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What Assassin Spec puts up 400k damage?


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Uhh huh....what augs are you using?


It's not just in the augments... It's in mod and enhancement itemization as well. You should be ripping them from the force master boots at WH gear level, and from the belt and bracers at EWH gear level. Augments only serve as a slight boost to otherwise min/maxed gear.

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Exactly!!! In deception/deception-madness hybrids one only needs to carry roughly 25% unbuffed crit. With the operative buff and first tier madness talent you'll have 39% crit, which is more than sufficient. It's been said a hundred times already over in the sin forum but here it goes again.


Stats to aim for...


96.9% accuracy

75% crit multiplier

25% crit

Mod the rest of your gear for power


There's a debate about whether you should augment WP or power, but the difference between the 2 is very miniscule so you can go with either. WP adds slightly more crit which is separate from the crit rating soft cap, but offers slightly less bonus damage. Power adds slightly more bonus damage, but no crit.


Now go forth and prosper.


Yeah but honestly what separates the 500k people from the 250k people isn't that. Its AOE and DOT spam. The minor damage difference changing 2 augments will do just doesn't scale like that - its a fundamental difference in playstyle (going for max damage vs going for single target and objective).

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Yeah but honestly what separates the 500k people from the 250k people isn't that. Its AOE and DOT spam. The minor damage difference changing 2 augments will do just doesn't scale like that - its a fundamental difference in playstyle (going for max damage vs going for single target and objective).


A properly itemized 2/31/8 sin can do well over 400k damage without any AoE or dots. Min/maxed gear makes a huge difference in the spec. If you had said "what separates a 500k player and a 250k player is how they use the class" then I'd probably agree with you. The difference between a non min/maxed maul and a min/maxed maul is actually pretty staggering.

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So you guys are saying that a full deception assassin should be getting to 400k regularly?


Ive got 2 crit augs to 9 power augments. I wanted to get to 30% crit rating. It sounds like I should replace those crits augs from the sarcastic responses above. So run 11 power augs?


Note: Most of the time I am queuing solo and pugging it most of the time. I rarely have heals and protection so I am dying pretty quickly.


no. but you're a single target, lone wolf. unless you have a tankasin in your group, you should be stealth guarding nodes. you're a role player. why even look at the numbers at all?


Well you should have 14 augmentation, not 11. Also with wh gear you should be around 35% crit. And 75% surge.

full deception could push crit a bit more, I think. but yeah, it does run into the DR curve ~35% buffed. I'm at 39-40% buffed. I rarely do 400k, but I rarely spend the WZ in combat. I do my job. see response to first quote: know your role.

Edited by foxmob
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people on this forum make it sound like sins float around pulling 700k constantly in WZs. And thats a crock. Can I pull a 700k dmg, 200k protect out of my behind? Yes. But it takes very very special circumstances. Like a specific WZ (usually voidstar) going the longest it can go, with multiple healers on each side. And usually to get these numbers means i'm doing DPS and ignoring the objectives completely, or semi-completely anyway. And usually it entails beating on a healer the entire match that doesnt die (which usually means he has a cross healer, cause with a sins-cc, i should be able to burn him down eventually).


If you play non-ranked wzs, you'll see the 'norm' for sins in the 250-350k range, with about 50-100k protect. But like i said, some matches will have that 'super-sin' in it where all the stars aligned for them, but usually they are the most useless of the group (eg. leaving a node to deathmatch someplace on the map).

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Not sure if it's been said as I can't be bothered to read all posts, but you can easily hit 400k damage if you run around with madness spreading DoTs, but then.. that doesn't do anything except boost your ego. Provides little help to the team.
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no. but you're a single target, lone wolf. unless you have a tankasin in your group, you should be stealth guarding nodes. you're a role player. why even look at the numbers at all?



full deception could push crit a bit more, I think. but yeah, it does run into the DR curve ~35% buffed. I'm at 39-40% buffed. I rarely do 400k, but I rarely spend the WZ in combat. I do my job. see response to first quote: know your role.


Pretty much what Ive gathered is that if I wanted to top the damage chart I need to create a Smasher or a Mara...

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Deception/Madness hybrid has highest burst for an assassin. I've seen plenty of assassins get 750k+ damage. But they ended up losing games. Why? They didn't play objectively and they don't want to use their taunts. If I do 750k+ damage I better have 50k protection in be top in objective points. Also assassins aren't known for a high damage output. They are known for one word. UTILITY. If you care so much about doing 400k damage so much, run a warrior and you'll be content. Edited by LastWizard
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pretty much all of them...


I am starting to wonder if people think im talking about a one time occurrence of hitting 400k, or hitting 400k on a constant basis???


Like some alluded to before Ive been able to get up into the 350-400k range but im valor rank 85 and ive done in 10 or so games.

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Deception/Madness hybrid has highest burst for an assassin. I've seen plenty of assassins get 750k+ damage. But they ended up losing games. Why? They didn't play objectively and they don't want to use their taunts. If I do 750k+ damage I better have 50k protection in be top in objective points. Also assassins aren't known for a high damage output. They are known for one word. UTILITY. If you care so much about doing 400k damage so much, run a warrior and you'll be content.


Sins have one of the highest dps outputs in the game, and why would you ever want to use you free, off the GCD ability to reduce an enemies damage? It's just illogical

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Here's a spec that I find fun to play:






Do I find it fun to play? YES

Can it dish out 450k? YES

Would some people find it "gimped"? YES

Do I care? NO




Stay behind target at all times. Maul their *** when you can. Shock when you can (for 1.5x damage). Use discharge when you can (and can't maul or shock). When force is low or can't maul: thrash.


Screw voltaic slash.


Also works nicely with 160 force (PVE kit bonus) and 1214 expertise. Allows for evil mauling.


It's a good thing you don't care, because choosing Thrashing Blades over Death Field and Low Slash is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard of.

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Sins have one of the highest dps outputs in the game, and why would you ever want to use you free, off the GCD ability to reduce an enemies damage? It's just illogical


Warriors/Knights, Snipers/Gunslingers, powertechs/vanguards dps is higher than that of assassins. There is a reason that those classes get chosen to dps over sins in ranked. Assassins/Shadows are known for utility not for dps. Even though a select few can put up high numbers.

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Warriors/Knights, Snipers/Gunslingers, powertechs/vanguards dps is higher than that of assassins. There is a reason that those classes get chosen to dps over sins in ranked. Assassins/Shadows are known for utility not for dps. Even though a select few can put up high numbers.


The infiltration/deception burst is beyond most classes except for maybe the PTs TD+ED+Stun+RS+RP+RS. The reason the infil/deception spec isn't widely allowed to dps in rateds is simply because they are slightly easier to murder. If the pyroPT is ever nerfed (even slightly) they'll be replaced dps assassins assuming other class changes don't leap frog.

Edited by Blasphemerr
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The infiltration/deception burst is beyond most classes except for maybe the PTs TD+ED+Stun+RS+RP+RS. The reason the infil/deception spec isn't widely allowed to dps in rateds is simply because they are slightly easier to murder. If the pyroPT is ever nerfed (even slightly) they'll be replaced dps assassins assuming other class changes don't leap frog.


I stopped running my PT. I thought they had better sustained dps with good burst?

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Warriors/Knights, Snipers/Gunslingers, powertechs/vanguards dps is higher than that of assassins. There is a reason that those classes get chosen to dps over sins in ranked. Assassins/Shadows are known for utility not for dps. Even though a select few can put up high numbers.


Thats some nice utility you've got there bro, all sort of abilities doing 5k damage, and recklessness wvailable so conveniently, all this while having a crapload of stuns.

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POWER! is one of the key ingredients:D


I take that as a compliment mate. Thank you. And yes, I am awesome. :D


On topic: I currently run as 0/27/14 on my sin and I have outdpsed a decent omgwtfbbq lolsmasher (something like 370k vs his 320k), but that only happened once or twice as I wanted to have fun and didn't give a **** about objectives. But hey, don't sins deserve a break from nodeguarding and stealth capping every once in a while? :p As a 23/1/17 I was lucky to do 550k with 120k protection (I guarded a good sorc healer throughout a longish Voidstar). As full madness I've reached 600k on a full length Voidstar, but instead of dotting and aoeing everything in my sight I actually went for the single target burn and door caps whenever possible.


All in all, YES, you can put out big numbers as any specc with properly modded gear but it does require a certain team setup from both sides (which are extremely rare especially when pugging) and, of course, skill and awareness.

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I am starting to wonder if people think im talking about a one time occurrence of hitting 400k, or hitting 400k on a constant basis???


Like some alluded to before Ive been able to get up into the 350-400k range but im valor rank 85 and ive done in 10 or so games.


playing 0/27/14 I have around 400-700k dmg usually, 50-100k protection from taunts. Win most warzones as well by paying attention to objectives in main fight/responding to help calls.


Have you considered it might not be your gear or spec, but you?

For instance did you keybind all your abilities? Are you always running solo or in premade?

Do you know the other classes and their buffs/debuffs?

And finally: how is your reaction time? Even if everything on paper is right, it still has to done manually by the player. If your reaction time is quite slow you will not achieve high results in pvp.


Also keep in mind that even without top damage you can still be a very useful player. Sentinel trying to masterstrike your healer?> use a taunt.

Healer getting leaped on by multiple enemies? > force wave enemies off the healer.


Stuff like that can make a difference as well.

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Ive seen several assassin's do this regularly. Im a fully war hero, fully power, crit augmented deception assassin and I NEVER sniff 400k damage.


The crit augments would be a good place to start


Drop that **** for resolve augs


Even the sin tanks can hit 400k so I would suggest working on rotation.

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The infiltration/deception burst is beyond most classes except for maybe the PTs TD+ED+Stun+RS+RP+RS. The reason the infil/deception spec isn't widely allowed to dps in rateds is simply because they are slightly easier to murder. If the pyroPT is ever nerfed (even slightly) they'll be replaced dps assassins assuming other class changes don't leap frog.


they're a lot easier to murder. PTs do their dmg outside of smash range and mara range and most everything any melee unit dishes out. and the crit/aoe dmg reduction makes deception serviceable...not nearly on par wtih PTs because of the range issue. imo.

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