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Imperial First Mobile Fleet Rep Grind


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I waited to post this up until I could be sure that the weekly cap could not be reached by doing the dailies and the weekly space quests for imp first mobile fleet rep. Well I just finished my weekly which finally appeared today and needless to say I am quite disappointed.

If you do the heroic daily space mission along with the regular daily space mission everyday you earn only 6300 rep (900 rep per day). The weekly quest only awards 2070 rep bringing the total weekly reputation that one can earn on if they play a single character to 8370 rep. Only one problem the weekly cap is 12000.

That's right Bioware implemented a reputation grind that requires you to do space missions on two characters a week if you want to reach the cap! I find this absolutely ridiculous! Right off the bat it alienates players that only have 1 level 50 character that they play with. Not to mention the fact that I don't think anyone in SWTOR enjoys or is willing to do 2 sets of space mission dailies everyday. I know I'm not. Add on top of that that the non subscribers earn even less reputation and it makes its glaringly obvious that bioware didn't care enough to test this out or do the simple math to see that single characters are unable to reach the weekly cap limit on rep.

Bioware I am extremely disappointed by your implementation of imperial first mobile fleet rep and I ask you to please correct this issue right away as I would really like to reach my weekly cap so that I can max rep with fleet asap and never have to do another space mission again.

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You don't have to cap out every week. They need to make content that takes time to burn up.


No, you do not have to, but it would be nice to at least be able to reach the cap if one desired. Why have a cap in game if you make it so people can't get there?

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On the upside, the cap does prohibit players of multiple characters reaching the top tier of rep in no time at all. Good compromise and at the same time, no different to all the comm caps for other static dailies in game.


By the way OP, do you intend to only have one character at level 50 ever?

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You people seem to not have read my post. That is my chief complaint! that if you only have 1 level 50 character you can't reach the rep cap. And yes I have multiple 50s, but I only play my main and only leveled them up to raise presence and get the class buffs. I have zero desire to run these space missions on multiple toons. Not only would it cost me money and comms to get the grade 7 upgrades, but I absolutely cannot stand space they currently have in game. Space missions in this game are like doing inventory on a friday night...terrible. Extremely easy but I could think of a thousand things i would rather do. The fact that bioware set up the rep grind for this like this is insulting and alienates those who only want to play 1 level 50 char. They need to fix it
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Its not super important to reach legend status in three weeks. Also if you don't like the space missions, don't do them. Its simply a costume reward at the end.




Also, Ascendancy Barrier and its Republic equivalent give a 270 rep trophy, not that this would allow you to max out rep, but you'd get there somewhat faster.

Edited by Vandicus
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You people seem to not have read my post. That is my chief complaint! that if you only have 1 level 50 character you can't reach the rep cap. And yes I have multiple 50s, but I only play my main and only leveled them up to raise presence and get the class buffs. I have zero desire to run these space missions on multiple toons. Not only would it cost me money and comms to get the grade 7 upgrades, but I absolutely cannot stand space they currently have in game. Space missions in this game are like doing inventory on a friday night...terrible. Extremely easy but I could think of a thousand things i would rather do. The fact that bioware set up the rep grind for this like this is insulting and alienates those who only want to play 1 level 50 char. They need to fix it


Ah I see. You're not really complaining on behalf of players with only one level 50, you're really complaining about the space missions themselves. Say what you mean next time and then people may not misunderstand :p


PS: I don't like space missions much either so have chosen to skip the rep grind for this faction. Luckily there are plenty of other things to do in game :)

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No, you do not have to, but it would be nice to at least be able to reach the cap if one desired. Why have a cap in game if you make it so people can't get there?


In order to cap people from taking too much advantage BY HAVING MULTIPLE CHARACTERS.


The cap is there as a roadblock in MULTIPLE CHARACTER TERRITORY.


Putting the cap in SINGLE CHARACTER TERRITORY would just be lame. A single character shouldn't be able to hit that cap, he should be rewarded for doing as much space as he wants to do.


Hitting the weekly cap isn't an ACHIEVEMENT, there's no REWARD for it ... ITS THERE TO STOP YOU.


Bioware I am extremely disappointed by your implementation of imperial first mobile fleet rep and I ask you to please correct this issue right away as I would really like to reach my weekly cap so that I can max rep with fleet asap and never have to do another space mission again.


But you realize you wouldn't actually be earning more reputation, it would just change the description of what you are currently getting to "Max".


"Dear Company I work for,


This is my second job and I can only work here part time. As such, I don't get as big a paycheck. I am extremely dissapointed that I am not achieving the most here. Could you please lower everyone else's paycheck to a lower maximum so that I can be satisfied in knowing that I am being paid the maximum amount and as much as anyone here at the company?


I would like to be efficient as possible, and this would ensure that I'm making as much as is actually possible.


- Thank You,


Mr. Finds-Pride-In-The-Semantically-Trivial"



....sigh ...


Listen, I'm not trying to be too antagonistic here (although admittedly I didn't really restrain myself a minute ago), and there are certainly good reasons for the existence of caps.


... but the logic you put forward here is all screwy.

Edited by Jagrevi
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Its not super important to reach legend status in three weeks. Also if you don't like the space missions, don't do them. Its simply a costume reward at the end.




Also, Ascendancy Barrier and its Republic equivalent give a 270 rep trophy, not that this would allow you to max out rep, but you'd get there somewhat faster.


I was already including that...please read the OP. Also it would be more than 3 weeks to reach it only reason Im doing it is for titles and I'm a completionist.

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Ah I see. You're not really complaining on behalf of players with only one level 50, you're really complaining about the space missions themselves. Say what you mean next time and then people may not misunderstand :p


PS: I don't like space missions much either so have chosen to skip the rep grind for this faction. Luckily there are plenty of other things to do in game :)


And no I'm pointing out the problem for both people that only play 1 level 50 and for the space missions. I personally only play 1 level 50 though I have multiple chars that level. I really dispise being forced into leveling alts to have to do things in game just like this rep grind.

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In order to cap people from taking too much advantage BY HAVING MULTIPLE CHARACTERS.


The cap is there as a roadblock in MULTIPLE CHARACTER TERRITORY.


Putting the cap in SINGLE CHARACTER TERRITORY would just be lame. A single character shouldn't be able to hit that cap, he should be rewarded for doing as much space as he wants to do.


Hitting the weekly cap isn't an ACHIEVEMENT, there's no REWARD for it ... ITS THERE TO STOP YOU.




But you realize you wouldn't actually be earning more reputation, it would just change the description of what you are currently getting to "Max".


"Dear Company I work for,


This is my second job and I can only work here part time. As such, I don't get as big a paycheck. I am extremely dissapointed that I am not achieving the most here. Could you please lower everyone else's paycheck to a lower maximum so that I can be satisfied in knowing that I am being paid the maximum amount and as much as anyone here at the company?


I would like to be efficient as possible, and this would ensure that I'm making as much as is actually possible.


- Thank You,


Mr. Finds-Pride-In-The-Semantically-Trivial"


I get the whole reasoning behind having a cap in place. My problem is not being able to reach that weekly cap with 1 level 50 toon. And I think I discovered biowares mistake with how they were counting on rep. The very first time you complete the heroic quests before you unlock the daily and weekly for the heroics you get rewarded rep tokens. Unfortunately that means everyone who did them the first day they came out is not elgible for the rep rewards for doing them again. They only get the daily and weekly mission rep tokens which comes up short of the weekly cap. Just asking them to balance the field for those who only have 1 level 50 char or only want to play 1.

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being forced


have to do


You may be "forced" into "having to do" these things ... but the only one forcing you to do them is YOU.


It's okay to have personal nuerosises (spelling?), but it's not Bioware's responsibility to cater to them. I may not like my pasta to be in orange boxes, but that's not a problem with the product, and its so specific its not really even a reasonable complaint to make in the company since it doesn't represent the concerns of any real demographic.

Edited by Jagrevi
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doesn't having to do a grind on multiple alts defeat the purpose of the rep being legacywide? I thought the whole point was that you could get your rep for all your characters without having to do it over on each and every character?


asking reduce the cap, I don't see where THAT is coming from, I thought OP was asking to either increase the rewards from currently available missions, or make more missions eligible for rep gain in order to make it possible to reach cap on a single character.


personally, I think its a reasonable request. especially if added missions are the ones that don't require lvl 7 upgrades to complete. something more then just ascendancy barrier.

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Just asking them to balance the field for those who only have 1 level 50 char or only want to play 1.


That's an argument you can make (that the cap should be at exactly the maximum a single character can do). I don't necessarily agree, but I'm sure there are good points you could make there.


That's not really the argument you're putting forth though, as you've already stated what your *actual* reasoning is. You've already so much as admitted, although not necessarily to the obvious irrationality of it, that your actual complaint is more along the lines of "I like to be charged an amount so that I can pay with a prime number of pennies" (IE - something that's not an actual problem).

Edited by Jagrevi
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I already reached my weekly cap... Just do them with 3 chars per week. problem solved. We need more Legacy / Alt promotions like this.

Also doing 3 missions per day (1 per character per day) is very fast and easy. Much faster and much easier than let's say Ilum where there are 6 or 8 or how many of those dailies per char...

Edited by Aelther
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some people in this thread are completing missing the point. Reducing the cap is not what I am asking for. And yes I know you can reach the weekly cap if you use multiple chars. I am saying that the way bioware has it set up currently it alienates the players who only play 1 level 50. I am asking Bioware to increase the rewards or make more missions available so that a player with a single level 50 char can reach the weekly cap. I know it is not necessary for someone to reach the cap each week and that eventually they can get there. But at least make it possible so that someone with a single level 50 char can reach the weekly cap.
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I really dont understand this post. Easrly on it seems the logical answer was run them with more than 1 character. The OP then claims he knows this but doesn't want to. Maybe the answer then is dont hit cap take an extra week or two to get max rep its not like rep really means anything. Take your time enjoy the game dont see it as a second job and if you dont max rep every week your a complete failure.
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I really dont understand this post. Easrly on it seems the logical answer was run them with more than 1 character. The OP then claims he knows this but doesn't want to. Maybe the answer then is dont hit cap take an extra week or two to get max rep its not like rep really means anything. Take your time enjoy the game dont see it as a second job and if you dont max rep every week your a complete failure.


You are missing the point completely. I am saying bioware should make it so that 1 single level 50 char is at least able to reach the weekly cap. Right now there are only 2 ways to reach the weekly cap. #1 Level up and play a 2nd level 50 alt and do the space missions or #2 which only works for the first week...Do the quests to unlock the heroic daily and weekly quests for the first time (eliminates everyone who did the heroic space missions when they first came out).

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I am amazed that Bioware did not catch this while doing their internal testing. Apparent'y their testing involved making fresh lvl 50 toons and doing the heroic quests for the very first time to unlock access to do daily and weekly heroic space missions and then they didnt bother testing anymore. If they had bothered testing properly they would have seen that after you do the heroic quests for the first time you only get rep for doing 1 daily and the weekly heroics and the 1 regular daily. It works fine for the first week, but by the second week you are unable to reach the weekly cap.
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I am amazed that Bioware did not catch this while doing their internal testing. Apparent'y their testing involved making fresh lvl 50 toons and doing the heroic quests for the very first time to unlock access to do daily and weekly heroic space missions and then they didnt bother testing anymore. If they had bothered testing properly they would have seen that after you do the heroic quests for the first time you only get rep for doing 1 daily and the weekly heroics and the 1 regular daily. It works fine for the first week, but by the second week you are unable to reach the weekly cap.


Sure is awfully presumptuous of you to make this post.


Reputation is for your legacy. Your entire legacy needs to contribute for you to maximize your gains, as your entire legacy will reap the benefits.

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And why exactly should one character be able to reach the cap? The cap is a prevention against people with maxed out alts to burn through the content in two days. If you want to play one character only, that is your choice, but do not whine that you are achieving some thing more slowly than if you played it on more characters. The Rep system is not going anywhere, it will remain as long as the game will.


To make an example that you might understand better.

You are building a wall, alone. It will take you a month.

You are building a wall, with three other people that are building other parts of the wall or handing you materials and bricks. It will take you a week.

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And why exactly should one character be able to reach the cap? The cap is a prevention against people with maxed out alts to burn through the content in two days. If you want to play one character only, that is your choice, but do not whine that you are achieving some thing more slowly than if you played it on more characters. The Rep system is not going anywhere, it will remain as long as the game will.


To make an example that you might understand better.

You are building a wall, alone. It will take you a month.

You are building a wall, with three other people that are building other parts of the wall or handing you materials and bricks. It will take you a week.


1. because you can with every other rep.

2. to take your example - if you are getting rep on single character for gree for example, it may take what was it 6 days to max out? but doing it on 2 different characters will take only 3. but you can still max it out in under a week even with a single character.


or with your example of building a wall - if you are building it alone, not only you are building it slower, but you get significantly less bricks. like along you get 1000 bricks per person per week, while working with a group, you get 2000 bricks per person per week.


yes, the cap is there to prevent people from finishing event to quickly. but the cap should also be reachable even if you are not a relentlessly grinding altoholic. so it would take a full week instead of 2 days. but it will still be within reach. k?

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1. because you can with every other rep.

2. to take your example - if you are getting rep on single character for gree for example, it may take what was it 6 days to max out? but doing it on 2 different characters will take only 3. but you can still max it out in under a week even with a single character.


or with your example of building a wall - if you are building it alone, not only you are building it slower, but you get significantly less bricks. like along you get 1000 bricks per person per week, while working with a group, you get 2000 bricks per person per week.


yes, the cap is there to prevent people from finishing event to quickly. but the cap should also be reachable even if you are not a relentlessly grinding altoholic. so it would take a full week instead of 2 days. but it will still be within reach. k?


The fact that you can reach rep cap with a single toon with other reps does not mean every rep cap needs to reachable with a single toon. The purpose of the cap is to prevent a player with a lot of alts from burning through the rep in a couple of days or weeks.


The OP knows the rep cap can be reached. The OP knows how to reach the rep cap. The OP has the means at his disposal to reach the rep cap, but refuses to utilize those means to do so. Instead he wants EA/BW to change the game so he can hit rep cap the way he wants to play. Anyone else see a problem with this?

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I don't see the problem here... You can reach the cap if you run multiple chars...which I think the majority of people do anyway. Don't complain because you can't reach it on one character...you don't have to reach it. It's a choice...if you want to, go do it on the alts. You have the means to do it but you chose not to...there is your answer
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