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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please disable respeccing inside WZ


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You keep saying exploits which really confuses me. I am now realizing this topic has little to do with the field respec and more to do with premades and the "gear gap".


I agree. I wonder, if we'll see another thread like this from the OP if/when BW delivers on dual specs.


It's not like recruit gear is expensive. The OP has the option to purchase as many sets of recruit as he/she wants to suit as many builds as he/she desires. Not to mention WH is stupidly easy to get now and EWH is barely a step above in stats.


If the OP (and anyone else who complains about the now very small gear gap) can't play 1-2 weeks to get a full set WH then I don't have 1-2 weeks of patience to waste on reading another thread like this.

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It's disappointing to see how many of people would advocate blatant imbalances in time commitments. I assume it's the same people who are against Elite War Hero not being an uber upgrade.


I'm not disputing that the feature has some quirks, and can be fun to do, I'm pointing out that it clearly illustrates an imbalance between the pug and the guy who will spends months of time into multiple gear sets to maximise small advantages.


PVP should be about skill, not the willingness to put in many many hours and to change spec rapidly to exploit the situation.


the field respec has nothing to do with the imbalance, its the scrubs that choose to come into wz's and have lvl 35 gear or their free tionese on that contributes to the imbalance. The others have to respec to try and carry these r-tards and hope for a win

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I can see how field respeccing could create a little bit of a problem, but I dont think it's a major issue. My personal opinion is to only allow respecs before the match starts. That way if you join a pug and you need heals, you can switch in the starting area before the match starts.


I can also live with the way it is now. It would be a bigger issue if we had talents, keybinds, and gear saved to a template, and people could swap on the fly.

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I can see how field respeccing could create a little bit of a problem, but I dont think it's a major issue. My personal opinion is to only allow respecs before the match starts. That way if you join a pug and you need heals, you can switch in the starting area before the match starts.


I can also live with the way it is now. It would be a bigger issue if we had talents, keybinds, and gear saved to a template, and people could swap on the fly.


I'd certainly settle for this, and think it would be a fair compromise to the points raised here. Allowing it at the start would mean that the teams could balance their initial structure, without giving an unfair advantage between the rounds.

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I can see how field respeccing could create a little bit of a problem, but I dont think it's a major issue. My personal opinion is to only allow respecs before the match starts. That way if you join a pug and you need heals, you can switch in the starting area before the match starts.


I can also live with the way it is now. It would be a bigger issue if we had talents, keybinds, and gear saved to a template, and people could swap on the fly.


I see the "before the match starts" idea and it is not a bad idea. My only problem is; what about when you join in where others have quit, mid match? You wont have your team standing around to make the decision. Then again; you probably are better off not wasting the time to worry about it.

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the field respec has nothing to do with the imbalance, its the scrubs that choose to come into wz's and have lvl 35 gear or their free tionese on that contributes to the imbalance. The others have to respec to try and carry these r-tards and hope for a win


Wait what?


How does this even work in someones mind? Level 35 gear :t_confused:


Ohhh, I haven't actually thought about speccing into the tank tree when I get Huttball, what a great idea, thanks. :p


You're welcome :D

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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Wait what?


How does this even work in someones mind? Level 35 gear :t_confused:



I already see this I recommend that this person leave the warzone to buy the minimum of recruit gear.


12K life. It's rare but I see theses thing more often on the rep side. I dunno why ... :confused:

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I already see this I recommend that this person leave the warzone to buy the minimum of recruit gear.


12K life. It's rare but I see theses thing more often on the rep side. I dunno why ... :confused:


I've never seen anyone with so little life, since there is free recruit gear.

(before that you had to enter the wz's with your level gear, oh the good old days, when the bracket was lvl 10-50 and the 50s roflstompt anybody else ^^ i was in the anybody else fraction at this time)

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I can also live with the way it is now. It would be a bigger issue if we had talents, keybinds, and gear saved to a template, and people could swap on the fly.


I'd love that, but THAT would really be called op... I see a zerg fight happening with our healer far away so I switch to heal INSTANTLY before entering the fight and once the enemy is defeated I switch back to DPS instantly and can take out the one trying to defeat our tank at the other objective. :p

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This is an MMO with a lol weak gear grind currently. There will always be a gear gap from a fresh 50 to a seasoned player and there is no way around that as of yet. What you are litterally saying is people use gear as a crutch and are using a system which everyone has access to gaining as to gain a competitive edge. Well slap me silly for someone wanted to gain an "edge", again its mainly used to help balance out a team and how you can say that's wrong is beyond me.


I am speced dps 90% of my warzones so you should be so lucky that I give you a shot when I am defending solo and not specced tank. That is me trying to balance it out.


If that's your only defence of the system, make respeccing available at the start of games only, as others have pointed out.


Seems to be the fairest way of handling team structure whilst mitigating other advantages.

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Seems to me you'd have to be really commited, and pretty darn talented to do. Seems like shuffling abilities around would be a pain in the butt. This does explain some of the screen shots I've seen where people get 300k damage and heals though. Kudos to them.
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I'd love that, but THAT would really be called op... I see a zerg fight happening with our healer far away so I switch to heal INSTANTLY before entering the fight and once the enemy is defeated I switch back to DPS instantly and can take out the one trying to defeat our tank at the other objective. :p


You can respec in combat I tried it.


BTW i don't recommend to do this it's painfull to kite and respec at the same time :p

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If that's your only defence of the system, make respeccing available at the start of games only, as others have pointed out.


Seems to be the fairest way of handling team structure whilst mitigating other advantages.


Well farming those 200k is really a pain... maybe something like doing the dailies once... A lot of heals and Tanks are running around in DPS gear anyways. :rolleyes:


You can respec in combat I tried it.


BTW i don't recommend to do this it's painfull to kite and respec at the same time :p


I know... I'm down to 15 secs for a full respec with gear switch and quickbar changes... the key to my post was that switching specs INSTANTLY would be nice but maybe a little too strong. ;)


/edit: Hey after reviewing my post... isn't it also skill to switch from one spec to another with entire gear and quickbar switch fast than others? :p

Edited by rainbow
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If that's your only defence of the system, make respeccing available at the start of games only, as others have pointed out.


Seems to be the fairest way of handling team structure whilst mitigating other advantages.


field respec should not be changed, it doesn't give anyone an unfair advantage.

It's available for everybody except the players who don't have this: 200k credits, legacy level 10 and level 10

For lvl 50 wz you should be lvl 50, 200k are easily farmed with dailies and legacy level 10 is easily obtained, now that you get your legacy with lvl 10.


Get it yourself and don't rant about it, because a few players mastered the art of situational awareness (not me, I mostly respecc at the beginning of a match, rarely whilst the actual game)


You can respec in combat I tried it.


BTW i don't recommend to do this it's painfull to kite and respec at the same time :p


Of topic:

I remember respeccing in combat against Soa because of a tank dcing ^^

The platforms were a bit a pain in the neck

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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I can see how field respec is awesome in normals where it can really save an otherwise screwed team composition.

Still dont like it in rated, I think people should be locked to the spec they enter the warzone with.

If a marauder is specced rage, he shouldt be able to go Carnage for the initial rush in civil and then just change back to rage.


But yea, I see valid arguments for keeping it aswell, just not good enough for me ;)

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I can see how field respec is awesome in normals where it can really save an otherwise screwed team composition.

Still dont like it in rated, I think people should be locked to the spec they enter the warzone with.

If a marauder is specced rage, he shouldt be able to go Carnage for the initial rush in civil and then just change back to rage.


But yea, I see valid arguments for keeping it aswell, just not good enough for me ;)


And I haven't seen any arguments good enough for me on why to disable it. :rolleyes:

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This 'PVP team' has made some pretty daft decisions regarding PVP in the past, but this is without doubt the worst.


There are so many reasons why allowing fluid respeccing throughout any point of a WZ is bad. But to name a few.


It furthers the Jugg focus spam. Jugg's go focus for attack, hybrid or full tank for defend. Or just all go tank for huttball.


It furthers the gear divide between those that have and those that haven't. It requires two gear sets, both fully augmented, and is increasingly becoming a necessity to compete.


There are a multitude of reasons but I'm too indifferent to the reasons behind why the decision was made. I think most would agree it needs to be changed, to keep a balance in PVP and stop the escalating divide between the average pug and those who will go out of their way to exploit any slight advantage.


Filed respec is by far the most useful legacy perk for me. It adds another diemension to the game and really let's you utilize your AC to the fullest in every WZ.


There is nothing stopping everyone from using this ability other than not knowing how. If anything respeccing should be explained via tutorial mission once you get to 50 and it should include a part that informs new 50's about field respec. If people can't see the value of that that's on them not on the people that do use it. Play up to people don't force them to play down to you.


As for requiring 2 sets of gear that is simply not true (and it's not even like they are hard to get). I repsec to DPS sometimes on my commando with all healer gear. Not really too different but I have no accuracy and a bunch of alacrity which makes ammo management a little tough but whatever. Most tanks roll with DPS gear anyway so I don't even see what you're talking about.


TL;DR - Stop trying to take elemants out of the game to make it simpler. Field respec is awesome. Especially when you have the ability to repsec when you have 8 DPS or 4 healers.

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