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Dying World PvP


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As per title, i think that world pvp is pretty dead... Every time i go to ilum it's either republic controlled or imperial controlled 100%, suggesting that one person simply captures every objective by himself just to farm the valor bonus... I was wondering why there is no encouragement towards world pvp since right now it just looks like wasted space...


Personally i think that these 2 very simple points would give life to real fun world pvp

1. Add pvp bounty board and vendors in the faction bases, since a lot of pvp'ers just sit in the combat training section of the fleets.

2. Add a weekly/daily that has something to do with world pvp objectives that reward commendations



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More wpvp:


To get people to wpvp, you need to reward them for doing so.

I will write down a few idea's here, that have proven to be worthy in other games:

Disclaimer: These idea's are not supposed to be combined, but seen as several other options.


#1 Make a different rank for world-pvp kills, with extremely good rewards. limit the level of maximum 5 levels below and 5 levels above your own. with diminishing returns for bigger level differences.


#2 make wpvp kills in the range of 2-3 levels reward an high amount of valor. (with diminishing returns so players cannot farm valor from friends, like in:

First kill: 8 valor

Second kill: 4 valor

Third kill: 2 valor

fourth and above kill: 1 valor

-resets after 30 minutes after the first kill.


#3 Make a reputation style for wpvp kills, When you'll be able to gain access to different area's seeing your rank in that reputation, these area's should be able to offer you several things:

- Free teleport spell to that area.

- Different types of legacy bound gear

- Special pvp gear which isn't obtainable by warzones.(and ofcourse substantial better since it's harder to get.)


#4 Make it rewardfull on another way: this requires to implent another system aswell:


step 1: Make it possible for players to "bank" credits in their cargo hold, a bank account or A safe in their space ship,

Step 2: Make players lootable

Step 3: Players drop a % of the credits that they have on them.


This makes it both rewardfull as players having to actually run away to keep their hard earned credits.

(Does it make sense to run around with millions in any universe where there's a chance that someone robs you, or kills and robs you?- bank accounts/storing money would make perfectly sense!)



#5: Put special bosses with good loot/weekly quests in outposts of the other team.

For instance republic bases have bosses that drop good loot for the empire players,

while the empire bases have good loot for the republic bases.

It might require that the guards will have either less health or less damage output, while the boss would require a full ops.


another option: it is also possible to run events at special times with world wide(both factions) server messages. like in "at 4 PM this boss will be visiting this and this city. go and kill it while possible)

Where people can gain both defender and offender points. unlocking special rewards.

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Well both ideas are excellent and to be honest not new, just for some reason the DEVS like to force everybody onto fleet as some kind of show of "high population", I honestly have come to hate fleet, but more than I hate fleet, I hate my ship, and all the other obstacles and loading screens between fleet and Illum.

Put the bounty board/PVE terminals and vendors on every single planet, along with GTN terminals and as per your suggestion the bounty board terminals and pvp vendors in Illum bases. The game would instantly get better, and by a lot.


too much forcing the players into places and situations that they dislike, after a while, people just quit, should have been lesson learned.

Edited by Zataos
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Dying? It's been dead forever.


This ^^^^^^^


For longest time the only World PVP you saw were gank groups exploiting bugs to flag non flagged players.

Otherwise they were invisable and was no world PVP


But the answer has always been open to EA

Its just pretty appearent they refuse to go there


DAoC style RVR (but 2 faction rather then 3)


Just put in the RVR frontiers with bases rather then Keeps

2 Large relic bases per side (each holding a +5% Force relic (faction wide) and a +5% tech relic (faction wide)

The more bases you own of your opponents, the less npc guards defending Relic bases


Promotes open world pvp

Promotes faction unity (something sorely missing in TOR)

Gives each side incentive with out awarding insane single person stats

Creates use for guilds as they would be able to spend guild points (earned by PVPing) on upgradeing bases


And you could go a step farther and add in a darkness falls type world (rather then dungeon) where to gain entry you need to control a certain number of your own and your opponents bases and what not.


Sky the limit and Mythic has done it before to great initial reception


But for what ever reason, EA refuses to allow this and we stuck with mindless warzones and no open world pvp


Game could be so much more then it currently is with just a little dedication by the devs and EA.


But hey, new Cartel items coming in a patch soon to release!

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I didn't know there was 2 different phase that republic and empire enter same planet, Balmorra.... i wonder why they did do that? it would be a epic world pvp if they just put the sames phase. Beside, what the point for having a pvp server if there's many restricet zone locked out n no reward for killing enemy on world pvp? omg! serious. ;(, cmon, where's a true PvP or PK server, ME want play a Ture PvP server, not PVP(pve) Server.
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This has been trod over a million times. Nothing will ever happen. Ever. lol


Ofcourse not, They're too busy making new items for the cartel market.


They're rather spend time on making new cartel market items (Temporary increase of income, wont'last forever as people will get tired of it)


than fixing the bugs and creating an awesome gaming envoriment (which would be a long-term increase of income.)


So not only bioware/ea have no idea on how to run an effective customer service. they also have no insight of business management.

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Want to know why there is a lack of OWPvP and why everybody is in warzones? Warzone Commendations. That right there is the single biggest reason why nobody is out killing each other in the open world. Until EAWare implements a way for you to gain WZ comms outside of WZ's that are equivalent to the amount you gain in WZ's or slightly less, then every discussion about OWPvP is moot. People need to get PvP gear to properly PvP. Even the ones who are already min/maxxed, do them for the molecular stabs for money. And the only way to do that is by winning/losing WZ's and completing the daily/weekly.


All these other ideas are fine and dandy, but until the above is addressed, OWPvP will stay dead for the forseeable future.

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#4 Make it rewardfull on another way: this requires to implent another system aswell:


step 1: Make it possible for players to "bank" credits in their cargo hold, a bank account or A safe in their space ship,

Step 2: Make players lootable

Step 3: Players drop a % of the credits that they have on them.


This makes it both rewardfull as players having to actually run away to keep their hard earned credits.

(Does it make sense to run around with millions in any universe where there's a chance that someone robs you, or kills and robs you?- bank accounts/storing money would make perfectly sense!)


I do not see that going well, at first it might be fun, but it wont take long before one massive group will utterly dominate and abuse any others that enter the area.

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Want to know why there is a lack of OWPvP and why everybody is in warzones? Warzone Commendations. That right there is the single biggest reason why nobody is out killing each other in the open world. Until EAWare implements a way for you to gain WZ comms outside of WZ's that are equivalent to the amount you gain in WZ's or slightly less, then every discussion about OWPvP is moot. People need to get PvP gear to properly PvP. Even the ones who are already min/maxxed, do them for the molecular stabs for money. And the only way to do that is by winning/losing WZ's and completing the daily/weekly.


All these other ideas are fine and dandy, but until the above is addressed, OWPvP will stay dead for the forseeable future.


in fact my point 2 was to add something that rewards commendations


As for the other posts suggesting whole new mechanics, it all sound great and seeing them some day would be awesome, but recreating world pvp from scratch would take forever. Adding bounty boards and vendors is just ctrl+c -> ctrl+v work, and missions wouldn't take much longer.

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One way could be to return Mercenery Comms and give them out for open world kills.


For example, if I on my lvl 40 sniper kill a lvl 40 guardian would I get 10 Merc Comms and 50 Valor


With more/less comms and valor being given based on if the enemy player has a lower/higher lvl then you. To prevent farming so would you only get 50 % of the reward the second time you kill the same player within 30 min and you get no reward for killing him more then 2 times within 30 min.


You could then trade in Merc Comms for wz comms, pets or special custom gear.

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in fact my point 2 was to add something that rewards commendations


As for the other posts suggesting whole new mechanics, it all sound great and seeing them some day would be awesome, but recreating world pvp from scratch would take forever. Adding bounty boards and vendors is just ctrl+c -> ctrl+v work, and missions wouldn't take much longer.


Well its not a whole new mechanic but more importantly

What I suggested has WORKED for a majority in a title


What you suggest (Player looting and Bounties and what not) have driven players AWAY from MMORPGs because of abuse and general dislike of being routinely punished.


ONLY server your concept work on (short term) would be classic PVP servers (not the PVE faction based servers they currently call PVP Servers) ands as was pointed out. We already know how that ends.


1 group will become the power base and drive everyone else away and before they know it, its just them on server with no pvp happening at all.


I understand there is a very small minority of players out there that love the stuff like courpse looting, perma death, open world housing (houses on the playable map), and more. But fact of matter is games with these concepts have all failed time and time again.


Going back to a failed concept yet again doesnt help anyone but maybe your minority of players for the short term.


Taking a proven system that was insanely popular at its time and DIDNT drive people away, and then updating it for modern times.



And you also seem to miss that MYTHIC, the group making TOR Warzones here, were the group behind DAoC RVR. Its far from a new mechanic to them.


PS: Other poster might be right about coms but I actually think the bulk of people are bored enough with pre school pvp known as Warzones that if offered a fully functional RVR system. They would switch over in due course.


Speaking for myself (but holds true to more and more every day that I see), I took 4 characters to almost War Hero and just got so bored of it I walked away.

Havent entered a warzone in ohhhh 6-8 weeks now?

Not a single one.

Just no appeal to push me into it again.


If they gave me meaningful Open World (but in a specific PVP area like you see on Ilum) PVP with some sort of meaning (ALA DAoC RVR), I dare say Id spend stupid hours out there PVPing, earning guild points, claiming and upgrading bases, and just enjoying the full course meal that is RVR.


But for time being I just stay unflagged and do PVE as PVP in this game is a complete waste of time.


Actually be looking at ESO (Eder Scrolls Online) because they will have 3 realm RVR. Not big on everything they say or advertise but in the end, they have 3 realm RVR with objectives as I listed out and more.

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Well its not a whole new mechanic but more importantly

What I suggested has WORKED for a majority in a title


What you suggest (Player looting and Bounties and what not) have driven players AWAY from MMORPGs because of abuse and general dislike of being routinely punished.


ONLY server your concept work on (short term) would be classic PVP servers (not the PVE faction based servers they currently call PVP Servers) ands as was pointed out. We already know how that ends.


1 group will become the power base and drive everyone else away and before they know it, its just them on server with no pvp happening at all.


I understand there is a very small minority of players out there that love the stuff like courpse looting, perma death, open world housing (houses on the playable map), and more. But fact of matter is games with these concepts have all failed time and time again.


Going back to a failed concept yet again doesnt help anyone but maybe your minority of players for the short term.


Taking a proven system that was insanely popular at its time and DIDNT drive people away, and then updating it for modern times.



And you also seem to miss that MYTHIC, the group making TOR Warzones here, were the group behind DAoC RVR. Its far from a new mechanic to them.


PS: Other poster might be right about coms but I actually think the bulk of people are bored enough with pre school pvp known as Warzones that if offered a fully functional RVR system. They would switch over in due course.


Speaking for myself (but holds true to more and more every day that I see), I took 4 characters to almost War Hero and just got so bored of it I walked away.

Havent entered a warzone in ohhhh 6-8 weeks now?

Not a single one.

Just no appeal to push me into it again.


If they gave me meaningful Open World (but in a specific PVP area like you see on Ilum) PVP with some sort of meaning (ALA DAoC RVR), I dare say Id spend stupid hours out there PVPing, earning guild points, claiming and upgrading bases, and just enjoying the full course meal that is RVR.


But for time being I just stay unflagged and do PVE as PVP in this game is a complete waste of time.


Actually be looking at ESO (Eder Scrolls Online) because they will have 3 realm RVR. Not big on everything they say or advertise but in the end, they have 3 realm RVR with objectives as I listed out and more.


i never talked about player looting and bounties :/ What i talked about was adding vendors and the bounty board as in "quest terminal". These changes are so simple that if any dev read this it could probably be implemented in the next patch. Anything else that requires changing mechanics however cool it may be it still would take months before completion because even if the team is familiar there's still all the coding to do...

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Ilum OPvP is dead in the armaments area. There are still a lot of skirmishes though in the questing areas. Additionally, OPvP seems to happen almost every night for me on my alts. My Sage had a fun fight last night on Alderaan, for instance.


It's just emergent type stuff, not structured OPvP, but it is happening. Definitely not dead, unless you are on a PvE server I guess, and then you get what you rolled for.

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want to know why there is a lack of owpvp and why everybody is in warzones? Warzone commendations. That right there is the single biggest reason why nobody is out killing each other in the open world. Until eaware implements a way for you to gain wz comms outside of wz's that are equivalent to the amount you gain in wz's or slightly less, then every discussion about owpvp is moot. People need to get pvp gear to properly pvp. Even the ones who are already min/maxxed, do them for the molecular stabs for money. And the only way to do that is by winning/losing wz's and completing the daily/weekly.


All these other ideas are fine and dandy, but until the above is addressed, owpvp will stay dead for the forseeable future.




I think at some point they intended merc comms to be the warzone comm equivilant for open world...but they couldn't code it right.

Edited by islander
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I actually feel like world PvP has improved greatly over the last few months... because of players making it happen and not so much because of game design which is unfortunate but over all. I've seen a lot more world PvP within the last few months than I have since the Rakghoul plague outbreak.
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I actually feel like world PvP has improved greatly over the last few months... because of players making it happen and not so much because of game design which is unfortunate but over all. I've seen a lot more world PvP within the last few months than I have since the Rakghoul plague outbreak.


I think this is an unexpected side effect of the gearing nerf (the grind to get geared, reasonably) as well. I'm not one of those guys who says you can go from recruit to full WH in a week (no, you can't unless its your full time job). However, if you're established and have the funding, you can set yourself up to certinaly be 11 or 12/14 war hero by the time you hit 50 on an alt, through legacy gear and accumulted tokens on the alt himself.


Gillies was I think 11/14 right out of the box, icluding EWH bracers/belt. Just had to grind up the chest, weapon and offhand. Took 5 days.

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I think this is an unexpected side effect of the gearing nerf.


That actually makes a lot of sense... never considered that.


I def feel as if the fact that people want it... bad... so they create it however they can. But that along with people being frustrated with it being non-existent makes a lot of sense.

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