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Warning on high population servers


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People need to seriously CALM down. They acknowledge the issue and are looking into remedying it and all they're asking is for your patience. This happens to ALL MMO releases and it is nothing new. Just because it is "BioWare" does not make the immune to the realities of an MMO game. We're all in the same boat, hell I had my lvl34 jugg stuck on Taris w/the memory dump bug! I've got guildies in que trying to get in. Guess what? Went to create a new toon while I wait for them to fix the issue. Hell, they're going to be issuing a fix with a 2-3 day turn around time!


At least they're keeping a complete open line of communication with us at a very reasonable and fast rate. We can't possibly say that to all games...


And no, I'm no fan boy defending BioWare's current performance, but like I said, this is an MMO release. No one is immune. I'm just as frustrated as everyone else are, but this is not my life and it is certainly not the end of the world.

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Could you add Jung Ma (RP-PVP) as a server NOT to roll on? The other 2 RP-PVP servers are usually not full (actually I've never seen them full), and I'm not rerolling after having a lvl 20 and 2 other characters on Jung Ma already. I just began an 850 or so queue at 10:30PM EST!
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People need to seriously CALM down. They acknowledge the issue and are looking into remedying it and all they're asking is for your patience. This happens to ALL MMO releases and it is nothing new. Just because it is "BioWare" does not make the immune to the realities of an MMO game. We're all in the same boat, hell I had my lvl34 jugg stuck on Taris w/the memory dump bug! I've got guildies in que trying to get in. Guess what? Went to create a new toon while I wait for them to fix the issue. Hell, they're going to be issuing a fix with a 2-3 day turn around time!


At least they're keeping a complete open line of communication with us at a very reasonable and fast rate. We can't possibly say that to all games...


And no, I'm no fan boy defending BioWare's current performance, but like I said, this is an MMO release. No one is immune. I'm just as frustrated as everyone else are, but this is not my life and it is certainly not the end of the world.


can i create a character on your server, Bet you 100,000 credits ur wrong and then get paid?



is this ur first MMO?

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Thank you Bioware good answers now i can be patient, now we can not say you are doing nothing about it! by the way love the game it truly is epic in scale and content.

This really is an amazing game at launch and i can only imagine the cool things yet to come, i can see this been popular for quiet a while( well i suppose it is star wars!).

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People need to seriously CALM down. They acknowledge the issue and are looking into remedying it and all they're asking is for your patience. This happens to ALL MMO releases and it is nothing new. Just because it is "BioWare" does not make the immune to the realities of an MMO game. We're all in the same boat, hell I had my lvl34 jugg stuck on Taris w/the memory dump bug! I've got guildies in que trying to get in. Guess what? Went to create a new toon while I wait for them to fix the issue. Hell, they're going to be issuing a fix with a 2-3 day turn around time!


At least they're keeping a complete open line of communication with us at a very reasonable and fast rate. We can't possibly say that to all games...


And no, I'm no fan boy defending BioWare's current performance, but like I said, this is an MMO release. No one is immune. I'm just as frustrated as everyone else are, but this is not my life and it is certainly not the end of the world.


Look man, I appreciate what you are saying, I really do. But the simple fact is I paid $80 for a product that I cannot use, that does not function as advertised. I'd really rather not complain, and I've put up with the queues thus far under the same mindset you are. But I do not want to come home after a day of work, and wait 3+ hours to play a game that I paid money for. Beta tests, stress tests, and the early access were all there for BioWare to judge what to expect and how they need to configure their systems. They failed, miserably. It's obvious that a small number of servers got the large majority of pre-launch guilds, and those are the ones with huge queues of people who are forced to sit in them if they want to play their established characters, with friends.


It's unacceptable.

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You guys gotta be kidding me, I've never seen this many babies "wah'ing" about something in my life not even over food! Good God go read a book, go outside, play with your kids, twirl a staff and pretend its a light saber, exercise for an hr as you wait, I'm sure that pizza and soda combo you got delivered needs to be worked off. Gah it's like you ppl don't have a mind of your own to realize that everybody here is human and like you they probably have staff that gets off at 5 and other staff that has to work overtime to make your whiny *** happy. Between this an a jb for iOS 5 I dunno who gets the most babies. Furthermore, I doubt they are even reading your posts so your complaining to each other. Honestly, I'd read 3-10 random post and that's it if I were them so i could get back to work and think about it with all your bs complaints about refund this and sue that, someone from the staff may have to read all this crap which takes somebody of the project of getting you what the hell you wanted in the first place. So sit back stop your b****ing and go the hell outside, learn how to play an instrument, draw, dance, something instead of look at a line go down. JESUS!
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My spot in queue is 1079 this is outrageous. I paid $80 to play this game and the queue is over 3 hours long. I've been part of many game launches and I've NEVER seen a queue that was this long. Worst yet is Bioware were the ones that put me on this server via guild.


I seriously want my money back, this is outrageous.



Previous post went into the wrong forum




There are plenty of servers you can play on . Choose 1.

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You guys gotta be kidding me, I've never seen this many babies "wah'ing" about something in my life not even over food! Good God go read a book, go outside, play with your kids, twirl a staff and pretend its a light saber, exercise for an hr as you wait, I'm sure that pizza and soda combo you got delivered needs to be worked off. Gah it's like you ppl don't have a mind of your own to realize that everybody here is human and like you they probably have staff that gets off at 5 and other staff that has to work overtime to make your whiny *** happy. Between this an a jb for iOS 5 I dunno who gets the most babies. Furthermore, I doubt they are even reading your posts so your complaining to each other. Honestly, I'd read 3-10 random post and that's it if I were them so i could get back to work and think about it with all your bs complaints about refund this and sue that, someone from the staff may have to read all this crap which takes somebody of the project of getting you what the hell you wanted in the first place. So sit back stop your b****ing and go the hell outside, learn how to play an instrument, draw, dance, something instead of look at a line go down. JESUS!


I'm a disabled veteran with a full time job and other obligations. This game isn't my life, it's what I (want to) do for fun. I go out and do things on the weekends. When I get off of work, I'd like to sit down and enjoy a game that I paid $80 for, and will likely give another $15 a month in the future. I consider this an investment in entertainment, an investment that is not providing returns. Remember when HP's CEO said they were cancelling their PC products? HP's investors replaced the CEO with another one, because they wanted their investment to provide acceptable returns.


It's simple logic. However, I am likely explaining it to a bunch of teenagers/college students on winter break with no comprehension of how things work in the real world.

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They should let us transfer our character to a different server for free for few days so people would split in other less populated servers i don't mind playing in another one but my character is too high level to make a new one Please HEAR My Voice !!!
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Is it possible there can be a warning on super high pop servers, like mine with the 1 hour queue to get on during prime? Oh and did I mention that after waiting for an hour and a half, I got the server unavailable....


If people are still making characters on these servers without knowing how redic high pop they are, unless they are already full (and that bespeaks another problem).....I understand the need to not run completely out of space on servers but without raising caps and simultaneously warning, but not keeping players from making new characters, what can we do. It seems like server queues are a disincentive to new and existing players, not just the new ones.


Help us Stephen


- Friends on Anchorhead

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It's not pleasant, but I don't think that its worth quite this much angst we see. Do I like trying to log on for a couple hours of play and spend most of it waiting in a queue? No not really. But there's not a lot to do about it right now, and hope that BW does something about it. I don't mind issues with the game, but I can tell you that if I don't see actual progress, then I'll start doubting whether this game is worth it. For now, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's an enormous launch, far beyond any MMO launch, and it will have it's bumps.


BW's response to issues will be the thing to determine this game's success or failure, and I hope they rise to the occasion.


You should add Space Slug to the list, imo. It's got queues most of the day. My current wait is 40 min...and yes, we were placed here with the pre-launch guild program.

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You guys do realize that in 5 days all the kids that have no jobs are gonna rip open their copies. And when that happens, the queues are gonna skyrocket and then our servers are all going to be filled with 12 year olds! HAHAHAHAHAHA *lightning crackles from fingertips* Anyways, at least we know Bioware is working on the issue. I also work hard for my money and I do enjoy playing this game. It's launch day, guys. At least we can play the game and there aren't many bugs (minus a very obvious one XD). Patience is a virtue, and I'm no saint, but I still enjoy the game and the polish that they put into it. Thanks for the heads up, BW. I appreciate the communication.
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In my humble opinion, but very seriously, lock those overcrowded servers down! If you do not have a character on that server yet, too bad, no luck, go look for another one (guild assigned accounts excluded).


We have been assigned by BW on Frostclaw, most of our guild is above 15, even 20 I'd say, and as long as there are no server transfers available, guild settings included, we'll not move that easily. It's now up to BW to get things resolved.


And consider this, many new players have an unconsious urge to roll characters on overcrowded server because the have this idea in the back of their mind that tells them it's for his/her own good, there's lot of activity, thus it must be a good server, thus it will benefit them also. I admit I was one of those players once in other MMO's I'll not name, just to find out it's not a good thing to do that, it does not benefit you or anyone else.

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Dear Mr Reid,


While I understand your position on this topic here is a little of what's going on with server ques and issues.


For the most part things were smooth up until Dec 20th launch day. Some lag, to be expected but not serious. Then some frequent lag spikes and alot of disconnects.


Then more disconnects, and then put into a que of 996. Now if I have been playing for several hours why should I have to wait for over an hour to get back into the game?


Tonight around 1130PM EST I got disconected to the login server, first time all day. Then the ques has me from 996 all the way to under 200.


I get Dced again login error 2009 or something and 20 minutes I can't login same error message my account wasn't logged out properly.


Then I am able to get in the que again 30 min later and its 560 this time.


I payed for the game, I'm signed up to pay 15$ a month, I know its early in the game but the que system needs to address this.


My server is Helm of graush and it didn't make the full server list, but it should because its full every night about an hour wait.


Maby those other servers are longer que times but this is not how i want to spend my time and money looking at que screens.


Not trying to be disrespectful in anyway just posting from my view (frustrated).


Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

Edited by Qauisimoto
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In my humble opinion, but very seriously, lock those overcrowded servers down! If you do not have a character on that server yet, too bad, no luck, go look for another one (guild assigned accounts excluded).


We have been assigned by BW on Frostclaw, most of our guild is above 15, even 20 I'd say, and as long as there are no server transfers available, guild settings included, we'll not move that easily. It's now up to BW to get things resolved.


And consider this, many new players have an unconsious urge to roll characters on overcrowded server because the have this idea in the back of their mind that tells them it's for his/her own good, there's lot of activity, thus it must be a good server, thus it will benefit them also. I admit I was one of those players once in other MMO's I'll not name, just to find out it's not a good thing to do that, it does not benefit you or anyone else.


I agree wholeheartedly. They should at least lock the servers that they mentioned to be nearing their limit. I (quite unfortunately) created a character on "The Fatman" before there was ANY population on it and now, after having to wait 2 hours+ in queue, I am just completely disappointed that I ever bought this game (the Collector's Edition no less). The queues on these servers are basically punishing us early birds for pre-ordering the game. Had I known that my server was going to be THIS overpopulated, I would've never gotten on it! If that's not an option, focus on getting character transfers out and let us poor, dedicated fans at least transfer to a server with a 20 minute queue >_< Heck, at least then I might be able to get more than an hour of play time in a day >_<

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Look man, I appreciate what you are saying, I really do. But the simple fact is I paid $80 for a product that I cannot use, that does not function as advertised.



Bzzt... wrong. There are plenty of servers with Standard or light populations. More importantly, BW has no fault in the server populations. It's entirely the fault of the player base being morons. People want to roll on high pop servers, cause they're afraid of a lower pop server being a ghost town. Also, people want to roll on Oceanic servers (especially PvP) because they are active 24/7.


It's no different than wanting to join a specific server of Battlefield 3 (or any other online game) when the server is full. You can't play on that server. However, you still CAN play.

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