - "Free server migration" comes to mind.


Make it possible to move a guild to another server.


waiting in queue for 2 hours and getting the dreaded D/C message doesn't help on a positive response either.


I experienced several disconnects yesterday, and several on the "light" loaded server experienced the same. doesn't matter which server you're at since I got the first D/C while waiting several hours in queue on a "Full" server.


while you have connection problems the least you could to is to let the player back in within a small amount of time.

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2nd lunch game day.


Here is 9:11AM, I'm 686 in queue!

I'm playing in Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU).


This is unsane!


Fix it as soon as possible or give us server transfer for free in short time.

Another solutions could be a grace period time with a free month to play for dedicated servers.

This is not our business... Your choice on how to do it, find the trick and fix it!


Same here.....Tomb of Freedon Nadd server - 9:06AM i'm 674 in queue !


I was hoping to play, like 1h before go to work :)

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Thankfully I haven't redeemed my retail code. And to be fair I'm not going to until they sort it. I want to play with my guild mates, getting 100 people to change server plus all the alliances we are with really isnt an option (and probably will screw the next server we move to)


Really can't understand why you can't raise the population cap and lock the server from any new characters (perhaps for a month). I know its a pain for those wanting to play with their friends already on those servers but at the moment that means everyone already having played a week is suffering because of these artificially low pops. A one hour queue at 8am on a weekday... seriously?


Alternatively you need to get the free char move in very soon.


Yet another great game spoiled by one issue. When I actually get to play I am amazed at how nice the game is and somewhat saddenened that its going to be a nail in the coffin in the short run because these sorts of issues have killed pervious mmos dead.

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