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Appearance Tab Confirmed In Game!


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Every Quest orange chest gear has a Hood up. There is no option there is no control.

Incorrect, no hood on my JG Orange Robe that I got as a quest reward on Coruscant. :rolleyes:


Maybe play for more than a few days before assuming you know everything about the options out there?

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It's been nerfed. There's a dev post in community news about it.


Eventually the orange item's base armor stat won't compete with newer items (into end game).


Not true at all, you just have to read farther. Mods will drop separately in raids that will compete with end game non-moddable gear.


Fine effort at being not funny. The Mod SYstem in game no way no how even remotely allows for well defined apperance customization. Take Jedi Gaurdians for instnace. Every vendor that sells orange heavy chest gear, Every Quest orange chest gear has a Hood up. There is no option there is no control.


You WILL Wear what everyone else is wearing and you will look just as ugly as the guy next to you all the while NOT ever again seeing your toons face. You can find the least objectionable gear and place mods in to keep from having to sink down to the trully horrible looking stuff so that is a plus.


Before anyone says mod out social gear or ViP gear well you can but its all set to light gear or above and even when you place heavy armoring mods in the Social gear it has armor WAY below that of the Hooded fuglyness in game because all sociacl gear refrences a light gear numbering system.


So in conclusion nice try but so far wrong that its not funny. There is next to no apperance customization currently availble in game.


Also not true. There are plenty of options for jedi's that don't have their hoods up.


I don't see why people are so adamantly against this awesomely innovative system that they make things up to try and convince themselves that it doesn't work.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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There are two big downsides to the current system.


1. Not all items skins are available as orange items, so we're limited in appearance customization.


2. Orange items make finding new gear boring. Consider lightsabers. I received two orange lightsabers at levels 9 and 10. Now, I never need to find another lightsaber ever again in this game because my initial two can have the best stats around. Similar for any other gear that doesn't have a visual appearance. How lame!


Honestly, I loathe the idea that you can wear one set of gear and look like you're wearing another set of gear, so I'd really rather not have the current mod system or any appearance tab system in the game. But if we're going to do it, we might as well do it right.


I'm especially unhappy with the second point because it ruins the risk/reward part of the game. When I run a flashpoint, down the final boss, and a lightsaber drops, I should be excited. Instead, I usually just look to see if it has any mods that are better than mine and, if so, dismantle it, steal the mod, and vendor the rest. How disappointing. :(

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So, there is a matching orange piece for every visible item in the game?


If not, the OP is misguided.


No, he isn't. He is making a point that there is a similar system to Appearance Tab in game, and he is right. There are bonuses to this system and minuses to it. Put on your big boy pants and quit with the QQ.

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So, there is a matching orange piece for every visible item in the game?


If not, the OP is misguided.


Up until artifact level gear, yes (according to the devs). Unfortuanately the normal gear with the look and the orange moddable pattern are completely seperate. You need someone to get lucky enough to find the right pattern via mission skills, then find a crafter who can and has learned that pattern to be able to keep a look you like. By the time you manage to find the crafter with the pattern you like, chances are you will have already leveled way past the green/blue version you found.


And once you get to end game it all stops. Artifact level gear has not been promised to have orange patterns to it. And since artifact gear lacks an armor mod slot, it is not truly upgradable to the next tier.

Edited by Tumedus
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No, he isn't. He is making a point that there is a similar system to Appearance Tab in game, and he is right. There are bonuses to this system and minuses to it. Put on your big boy pants and quit with the QQ.


are you trolling or just that stupid?

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There are two big downsides to the current system.


1. Not all items skins are available as orange items, so we're limited in appearance customization.


This is yet to be seen.


2. Orange items make finding new gear boring. Consider lightsabers. I received two orange lightsabers at levels 9 and 10. Now, I never need to find another lightsaber ever again in this game because my initial two can have the best stats around. Similar for any other gear that doesn't have a visual appearance. How lame!


What?! The whole point of the mod system is that you find exactly what you like and make it work. The idea is to keep finding orange gear and when you find one you like you mod it to your hearts content! Sure you can use the first 2 you find, but that completely defeats the purpose of the system :rolleyes:


Honestly, I loathe the idea that you can wear one set of gear and look like you're wearing another set of gear, so I'd really rather not have the current mod system or any appearance tab system in the game. But if we're going to do it, we might as well do it right.


I'm especially unhappy with the second point because it ruins the risk/reward part of the game. When I run a flashpoint, down the final boss, and a lightsaber drops, I should be excited. Instead, I usually just look to see if it has any mods that are better than mine and, if so, dismantle it, steal the mod, and vendor the rest. How disappointing. :(


I really feel like you fail to understand why the system is in place and why people would want to use it. It's for cosmetics, and nothing else. If you don't like the idea of using one piece of armor till the end of the game, then don't. It's going to be much more difficult to use the mod system anyway. You'd really have to work hard to keep your gear up-to-date.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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I'm not sure if you're confused or trying to be funny. At any rate what you describe is not an appearance tab. An appearance tab is just a secondary duplicate paper doll. Then they draw stats from one paper doll and appearance info from the secondary paper doll. You can swap items in and out on the fly without combining items, which is an inferior system for multiple reasons. EQ2 has the best example of how to implement an appearance tab.
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Incorrect, no hood on my JG Orange Robe that I got as a quest reward on Coruscant. :rolleyes:


Maybe play for more than a few days before assuming you know everything about the options out there?


Well grats to you that is good news, However your opion of my few days is rather faulty Im Lvl 31 heading to Alderan and have logged over a 100hours in game already and have not seen a single Jedi Gaurdian Heavy chest pc without a hood.


I am glad to hear there is at least 1 in game that gives me hope.


Your tendancy to jump to conclusions about my playing time based on nothing at all speaks volumes about you however.

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I don't see why people are so adamantly against this awesomely innovative system that they make things up to try and convince themselves that it doesn't work.


As someone that comes from playing games with heavy appearance customization, I don't find this system to be so innovative (at least as far as appearance customization is concerned, gear upgrade/customization might be another matter, though). As for the quoted poster making stuff up, I admit I dont know enough to know if that's true or not. But maybe they're just missinformed and not necessarily making things up.

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As someone that comes from playing games with heavy appearance customization, I don't find this system to be so innovative (at least as far as appearance customization is concerned, gear upgrade/customization might be another matter, though). As for the quoted poster making stuff up, I admit I dont know enough to know if that's true or not. But maybe they're just missinformed and not necessarily making things up.


What people want is a system where you get to choose whatever you like on a whim and not have to work for it. What we've been given is a system that accomplishes the same thing but requires a significant amount of effort.


This system is intended to be the appearance tab, so we might as well get used to it.

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This is yet to be seen.


What?! The whole point of the mod system is that you find exactly what you like and make it work. The idea is to keep finding orange gear and when you find one you mod it to your hearts content! Sure you can use the first 2 you find, but that completely defeats the purpose of the system :rolleyes:


I really feel like you fail to understand why the system is in place and why people would want to use it. It's for cosmetics, and nothing else. If you don't like the idea of using one piece of armor till the end of the game, then don't. It's going to be much more difficult to use the mod system anyway. You'd really have to work hard to keep your gear up-to-date.


I was specifically talking about items that you don't really see. I mentioned lightsabers for two reasons.


1. So far, I haven't seen variation at all. Do the hilts change at higher levels or something? Aside from the color of the "blade", they all look the same to me.


2. I can't seem to preview lightsabers on my character the way that I preview other items, so I can't tell if a new one looks any different than my current one anyway.


You're still missing the point, though. Let's say that you find your ideal lightsaber at level 35. Now what? You hit level 50, you join your guild in a Nightmare-level operation, you defeat the final boss, and he drops a lightsaber! Excitement!


Except, not. You already have the one you want. You've had it since level 35. It's already modded to be equal to the new one in stats. You get nothing. How boring. :(

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I was specifically talking about items that you don't really see. I mentioned lightsabers for two reasons.


1. So far, I haven't seen variation at all. Do the hilts change at higher levels or something? Aside from the color of the "blade", they all look the same to me.


Yes, they change significantly. Look through the concept art on the main page, you'll see multitudes of hilt designs that are all in game.


2. I can't seem to preview lightsabers on my character the way that I preview other items, so I can't tell if a new one looks any different than my current one anyway.


This does suck.


You're still missing the point, though. Let's say that you find your ideal lightsaber at level 35. Now what? You hit level 50, you join your guild in a Nightmare-level operation, you defeat the final boss, and he drops a lightsaber! Excitement!


Except, not. You already have the one you want. You've had it since level 35. It's already modded to be equal to the new one in stats. You get nothing. How boring. :(


Boring for you, but not boring for someone who loves their current saber design. And if they liked the new one better, they could drop their old one and start using the new one. I don't see the issue. I see what you mean, that someone using the mod system won't get as much new gear, but if they liked the new gear better they would use it. If not, no biggie. It's there to allow people to not look like power rangers at max level (if you've seen the tier 1 raid gear for most classes you know what i mean).

Edited by VicSkimmr
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Great news! BioWare has implemented a great system where you can equip items on each slot that control the appearance of your character, with a secondary set of slots where you equip items that affect only your stats and not your appearance.


Last I heard BW specifically did not want this system...


So I call troll...

It's specifically what the orange gear is for.

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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Well grats to you that is good news, However your opion of my few days is rather faulty Im Lvl 31 heading to Alderan and have logged over a 100hours in game already and have not seen a single Jedi Gaurdian Heavy chest pc without a hood.


I am glad to hear there is at least 1 in game that gives me hope.


Your tendancy to jump to conclusions about my playing time based on nothing at all speaks volumes about you however.


Sorry, a few days should have been "a week". 100 hours or not, you have played (release client) for a week. You have not done everything, nor have you found everything. Expecting that you had done so, in a week, is shortsighted.

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he aint lying you may want to re-read his post


My bad... :(

It read like an old appearance tab post. Where you would actually put gear in a slot in gear.


Dunno why the post was made then?

Orange gear is all over the game. There's a even a quest for it at level 10?

Is this news or something?

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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What people want is a system where you get to choose whatever you like on a whim and not have to work for it. What we've been given is a system that accomplishes the same thing but requires a significant amount of effort.


This system is intended to be the appearance tab, so we might as well get used to it.


I guess I just don't understand the concept of having to "work" to achieve a cosmetic appearance that has no impact in game play. I get working to gain abilities or gear, but what your character looks like has no impact in the game or provides any type of special advantage over other players.


Granted, I still haven't gathered much in terms of orange gear. Maybe it gets better later in the game. But the fact I've already played so long wearing piecemeal armor means there's a lot of work involved just to achive something as superficial as changing the way your armor looks. I've also heard complaints from others about how social gear is limited to light armor, which tells me this approach is very limited in what it allows you to do.

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I guess I just don't understand the concept of having to "work" to achieve a cosmetic appearance that has no impact in game play. I get working to gain abilities or gear, but what your character looks like has no impact in the game or provides any type of special advantage over other players.


Granted, I still haven't gathered much in terms of orange gear. Maybe it gets better later in the game. But the fact I've already played so long wearing piecemeal armor means there's a lot of work involved just to achive something as superficial as changing the way your armor looks. I've also heard complaints from others about how social gear is limited to light armor, which tells me this approach is very limited in what it allows you to do.


I don't really understand why they make it so difficult either, but it gives you a lot of options and I'm thankful for that at least. I've just been collecting all the orange gear I like, and when I get near end game if I want to use it I'll go hunt down mods for them. It seems like it would be too much hassle while you're leveling (though you can buy mods with commendations on each planet you visit).

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Well grats to you that is good news, However your opion of my few days is rather faulty Im Lvl 31 heading to Alderan and have logged over a 100hours in game already and have not seen a single Jedi Gaurdian Heavy chest pc without a hood.


I am glad to hear there is at least 1 in game that gives me hope.


Your tendancy to jump to conclusions about my playing time based on nothing at all speaks volumes about you however.


And some of us are already above 40, with thousands of hours in game via Beta.

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