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Synthweaving workstation


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where can I find synthweaving workstation? I need it to craft better items but I don't know where I can find it. I have read many guides and still have no answer.

Perhaps I missed something in game, so my question is (probably :)) stupid. Anyway, I hope someone can help me.


Greetings (and sorry for my bad english).

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If you've stopped improving on the skill and need better items to craft, buy schematics from the crew skills vendor found at fleet and some planets, items will be coloured grey-through to red to show 'difficulty'. Some synthweaving schematics for moddable gear will be available by running underworld trading missions or buying them from others via GTN.
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But everytime when I try to craft item that needs "synthweaving workstation" I get an error - "you do not have appropriate crafting table". I wrote to support but they told me that it isn't a bug.

So still I can't craft items above 100 synth.

What exactly are you trying to craft? Augments require a workstation, but I can GUARANTEE you you don't need to use one for any other schematics. If you want to craft stuff above 100 just go to your craft skill trainer and learn new schematics.

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I have a level 400 crafter in every crafting profession that the game offers. I have NEVER seen a requirement for a crafting workstation, nor have I ever used one. The only requirement for a workstation that I am aware of is to install, not make augment slots.
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But everytime when I try to craft item that needs "synthweaving workstation" I get an error - "you do not have appropriate crafting table". I wrote to support but they told me that it isn't a bug.

So still I can't craft items above 100 synth.


Write again, include screenshots. They're lying to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am having the same issue. Too bad after 4 days my ticket came back and said we dont help you with in game issues. Ticket closed. I am really wondering why I am paying for this Sub now. I have spent 2 days locked out of the game due to a bug. Now i have not been able to craft due to another bug for 8 days. I tried calling customer service but they will only talk to me if I want to make a payment. Is there any way to get some help in game?
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You only need the workstation to add augmentation slots (using aug kits) into items (like Headgear, Boots, etc).


Every other use of the station has been removed (was done just before launch).


The normal issues reported here ::

- can't send Companions on missions

: make sure you have the cash

: make sure you don't have your max comps already out (can't always send them all!)

: make sure you have the right level selected

- there is a pulldown that lets you choose level 1, level 2, etc missions to send on. As your comps get higher ratings, more levels will be unlocked. Occassionally, you'll have to switch levels to see something offered (example: all level 2 is already being worked, but you have 1 comp still avail to send ... can send them out on a level 1)

- can't craft

: make sure you have enough mats

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It sounds like you are trying to learn the schematic. Are you sure the error message isn't "You don't have the synthweaving talent"?


This means your Synthweaving is not up to the minimum required skill level to learn the schematic.

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I believe the issue here is that the OP does not yet have their ship and are attempting to craft items which 'require a crafting station' since the 'crafting station' is tied to the ship, once they acquire their ship they will be able to craft the items. @ the OP, you will get your ship at the end of your quests on Coruscant for Republic or Dromund Kaas for Empire.
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Sorry but not the case guys. I have my ship. I have the plans. In fact I have tons of new plans waiting to be learned once I can skill up. I have maxed out other crafting skills before. This issue just poked its head up about 2 weeks or so ago and will not go away. This is for the most part what seems to be some sort of coding error. Almost all of the plans after around skill 120 are now requiring the workstation not augment station to complete. This is happening to all my toons, level 50 or not.
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I have a level 400 crafter in every crafting profession that the game offers. I have NEVER seen a requirement for a crafting workstation, nor have I ever used one. The only requirement for a workstation that I am aware of is to install, not make augment slots.


I can vouch for the above and the only profession i haven't maxed yet is biochem. Never once have i been asked for a workstation of any type for any profession

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  • 4 months later...

No I've seen where it says XYZ workstation required. However even though it said it was required I could still just craft stuff or learn schematics as per usual in spite of not being at a workstation, I think the word workstation is essentially meaning having the skill trained.


I mean you're sending your companions out to do the work, they go to your storage and pull mats as needed, who's to say they're not off at some station somewhere crafting away. We don't need to see it, we don't need a physical station, however we do need the prerequisite skill... which the term workstation functions as in some "in the code" way.


I've never had an error such as that described however, so I have no idea on a fix.

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The synthweaving workstation does exist. It's installed in your ship when you learn the crew skill. When you craft something your companion will go there and start working, you don't need to do anything.


If you don't have a ship yet your companion will still goto a synthweaving station in that nether region they disappear to.


The point is, your don't have to do anything except tell your companion to craft.

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The game tells you that you need a workstation whatever you're building:




Notice it says "Requires: 7m 20s, Armstech Workstation"



I've never had the error, but the game does imply you need this thing (I always assumed it was just the name for the crafting table in your ship).


IT IS! You don't even need a ship. You can't interact with it in any way. So.

OP is trolling.

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