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Wow, so many, many people in this thread who need to shut up.


You like keybinds? Awesome, have fun. You like your gaming mouse? Good for you. You want to click your little heart out? Enjoy.


But why the hell do any of you think you have the right to tell other people how to play? People can play however they like. And please no one give me any "but they're in my op/warzone/whatever". There are good players, there are bad players and there are players who just want to have some fun. And guess what? They are all allowed to play the game without being told what to do by complete strangers who, guess what, are not perfect players either!


The arrogance and egomania drives me insane. When will people on this forum learn the difference between their opinion and fact?


L2STFU and let other people enjoy the game.



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And i'm sure that person really remembers every location for every keybind for every toon they play. What's that you focus on one toon only? Well you should be extremely good at it then, no argument there. Some of us like to play every class successfully. I might not rank in the coming "soon" top 100 PvP leaderboard, but I certainly win most of my matches.

Muscle memory alone is more effective than muscle memory combined with perception.


Don't forget that when you look at your action bars to find the button to press you move away your focus from the fight when you instead should have full focus on the fight and use your muscle memory to know what to press in what situation.

This is the reason why there has never been a clicker in the WoW Arena finals at tournaments. Because you need to know what to use and when to use it and when the time comes you don't have time to move your mouse across the screen.

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Oh, look, it's another "I'm a keybinder therefore I'm superior and you have do do it my way or you're not really playing the game right because I say so which is why you must listen to me" thread.


Otherwise known as Epeen Aberration. :rolleyes:


It is sad that you look at it that way and can't see the main purpose of this thread.


It was never about who is better than who. It is how you as a player can improve yourself so you can increase your results as a player and enjoy the game more in both PVE and especially PVP.


Then there are some trolls and naysayers that comes in ruins the thread. Like a pack of religious fanatics at a science convention claiming clicking is equal to keybinding when the discussion is really about how much you can improve yourself.


Then if you as a player is happy the way you are then ofc you should play that way. But if you feel like getting better then this thread is for you.

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I have lots of keybinds - but I still loose several seconds remembering which keybind did what and where ( = on what keys ) it actually lies.


Not everything is memorized as smoothly as my text-processing keybinds. (Which I can use blind, so to say.)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I have lots of keybinds - but I still loose several seconds remembering which keybind did what and where ( = on what keys ) it actually lies.


Not everything is memorized as smoothly as my text-processing keybinds. (Which I can use blind, so to say.)

If you use it enough it will be just like your text processing keybinds. All you need to do i use them enough for your muscle memory to remember where they are.

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Srsly? Who cares? Play the way that is most comfortable to you. People who complain about this are the same people who demand that everyone use exactly the same skill tree build. They demand that people use exactly the same rotations. These people are boring. There's more than one way to play.


Stay out of my keyboard (and mouse!)!

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I only really PvE (mostly solo stuff, too) and I'm a wholehearted keybinder. I only ever click when it's a ground-target ability or when I'm healing for an Operation and am going through the Ops frame seeing who needs to be topped off.


The caveat, of course, is that if I'm not clicking, I'm not looking at my ability bar so much, which can lead to trouble for an altaholic like me. I've accidentally popped my mass taunt on my Shadow more than once because it's bound to the same key as my Powertech's interrupt. Not to mention all the times I accidentally hit my exit-combat-stealth instead of my execute until I had the sense to bind them to keys not directly next to each other.

Edited by venomlash
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Muscle memory alone is more effective than muscle memory combined with perception.


Don't forget that when you look at your action bars to find the button to press you move away your focus from the fight when you instead should have full focus on the fight and use your muscle memory to know what to press in what situation.

This is the reason why there has never been a clicker in the WoW Arena finals at tournaments. Because you need to know what to use and when to use it and when the time comes you don't have time to move your mouse across the screen.


Once again another player who assumes that clickers only sit there looking at their action bars. This is just not true! You will never find me standing in stupid, shooting the wrong target, or dropping a fire bomb in the raid party. Only a bad player does that stupid stuff, and clicker does not equal bad player! So please knock it off with those stupid comments!


And second, no one should ever compare SWTOR to WoW. WoW is a totally and completely different game gameplay wise. Top players have a dozen different macros and add-ons to be that good. Locks have a macro that drops 3-4 different DoTs on you with one click. Hunters at one time had a macro that would cycle through every major ability with one button. Macros in WoW are crazy and you almost have to be a keybinder to do well at any high end game play. And then there is the mods... ****. I saw the screen of one of the top end game players once, you could barely see the game through all the graphs and bars. Bars and graphs to tell then their dps, cooldowns on abilities, threat level, when they are standing in stupid, seconds till the next boss phase... and it just went on and on. If SWTOR ever turns into WoW in this respect I'll quit, and I love this game.

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Don't want to give away too much detail about the person but one of the best PvP players on a certain class on my current server (PvP server) is a clicker. It's even easier to get away with it in PvE. Granted that this person might have been even better as a keybinder but it still goes to show that you can play the game at a high level by clicking. I would personally never judge a person based on their "mechanical" preferences and I also think it's silly to call someone a newb, or whatever, because of backpeddling. As long as they get the job done it really doesnt matter how they do it.
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Why would that be a protip if I can (and do) keybind everything?



Not everyone is like you and unable to bind more than 10 abilities.


Good for you.


Not everyone is like you and is preoccupied and obsessed with how other people play a video game, especially one where it's quite possible to beat all content with the "clicker" behavior that might traumatize you.


This isn't MLG-land. A lot of us are here to have fun, not to satisfy your petty demands.


By the way, I do use keybinds (mostly).

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Good for you.


Not everyone is like you and is preoccupied and obsessed with how other people play a video game, especially one where it's quite possible to beat all content with the "clicker" behavior that might traumatize you.


This isn't MLG-land. A lot of us are here to have fun, not to satisfy your petty demands.


By the way, I do use keybinds (mostly).

Where did I demand something... or insult clickers for that matter to warrant that kind of a reply? I simply said I can keybind everything to someone claiming I can't. It's pretty ironic that clickers often claim they get insulted etc. but then they get all butthurt at someone who merely corrects the misconception that keybinding a lot of abilities is supposedly impossible. It seems it is them who have a problem with people playing differently than them.

Edited by byteresistor
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Where did I demand something... or insult clickers for that matter to warrant that kind of a reply? I simply said I can keybind everything to someone claiming I can't. It's pretty ironic that clickers often claim they get insulted etc. but then they get all butthurt at someone who merely corrects the misconception that keybinding a lot of abilities is supposedly impossible. It seems it is you who has a problem with people playing differently than you.


There's that popular and often overused "irony" word again.


Why does this thread even exist to begin with? Clicking isn't particular game-ruining unless you put a lot of emotional investment with how other people play a video game, in particular one that can be completed, up to and including all operations content, without a single keybind.

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There's that popular and often overused "irony" word again.


Why does this thread even exist to begin with? Clicking isn't particular game-ruining unless you put a lot of emotional investment with how other people play a video game, in particular one that can be completed, up to and including all operations content, without a single keybind.

And because you can you should never try to get better? People got around in horses just fine, so they said. What was the point in inventing the train or the car?

Edited by byteresistor
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And because you can you should never try to get better? People got around in horses just fine, so they said. What was the point in inventing the train or the car?


I. Already. Told. You. I. Use. Keybinds.


Why exactly is your personal crusade, like the OP's, so focused on how other people play? Why is it not enough to let it be? I actually do know the answer, and I hope you do too and can learn a lesson from it someday.

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I think its pretty simple. If there are two perfect players - one is a clicker, the other a keybinder - the keybinder will be better.


But no one is a perfect player. And in SWTOR the difference in player skill is a considerably larger factor than the difference in skill between clicking and keybinding. If you want to become a better player by just that extra bit then switch to keybindings. But the difference in skill between keybinding and clicking is minimal. SWTOR is not like DotA or Starcraft (2) where playing without keybindings will drastically reduce your skill.


Ultimately, while keybinding is better, the difference it makes is quite small; negligible next to a player's individual skill.

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Once again another player who assumes that clickers only sit there looking at their action bars. This is just not true! You will never find me standing in stupid, shooting the wrong target, or dropping a fire bomb in the raid party. Only a bad player does that stupid stuff, and clicker does not equal bad player! So please knock it off with those stupid comments!


And second, no one should ever compare SWTOR to WoW. WoW is a totally and completely different game gameplay wise. Top players have a dozen different macros and add-ons to be that good. Locks have a macro that drops 3-4 different DoTs on you with one click. Hunters at one time had a macro that would cycle through every major ability with one button. Macros in WoW are crazy and you almost have to be a keybinder to do well at any high end game play. And then there is the mods... ****. I saw the screen of one of the top end game players once, you could barely see the game through all the graphs and bars. Bars and graphs to tell then their dps, cooldowns on abilities, threat level, when they are standing in stupid, seconds till the next boss phase... and it just went on and on. If SWTOR ever turns into WoW in this respect I'll quit, and I love this game.

You are wrong. There are no such macros in WoW since the introduction of global cooldowns.


But to prove me wrong you could always show me a macro like that.

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