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Everything posted by ColonelRommel

  1. interesting and i didn't notice that u r in server of Prophecy of the five. LoL, im in The Bastion server.... I think they shouldn't leave until they beat the game... it's really ridiculous that they only stayed for 10 seconds. But our server "The Bastion" usually played on PVP/ WZ. I'm on empire's side and i usually helped empire to win the game however, sometimes Ops group r complaining... it annoys me. I tried to make them quiet but it was impossible. And I notice most of kids are playing Empire while adults r playing Our Republic. It's just my assumption... i have no idea if im right or not... in either way, i don't care who plays in SWTOR. I'm playing here for fun. Also, I agreed with you about adding companions but i don't think SWTOR Server will accept that because of other server... they might complain that SWTOR Server allows when others doesnt allow to add companion... they want it to be fair... I wish they would allow us through... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Commando / 3 Jedi Knight 37 Sniper Glory of the Republic
  2. I don't think they will let you bring a companion in PVP or WZ and I prefer no companion in pvp or wz because i enjoy to be challenged in PVP or WZ. :sy_republic:GLORY OF THE REPUBLIC:sy_republic:
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