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Shadow Teleport and Sage 10-Second God Mode


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You know, I have to hand it to them. They just solved every single class balance problem in the game with one patch. Get ready to forget everything you thought you knew about what is broken in this game, cause it's a brand new day. At least it will mix up the topics of the whine threads around here for a while.


They should have called this 5.0.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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You know, I have to hand it to them. They just solved every single class balance problem in the game with one patch. Get ready to forget everything you thought you knew about what is broken in this game, cause it's a brand new day. At least it will mix up the topics of the whine threads around here for a while.


They should have called this 5.0.


i'll start. nerf force barrier. buff smash even more.

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i'll start. nerf force barrier. buff smash even more.


Looking at the patch notes they nerfed bubble and smash got a very SLIGHT buff in the form of only requiring 3 stacks instead of 4. (stacks up to 3 times, but each stack is now 33.3% so occasionally, a smash will go off 1s earlier than it would have waiting for a 4th stack.)

Shields also mitigate force now.

And most of the new abilities I'm ok with, I'm not sure about phasewalk - tankasins may be nigh unkillable now.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Force Barrier is a channeled Stun. The person the Sorcerer channels it on can't move, can't attack, can't heal, or use any utility abilities. But it is only self-targetable. It's another kiting tool in a game that is all about objectives. It may have a use or two, but 99.99% of the ability is stupid and useless and won't do anything except prolong a loss.


Other classes get things like a 60M teleport so they can guard a node without even having to guard a node. For the best node guarder in the game. They get things like reflect 100% of all damage done for 3 seconds back at the caster. For a class with all sorts of survivability tools. They get things like a damaging ability that can be used while CC'd and isn't on the GCD so can add burst. For the class with possibly the most burst in the game. They get things like a 30M ranged ability that does damage and slows a target. From a melee class. Sorcerer's get a self stun.


Plus now force lightning can be shielded, bubble stun is gone, but smash gets buffed. And doesn't have to worry about getting reflected since it is an AoE ability...?

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Gosh we might have to...wait for it....test it:eek:


How many things, in the history of swtor's test server, have actually been changed in any fundamental way based on player feedback and testing?


I'll wait, feel free to write up a multi-page report on your findings!


Once things hit the PTS in this game, they are basically going live plus/minus a small adjustment in numbers... but dont count on it. It's a preview server, not a test server.

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Force barrier is a very weak ability, and I wonder if it is interruptible causes then it is pretty useless. Snipers get a form of force speed which breaks movement impairements and an all enemy effect cleanser which by the sound of it can also cleanse dots. Actually the patch nite changes for sages are very few, only good thing is you can "burst" as a sage every two minutes, yey.
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Pointless 1v1? So eating all that dmg inside of a stun is better than using this ability? Or have you never heard of stalling to have cooldowns reset, or your resolve so the sorc can stun u more.


2 ticks on door left, and only the sorc is alive. Bam, god mode...stop the cap at 7 secs until team returns. Same for civil war, novare, hyper gates. Who knows if this prevents death from detonation.

Edited by Ravashakk
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Sorcerers, especially madness, were already the best kiters in game. Maybe only Assassins were close. It was killing things, burst damage, and defense while getting focused that Sorcs were horribad at. So now they gave a defense ability that would help while contributing damage to Juggernaughts, because saberward and heavy armor wasn't getting the job done. They gave powertechs burst damage off of GCD that they could add to their already 7.5 second TTK. They gave marauders a 30 meter ability. A melee class with an instant range closer now also has full ranged damage capabilities. Assassinsgot better at node guarding, without even having to node guard anymore. Phase walking and force speed means they can atta k west on novare and still defend east within the time it would take somebody to cap. Or civil war. Sorcs got a channeled stun... self only. It would be a cool ability if we could channel it on teammates and make them take no damage. It would ne awesome as a channeled stun. Make enemies take no damage but be unable to act while we channeled. Instead we can take ourselves out of the fight.


Sorcs can los and kite without having to los and kite. Except kiting only works when we can heal ourself. This ability helps in huttball, but really doesn't do anything anywhere else. My sorc is getting retired. If the ability that Bioware thinks best fits my sorcerer is to remove himself completely from combat and mot help anyone at all, I will just use that full time. No reason to channel it on myself for 10 seconds, I'll just put him on a shelf full time.

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I play a hybrid healy sorc, and I'm currently downloadstunned for 10 hours while I get the PTS client. :D


Granted, I have not yet had the chance to test because I'm still downloading (not to mention the bug reports of being able to smash for 70k and whatnot, 1 player putting out 5 million damage in a warzone, I would expect some bugs to be corrected) :rolleyes: but I can actually envision this as being useful for kiting.


Both our sprint and our overload have 20 second cooldowns. In heal spec, sprint breaks roots. The root on knockback is low in the lightning tree. Hybrid combines the two, which aside from the soon-to-be-nerfed bubblestun is why we run it. (Admittedly, I haven't seen how things got moved around in the trees yet...) There are those times in warzones where enough melee jump to me when both of those are on cooldown.


That is usually when I die.


The bubble by itself might seem like merely stalling the inevitable, but when I have two escape mechanisms, both on short cooldowns, suddenly it starts to look a lot more useful. I can literally bubble to wait out half an escape cooldown, and laugh at all the smashing and ravaging and railshotting going on while doing it. Taking into account that they are ALSO giving all sorcs the alacrity/interrupt-immunity cooldown currently locked up more than halfway up the lightning tree per the PTS patch notes, I can then quickly run around a corner after the immunity bubble ends and heal myself back up, popping interrupt immunity cooldown if I must. Oh, and trolol if I'm whitebarred while doing it.


It will be interesting to see what a trolol sorc can do with this once the obvious reported PTS bugs with people doing 50k smashes and having hundreds of thousands of hitpoints if they field respec and whatnot are ironed out.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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1. Does the 10 secondes immunity make you also immune to all DoTs on you?

2. Has anyone tried using the 10 second immunity in Ancient Hypergate and survived a Pylon reset blast? (I'm curious, and I won't get an answer unless someone else was just as curious)

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How is it god-mode for a sorc? Sweet I delay my death for 10 seconds.....yippe.


You can be healed through it and as far as the healing sorc goes...


Corrupted Barrier ~ "Your Static Barrier and Force Barrier heal you for 1% of your total health every second for as long as they last


So a static barrier, resurgence, innervate and force barrier and any other HoT ability might bring you back to 100%.


Also, should kill time for your team to show up.

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