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Remove Phase Walk!


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Why not 60m ommm... "light run" for poor sorcs/sages? :confused:

Why not 60m emmm... "rocket jump" for poor mercs/commandos? :confused:

Why not 60m hmmm... "sneaky path" for poor ops/scoundrels? :confused:

LOL even why not "mega jump" for juggs/maras/vangurads/powertechs/sents etc? :rolleyes:


BUT 60m teleport for already overpowered sins/shadows! :eek:


45 sec CD

1.5 sec activation time

60 metres range

120 sec it last

doesnt break stealth


when specced in tank tree, you can place AOE which increase up to 5 teammate's incoming healing by 2.5% (problem with that is, that is a HUGE *** pink circle so using it in stealth is also giving up on your position)


Bioware, please remove Phase Walk from PvP! :rak_01:

Edited by Glower
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Tbh I don't even know how often I will even get to use this ability. I mean I am defending the majority of my warzones so its not like im going to need to go anywhere unless I can phase walk right out of spawn to the door....omg I need to test this ability now.
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Considering Smashers are now doing 13k crits i think this ability is perfect


13 k Crits good lord, all they need is two smashers smashing at the same time in a group and taking out a group of players with one move, is there really any reason to have a class buffed so high that it makes most other dps classes obsolete?

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Sages got a really awesome new ability though. I intend to call it "waiting for other classes to show up". Sages couldn't survive on their own, so instead of adding an ability that increases their survival while fighting, they added one that apparently let's you stand perfectly still and do nothing for 10 seconds until someone shows up to maybe distract the PT that is about to molest you. Oh yeah, PTs got a friggin shoulder rocket...


On a side note, my Mara likes this change, I'm assuming I can just sit there beating on the Sage's shield, building rage, and waiting for my big hitters to come off CD...

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13 k Crits good lord, all they need is two smashers smashing at the same time in a group and taking out a group of players with one move, is there really any reason to have a class buffed so high that it makes most other dps classes obsolete?


I don't know why so many are overreacting to the lvl 55 smash damage, for all we know, the new hp totals will average 40 or 50k, and 13k will be nothing.

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Sages got a really awesome new ability though. I intend to call it "waiting for other classes to show up". Sages couldn't survive on their own, so instead of adding an ability that increases their survival while fighting, they added one that apparently let's you stand perfectly still and do nothing for 10 seconds until someone shows up to maybe distract the PT that is about to molest you. Oh yeah, PTs got a friggin shoulder rocket...


On a side note, my Mara likes this change, I'm assuming I can just sit there beating on the Sage's shield, building rage, and waiting for my big hitters to come off CD...


Loled because looks like true story!

Best post this week.

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lol unbelievable, the most powerful class in the game gets this cool ability making him even more overpowered.

And the poor sorcerers - delaying the inevitable for 10 seconds and within that time they are only 2 things they can do:

1. cry for help on the ops chat for 10 seconds

2. or rethink about playing a sorcerer in pvp


FYI: i rolled a shadow after my sorc got mauled within 2seconds for 11k and the next second got a shock for 3k.

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lol unbelievable, the most powerful class in the game gets this cool ability making him even more overpowered.

And the poor sorcerers - delaying the inevitable for 10 seconds and within that time they are only 2 things they can do:

1. cry for help on the ops chat for 10 seconds

2. or rethink about playing a sorcerer in pvp


FYI: i rolled a shadow after my sorc got mauled within 2seconds for 11k and the next second got a shock for 3k.


To the people saying the new sorc shield is useless need to rethink. If anyone has played WoW (sorry for bringing it up) one of mage's best abilities was Ice block which is exactly what this new skill is. It allows times for heals, it gives you time to wait on cooldowns, it saves you from smashes when used properly. It is a very good skill. Phase walk should of went to operatives but it is okay. All of the changes are great. You people should be more concerned with operatives...becaue good ones that play now (they are rare) are going to eat you for breakfast with the changes they got. IT is about time they got some love.


EDIT: and if done properly, it should say immune when you try to attack them so you wont be able to build rage or whatever you are done. Pretty much if you are standing there for 10 seconds trying to hit them you are wasting time. And good sorcs wont use the full 10 seconds, they will use it to mitigate your cc or burst, and come out and kill you. It is a good skill.

Edited by Cwild
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lol unbelievable, the most powerful class in the game gets this cool ability making him even more overpowered.

And the poor sorcerers - delaying the inevitable for 10 seconds and within that time they are only 2 things they can do:

1. cry for help on the ops chat for 10 seconds

2. or rethink about playing a sorcerer in pvp


FYI: i rolled a shadow after my sorc got mauled within 2seconds for 11k and the next second got a shock for 3k.


Just what this game needs, more terribad assassins.

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And I was told phase walk had to be used in stealth...pffft. If it goes live like it is shown in the vid, I will not be playing anymore. The fact the ability exists and they gave it to sins of all classes...makes me wonder.


I also see the sorc shield being too strong in pvp considering how many ppl play them. It will be impossible to beat a lightning sorc 1v1 with all the cc/kiting/immunity they'll have. Melee jumps sorc, bubble stun. Melee comes out and gets stunned by sorc for 4 seconds. New bubble cast. Melee attacks and breaks bubble to be stunned for almost 10 secs straight. But hey, if you're still alive you are now free to beat on the sorc. Wait, you mean he can knock back root to kite you or better yet spam god mode for 10 secs waiting for your resolve to drop and his bubble stunning combo to be ready again? Too much control for 1 class/spec.

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Why not 60m ommm... "light run" for poor sorcs/sages? :confused:

Why not 60m emmm... "rocket jump" for poor mercs/commandos? :confused:

Why not 60m hmmm... "sneaky path" for poor ops/scoundrels? :confused:

LOL even why not "mega jump" for juggs/maras/vangurads/powertechs/sents etc? :rolleyes:


BUT 60m teleport for already overpowered sins/shadows! :eek:




Bioware, please remove Phase Walk from PvP! :rak_01:


yeah, I have to agree with this, this ability is way overpowered and has no place in the game. It's really going to ruin pvp. I think I'd rather have permanent lolsmash/bubblestun than this. When I was on the PTS, I was able to check the gtn, then instantly teleport to my cargo bay to move items around. It can and will be abused and make the game a lot less fun to play. I already saw some sins place their Phase Walk right over a health pickup in voidstar.


With all the uproar the past few months about speedhacking/teleporting around and bioware saying they were going to ban teleporters, why in the hell would they give a class a teleport ability?? :confused:


The original devs must be rolling over in their graves.

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