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25+ legacy (50 legacy let down)


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Yeah you should definitely get something, I mean it is actually a real achievement, and means that you have given BWEA some serious man hours on their game. Seems like they thought "Right well we will put the initial rewards in and add the rest later as nobody will get there straight away" and then....just didn't bother.


Seems like they need to get on top of their housekeeping a lot more in this game, too many little bugs and niggles that should have been fixed at Beta, or reacted to much quicker.

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just mind you that if devs would listen to every one request players make they woudl be busy for next 5 years..:)


apart from that I take the legacy at ease. Nothing really special comes out of it, except the traveling unlocks and field repair droid.

All kinds of xp boosts you may use only for alternative chars, no use for main.

and then, since I had to work hard, to reach legacy levels (I'm only 24 now) i seriously do not see a point of spending extra credits on some unlocks.

Either credits or leveling, those should exclude each other.


I somehow start to lean towards playing alts by class stories - and possibly leveling them to 50, but that would be it.

I just cannot imagine what could be a reason to spend ALL that time to level 8 toons into say, full BH or EWH gear..

It would take YEARS.

i do not have time for this.


Wanna play stories and doei.

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An excellent point...
Exactly! This has been my main issue since it was launched! There has never been any true reward for the legacy system since it came out with price tags on everything! All the hype from EA/BIOWARE about the stupid system and then they have the audacity to require us to buy our rewards...***!? What other game does that to its veterans!? Never have I seen a game crap on its long term subscriber base as much as this one...


The really sad thing is, I continue playing because I enjoy the game...

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Exactly! This has been my main issue since it was launched! There has never been any true reward for the legacy system since it came out with price tags on everything! All the hype from EA/BIOWARE about the stupid system and then they have the audacity to require us to buy our rewards...***!? What other game does that to its veterans!? Never have I seen a game crap on its long term subscriber base as much as this one...


The really sad thing is, I continue playing because I enjoy the game...


Ideally you should be able to buy legacy perks for credits at any level, and get them for free if you level your legacy high enough. Or at least at a discount.


But they will never do that, because they want to make money off of selling the perks for cartel coins.


This is how I would do it:


  • All legacy perks available at level 1 (besides HK-51 and other special unlocks) legacy for full cartel coin/credit price.
  • At the current level they would have unlocked, they become available at 50% price. (Requires subscription)
  • At double the level they would be available, they are free. (Only unlocked if subscribed, if unsubscribed, they gain 50% discount at this level instead and become locked again unless purchased)


This way, everyone wins, even Bioware.

Edited by TheRealBowser
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Ideally you should be able to buy legacy perks for credits at any level, and get them for free if you level your legacy high enough. Or at least at a discount.


But they will never do that, because they want to make money off of selling the perks for cartel coins.


This is how I would do it:


  • All legacy perks available at level 1 (besides HK-51 and other special unlocks) legacy for full cartel coin/credit price.
  • At the current level they would have unlocked, they become available at 50% price. (Requires subscription)
  • At double the level they would be available, they are free. (Only unlocked if subscribed, if unsubscribed, they gain 50% discount at this level instead and become locked again unless purchased)


This way, everyone wins, even Bioware.


im tired of letting Bioware win...


I do like the idea tho

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I think people are confusing their disappointment with a failure in the system. I've seen many great ideas for how to expand Legacy. I think the reputation system is a positive step. But there are plenty of advantages in the system as it is. I gather no one would be too keen on losing their buffs, ship upgrades, field bots, teleports, and exp boosts.


Sure it would be nice to have more, but it's not like there isn't plenty of things in Legacy. And to the folks complaining we have to pay. We have to pay for spell upgrades and other accouterments of leveling. We have to pay to travel around the planets for goodness sakes. Having to buy the rewards isn't a fair knock against the system. That said, I do think the AMOUNT they are asking for some of this stuff is ridiculous.

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As pathetic as this sounds, the biggest bonus for me hitting Legacy fifty, was shutting the xp bar off. There should be some sort of a reward, at the very least, a title. Some sort of acknowledgement. That's a lot of slaying. :)


This is probably my favorite thing about being legacy 50. I don't need another bar on my screen.

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As pathetic as this sounds, the biggest bonus for me hitting Legacy fifty, was shutting the xp bar off. There should be some sort of a reward, at the very least, a title. Some sort of acknowledgement. That's a lot of slaying. :)


Thats what i also was thinking even i knew lvl 50 legacy wont give anything at all itself but not even special title? Shame Bioware....

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Thats what i also was thinking even i knew lvl 50 legacy wont give anything at all itself but not even special title? Shame Bioware....







Edited by AshlaBoga
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I think people are confusing their disappointment with a failure in the system. I've seen many great ideas for how to expand Legacy. I think the reputation system is a positive step. But there are plenty of advantages in the system as it is. I gather no one would be too keen on losing their buffs, ship upgrades, field bots, teleports, and exp boosts.


Sure it would be nice to have more, but it's not like there isn't plenty of things in Legacy. And to the folks complaining we have to pay. We have to pay for spell upgrades and other accouterments of leveling. We have to pay to travel around the planets for goodness sakes. Having to buy the rewards isn't a fair knock against the system. That said, I do think the AMOUNT they are asking for some of this stuff is ridiculous.


Of the "benefits" you listed, only the buffs are actually a Legacy reward. For the others, the Legacy level serves merely as a gatekeeper on your ability to purchase something. It's an artificial barrier, especially since by the time you have the cash to make most of those purchases, you are already well past the Legacy level required.


It's doubly problematic to call the ability to purchase a reward when it was originally stated that most of those "rewards" could be purchased in lieu of earning the Legacy level. Just like races can be unlocked with credits or coins instead of leveling one to 50.

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The thing that killed legacy was being able to buy the stuff for a pittance on CM, there is next to no point in it anymore



The thing that killed Legacy was the greatest piece of overhype that was feeding us dreams of awesome Legacy REWARDS. But ended up with a poorly thought out lousy credit sink with hardly anything on it worth buying.


(the only 2 things i bought from it are the Black Hole transport for conveience, the rest is just bland and tasteless and not worth the staggeringly high credit cost) and everything being on the Cartel Market for cheap is just adding insult to injury making Legacy entirely worthless

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