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How to make money??


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I am having a really hard tie getting credits. I am constantly running into the issue of not having enough money in the game. i have been posting stuff on the AH that is killing me should i not be doing that? i have had to put my crew skills on hold so i can get enough money learn new abilities. is there some trick i am missing?
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At the risk of sounding trite, saving money's easier than earning it. You're probably beyond my level, but I'm a lvl 15 and have bought practically nothing. The one large purchase I made (4k+) proved to be a mistake.


yea the only thinks i have bought was a guild and abilities and repair o and posting stuff on AH. i am think that my issue might be that i am posting stuff on AH.

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yea the only thinks i have bought was a guild and abilities and repair o and posting stuff on AH. i am think that my issue might be that i am posting stuff on AH.


I do not repair any of my items unless they are completely broken. I typically find a new piece of gear before mine ever breaks, so you might be wasting credits there. The guild was a good chunk, but not very big. Posting stuff on the GTN (Galactic Trade Network) is fine as long as everything is selling and you're making a profit. Like someone previously posted, I suggest doing the space missions.

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I do not repair any of my items unless they are completely broken. I typically find a new piece of gear before mine ever breaks, so you might be wasting credits there. The guild was a good chunk, but not very big. Posting stuff on the GTN (Galactic Trade Network) is fine as long as everything is selling and you're making a profit. Like someone previously posted, I suggest doing the space missions.



Ok i will do the space missions i have and i have been waiting to repair until i absolutely need it, but i haven't really been upgrading gear, not because i don't want to i just haven't found much that is better for my class than what i have.

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At the risk of sounding trite, saving money's easier than earning it. You're probably beyond my level, but I'm a lvl 15 and have bought practically nothing. The one large purchase I made (4k+) proved to be a mistake.


Well he's crafting. When you start crafting certain crafts you spend more money then you are making.

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Same rules for making money here as in every other MMO:

  • Don't repair your items unless they are yellow. You will recieve new items through quests and drops anyway, so repairing is just a waste of money unless it's lvl 50 raid gear.
  • Always loot everything. Don't leave a single thing. Sell things you don't use to vendor.
  • Kill more things = make more money. You will always gain a lot more money from killing things than your repair bill can come close to, even if you die a few times.
  • Don't die! If you die, your equipment breaks before you get a replacement and you have to repair it. If you die a lot, you should be doing lower level content.


In this game there is also the crew skill "Slicing", as others have said. I'm up to around 220 in slicing on my toon, but I have to say I make more money faster by just killing mobs and selling trash loot.


Selling things on AH is worthless, unless it's blue or purple items. Putting up green items is a waste of time. Just sell it to vendor and go kill more mobs, that will earn you credits faster. Orange items are of course best on AH, but probably not right now. Orange items will be a lot more expensive as more people have leveled up, so I'm holding on to the ones I find until later to make more credits.


I'm lvl 21, and I have 24k credits saved up and I've used 30k+ on equipment and stuff. Not counting skill upgrades, I've never checked what those cost. But I've never had an issue with money in this game, and I just follow the simple rules above.

Edited by Deslan
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a few simple rules:


- Slice




One slicing mission, cost 1000 creds, failure.

Next slicing mission, cost 640 creds, success, yields 900 credits.

Time for both slicing missions: 20 minutes or more.

Net result: -740 credits


Questing and killing mobs for 20 minutes at ~lvl 20: + 5'000 credits or more.


Slicing is not the magic recipe to get rich quick.

Edited by Deslan
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I found Warzones to be a good way to make money. Statistically, I can imagine it's not the best, but I'll be PvPing to get enough emblems for a new piece of gear, and the next thing I know I'll have 20,000 credits earned. If you enjoy PvP, it's a good way to go, if you don't, then maybe not.
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One slicing mission, cost 1000 creds, failure.

Next slicing mission, cost 640 creds, success, yields 900 credits.

Time for both slicing missions: 20 minutes or more.

Net result: -740 credits


Questing and killing mobs for 20 minutes at ~lvl 20: + 5'000 credits or more.


Slicing is not the magic recipe to get rich quick.


If you're doing missions no it's not, if you're gathering slicing nodes as you quest, yes it is. I'm free with my money, having bought some mats for Artifice, full trained my artifice, bought a couple inventory expansions, my speeder all by 30 and I still have 50+k on me right now.

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One slicing mission, cost 1000 creds, failure.

Next slicing mission, cost 640 creds, success, yields 900 credits.

Time for both slicing missions: 20 minutes or more.

Net result: -740 credits


Questing and killing mobs for 20 minutes at ~lvl 20: + 5'000 credits or more.


Slicing is not the magic recipe to get rich quick.


That's really a horrible sample size done simply to make a silly point - you only fail slicing missions maybe 5% of the time, even when doing orange rich/abundant/bountiful non stop. I've only failed a handful at 220 slicing. Biggest single profit I've seen so far was a 655 cost mission which yielded 3500 credits in the box. Sure, sometimes rarely it's also only 100 credit gain, although at this point that seems about as rare as failing in general.


The wonderful thing is you can do both simultaneously! You can send a crew member to slice while you kill mobs, and what do you know, you get both gains! This isn't an either/or scenario, you can, and should, do both if you are simply looking to maximize profit during time spent in game.


slicing by itself isn't a super get rich quick scheme, but it does help make money. Used properly to supplement everything else you are doing, it's a great secondary income. Doing space missions? Send slicing. Doing PvP? Send slicing. Putting stuff on AH? Send slicing. That's only if you have a single crew-member. If you have 2, you should have one permanently sent slicing - IF earning money is your immediate concern and goal. It will always end up yielding a decent profit, taking losses into account and complete fails.

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If you're doing missions no it's not, if you're gathering slicing nodes as you quest, yes it is. I'm free with my money, having bought some mats for Artifice, full trained my artifice, bought a couple inventory expansions, my speeder all by 30 and I still have 50+k on me right now.


I guess you're on a lower population server than me. I rarely find nodes while questing. Usually only around 02.00 - 06.00 at night, then I can find quite a few. But usually I only find scavenging nodes.

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  • 1 month later...
I guess you're on a lower population server than me. I rarely find nodes while questing. Usually only around 02.00 - 06.00 at night, then I can find quite a few. But usually I only find scavenging nodes.


Odd. I'm on a server whose pop is almost always listed as 'very heavy' at peak times, and slicing nodes makes up a large proportion of my income(and in large part the reason why my sentinel had about 850k before I trained all my skills at 50).

At any rate, scavenging nodes can be sold too, and are in effect free money.

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Spent a few hours on a planet 10 levels below helping a friend complete heroics, pulled in about 45,000 credits and 50 xp points. There's a suggestion.


I don't think this is anything I would want to do at that rate. I have no real clue how I make my money, but I pvp alot (if I play, the game allready lost alot of its flair for me) and while doing so I send all my companions on slicing missions. I normally send one on a treasure hunting mission aswell. Doing so gets me so much money that i don't really believe money is worth anything in this game.


An example: Few days ago I leveled Biochem, and it costed me about 1.1 mil credits. I know, I know, I could have waited till some mats with reasonable prices appear in the ah, but i wanted to get it done in one day. I did 2 days exactly what I described, and I earned 1.1 mil back.


I guess I got very lucky with my drops from slicing (missions), but if i really have less than 150k surplus out of a days work (5h) in pvping/slicing/t.hunting, it was definately a bad day.


While leveling I had alot of money aswell, again by slicing. Just send every single companion you don't need on slicing missions 24/7, and there is no way you don't have more money than you can spent at that level until you get 50.

Edited by GianBaal
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A word on slicing:


Sending you companion to slice is an absolute waste of time and credits since they nerfed it. Instead, gather nodes yourself. There's plenty on each planet and they give you a whole lot of credits.


If you don't have slicing, just do more heroics, flashponts, and Warzones. They're all orety fun, and they give you a who TON of credits. Also, loot everything you can. Greens and blue are very easy to find, they're not as rare as in other games. Sell these in the GTN.


Good luck!

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