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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf The Shadow/Assasin


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I think we all wish we could hit a magic easy button to make us invincible. I really believe that with us jedi/sith leaping and zipping all over the place, the people who have it truly bad are bounty hunters /Troopers. I cannot say much about the agent though because I've neither heard complaints or played one.


Still, if one class is nerfed, then that class *****es, and if one class is improved, then the other classes *****. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Edited by igrabreaker
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Yes you can, Gardian / sent vs sage / sorc, the healer will die real fast.


We're talking about shadow vs other classes. No tank hybrid shadow is going to kill a geared player of any class in 2 GCDs.


For that matter no one of ANY class in ANY spec is going to take a geared player from full health to zero, solo, in 2 GCDs. Even a combat sent that has all the stars align and gets the jump on someone with no bubble, no cooldowns, preferably stunned, is going to deal out 20k damage in 2 GCDs.


Welcome to the conversation.

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In response to the OP's first post, and hopefully still prevalent concern regarding PvP. I play an assassin, and despite any disposition you might think I have, I will go ahead and tell you my concerns playing a 'sin.


I enter the battlefield. I look around but no enemy is near me. Realizing that my allies are not beside me coming out of the gate not only worries me, but reminds me that the Empire PvP is dreadful on my server. My force speed wears off, and still I trudge on toward a battle against a horde of excellently geared and expertly precise foes. I am nearing the center of the map. .


^ stop reading here.

If sin run into Big zerg fight in center of map, than this sin need just L2P. :rolleyes:

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We're talking about shadow vs other classes. No tank hybrid shadow is going to kill a geared player of any class in 2 GCDs.


For that matter no one of ANY class in ANY spec is going to take a geared player from full health to zero, solo, in 2 GCDs. Even a combat sent that has all the stars align and gets the jump on someone with no bubble, no cooldowns, preferably stunned, is going to deal out 20k damage in 2 GCDs.


Welcome to the conversation.


Combat can kill someone in 2 GCDs. I'm guessing you meant they can't given the statement at the beginning of your post?

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/facepalm.... not even gonna go into detail on why this thread is a joke. I mean seriously, of all the issues in the game right now - Between the bubble stuns and herp derp 7k smashes, shadows are the 1's who need a nerf ?...yea....ok.... Edited by Rilok_Singz
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SOOOOOOOOFAR I have the count at - Juggs/knights being OP, Sorc/Sages being OP, PT/Van(?) Being OP, Sin/Shadow Being OP Sniper/Gunslinger being OP


Wats missing?





Please create nerf threads for these classes instantly


or face the fact the game my just be a little more balanced than would like to represent. Not perfect but not as terrible as some in PVP.

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  • 3 months later...

so u dont see shadow shelter as an buff?? place it on u and pop resillience and u can last forever! as tank i think? shadows and assasins do need an certain nerf.maybet not in terms of cc but on shadow strike can hit up to 7k twice??***?i get cc once and loose 14k hp from 1single target?thats abit harsh isnt it? let allone that u are able to cc an target 4times untill my resolve gets filled up.thats just stupid on my vanguard aswell as on my jugg i got only 2cc,s and crappy once at thoose! why does shadow strike hit so much ravage,masterstrike doesnt and railshot or high impactbolt doesnt and has 15secs cd on it aswell but shadowstrike u can spam continuasly and hits up to 7.5k


what im saying is assasins do have to much cc abillitys that doesnt raise half theyr resolve bar

spike,usable twice when u pop battlestealth and twice with out stealth if specced.creeping terror cc,s aswell.and low slash cc,s then counting in the standard electrovute 4second cc and the lift up to 6seconds +mind trap wich is actually the only abillity that raises your resolvebar half way up!! and having hard hitting abillitys like maul and under 30% hitting abillity named assasinate! nevermind that players get mauled allot from the front even i think thats an game bug

Edited by darthwretch
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They have both burst and survivability not to mention the number of CC they have. Get rid of one of them. They are OP, especially in the hands of an experienced player.


Those, who don't admit this, either play this AC and scared to loose their edge against other players, or are one of those l2p heroes, abundant on these forums.

Edited by Taankjr
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I love how these threads start with a wall of misinformation, unintelligible rambling by the OP about a magical spec.... yet somehow people enjoy arguing so much that a completely useless post turns into a full on argument that has nothing to do with the OP.


3 days.... I will not miss it here.

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I love how these threads start with a wall of misinformation, unintelligible rambling by the OP about a magical spec.... yet somehow people enjoy arguing so much that a completely useless post turns into a full on argument that has nothing to do with the OP.


3 days.... I will not miss it here.


I saw the post that brought this back to the first page and decided best not to answer it as there was nothing worth addressing, but here it is. The argument re--ignites on an unintelligible post


What's in 3 days?

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I am sick of loosing warzones because the shadow/assasins are in the other team. They are invizible tanks with the best and most CC they have huge damage , even with range (one might think they are melee but no), and kill you in 2 seconds...maybe 3 if they are completly retarded. And dont even get me started about that burst of speed they use to run away with the huttball or when they feel they might loose the battle to the 3 guys that didnt go down in 5 seconds. It make me want to vomit when i see them. I know every MMO must have noob classes with press to win button but shadow/assasins must be seriously nerfed before they kill pvp gameplay



In my time in this game I have seen posts about EVERY class / Every spec being OP at one time or another. Could It be that they are just better players ? Every class has CC, GCD, stuns, knockbacks. Most of the veteran players have alts of every class so they can learn strengths and weaknesses and learn to counter.


I have an assassin alt and dont really consider it to be OP, still a light armor class, if you min/ max a 55 you will do huge damage if your geared right. Your class has CC, stuns and a knockback. the only ability that makes that class more of a pain in the rear is a disengage that puts you in stealth. The assassin's cousin the sorcerer can also be OP with spammable force lightning a potent death field and a recklessness proc that makes it hit like a truck.


Snipers are OP in the right players hand so are mara's, powertechs, operatives, and jugs can be close to unkillable in the hands of a good player ..


What class and spec are you ? you left that part out

Edited by Jedibediah
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This sub runs out... My main account is banned and I only paid a month on this account so I could rape it of any mats and the 14 million credits that came with it.


You won't be missing anything.


Keeping up with and posting on this forums is a huge waste of breathe and time.

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