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Please make Datacrons Legacy heritage!


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Plain and simple make Datacrons Legacy heritage. It`s basically codex of history knowledge so it should be passed on from knee to knee among family. Yes I know it gives you stat bonus an it will be a lot if one starts with all of it. This can be avoided simple with giving the bonus, codex unlock, when the character enters the sector where datacron is located.


The bottom line is that this game is not created to be played in Super Mario style so I`m sick and tired of jumping from lamp to lamp on Nar Shaddaa when the game don`t give you that kind of control!

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This is a good idea. Not everyone has the time, to catch them with all chars and besides it is boring to do this 8 times !!


They could give you the extra stats when you enter lvl 50.

Edited by Linasho
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Great idea, while we're at it, also give all my alts the full Black Hole gear when they ding 50! I shouldn't be forced to do the same content on all my characters to get the rewards for it!

Actually, all my alts should start at lvl 50 right away as well, why should I be forced to do leveling content when I've already leveled a character?

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Considering the presence stacking making all companions of alts after your first 50 much stronger, even giving the full bonus to all in legacy would not be that unbalancing.


Either make it legacy wide or show us the mission icon again so I know if I got it or not on each character before having to do the jump jump jump again.

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Great idea, while we're at it, also give all my alts the full Black Hole gear when they ding 50! I shouldn't be forced to do the same content on all my characters to get the rewards for it!

Actually, all my alts should start at lvl 50 right away as well, why should I be forced to do leveling content when I've already leveled a character?


Reductio ad absurdium does you no justice, here.

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Reductio ad absurdium does you no justice, here.

The thing is: I see it as a content type available in this game. Just like leveling up is an available type of content, just like operations are a type of content, just like PvP is a type of content.

So yeah, if you're not interrested in that type of content, then simply don't do it. But live with the simple fact that you won't get the rewards either. Same as PvP, same as running Operations, same as leveling.


Yes, this content type gives permanent bonusses to your character. Just as leveling up does. Still, those bonus stats make less than 5% of your total stats, and aren't required in any way for any of the other content available. Not only that, almost half the stats you get from datacrons don't or barely improve your character at all. So yes, you can simply skip that AIM datacron on your consular, and you won't even miss it.


The stat bonusses help, they make things slightly easier, but those failing at some other piece of content simply cannot blame their lack of Datacron stats, because they're either undergeared anyway, or simply make mistakes at the content that's proving too hard for them.



So the fault is people feeling a necessity for getting them, which simply isn't there, and deciding to do things they don't need nor want to do, to then demand the rewards from that content to be given to them without the effort required. Sorry, but I simply am dead against that. It IS as rediculous as asking full Black Hole gear for my Agent because my Consular "already did that stuff". It removes the sense of accomplishment for those who actually DO enjoy doing it.

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The thing is: I see it as a content type available in this game. Just like leveling up is an available type of content, just like operations are a type of content, just like PvP is a type of content.

So yeah, if you're not interrested in that type of content, then simply don't do it. But live with the simple fact that you won't get the rewards either. Same as PvP, same as running Operations, same as leveling.


Yes, this content type gives permanent bonusses to your character. Just as leveling up does. Still, those bonus stats make less than 5% of your total stats, and aren't required in any way for any of the other content available. Not only that, almost half the stats you get from datacrons don't or barely improve your character at all. So yes, you can simply skip that AIM datacron on your consular, and you won't even miss it.


The stat bonusses help, they make things slightly easier, but those failing at some other piece of content simply cannot blame their lack of Datacron stats, because they're either undergeared anyway, or simply make mistakes at the content that's proving too hard for them.



So the fault is people feeling a necessity for getting them, which simply isn't there, and deciding to do things they don't need nor want to do, to then demand the rewards from that content to be given to them without the effort required. Sorry, but I simply am dead against that. It IS as rediculous as asking full Black Hole gear for my Agent because my Consular "already did that stuff". It removes the sense of accomplishment for those who actually DO enjoy doing it.


And there's the legitimate case I've come to expect from you. :)

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The thing is: I see it as a content type available in this game. Just like leveling up is an available type of content, just like operations are a type of content, just like PvP is a type of content.

So yeah, if you're not interrested in that type of content, then simply don't do it. But live with the simple fact that you won't get the rewards either. Same as PvP, same as running Operations, same as leveling.


Yes, this content type gives permanent bonusses to your character. Just as leveling up does. Still, those bonus stats make less than 5% of your total stats, and aren't required in any way for any of the other content available. Not only that, almost half the stats you get from datacrons don't or barely improve your character at all. So yes, you can simply skip that AIM datacron on your consular, and you won't even miss it.


While I agree with you that it's content - it's BAD content. I don't mind doing the starter worlds again - those are great content, sometimes I do them just for fun. Datacrons aren't fun. They'd be a nice bonus while leveling, but the thought of doing them all over again makes me not bother using any of my alts past 50. I spent the time doing them on my main in the hopes of eventually maxing him out, but there's no way I'm doing that again. It's just not fun. I mean, they grant everyone a nearly full Tionese set just for dinging 50, I see no reason why they can't make this a legacy perk.

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Plain and simple make Datacrons Legacy heritage. It`s basically codex of history knowledge so it should be passed on from knee to knee among family. Yes I know it gives you stat bonus an it will be a lot if one starts with all of it. This can be avoided simple with giving the bonus, codex unlock, when the character enters the sector where datacron is located.


The bottom line is that this game is not created to be played in Super Mario style so I`m sick and tired of jumping from lamp to lamp on Nar Shaddaa when the game don`t give you that kind of control!


So if im reading it correctly.. they dont atomatically get the crons, they still have to go to the rough region where they are located?


Ok that I can agree with then, rather than these people who has just stated they want them all unlocked without having to put any effort in second time round :-)

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Personally, I think that there should be a legacy codex, as well as a personal one.


The legacy codex would have all of the actual entries that you have accumulated across all of your characters.


The personal one would only be for that particular character.


This way you could have all the codex entries in one spot while still allowing for codex entry experience and datacron stats to stay as they are.

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Personally, I think that there should be a legacy codex, as well as a personal one.


The legacy codex would have all of the actual entries that you have accumulated across all of your characters.


The personal one would only be for that particular character.


This way you could have all the codex entries in one spot while still allowing for codex entry experience and datacron stats to stay as they are.


I like this idea, I don't mind the codex entries being shared across a legacy.....but I think if you want the stat increase for each character then each character should have to make it all the way to the datacron.


To the OP: I am sorry if you don't like jumping...but I hate grouping and some datacrons force me to group if I want them, some content makes people go to pvp zones even if they don't like to pvp.


I know some people are freaking right now because they are dying to say "Hate grouping...this is an mmo...you should have to group!" To that I say, fine this is an MMO so it caters to a variety of playstyles....one of which is the guy who doesn't mind the jump puzzle challenge when the reward is something he wants.


So, jumping puzzles aren't your thing, but other people like them, so that's the price for playing an mmo...you have elements that you have to tolerate because other people play too. At least I am being nice, when I ask for solo modes for flashpoints I get people telling me to go play xbox, or my favorite..."go watch them on youtube" lol.....


So I won't be like that and tell you something like "Hey if you don't like jumping go play a single player game with no jumping, or why don't you play Tiger Woods Golf because that has no jumping in it." I will simply say I am sorry you don't like them but I do like the jumping puzzles.....they are more like old school Tomb Raider than Mario....and I use datacron hunting as a end game feature for my 50's, just like the dailies, and collecting gear to try and see what flashpoints I can solo. I hope they don't change them.

Edited by Greymaulkin
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Personally, I think that there should be a legacy codex, as well as a personal one.


The legacy codex would have all of the actual entries that you have accumulated across all of your characters.


The personal one would only be for that particular character.


This way you could have all the codex entries in one spot while still allowing for codex entry experience and datacron stats to stay as they are.


Beat me to it.


I helped a Guardian finish a quest on Tatooine, and I got a Knight-only codex entry (some cave-dwelling crab-thingies) as an unexpected bonus for my Sage. As my knights/warriors will be the absolute last classes I level up, I thought this was rather neat - I get to peruse a codex entry I'd otherwise have to wait for.


All the entries could appear in the codex section, with your personally discovered entries containing a thick red border (or something) once that character discovers them, or it shows the names of all your Legacy characters who have unlocked that particular entry when you mouse over it. There are so many ways this could be made to work.

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The thing is: I see it as a content type available in this game. Just like leveling up is an available type of content, just like operations are a type of content, just like PvP is a type of content.

So yeah, if you're not interrested in that type of content, then simply don't do it. But live with the simple fact that you won't get the rewards either. Same as PvP, same as running Operations, same as leveling.


Yes, this content type gives permanent bonusses to your character. Just as leveling up does. Still, those bonus stats make less than 5% of your total stats, and aren't required in any way for any of the other content available. Not only that, almost half the stats you get from datacrons don't or barely improve your character at all. So yes, you can simply skip that AIM datacron on your consular, and you won't even miss it.


The stat bonusses help, they make things slightly easier, but those failing at some other piece of content simply cannot blame their lack of Datacron stats, because they're either undergeared anyway, or simply make mistakes at the content that's proving too hard for them.



So the fault is people feeling a necessity for getting them, which simply isn't there, and deciding to do things they don't need nor want to do, to then demand the rewards from that content to be given to them without the effort required. Sorry, but I simply am dead against that. It IS as rediculous as asking full Black Hole gear for my Agent because my Consular "already did that stuff". It removes the sense of accomplishment for those who actually DO enjoy doing it.


I totally agree with content argument but you seam to forget one small difference with datacrons. And it is crucial one. Like I said "this game is not created to be played in Super Mario style...the game don`t give you that kind of control!" This is what makes it so unbearable.

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Great idea, while we're at it, also give all my alts the full Black Hole gear when they ding 50! I shouldn't be forced to do the same content on all my characters to get the rewards for it!

Actually, all my alts should start at lvl 50 right away as well, why should I be forced to do leveling content when I've already leveled a character?


Exaggeration really is a wonderful thing

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I can see both sides of the argument but to and bottom is its a totally flawed system and was not thought out properly beyond the 1 character idea.. Why didnt they put the datacrons in the story areas so at least there may have been some variety between factions and races..
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My vote would be no on this. If you cannot be bothered to grab them on each character then you do not deserve them. I completely understand that some of them are more difficult than others to get....particularly a couple located Imps side only {imo}. We mapped out and completely solved the Datacron locations well before the game went live {and there have only been minor changes since then}...players merely have to get them...not think about how anymore {if they do not want to}.


While these items are indeed codex entries, they are interactable artifacts created by the Rakata with the purpose of increasing attributes. This means you physically have to interact with the object to be altered. While it is just a game....it would make little to no sense to me to grant them Legacy wide for characters that did not interact with this ancient tech.


Moreover, what about the +10 datacrons that you need at least 4 other players to aquire {assuming you are not ushered through with a few well places Sages/Inqs}? How would bypassing that requirement make any sense at all? About as much sense as every toon I make getting credit for 1 toon running an op and being granted identical rewards etc. Wait...why even put a specific lvl/progress req. on the +10s....might as well be able to grab them at lvl 10 as soon as you land on fleet right?


This game has gotten so "convenient" since early beta that in my personal opinion I do not even recognize its original vision any longer. Nor did its creators so they left.

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Glad to see more support of this idea. I've long since felt this is an obvious improvement to add on to the legacy system and hope they add it.


I do think it should be optional for people who enjoy the cron hunts. It should be an item in the legacy menu (like rocket boots) that is purchasable by either credits or cc.

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