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Please Allow Companions in Warzones


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Because seriously some of the pugs that i've been rolling with on PoT5 can't even beat 50k dps and 100k healing. Please allow me and a friend to queue up in a 2man+2companion group to bring in Dorne as a healer or Nadia for DPS.


Im confident my companions would be better teammates.

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I don't think they will let you bring a companion in PVP or WZ and I prefer no companion in pvp or wz because i enjoy to be challenged in PVP or WZ. :sy_havoc:


:sy_republic:GLORY OF THE REPUBLIC:sy_republic:

If you enjoy a challenge then you would be all for allowing companions into warzones. Because the players i've been playing with lately literally can't do much of anything except bike in and die, and complain in ops chat. Oh and I forgot, they are good at leaving the warzones both 10 seconds before it starts and mid-match so that by the end the roster looks like 14+ republic on the original 8 sith. LOLOL

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Didn't you know? They're secretly playing the objectives. Killing people is for suckers.




My assasin had very low DPS / kill numbers... however opened two gates, and the bridge between them on Voidstar. If your companion could do the same then good luck.

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I don't think they will let you bring a companion in PVP or WZ and I prefer no companion in pvp or wz because i enjoy to be challenged in PVP or WZ. :sy_havoc:


:sy_republic:GLORY OF THE REPUBLIC:sy_republic:


Challenged?! Now where premades are facerolling pugs.. Where is the "Challenge" in that?..lol


Ofc its a "challenge" for a pug to survive against a premade!... Or rather most of the time "Hopeless"

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My assasin had very low DPS / kill numbers... however opened two gates, and the bridge between them on Voidstar. If your companion could do the same then good luck.


There is a difference between playing the objectives & just being terrible at pvp.


Ofcourse scoreboard doesn't mean anything, but if there is a full WH smash sentinel on my team that is constantly engaged in the central fight and doesn't break 100k damage then i'm pretty sure he just sucks.


Same goes for healers that can't do 100k healing.


You don't have to do a lot of damage to be helpful for the team, but some dmg would be nice. like just hitting auto attack every 3 seconds would probably improve the dps of some players.

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interesting and i didn't notice that u r in server of Prophecy of the five. LoL, im in The Bastion server.... I think they shouldn't leave until they beat the game... it's really ridiculous that they only stayed for 10 seconds. But our server "The Bastion" usually played on PVP/ WZ. I'm on empire's side and i usually helped empire to win the game however, sometimes Ops group r complaining... it annoys me. I tried to make them quiet but it was impossible. And I notice most of kids are playing Empire while adults r playing Our Republic. It's just my assumption... i have no idea if im right or not... in either way, i don't care who plays in SWTOR. I'm playing here for fun. Also, I agreed with you about adding companions but i don't think SWTOR Server will accept that because of other server... they might complain that SWTOR Server allows when others doesnt allow to add companion... they want it to be fair... I wish they would allow us through... :jawa_smile:





:sy_republic: 42 Commando / 3 Jedi Knight


:sy_empire: 37 Sniper


:sy_republic: Glory of the Republic :sy_republic:

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Hell it would beat backfill. At least Jaesa has full WH gear


and she listens to instructions


Agreed! I have Xalek in min/maxed WH/EWH DPS gear on my assassin and I know for certain that he would be a better teammate than half the puggles I run with. He's definitely better at focusing healers...

Edited by Cowflab
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Because seriously some of the pugs that i've been rolling with on PoT5 can't even beat 50k dps and 100k healing. Please allow me and a friend to queue up in a 2man+2companion group to bring in Dorne as a healer or Nadia for DPS.


Im confident my companions would be better teammates.


Just tonight, I had a 'sith warrior' not guarding any node (at least, not consistency guarding), produce 65k dps over the course of a voidstar.


Even if he was 'guarding' a door no one bothered, that still left him 7 minutes of nothing but dps production....so yeah...

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Challenged?! Now where premades are facerolling pugs.. Where is the "Challenge" in that?..lol


Ofc its a "challenge" for a pug to survive against a premade!... Or rather most of the time "Hopeless"


Not all pre-mades are good, you know.


Now, when I see a Fight pre-made, or a Hoth Ski Patrol pre-made, or a Weapons of War pre-made, I think oh hell, this is going to be tough...but I mean, all pre-mades aren't made the same.

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The most blatant example I've personally witnessed was in a Civil War. The scoreboard showed 8 members on our team, so no one had left. Everyone was there for the entire duration of the match.


One of our members had 4k damage, no protection and no healing.


Ok so you're probably thinking, well maybe he was guarding Snow the entire time? Well no. Snow got attacked twice that match.


4k is like what, 2 buttons?


A WZ with 4 players + 4 companions vs 4 players + 4 companions would be kind of interesting. I'd rather it be a new WZ specifically for that though.

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I completely agree with the OP.


I remember before the watchman nerf, i was queuing with a watchman sentinel we got a civil war, the enemy team had 2 turrets and we had a side one, me (scoundrel healer) and the sentinel were on mid against 6-7 people all the match, we weren't dying much but we couldn't kill them fast enough to cap, sometimes i saw someone coming mid and dying in 2 seconds, even though we were holding 6-7people at mid no one capped the other side turret.


Result of the match:

me - over 500k healing

sentinel - over 500k damage and 100k healing

other scoundrel healer - 80k healing

second on damage on my team, which was also a sentinel in smash spec - 80k damage


Some people say that numbers doesn't matter but seriously what is someone doing for the whole wz to get less than 80k healing/damage? For sure they weren't defending as i only saw 1-2 people on the side turret defending at least for the first ~7min, after that only me and the sentinel weren't camping our turret.

Not to mention a scoundrel healer got outhealed by a sentinel.


And even after the watchman nerf i've seen that sentinel get 10k healing less than some healers.


I am sure if on those warzones we could trade some pugs for our companions the wz would go so much better.

Edited by Pekoo
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Something that baffles me.


The Huttball match had JUST STARTED. 8 of us ran out the gate. I, as usual, was the first of our team to get to the center. I grabbed the ball, and was confronted by the entire enemy team coming down on me hard.


I looked left! I looked right! I looked forwards and backwards! Surely there's got to be a nearby team member to pass or jump to! Right?




WTH happened to 7 team members right at the start of the match?! Were they all camping in the pit just waiting for a nice 7v1 when some hapless fool fell down? I don't leave WZ often but that was just asinine.

Edited by Arlanon
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Something that baffles me.


The Huttball match had JUST STARTED. 8 of us ran out the gate. I, as usual, was the first of our team to get to the center. I grabbed the ball, and was confronted by the entire enemy team coming down on me hard.


I looked left! I looked right! I looked forwards and backwards! Surely there's got to be a nearby team member to pass or jump to! Right?




WTH happened to 7 team members right at the start of the match?! Were they all camping in the pit just waiting for a nice 7v1 when some hapless fool fell down? I don't leave WZ often but that was just asinine.


I LOLed, I can't tell you how many times i've seen and done this when I play my Shadow in huttball.

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