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Cathar Coming in 2.0?


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Rofl call me a tentacle head also. I want a Togruta & a Nautolan also. But seeing as we are closing on a full year for the Cathar that were promised for 2012 and they aren't exactly forthcoming with information (seriously their communication level is subarctic on any given subject and that lil gold post finding is like an insane scavenger hunt)


Considering they haven't talked about any other species or given any update on Cathar I don't expect the next specie to hit before 2015


Said but true. Really, new playable species are all I hold out for in SWTOR anymore.

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I thought the advertisement about Cathar said "during 2012", didn't it?


Yep. Was also got told the number of player species would be increased in 2012. They made it sound like more than one but that didn't happen. I really would like to know what is making so long to slap some tiger face paint on a human model.

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Yep. Was also got told the number of player species would be increased in 2012. They made it sound like more than one but that didn't happen. I really would like to know what is making so long to slap some tiger face paint on a human model.


Well, the hope is that when they arrive, they will look a lot better than "tiger face paint on a human model". :-)


I'm honestly hoping they look more like the Cathar NPC's in game already, rather than the one we saw in the teaser video. Speaking of which, I thought the video said "this year" rather than "2012". Now yes, the reasonable assumption is that they mean the calander year (2012) but they could also justly claim that they meant "within one year from today" which still gives them time.


And of course, they can always remind us that priorities shift, release dates slide, etc. It happens. Believe me, I'm looking forward to playing a Cathar (been holding off on doing the Jedi Knight storyline until I can play it as a Cathar!), but I know that at this point, we can do nothing but wait and hope that they're worth it when they get here.


Hang in there!

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Ah furry lovers, how amusing (and at times disturbing) you folks can be. :rolleyes:


I suspect it'll show up in the cartel market . I'm curious as to what changes the cartel market will be bringing if its disabled right now.


It's so "disturbing" to be something outside of "human" "human with funny cloth on head" "human with funny face paint" or "human with spikes on head". To boring people.


Yes, I've ran pen and paper RPGs for decades. The boring players refused to play anything, ever, that didn't resemble them in real life, only more muscular, with less of a neckbeard.


It's not just Cathar that'd help. It'd be awesome to have lots of different shapes and sizes to playable species. Rodians would be an excellent choice (yes, they can speak Basic). The "they can't romance the main characters" is a silly mental roadblock, but if necessary, just disable the romance option (so make them "female" to Risha and "male" to Corso).


I'm for variety. Multi-colored humans with funny facial decorations are poor excuses for aliens to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There are Cather, they just aren't playable yet. ;)


There are lot of items in game that have various unplayable species' names on them.


yeah I mean, if we use that logic clearly we'rte getting arkanian characters soon (....... if we ARE BW that'd rock)

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There are Cather, they just aren't playable yet. ;).

thanks for clearing that up, i would have never known


yeah I mean, if we use that logic clearly we'rte getting arkanian characters soon (....... if we ARE BW that'd rock)

i only said that because the cathar was announced to be a playable species later, you ***

Edited by Fatal-N-Felony
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I want to roll a nightsister regardless of timeline


I thought they were basically humans, living on The Planet of the Rankors ?

If so then you most assuredly can play one now, except that she will have to be a jedi and can not travel to Dathomir?


and I want to roll a Jawa Juggernaut.


Now there is a hilarious mental image :)

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New information from the state of the game 3:


Sometime in early summer there will be a method for changing one's appearance (including species), by spending cartel coins. So it's an advanced barber shop that takes cartel coins.


Early summer, barber shop, species change in barber shop. That's the new information from that post.


No mention of when Cathar will be implemented. It could be implemented when the barber shop is implemented, but that wasn't stated, so Cathar may be implemented long after the barber shop. I mean this to only be a statement of fact, but today's announcement is about intentions and is light on details. That is proper and to be expected for future content that is still in development.

Edited by Jaing
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Where did you read about early summer for that stuff? I read the whole thing twice.


Here it is:

And I’m happy to announce that we’ll be introducing several new features along the way, like a new customization feature, which will allow you to change your character's hair style, eye color, body type, or even species (including the upcoming Cathar!) using Cartel Coins. Look for it in early summer.
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Hey guys,


Just going to leave this link to Jeff Hickman's State of the Game here. Cathar are mentioned. :jawa_smile:


I am confused I read the state of the game and yes a species we know will be released will be released and when the baber shop is put in we can species change. Are you saying that I missed this something and Cathar will be in before ROTHC, that they will be in with 2.0. Or is this simply telling us they were mentioned but we still dont have a date?


Just for the record I dont want a cat man, all I want is to waste 15 bucks or what ever they cost so I might get a species I do want to play Kel'dor, Gran or Trandoshan.

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