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Same gender romance discussion


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I like Sera so I'll skip that part, but I've been wondering about this for awhile now so I thought I'd ask: why do you want your LI to bring up your gender? The bisexuals I've known in real life generally don't bring up the gender of their partners much, except in a generic "this is my girlfriend/boyfriend" way. I hear people mention it a lot, so I'm curious why you want the characters to bring it up.


I think it's not a case of bringing up gender - it's a case of the use of pronouns.


When you write a gender neutral romance, you basically want to avoid using pronouns so you only need one line voiced (otherwise you have to record each line (where a pronoun is used) twice). Which sometimes means the lines sound a bit artificial - it's sometimes difficult to avoid using pronouns, and since calling the PC by name is not an option, lines can sound awkward. So basically there's an actual monetary cost involved with mentioning gender in a romance, which is probably why the characters the op listed didn't mention it.


But it is nice to have pronouns used. Lines feel more natural, and as strange as this might seem, it's easier to become attached to the romance - it's more intimate. That's why I'd personally like to hear my character's gender mentioned (even if it's just use of a pronoun) in a romance.


There's also the idea that sometimes in real life, people can feel forced into playing the "pronoun game" in order to cover up their sexuality (because of fear of disapproval from those they love, or out of actual fear for their lives). So it's kind of... well it strikes the wrong note.


Anyway, while I can live without it, I'd rather I didn't have to.


(Oh yeah, hi everyone... I'm back from my long hiatus. This new expansion looks interesting...)

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Hello, everyone. Been lurking on this thread on and off for years now waiting for any new information. Though I'd finally drop in to join in on the conversation since it seems we might finally be getting somewhere. So (cautiously) excited!


She's a juvenile delinquent with massive mommy issues who incidentally pulls a classic form of emotional abuse on you if you're an elf: she demands you abandon your culture, family, friends, religion, and never speak or think about any of them ever again or she'll leave you.


Just to put my two cents in, I don't think that is fair really. I think the problem with a lot of minority characters in media is because of things like this. Not to accuse you, but I think we're all guilty of similar opinions and expectations. As a black gay man I know I am. But the problem when you expect a character to represent an entire group of people, that is so diverse they exist in every culture, in way that is flattering and accessible to as may in the group as possible, is that you get those generic "I am XX and that is basically my entire character...". Sure, I thought Sera was a bit too much and I couldn't really take her seriously nor did I agree with a lot she said, I don't think you were suppose to either most of the time. She was written the way she was because that was who she was. The fact that she was a woman, elf, or lesbian might be important to us for different reasons but they shouldn't be what defines her. Since Bioware have said that they want to make fully fledged characters that feel real I think we have to look at it from a real world perspective. Imagine she was a real person, like a celebrity, would you really complain about her personality and expect her to act like you want to just because you share a similar trait? Many of us do this occasionally, myself included, but that is the problem itself. Because then that is all she'll ever be.


I personally detest generic characters with the same recycled stories, unless they actually make sense for that character. So while I wouldn't say Sera is a prime example of a lesbian woman, I on the other hand don't think it's fair to expect her to be. Because really who are only one single thing? So, it's okay to dislike her and be disappointed that she wasn't who you wanted her to be. But if we keep demanding or expecting these universally relatable characters then that is all we'll ever going to get. It also serves to cement the mentality that a minority is all a person ever is.

Didn't mean to call you out or maybe I misunderstood you, but anyway I think this is a very interesting problem with no real way to solve in a way that will satisfy everyone so I think it's necessary to discuss.

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I think it's not a case of bringing up gender - it's a case of the use of pronouns.


When you write a gender neutral romance, you basically want to avoid using pronouns so you only need one line voiced (otherwise you have to record each line (where a pronoun is used) twice). Which sometimes means the lines sound a bit artificial - it's sometimes difficult to avoid using pronouns, and since calling the PC by name is not an option, lines can sound awkward. So basically there's an actual monetary cost involved with mentioning gender in a romance, which is probably why the characters the op listed didn't mention it.


But it is nice to have pronouns used. Lines feel more natural, and as strange as this might seem, it's easier to become attached to the romance - it's more intimate. That's why I'd personally like to hear my character's gender mentioned (even if it's just use of a pronoun) in a romance.


There's also the idea that sometimes in real life, people can feel forced into playing the "pronoun game" in order to cover up their sexuality (because of fear of disapproval from those they love, or out of actual fear for their lives). So it's kind of... well it strikes the wrong note.


Anyway, while I can live without it, I'd rather I didn't have to.


(Oh yeah, hi everyone... I'm back from my long hiatus. This new expansion looks interesting...)


In my opinion, gender neutral romances also come off as lazy and not very interesting by necessity. Read the dialogue from any of the companion romances in TOR with the character names and pronouns blotted out, and you can tell in most cases that it's a relationship between a man and a woman. Not so Lemda or Lana, or for that matter Josephine back in DAI, any of the DA2 romances save Anders, or Liara in the Mass Effect series after the first game. Liara in ME1, Leliana and Zevran in DAO, and Anders in DA2 all had a sentence or two specifically reacting to a same-sex romance.


It just feels bland and a bit lazy to play through a romance, which is supposed to be personally and emotionally engaging, where the NPC might as well be romancing a man, woman, or a droid for all that they refer to the PC. Just write one generic romance for the NPC and flip a switch to make it accessible by both genders.

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In my opinion, gender neutral romances also come off as lazy and not very interesting by necessity. Read the dialogue from any of the companion romances in TOR with the character names and pronouns blotted out, and you can tell in most cases that it's a relationship between a man and a woman. Not so Lemda or Lana, or for that matter Josephine back in DAI, any of the DA2 romances save Anders, or Liara in the Mass Effect series after the first game. Liara in ME1, Leliana and Zevran in DAO, and Anders in DA2 all had a sentence or two specifically reacting to a same-sex romance.


It just feels bland and a bit lazy to play through a romance, which is supposed to be personally and emotionally engaging, where the NPC might as well be romancing a man, woman, or a droid for all that they refer to the PC. Just write one generic romance for the NPC and flip a switch to make it accessible by both genders.

Isn't that generally because these relationships tend to speak of pregnancy somewhere? I don't really know how you can tell otherwise.

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In my opinion, gender neutral romances also come off as lazy and not very interesting by necessity. Read the dialogue from any of the companion romances in TOR with the character names and pronouns blotted out, and you can tell in most cases that it's a relationship between a man and a woman. Not so Lemda or Lana, or for that matter Josephine back in DAI, any of the DA2 romances save Anders, or Liara in the Mass Effect series after the first game. Liara in ME1, Leliana and Zevran in DAO, and Anders in DA2 all had a sentence or two specifically reacting to a same-sex romance.


It just feels bland and a bit lazy to play through a romance, which is supposed to be personally and emotionally engaging, where the NPC might as well be romancing a man, woman, or a droid for all that they refer to the PC. Just write one generic romance for the NPC and flip a switch to make it accessible by both genders.


I guess I'll have to disagree. You've got LIs like Corso that have their romance all wrapped up in gender roles, but that's one of the major reasons I don't like Corso. You can also have same-sex romance where they play up the queer angle and have characters struggling with their sexuality, but personally I'm a little sick of that plot. Most of the ways you can bring up gender in a romance seem like they'd be detrimental to the relationship, at least to me.

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So let me get this sttaight...all 8 classes will play through this same Fallen Empire arc after SoR?


Not entirely sure. The World Story will be the same for all 8 classes. How each class progresses through it may be different. In an interview they did say that each of the Player Classes would be expanded upon rather greatly in this coming expansion. -


Anyway, that's a separate topic. As far as SGRA's, I am very hopeful for KotFE to include it, and I hope that Bioware can make good on their promise to continue this great story building since they said that KotFE is just "Part 1" of a bigger overall story.

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She's a juvenile delinquent with massive mommy issues who incidentally pulls a classic form of emotional abuse on you if you're an elf: she demands you abandon your culture, family, friends, religion, and never speak or think about any of them ever again or she'll leave you.


Actually Sera has a good reason to hate elves even though she is one.


What follows is a link to speculation (as Bioware hasn't outright said "you are correct" or "you are wrong" the in-game evidence is pretty self-explanatory to the point that either it's true, or Bioware is trolling.) which also MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR THE GAME ITSELF warning on it too. Open this link and visit the page at your own risk if you have not finished DAI.





That said, I thought Sera was hilarious and fun. Was she like every lesbian? Probably not. But she was written as Sera, not written as the poster girl for how lesbians act.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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In my own opinion, I'd have to say that having the option to have Same Sex romances is great, because it's still an option and not getting shoved down people's throats (which even one such as myself, who is completely in favor of the LGBT community wouldn't want a video game to shove a Same Sex romance down my throat... if that makes sense)


Sera in DA:I was interesting, not only because well, she was sorta crazy, but also because she's not a character you'd expect to be JUST a lesbian... I mean, I thought she was Bi-Sexual at first because of the way she talks to both male and female Inquisitors


In the end, I'd have to say to put in Same Sex romances between the PC and Companions, maybe Risha from the Smuggler storyline, Vette from the Sith Warrior storyline, Andronikos from the Sith Inquisitor Storyline, etc etc.


This is all my opinion though, so feel free to say what you will about it, I'm not one to give people a hard time over them disagreeing with me... I like being chill, except it's so dang hot right now! :p

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In the end, I'd have to say to put in Same Sex romances between the PC and Companions, maybe Risha from the Smuggler storyline, Vette from the Sith Warrior storyline, Andronikos from the Sith Inquisitor Storyline, etc etc.


Definitely not Vette.




If your character sleeps with Lady Grathan, Vette is pretty eww.

If your character is romancing DS Jaesa also, she gets really eww.



Vette's a very old-style one man, one twi'lek, monogamous kinda girl. Are you just listing companions you want to be bi/hero/homosexual?


If anything, such companions would be Kaliyo (it's all but spelled out in web-2.0 flashing letters she's bisexual), DS Jaesa (who unlike Vette is totally fine with a ménage a trois), possibly Nadia Grell (young and experiment-y). Kira might be, she's got kind of a "bad girl, bats for both teams" vibe without being psychopathic like DS Jaesa. Of course, that's almost ****-y levels of cliché. You could make an argument for Ensign Temple




since the romance develops out of teaching her the arts of seduction which doesn't necessarily require a male Agent to teach




but that's really it for female companions.


Andronikos Revel - despite the Greek name - also seems pretty solidly straight, but Talos Drellik seems like he might not be. Torian Cadera could be either way... if your BH is male he seems like younger brother/Mando bromance than actual romance, but it could be spun realistically (especially since I just mentioned Greek - a little wartime pederasty, maybe... but then that's also illegal so I doubt Bioware would go that route). Doc likes his women almost too much, but that might feel a little clichéd also. I don't know enough about the other male romanceable companions to comment on them, though.


Oh, but Quinn? That dude's totally bisexual. (And into erotic asphyxiation :p)

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@Zorrque - "shoved down your throat"? I really hate that phrase, because the people who say it tend to be ignorant about the way the world works. You realise that the heterosexual romances are "in your face" the entire game, right? Every time the flirt option comes up. If you straight people are really so weak that you can't stand to see a flirt option on a same sex companion then I don't know what to tell ya. (Sorry if that comes across as harsh, but I've had it with that particular little argument...)


Definitely not Vette.




If your character sleeps with Lady Grathan, Vette is pretty eww.

If your character is romancing DS Jaesa also, she gets really eww.



Vette's a very old-style one man, one twi'lek, monogamous kinda girl. Are you just listing companions you want to be bi/hero/homosexual?


Now who's projecting? The two people in your spoiler are only available to male Sith Warriors... Just because she objects to the male SW sleeping with people under certain (problematic for more than one reason) circumstances (or a threesome involving them, which I think you're getting at here?), doesn't mean her sexuality is set in stone. (Or even that it would suggest she's straight? I mean, I don't know how you get to that - Vette objects to the heterosexual liaisons of her master, so that means she's straight??)


Now if you'd brought up




female Sith Warrior suggesting she sleep with Vette's sister, and Vette's reaction to that



You might have been on less shaky ground (note, it would still be a shaky argument because of the problematic circumstances surrounding that particular suggestion).


Also, monogamy has nothing to do with sexual orientation. We LGBTI folks are just as monogamous as straight folks. (Which is to say - most, but not all of us, are. Don't forget that polyamorous people exist on both sides of the sexuality and gender spectrums.)


If anything, such companions would be Kaliyo (it's all but spelled out in web-2.0 flashing letters she's bisexual), DS Jaesa (who unlike Vette is totally fine with a ménage a trois), possibly Nadia Grell (young and experiment-y). Kira might be, she's got kind of a "bad girl, bats for both teams" vibe without being psychopathic like DS Jaesa. Of course, that's almost ****-y levels of cliché. You could make an argument for Ensign Temple




since the romance develops out of teaching her the arts of seduction which doesn't necessarily require a male Agent to teach




but that's really it for female companions.


No, Kaliyo doesn't give any indication of her sexuality (that I can remember anyway) - and it seems the only reason people think this is because of how similar she seems to Jack from Mass Effect (who is also not canonically bisexual despite appearances and the things she says, or how much I ship her with Miranda). I would be OVER THE MOON if they came out and declared her canonically straight, because I'm just so tired of this assertion - she's like this <insert misogynistic stereotype>, she must be bi! (And that's saying something because usually I WANT them to make characters properly bisexual and other letters in the QUILTBAG alphabet soup.)


Besides which, if my female IA had to choose between Temple and Kaliyo? She'd choose Lana Beniko every time. (Heh.)


I'd like to see LS Jaesa be bisexual, honestly. DS Jaesa too, but she doesn't really do much for me. I LOVE Kira, but "bad girl" is not a requirement for "bats for both teams", and I wouldn't even apply "bad girl" to Kira, despite her past... Nadia Grell is lovely, but my main problem with her is that (unlike Kira), she's the JC's padawan and remains so for the rest of the game after you get her. There's some serious issues with duty of care there... It's unfortunate she's the JC's only female companion, therefore the only LI for male JCs.


The main issue with this conversation about female companions is that we really don't have too many of them. I think the most anyone gets is two? Some classes get only one. Therefore we don't have a particularly big pool of candidates, and in the end, if it were done properly, nearly all of them would have to be bisexual (at least one per class) in order to accommodate lesbian or bisexual female characters' desire for same sex relationships. [At least prior to KotFE expansion, then who knows what's going to happen with current companions!]


Andronikos Revel - despite the Greek name - also seems pretty solidly straight, but Talos Drellik seems like he might not be. Torian Cadera could be either way... if your BH is male he seems like younger brother/Mando bromance than actual romance, but it could be spun realistically (especially since I just mentioned Greek - a little wartime pederasty, maybe... but then that's also illegal so I doubt Bioware would go that route). Doc likes his women almost too much, but that might feel a little clichéd also. I don't know enough about the other male romanceable companions to comment on them, though.


Oh, but Quinn? That dude's totally bisexual. (And into erotic asphyxiation :p)


You say "seems" a lot. You do realise that there's probably a good deal of people in your real life (friends, family, acquaintances) who "seem" straight to you but, in fact, are not. We LGBTI folk are not branded with our sexualities, you know. You also seem to think "bad" people would make better bisexuals, which is just... Ugh, I don't even know where to start.


And please, just leave culture/nationality/history/race out of this. We're not talking about Earth, we're talking about a Galaxy Far Far Away.

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Yeah, no offence, Div, but what I mostly got from your post is that you've never knowingly met a non-straight person.


I will go ahead and say Kaliyo makes sense, because there's a woman you meet during one of her personal missions (...whose name I can't remember right now, dammit) and it does come off like the two of them are exes. History is one of the few mostly reliable hints to someone's sexuality, and two of them do seem to have history. But even that's no guarantee.

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Yeah, no offence, Div, but what I mostly got from your post is that you've never knowingly met a non-straight person.


I will go ahead and say Kaliyo makes sense, because there's a woman you meet during one of her personal missions (...whose name I can't remember right now, dammit) and it does come off like the two of them are exes. History is one of the few mostly reliable hints to someone's sexuality, and two of them do seem to have history. But even that's no guarantee.


Come off like exes? Ever heard of friends? BFFs? Even friends with benefits. She could be bisexual/hetero-romantic, if you want to divide sexuality up further between sex and romance. She might have been experimenting, but isn't now. Lots of reasons why someone MIGHT have a same sex fling at some point in their past and not be bisexual.


A person's history is not really a great indicator of sexuality. For example, many lesbians have had relationships with men in their past - for a myriad of reasons... And they're not bisexual. The only way to know what a person's sexuality is, is for them to tell you. And even then, that's not 100% accurate because people aren't always honest with themselves, aren't self-aware enough, or simply don't fit into these broad categories we want everyone to fit in to.

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Kaliyo is in the Definitely Bi category. The Mandalorian you meet is clearly intended to be her ex. But she also very much likes guys, so... :)


I can't think of any other characters in the game that really set off my gaydar, but I can see arguments for several of them. Personally, I like the idea of characters being hero-sexual. If this was a single, open world game with lots of companions to choose from (like Dragon Age), I could see trying to define the sexuality of companions a bit more clearly. But since each class is restricted to five, it makes sense to leave it open to the player's interpretation.

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We LGBTI folks are just as monogamous as straight folks.


That right there? Irrelevant.


Second. Vette's complaint over the Character/Jaesa/Vette love triangle is that a) she's not going to share, and b) eww, Jaesa. That says two things: she's monogamous, and won't sleep with Jaesa. It's possible - and this did occur to me - that evidence of absence is not absence of evidence. But this is a video game we're talking about. Characters are pretty one dimensional most of the time. Now, not all A are B just because all B are A, but in Vette's case - especially considering the letters she sends after you get unofficially married - she's pretty big on traditional marriage. I didn't want to put it in those terms because "traditional marriage" implies a whole lot of things I didn't want to imply. I thought that would have been obvious by saying "one man, one twi'lek" but I guess subtlety isn't your thing.


Speaking of subtlety, the person I quoted lists only "bad" people. The whole point of my post was to refute reasons why the bad people aren't going to be automatically bisexual... and then in my last paragraph I got a little rambly. I also didn't talk about every companion because I'm not familiar with every companion (which I also flatly stated, but apparently by that point you were too busy raging all over your keyboard to notice).


While we're on the subject of rage (and/or warriors), I checked. That option you spoilered doesn't exist. The closest thing is




forcing Vette's sister to play the courtesan for the crew




which I agree is all sorts of disturbing but also not relevant here (at least I don't think it is, but then It's been literally more than three years since I played a Warrior and I can't remember if you have Jaesa on the crew by the time you find Vette's sister). Tangentially, it's 100% certain that Vette's sister is straight because she also specifically states no women or couples while she's working as a prostitute on Nar Vegas.


Third. I don't know how much or how little attention you paid to Kaliyo's dialogue (in missions and in her companion story), but she's constantly flirting with the Agent. Constantly. At least in Chapter 1 of the Agent story, anyway. It seems to drop off pretty hard after that, just like the "unhinged" options for Inquisitor disappear, but that's bad writing and irrelevant to this thread. Anyway. Considering the dialogue is identical whether the Agent is male or female, that's a pretty heavy implication that she's bisexual. Not to mention her ex-girlfriend in Ona Querit (The bounty hunter Foelhe mentioned). Could have been a one-off fling, but combined with her companion dialogue I find it unlikely. Bioware tried pretty hard to imply Kaliyo is bisexual without straight up stating it, and there's any number of reasons for why they did that.


I'd like to see LS Jaesa bisexual (it's implied DS Jaesa is because of the Vette thing) as well, if for no other reason than character congruity. It makes no sense that going dark side suddenly would make her attracted to women.


Applying the "bad girl" moniker to Kira is based on her personality and background. She's incredibly sarcastic and constantly thinks literally beating your enemies is a good idea. If that's not your definition of "bad" in this context, I... don't know what to tell you. I was also bringing up how if she was bisexual, that's a stereotype, but you either didn't notice or care. "Of course, that's almost [internet-typical erotica] levels of cliché" should have been eminently obvious but I suppose not.


And yes, I use "seems" a lot. You want to know why? Because it should have been obvious from the rest of my post: there's no guarantees. Had I said "Andronikos Revel is pretty solidly straight" you would have passed an even bigger brick than you did. Bringing up Classical Greek culture is also my way of saying Torian Cadera likely would not be used as a SGR, because he's... 19? 20? That's not even old enough to drink in a lot of places.


Everything I wrote was my thoughts on why certain companions will not become SGRs, because they'd all be vapid clichés since the characters themselves are already vapid clichés. But you didn't notice that, either. A fair amount of it also is the implication that they won't become SGRs, because they aren't now, which I admit is pretty facetious logic. It would, however, be incredibly bad writing to make one or more characters suddenly bisexual or gay, but I'm not holding out hope that that won't happen anyway. On the other hand, if they do it to one - and only one - companion (because there's only sixteen romanceable companions), considering the five year span, I could believe it.


And while we're on that subject, yes, yes I bloody absolutely one hundred percent WILL bring up the real world. We live in it. And so do the writers, which is the important part. Literally everything in TOR, or in any story ever, would not exist if it wasn't a way to explain or tell an event or theme from the real world. Not only that, but you have to consider "no underwear in space" is literally a canon statement with regards to Star Wars (even if it was probably just so 20-something George Lucas could get 20-something Carrie Fisher to run around with no underwear). Pretty sure it's entirely possible that "no spectrum of sexuality in space" could be valid if you're going to take the "BUT MUH! THIS ISN'T EARF" route. I'd rather not do that because as a person I'm not a bigot and as a player I want video games to be more inclusive without - and this is critical - feeling forced. (Also, I'm curious where I mentioned anything about nationality or race? Please point that out to me.)


On the other hand, and speaking of inclusiveness, I agree that there needs to be more female companions. Lana Beniko's confirmation is a start, but I worry if Vaylin is a companion also we're going to end up in a situation where there's another ridiculously over the top psychotic female companion. That's bad characterization and a tiny bit misogynistic. (Since it would put the number up to two and a half - Kaliyo is really only an *** hole, not a psychopath.)


Oh, speaking of Kaliyo (again), at what point did I say anything misogynist about her?

Yeah, no offence, Div, but what I mostly got from your post is that you've never knowingly met a non-straight person.


Don't call me Div. Also, one of my closest friends is a lesbian, and I was a "groomsman" at her wedding (I had to wear a dress and heels and the number of times I thought I was going to die wearing the latter was astounding). I'm pretty sure I've met people who aren't straight before, even if the preceding sentence didn't exist. No guarantees, though.


Also, let us not derail this thread further, hmm? I obviously had to defend myself, but should you desire to reply to me rather than to this thread, the PM function exists.

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Now, not all A are B just because all B are A, but in Vette's case - especially considering the letters she sends after you get unofficially married - she's pretty big on traditional marriage. I didn't want to put it in those terms because "traditional marriage" implies a whole lot of things I didn't want to imply. I thought that would have been obvious by saying "one man, one twi'lek" but I guess subtlety isn't your thing.

Why "traditional marriage" can only be heteronormative with a different species in a different galaxy, naturally, is anyone's guess.


Everything I wrote was my thoughts on why certain companions will not become SGRs, because they'd all be vapid clichés since the characters themselves are already vapid clichés. But you didn't notice that, either. A fair amount of it also is the implication that they won't become SGRs, because they aren't now, which I admit is pretty facetious logic. It would, however, be incredibly bad writing to make one or more characters suddenly bisexual or gay, but I'm not holding out hope that that won't happen anyway. On the other hand, if they do it to one - and only one - companion (because there's only sixteen romanceable companions), considering the five year span, I could believe it.

Not significantly worse writing than what they've already perpetrated.

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My picks on who would work as SGR options.

Knight: Kira could swing both ways, and maybe Rusk for the guys.

Consular: Nadia is pretty much Player-sexual so theres that, and maybe Tharan (or whatever his name is) for the guys,

branching of from his vanilla one night stand.

Trooper: Both options (Aric and Elara) open for either gender, not really much to work with here.

Smuggler: Akavii and, I'dunno Guss or Bowdarr, Corso comes of as to 'farmboy' for it, but I guess you could have it as a kind of Older Gentleman seduces Naive Farm Lad type thing.

Warrior: Light!Jaessa for the ladies, Pierce for the dudes and Dark!Jaessa for both.

Inquisitor: Ashara is, like Nadia, player-sexual already and I honestly could see Guy Who's Name I Forget (Hoth guy) being into dudes.

Agent: Heh, fairly certain that Kaliyo is canonically bi, and as has been previously stated, Rania's arc works fine for either gender, as does Vector's, and you know what, I could honestly see Dr WereRakghoul getting in on this.

Hunter: Mako (hells yeah) works fine as being bi and Horn Guy Who's Name Escapes Me might want a change of pace after Lore Character Who's Name Also Evades Me.

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I seem to have misunderstood a lot of what you wrote, for some reason. Not going to make any excuses here, but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come across quite as aggressive as I obviously did. Just done with a lot of things, I think, and it's easy to make assumptions (guess what that makes me?).


However, there is one thing...


While we're on the subject of rage (and/or warriors), I checked. That option you spoilered doesn't exist. The closest thing is




forcing Vette's sister to play the courtesan for the crew




which I agree is all sorts of disturbing but also not relevant here (at least I don't think it is, but then It's been literally more than three years since I played a Warrior and I can't remember if you have Jaesa on the crew by the time you find Vette's sister). Tangentially, it's 100% certain that Vette's sister is straight because she also specifically states no women or couples while she's working as a prostitute on Nar Vegas.


Yes, Vette's sister does indeed say that. If you are a female Sith Warrior, you then have the option to say "Wait? Why not women?" As shown

... To which Vette responds "Crazy Sith Channel turned to Mute!" along with a -1 affection penalty. (Which is what you said is an option that doesn't exist, sorry... It doesn't exist for male Sith Warriors, but it does indeed exist for female ones.)


P.S. You've persuaded me to your way of thinking on Kaliyo. I guess I missed out on a lot of things because I never brought her with me much past Balmorra, given my Agent is blindingly LS and Kaliyo is... not. So neither I nor my Agent enjoyed her company much due to a fundamental clash of personalities. (One of the reasons why, if they DO make an Agent's female companion bisexual, I really hope it's not her.)

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Oh, but Quinn? That dude's totally bisexual. (And into erotic asphyxiation :p)


Actually it's said (but not confirmed) that originally he was written as gay. I forget who it was but in one of the previous incarnations of this thread some users pointed out that the way he courts the female warrior is more like the way gay men court another man. Not being gay myself, i only know that I found Quinn kind of strange in how he approached the romance, so that could be it. (and that's not in any way saying anything about gay men as being strange, just that if he was written as gay then they 'flipped the switch' without changing the dialogue that is what makes him strange.)


Which, of course means he's bisexual because at the time the SWtOR devs were not ready for gay. Bi? Maaaaaye but not gay. NOW he could very easily turn out to be gay for the male inquisitors, and honestly I think that would make MUCH more sense for his character.

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