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1.7 Event Nothing For Below 50?


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I am wondering since the events say they are on illum does that mean everyone below 50 will get nothing?


I do not agree with this being placed in a pvp zone, but it is also in a lvl 50 planet so even if it was in the normal area that would still lock out lower level toons. Just wondering if it will be this way with nothing for new players and those below 50. In the last 2 events you could do them and get rewards below 50.

Edited by Irawratih
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I am wondering since the events say they are on illum does that mean everyone below 50 will get nothing?


I do not agree with this being placed in a pvp zone, but it is also in a lvl 50 planet so even if it was in the normal area that would still lock out lower level toons. Just wondering if it will be this way with nothing for new players and those below 50. In the last 2 events you could do them and get rewards below 50.


The new operations they added and space missions were also not for that demographic either. Everyone cannot be pleased every single time. Once it is in the game, most will get to see it eventually, I think that is a better goal.

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that said BW has kinda not done much new (if any) low level content. still we don't nesscarily need anything as the leveling pace is pretty smooth. this isn't like some MMOs that have big leveling gaps that require a grind


I don't see a need for low level content in the slightest. You already have to pick and choose what you do to avoid overleveling the content. For instance, run a few pvp matches in the early 10-20 levels and see how badly you outlevel the quests around you.

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it's not like Ilum wasn't a lvl 50 area before they took the objects and quests out (ok, technically the objects are still there if you want the valor buff) ...


and 'event'? well, it's a recurring event, probably triggered every few hours/days/weeks/whatever or maybe even a 'constant' event that simply means only a certain number of player will be allowed in at the same time, since that was the 'original ilum' problem... it's hardly comparable to the rakghoul or chevin event. it's not just gonna be there for a week or two. it's gonna be there for the year - if not for much longer.


and on top of that, new players will always be 'left behind' for current content. new players will never get the chance to get the founder title, will never get the chance to just buy the white/cyan/purple crystals off of a vendor, will never get the chance to get the taun taun ram, will never get the chance to get the party jawa, will never get the chance to get some of the big speeders....


that's how MMOs work, and it's how long term players will stay in a game. to show off that they've been around 'back then'.

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I am wondering since the events say they are on illum does that mean everyone below 50 will get nothing?


I do not agree with this being placed in a pvp zone, but it is also in a lvl 50 planet so even if it was in the normal area that would still lock out lower level toons. Just wondering if it will be this way with nothing for new players and those below 50. In the last 2 events you could do them and get rewards below 50.


I agree! BioWare needs to make sure ALL characters will somehow be able to participate wether it is some way through legacy, or is recurring so that all players can do the event.

Hope they do do something like this :)

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I have 3 50s so not really phased but i have been surprised lately to see how many people actually have so many characters they have yet to reach 50 on any of them :confused: Maybe Bioware is trying to encourage these type of players to get to endgame.
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I say leveling is your content as a sub 50. There is a lot you can do like warzones, instances, rp if your into that stuff, twinking, leveling profession and selling stuff on gtm, exploring, ect. Now that there is a f2p model you can even multibox for free with as many characters as you want. Plus, you also have your class story to look forward as level. It's at 50 that people run out of things to do. Thus, I think BW should focus on end game, which is why most people left swtor to begin with. In time assuming BW introduces full size expansions, then leveling players will get more content as the game grows and expands. That's why in wow you have so much content especially starting at around 58-60 when you have access to the old 60 raid zones and previous expansion content such BC instances and rep.
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Remember that 1.7 is not just Ilum. The Reputation system will be most likely split into Ilum (Gree), Voss (Voss), Belsavis (Imperial Guard / Republic Army) and maybe Space (First Mobile Fleet). So you could say 1.7 is more geared towards people who are playing Chapter 3 (Belsavis and what comes after it)
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