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Why the hell are inquis/consulars so damn tanky?


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Not likely. Looks like the focus will be on defensive abilties and not so much, if at all, increased output.


If what we saw is implemented yeah, even had nerfs to two main offense abilities. I was facetiously including Commando's time spent in the box in that TTK assessment :rolleyes:. Frankly I forget what a good Commando's output looks like, haven't seen it in so long.

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I have had the same experience when facing exceptional Sorcs/Sages. Exceptional ones are really impossible to do anything against. Unfortunately, as seen in this thread, 99.9% Sorcs/Sages are horrendous players that sit there or backpedal while you burst them down. The ones that constantly LoS you while CCing you and using all their tools as their team peels you off of them and bursts you down, are complete gods. They can literally chain CC you and kite you around forever.


lol what? An entire team bursting you down means the Sorc/Sage is a complete god? What the hell is the rest of your team doing exactly? Obviously if you are facing a tank, a Sorc and a DPS by yourself you're going to get owned.


In non-mindless play there is generally an equal number of players going against another equal number of players. So while the Sorc/Sage is trying to kite you around, your teammate just leapt to them, rooted them, and then slapped on a crippling slash, or threw his sabre to root him again. Or the PT just railshot him. And then the Sorc died.


It's actually the opposite of what you wrote. The only people that actually lose to a Sorc/Sage are the terribad keyboard turning wunderkinds. You literally have to be braindead to lose to that class. You'd have to not be able to find either your DCDs or your big offensive damage attacks. Or I guess you'd have to be a Commando/Merc, but I don't understand how these people are focusing on Sorc/Sage, if you're that bad everything will beat you.


I've played every class at a decent level and several at level cap. I don't know one thing Sorc/Sage can do better than PT. Mara is the best class in the game by far so that's not even a question, but now even the smashmonkeys make the JK/SW ACs probably all much better. If you're really, really struggling against the class, but are also to unskilled to use the Mara correctly, just pick Assassin/Shadow. Complete hard counter to Sorc/Sage, the only way you can possibly lose is again if you can't locate your DCDs and damage options.

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I have had the same experience when facing exceptional Sorcs/Sages. Exceptional ones are really impossible to do anything against. Unfortunately, as seen in this thread, 99.9% Sorcs/Sages are horrendous players that sit there or backpedal while you burst them down. The ones that constantly LoS you while CCing you and using all their tools as their team peels you off of them and bursts you down, are complete gods. They can literally chain CC you and kite you around forever.


Kiting and tanking are 2 completely different things. And sorcs are far from an impossible kill.

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An Inquisitor Assassin in Tank Gear and Spec is Tanky


An Inquisitor Sorcerer isn't tanky. 1300 Expertise and still getting hit 6k+ by smasher.


Better calling the shot on the advance class next time ...


I'm a full expertise sorc and I get crit for over 7k smashes. =[

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If you're a can-heal class (like commando) then you have to remember to use your cleanse every chance you get when you're up against the balance/madness spec. A lot of the damage of this spec comes from proc'ing DoTs. That's why their dps drops significantly if there's a good healer on the opposing team. I suspect a lot of non-heal commandos don't even have their cleanse in their regular key binds.
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About our 360 degree knockback, pretty sure it's not 360 anymore.


What? Do you really play a commando?

Maybe you should start learning about your class a bit more before you make a post like this, i'm pretty sure yesterday when i played on my commando my knockback had 360 degrees.

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What? Do you really play a commando?

Maybe you should start learning about your class a bit more before you make a post like this, i'm pretty sure yesterday when i played on my commando my knockback had 360 degrees.


He meant the Sage/Sorc, it was changed to a cone because it was annoying melees to get knocked away lol. I am not joking, they stated it gave other players a bad experience so that's why they were going to nerf it. They also nerfed the stun range because of that. Now a Sorc is supposed to go face tank to use it.

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I stand corrected.


Was it ever three seconds? Where did I get 3 seconds from?


Anyways, the guy saying that everyone should face roll a sage/sorcs....I would so live to duel you. I find myself most successful against snipers/slingers. Powertechs on the other hand, especially the ones with grapple. They make me Tempe as a sage

Edited by sphyg
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