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Return of the Gree event is absolutely no fun.


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Different people like different things, no matter what Bioware do they will not please everyone

Damned if they try something different, damned if they dont try something different


he isn't complaining about being offered pvp, he is complaining that he is being forced into it by an exploit that some unscrupulous players use to ruin your session.

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he isn't complaining about being offered pvp, he is complaining that he is being forced into it by an exploit that some unscrupulous players use to ruin your session.


The problem is, it isn't an exploit (working as intended per the Developrs). He is making the choice not to take the precautions he needs to take to avoid getting ganked in the PvE areas, and complaining about having to do 2 quest in the PvP areas because he doesn't want to PvP but wants to do the quests in the PvP area (that's kinda a no brainer, don't go into the PvP area.. duh).


He refuses to stop using AOE's to prevent himself from being flagged. He refuses to stop accepting the PvP quests and going into the PvP area to do them, he refuses to accept the game mechanics of the game as they are and adjust HIS gameplay to suit the environment he is in. Instead he comes here and whines and cries about it instead of playing within the bounds of the game.

Edited by Saitada
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Hmm... I'm having a blast. So first the obligatory I'm not a PvP'er statement. I'm not. I've never done a warzone and aside from the HK hunt and a few duels with guildies I don't partake.


Nevertheless, I found the PvP area in this event to be a lot of fun. I went in there with guildies expecting the worst and it wasn't bad at all. In fact, we found ourselves policing the Pylon area somewhat and working with others to stamp out the gankers. And I get no greater satisfaction in this game than killing griefers. And its easy too. You hang back wait and watch, you will see them and know their names. And then its war... as they inched back to the area looking for opportunities it was a bloodbath. I left the area with a smile on my face thinking revenge is like a nice fresh slice of pizza.


As for the PvE stuff, it was great. No griefing or ganking. No forced flagging. I saved the PvP area for last to avoid being flagged for the PvE stuff. And as I ran through it, I found myself right next to Imps, even attacking the same mobs with no impact whatsoever. I didn't change my playing style one bit. The only thing I had to make sure of was not to blindly target anything which, of course, is not difficult if you aren't spamming attacks needlessly.


No Op. You are wrong. You aren't being forced to play PvP. You aren't even being forced to play differently. You have to get over this stigma created by others fearing what they did not understand or know. It is that simple.


I group with guildies during events because it is much more fun, but I solo the PvE dailies with various alts of different classes. Without exception I haven't had any issues with unwanted PvP.


I've stacked so much rep know I'm almost embarrassed by it.


BTW, PvE'ers Xeno is a great Ops boss. Love the mechanics of that guy. All PvE action there. The WBs are simpler and great fun too, but there are a few guilds farming them and thus it is hard to find them up as you get an Ops group together.

Edited by Rafaman
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I actually had a guildie complain for AN HOUR straight about getting ganked in PvP area. I've been flagged and have walked around for hours WITHOUT getting ganked and I don't even have PvP gear, do you want to know why?


Because humans do not like to work too much, it is no fun for someone if they have to work hard for it. If 2 guildies go out ganking and they see 1 solo guy, they attack him. BUT, if they see a group of 4 people, they will think twice because it probably wont be AS EASY or FUN to try and kill 4 people.


Simple point: Group up! There is always strength in numbers. Or in the end, call it out in general chat, even if it is Rep V Rep or Imp V Imp, there is usually a guild that hates that guild and will go out of their way to gank them. You might be called a lot of names and told to man up, but someone will read it.


IE: Was doing Heroic on an IMP with a pug group. Healer & Dps were flagged. SOLO Gunslinger tries to kill healer while we were waiting for a spawn so we kill him. If the healer had been alone, then yeah, the healer probably would have been dead. I've walked from one WB Cave to another, flagged, never been ganked. (Even though I should be getting ganked because of all the ganking my guild goes out and does, but anyway....) I NEVER go out in Ilum alone ... EVER ... and I have never been ganked .... See?


It is the same physiological mindset as a robber/murder/******, they are not going to work harder then they have to because it isn't fun. If people even BELIEVE that someone will give them a problem, they back off, but if you look weak, then you get jumped.


Also, adjusting your play style isn't that hard, my guild has had to a WB WITHOUT AoE's cuz of a flagged group around us. We did it, no problems. We didn't like it, and it was annoying yes, but you have to make due.


IN the end though, like everyone said, the event is optional. It really is ... you don't NEED that weapon or armor, you WANT that weapon or armor. Also, you can get full rep WITHOUT doing the PvP daily the entire time.


Get to newcomer and do the planet hopping quest ... it is a purple rep token (1440) and if you have many 50's ... then there is alot of rep for you!

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Simple reply is that nobody is forcing you to do this content if you don't enjoy it.


Adding content-types is part of the essential "fleshing out" of a persistent online game.


I expect further things to be a form of "alternate advancement" much like the reputation system introduced with the Gree event. "Stuff to do" such as side-games, Pazaak, Sabaac, Swoop-racing, Achievements system (there already is one in place but expect further development of it at some point). Casino gambling on Nar Shadaa (for in game currency). Possible "Guild ships".


A rep system is just another feature, some will like it, some will try to max it out as fast as it is possible to do so, some will ignore it, just like some players love Operations content & some can't stand it, some pvp, some hate pvp etc etc.


My personal take on it is that as reputation systems go this is by far the least onerous one that I have personally experienced & I thought that it was rather hamstrung by it's limited scope of content variety, but that what IS there is actually polished & very well executed, a good starter but far from a fully realised iteration.


Did I find it fun though? Yes I did, just too short lived.

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Nah it is absolutely fun. I had a blast with it. Bringing down those world bosses, xenoanalist 2 on hard mode is also a fun fight. I liked it alot.

About the dailies, well they are dailies like the other ones i see no diference here.

Unless you are in a PvE server. But even then, no one is realy forcing you to pvp. If you are carefull you can do the pve part without being flaged. thats what i do when im not in the mood to pvp. But if i have to. I dont see how it can not be fun if you have a good group.

Edited by Spartanik
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I don't pvp, I only care about the PvE part of the game. I know there is many PvPers and that is fine they should be content for those players too. I like the idea that there is some Pvp quest for players who enjoys that stuff, but as a PvEer trying to kill raid bosses and have flaged people run in and get hit by your AoE or healing somebody who is flagged than your flaged and they kill you while your fighting a boss or killing a group of lizards makes me want to quit this game. It seems like we are being force feed PvP with this event. The only thing we need to make this event better is a button or something that locks us out of PvP. So our AoEs dont hit flaged people. Even if we cant heal a flaged person that is better than the way it is now.


honestly, i hate pvp, i think it sucks. i don't care for it and i cant get anymore blunt about it. pvpers, you know where you can go and what you can do when you get there. so there ya go, in your face, now go. i created my characters on a PVE server, not a pvp. i did that for a reason, and if you're wondering what my reason is, please read this post from the start. if you want to pvp, don't bring it to a pve server, keep it on a pvp server, THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE MADE FOR!


Bioware and partners,

next time you decide to hold an event, put it on oh, i dont know, Factional homeworlds like Tython or Dromand Kaas, where this PVP BS is removed. if you wont put it on homeworlds like that, then put it on Voss or another high level NON-open pvp world. now that you have taken your PVP clients into consideration, try doing that with the PVE clients. i am seriously considering rage quit over this bs.


call me a whiner, i really dont g.a.f. tell me to play on a pve server, I DO! tell me to not participate in the event, WHY CREATE IT?! you want the players to participate, then make it player friendly. heck, i dont know, you could even keep an instance of the event on the pvp side of ilum and make an alternate one for PVErs on the environmental side. if you do the missions on one side, they are eliminated from the mission terminal on the other side. this just might make both environments happy.

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I was flagged today while doing most of the dailies because I was flagged from the last time I played. I avoided all confrontations even when I died and my group became flagged for whatever reason. Even had a group of flagged players of the opposite faction attacking droids in our area and not once did I get attacked except by mistake and I just backed off and we both went different ways.


This has turned into a lot of fun for both me and my wife who does not pvp like I do on a regular basis. Even when she was flagged because of me we had fun and joked about getting ganked by others in the area. People will make of this what they want to. You do not have to do the pvp dailies to increase your reputation but you can and it gets it done faster. But people only want to see what they want to see.


In 3 days time over 4 toons I reached newcomer status. I only did the pvp daily on one of those toons and completed it in about 15-20 minutes. Not because of getting ganked. Because of the lines of people waiting to click on the objective. It was fun still and funny seeing people getting CC'd by stealthers while their team 'capped'. I even used force pull and stealth to help my team mates. A little mischief didn't hurt and again it was funny. Even when it happened to me.

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They should have added a shield that locks the room once a fight starts. It's pretty stupid when you're fighting the WB and another group just jumps in and interrupts it.


Plus they should really fix PvP flags so people don't have to travel to the nearest cantina or back their ship just to unflag.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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I don't think is fun at all.


I don't take the PvP quests at the terminal. I don't go into the contested area.


But now, when I am playing my PvE quests in the non-PvP area, I have to constantly watch my back to see if somebody is about to jump me. I can't join any group with "flag contamination", because sure as heck I will catch it. I can't use my AoEs in fear that some jerk is waiting around the corner. You can't help other players with a shield or a heal because, if they are flagged, so are you now.


And after all that, I GET FLAGGED. So now I get a 5 min timeout. Because.... I really don't know why. And if I decide to play on, some PvP equipped jerk jumps me while I am fighting a mob and kills me. Bravo! Well done! You must have a big one! Or, as it has happened to me, 4 guys jump me. Oh well, obviously quality people. 4 PvPers beat up a single PvE player. Amazing.


The flag system is idiotic, and the first question that has to be asked is : why is all this happening in a PVE server????

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Not much fun. Those dailies got old real quick.


I do like the Xeno 2 boss though. It's a fun fight that encourages groups of 16 ( with no endless useless trash mob killing ! ). But that's about it.


The PvP part ? Well, I don't PvP at all and the whole event reeks with it, that's a constant annoyance. Two of three toons I've been playing with are healers, so good luck to me to not get flagged. That being said, given the unusual hours I play, I haven't been ganked that many times and I was able to do the quests, even the ones specifically located on the PvP area.


I hope the next iteration for the event will aim more to pve'ers enjoyment unlike this time.

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not everything in the game is for everyone. lots of players means a diverse set of interests. when BW releases a new operation, are all the pvp'ers going to come to the forums to complain that they don't like the new pve content? many players were clamoring for more pvp oriented content and a lot of them are liking the gree event. so if you don't like it, don't do it, and just wait for the next content release which will surely have a lot mor pve stuff than pvp
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I don't pvp in this game, I have never done a single warzone, yet I will admit that when I grouped up with friends and went into the pvp area, I had a BLAST.


And that, my friends, is exactly what EAware is betting on here. That you will find the PVP interactions to your liking and decide to give it a try outside of the event. Why do you think that so many elements from the Warzones are in the PVP areas for the Gree event on Ilum?!


And yes, I do play PVP and PVE. I find them both to be fun and something else to do when I am playing.

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