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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My first real complaint... and it's a BAD one


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This is a very grindy task. They have a place in life, though. I do tasks like that while being in a teleconference for work, or while listening to a webinar or other recordings. It makes me feel good, a bit mischievous in fact - and it helps me concentrate on what I am listening to... There are other grind tasks in game I save for the same purpose, like non-heroic daily missions, or farming tauntauns for biochem mats.
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Well, guess what, I did what you did, for hours on end...I did all the other crap I could solo too. And the group stuff? couldn't get anyone to accept me, so no HK...time wasted? Probably, but I enjoyed what I could solo. Pity I can't get the rest of the bits I need on my own. Oh well.


As long as you haven't gotten on every ignore list in the server, all you have to do is que up specifically for the flashpoint you need in group finder. Within 30 minutes of waiting you'll be in a group for this.

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Well BioWare I have managed to go this long without any real issues or complaints about this game, but unfortunately , tonight that changes.


I just spent three hours doing the most mind numbingly stupid task imaginable with no payoff wahtsoever! Three hours that I could of spent doing dailies, PvP or running operations with my guild. Instead I'm running around Hoth and Taris, sticking a scanner in the ground that can only scan a 25 meter radius search for HK parts! That's right, another HK parts quest complaint! And to make matters worse, to find the first piece I had to spend 125,000 credits! ON ONE PIECE!!! I'm sure this worked great when the HK first came out. I mean a bunch of people probing the dirt to find pieces probably worked out well, but there isn't an abundance of players searching anymore. All my guild members have it which means they can't help me, most of the regular player base can't help me and new players who actually stick around until 50 are so few and far between, that they end up in the same predicament as I do!


I am insulted, not only as a gamer, but as a SUBSCRIBER to be reduced to running around, planting a probe in the ground and coming up with nothing! I had to drop 125,000 credits just to get the first piece!!!! SERIOUSLY!?! 125,000 CREDITS FOR ONE PIECE!?!??!?!! You need to fix this and you need to fix it now! There is not, nor will there be an abundance of people trying to find the HK parts, therefore you either need to set up a special event for it or make it available in the Cartel Market. There is nothing to be gained by running around for hours, sticking a probe in the ground only to come up empty handed! Not to mention that I could get picked off at anytime by someone on the open PvP worlds! Where is the challenge in this!?! There is none!!!!


Before anyone tells me to look it up on Google, I did that. This quest is designed to subvert any helpful posts or hints! This needs to be fixed, otherwise, the next person to come after me might just give up and cancel their sub altogether. I came VERY close to doing so tonight! Fix It!


Thank God you didn't play MMOs 5-10 years ago (when they were great).


EDIT: QQ more

Edited by Typeslice
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I agree with the meat of your post OP. I've tried to do it on two characters but can never find anyone to help with the group parts, or the mind numbingly boring searching for parts. To those who say welcome to MMO's..I say yeah, welcome to Ancient MMO's. There is no need for rediculous time sinks in any games anymore. Especially FTP ones.


I would change the following.

1/ Make it completely solo-able. Think of those on shift work, or have problems finding groups. etc.

2/ I shouldn't have to buy anything to do a quest for a companion. Why not just let me buy it lthen?

3/ The reward doesn't warrant the mission thats given. I would either make HK so powerful that any amount of grinding and payment would be worth it(that will never happen, and shouldn't) The other option is make the mission soloable, and time effecient. Who ever equates long drawn out missions with an average reward fun, doesn't live on this planet.

Remember fun? Its a game. Why does long, boring, mind numbingly stupid, equal fun?

It doesn't and never will.

Change the mission for HK dev's. Save face and admit the mission is wrong for the reward and you'll be thanked for it.

Signed...........Early head start subscriber.

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I agree with the meat of your post OP. I've tried to do it on two characters but can never find anyone to help with the group parts, or the mind numbingly boring searching for parts. To those who say welcome to MMO's..I say yeah, welcome to Ancient MMO's. There is no need for rediculous time sinks in any games anymore. Especially FTP ones.


I would change the following.

1/ Make it completely solo-able. Think of those on shift work, or have problems finding groups. etc.

2/ I shouldn't have to buy anything to do a quest for a companion. Why not just let me buy it lthen?

3/ The reward doesn't warrant the mission thats given. I would either make HK so powerful that any amount of grinding and payment would be worth it(that will never happen, and shouldn't) The other option is make the mission soloable, and time effecient. Who ever equates long drawn out missions with an average reward fun, doesn't live on this planet.

Remember fun? Its a game. Why does long, boring, mind numbingly stupid, equal fun?

It doesn't and never will.

Change the mission for HK dev's. Save face and admit the mission is wrong for the reward and you'll be thanked for it.

Signed...........Early head start subscriber.


1) I do agree that gating one part behind a flashpoint adversely affects those playing off-peak hours. That's the piece I would consider changing, not the scanning ones or the laughably cheap one in outlaws den.

2) You'll earn more than 125k in an hour of playtime. This complaint is a joke.

3) This is the best reward in the game, hands down. Best dps companion there is. It should be far harder in terms of player skill to get him than it is.

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Also, you can have guildmembers or friends helping you scan for the part even if they allready did the quest. Before ou rant at least get your facts straight. Maybe they dont want to help you, but that´s another matter. I´ve completed the HK quest and i still have my scanner. I need it for scanning in dark temple grounds when(if) i decide to get it on another republic alt.
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As long as you haven't gotten on every ignore list in the server, all you have to do is que up specifically for the flashpoint you need in group finder. Within 30 minutes of waiting you'll be in a group for this.


UNLESS...you are on an APAC server. It might be feasible on Dalborra...might. But if you are playing on Gav Daragon or (especially) Master Dar'Nala, you're basically hosed, as you can be queued up in the 'finder and be endlessly advertising in chat, and get precisely zero, and nothing happens for literally hours. Meaning that the Weapons Component and the Loyalty Chip (False Emperor and HM Foundry) will never be in your future. I hope you, OP, are not a denizen of an APAC server.


That said, 125K is a drop in the ocean. And some parts of the quest are actually well-designed (making the character enter the Outlaw's Den to buy the one part from the Jawa - while I loathe open world PvP as a rule, for some reason this struck me as being a really good idea).


I, too, hated the endless, brain-numbing scanning. As a child, I despised Easter Egg hunts, even knowing those plastic eggs held candy, toys, and silver dollars, and I still despise anything resembling one. And that's pretty much what this is. But...I also realize that if you don't sit there engaging in repetitive mental self-stimulation to get those parts, you get no HK droid. That's just the way it is, nothing to be done for it.


And to counter an earlier misconception, as long as you have your scanner, you can search for parts, even if you have the part already - provided you don't try to pick it up. I'd already gotten all my parts, and still had my scanner, and was still able to help a friend search the Jedi Temple. So I picked up an extra droid head, and didn't open it when I found the part site. Just because I could. I couldn't open it, as it would have meant a duplicate part (thus you can't pick up the components not contained in something else), but an extra 'part container' is entirely possible. Worthless, but possible.


Unless you have characters on multiple servers that you want to have HK droids for, take heart. Once you've done it, it's over. Every other character you have can get an HK without going through the grind again. And that is something to look forward to.

Edited by Aebrynis
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It's a timesink. For more information on how those work in MMORPGs, google search "Everquest, Monk Epic, Raster camp."




Hah EQ2 Monk end class buff is insane,yup i did it too.


By the way i think they should shorten the area some on the HK parts due to more people that will have to solo it.

Edited by Sathid
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You understand that's terrible game design, right? That Everquest was grindy garbage?


Prismatic,Fire and Ice etc in EQ2 is most likely the best story and very long quest that i have ever done,many guilds re do it often with low lvl's to do it again that's how good it is.

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Prismatic,Fire and Ice etc in EQ2 is most likely the best story and very long quest that i have ever done,many guilds re do it often with low lvl's to do it again that's how good it is.


You made a reference to EQ1, which I said was garage. Now you're talking about EQ2?

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It's all part of usual crappy MMO game design ideology.


In MMO complexity of THE task is measured in time required to complete said task.

The stupidity and simplicity of process doesn't matter. What matter's is how long it takes to complete task. Many cycles of the same SIMPLE subtask, running for... 15-30 minutes from point A to point B - yeah that's your average moo "EPIC" quest.

Epic stupidity - that's what it is, but a lot of "worker ants" (aka moo players) enjoy tedious grind - so it's epic in their minds.

In a last 5-8 years mmos tried to move away from grind, but IMO was mostly unsuccessful. They are still full of stupid grindy tasks.


At the time of release SWTOR had the least grindy elements in gameplay that any other mmo out there, except for DDO. DDO was bashed by average mmo players for not being an ultimate time sink all the time...


P.S.: EQ2's Prismatic is the same stupid EPIC crap as any other in mmo. More timesink - yeah, EPIC.

Edited by Alexx_T
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This reminds me of all the threads whining "not enough hard content" and "everyone should be able to do all content" threads. A successful MMO needs to have various activities that appeal to a broad range of people.


Not only is HK optional, even though he is the best DPS companion, he is totally unnecessary. After level 50, 90% of the time your companions are simply meat to send out on missions. If you don't want to do (the admittedly) grindy process of obtaining him, skip it.


Considering that the people with positive things to say about the quest roughly equal the number with negative things to say shows that it is a decent addition to the game. I hate PvP, so I do not do it. I know people that do nothing but PVP and never do Ops. To each their own. I do not come into the forums and whine about why I do not like it.


Grow up and recognize that your view of what is fun and what is not is not the only viewpoint. If you want a game that only has elements that you like go make it.

Edited by RandomXChance
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Well BioWare I have managed to go this long without any real issues or complaints about this game, but unfortunately , tonight that changes.


blala blala blala I want free hk-51 without breaking a sweat, bla bla bla...

QQ moar spoiled brat. I did all the quest alone except the 2+ ones and it took me about 2 hours. Google some guides and stop being so entitled.

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Not only is HK optional, even though he is the best DPS companion, he is totally unnecessary.


You make that sound like it's a fact. HK-51, while brilliant, is really not widely accepted at the best DPS companion.

Edited by Moza
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