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Bioware, I am Disappoint


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2.0 is yet another step in the wrong direction.


TTK? oh yeah we're gonna pretty much cut it in half.

EWH gear? sorry you suckas that spent the ridiculous amount of time to grind it out, but it is completely worthless now.

Class balance? Oh we're just gonna give everyone a bunch of new skills and stuff, and not really balance anything right now.


very frustrating. tempted to just cancel and not come back after seeing the shape the PTS is in right now. it is a complete joke

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PTS buddy, PTS... You can not complain while the REAL patch notes on Live servers are released.

They will change something until there.




OP, You remember last time they had a patch on PTS? There were updates and rebalances almost every day. These are the initial patch notes, nothing set in stone. So stop with the "WAAAAA BIOWARE SUCKS" threads and actually get on the PTS and give constructive criticism about what should be changed before you comment on theoretical changes.

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I hope to God EWH gear becomes worthless. There are 5 more levels and new tiers of gear to be introduced in the expansion. I don't want to be using the same damn gear I've been using for the past few months.




But I do know what you're whining about - that high-end PvE gear is viable in PvP. But as I understand it, said high-end PvE gear is still not as effective as high-end PvP gear. In fact, it's apparently halfway between Recruit and EWH (in current 1.x terms, I think that's somewhere around Battlemaster?)


I think it's nice for some raider somewhere who wants to try out a WZ can come in and not get hopelessly slaughtered left and right. He's decently geared, but he'll probably still get rolled by a min-maxed PvPer. Also take note that PvE gear will probably be optimizing different stats, which won't be as valuable in PvP (Accuracy, for instance).


And if the PvE gear is high-end enough, it won't even benefit from any bolstering. As far as I understand it, the bolstering takes into account the item level of the gear - which means top tier PvE gear will have the same item level as top tier PvP gear and therefore won't get bolstered.

Edited by Zakmonster
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OP, You remember last time they had a patch on PTS? There were updates and rebalances almost every day. These are the initial patch notes, nothing set in stone. So stop with the "WAAAAA BIOWARE SUCKS" threads and actually get on the PTS and give constructive criticism about what should be changed before you comment on theoretical changes.


You forgot to add the /sarcasm after your post. Every patch note concerning class changes that has been posted and tested on the PTS to date, has went to live as is. And the highlighted is bs if you weren't being sarcastic, as I stated previously.


Soooooo try again?

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I can't get access to the PTS. What gear is everyone using? Are you a maxed-expertise twink Smashing some PvE hero? Or is everyone on equal Expertise and the numbers are really out of whack?


There's a bug where you can boost your stats to insane levels right now. Highest HP I've seen is 295k.

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2.0 is yet another step in the wrong direction.

EWH gear? sorry you suckas that spent the ridiculous amount of time to grind it out, but it is completely worthless now.

Class balance? Oh we're just gonna give everyone a bunch of new skills and stuff, and not really balance anything right now.


this was obvious that it was going to happen, whenever theres an expansion previous gear turns to useless or simply garbage

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You forgot to add the /sarcasm after your post. Every patch note concerning class changes that has been posted and tested on the PTS to date, has went to live as is. And the highlighted is bs if you weren't being sarcastic, as I stated previously.


Soooooo try again?


this right here.


PTS is nothing but a demo server and a way for bioware to make a minor attempt to catch major gamebreaking bugs. and this 2.0 patch has the least amount of polish i have seen so far.


all this new crap to test in PvP, and we have to grind out the armor ourselves? cmon man..........


the least bioware could have done was up WH/EWH to the expertise levels of the new armors. so that they are not completely worthless.


PvP is likely not going to get proper player testing b/c only a small minority of players are going to bother to a) grind out a new base PvP set, and b) min/max a new PvP set to get the most out of their class. i hope that bioware realizes this and gives us a way to acquire a free PvP set so that we can properly test the game for them, since they clearly cant be a**ed to do any of it internally (think the bolster bug would have been caught in about 20 minutes, i have seen at least 2 people in every warzone ive been in w/ >30k health).

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this was obvious that it was going to happen, whenever theres an expansion previous gear turns to useless or simply garbage

How is it exactly 'completely useless'? I mean.. besides of course that there is a new tier of gear to go after.


My point is: if you can start level 55 PVP in EWH gear, than it is by definition not useless.

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How is it exactly 'completely useless'? I mean.. besides of course that there is a new tier of gear to go after.


My point is: if you can start level 55 PVP in EWH gear, than it is by definition not useless.


except that EWH does not have the same expertise as the new stuff, and wearing level 50 gear at level 55 kills your stats.

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Well from what I have seen on the forums is that the Dev's, CS has been more interactive with the community. Which tells me that maybe SWTOR is changing and that they are putting more effort into community relations and it looks like they they are actually hearing us, which I hope this trend continues and gets better.


Instead of nonconstructive posts that not much can come out of. Help by speaking rationally and why you think the new system is flawed. Why is it a step in the wrong direction? How can they improve the TTK? They created the PTS for a reason, it is to help us help them so go there and give your ideas about it in a rational manner. If we dont give feedback they think that everything is ok and it goes live.


I have not always been that way myself with the decisions of the "Powers that be", but i've seen quite a differnent tone from them and they want their/our game to be a sucess as much as you do, so get on PTS and help the game if you are so passionate about it (as many of us are).

Edited by Philastra
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Well from what I have seen on the forums is that the Dev's, CS has been more interactive with the community. Which tells me that maybe SWTOR is changing and that they are putting more effort into community relations and it looks like they they are actually hearing us, which I hope this trend continues and gets better.


Instead of nonconstructive posts that not much can come out of. Help by speaking rationally and why you think the new system is flawed. Why is it a step in the wrong direction? How can they improve the TTK? They created the PTS for a reason, it is to help us help them so go there and give your ideas about it in a rational manner. If we dont give feedback they think that everything is ok and it goes live.


I have not always been that way myself with the decisions of the "Powers that be", but i've seen quite a differnent tone from them and they want their/our game to be a sucess as much as you do, so get on PTS and help the game if you are so passionate about it (as many of us are).


I agree with this, it really looks like they are going to seriously use the test server for the first time, so it would make sense that the testing starts with a less polished build (i mean, the bolster bug is ridiculous...)


Give them the benefit of the doubt one more time, and get the pitchforks if it goes live next week without any real bugfixes?

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2.0 is yet another step in the wrong direction.


TTK? oh yeah we're gonna pretty much cut it in half.

EWH gear? sorry you suckas that spent the ridiculous amount of time to grind it out, but it is completely worthless now.

Class balance? Oh we're just gonna give everyone a bunch of new skills and stuff, and not really balance anything right now.


very frustrating. tempted to just cancel and not come back after seeing the shape the PTS is in right now. it is a complete joke


I know the feeling about the end game gear.


This game has been out a year and gear changes every couple of months, I was still collecting BM bags was happy with my almsot all champion set up untill the gear was discontinued and BM gear became the new low end gear.


I spent countless hours cashing in Warzone Comms for Rank Commed for Warhero Gear, then just like that Warhero was then new low and BM gear was removed.


Point is, i have learned. I dont have elite warhero because i knew that in 3 months or so that would be the new low tier and would be easy to obtain.


The gear changes have been pretty frequent and spending hours grinding is pretty much a waste of time.


You can bet your back end that when the Makeb Expansion comes live, what ever new level 55 gear is on Test today will be the new low tier then.


You have been Warned.

Edited by kirorx
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PTS buddy, PTS... You can not complain while the REAL patch notes on Live servers are released.

They will change something until there.


Sure we can complain, the classes are still unbalanced, that is this barrier joke all about, is this suppossed to help sorcs survive? Cool I can survive an additional 10 seconds how exciting.

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