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Remove cutscenes from HM


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I don’t see the point of having cutscenes in HM. Majority of the player base has already seen the cutscenes too many times. Players are doing HM not for the story but for the dailies and weeklies. Yes there are some players out there that have never seen it. HM shouldn’t be where you are learning the fights. You should have run SM once before you do a HM. From an RPer stand point the events in HM have already happen. HM should be simulators to keep us trained and ready for any battle ahead.
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This kinda links to another thread why do people skip trash mobs. I let the cut scenes play unless someone says they dont want them, I dont really listen to them any more and tend to use the time to chat to people. RPing a flash point I jhave done 10 times becomes a joke so I dont tend to bother. Maybe the flash points need a tweak to improve replay options and not just about completing as quickly as possible to get to the end and the coms?
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a simple option in your account preference would be the sensible fix. Check the box if you want to auto-skip thru cut scenes, don't check it if you want the option to 'spacebar' thru them.


Some players may like this feature, but in reality its a very, very low priority. Just ask every1 to spacebar. Nuff sed

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Is it THAT hard to ask the question at the start of the run?


Are you THAT tight on time that , gosh, 4 or 5 minutes of cutscenes is too much in your busy day?


If people are that short of time, stop playing games. If people want to skip, I'm fine with it, and if not, I'm fine with it. Some people have problems getting over themselves, I guess.

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Dear Bioware,


Please update HM FP's to contain only 3 boss mobs. Each boss mob should be contained in its own room. Please link these rooms directly to the fleet and my ship. Please reduce the timer in the GF to 3 seconds, auto-mute all player char in HM FP's, and bar anyone from HM FP's that doesn't have a Level III speeder (because i don't want to wait for people to walk between the 3 rooms in the newly styled FP's....I just don't have the time. Additionally, please prevent anyone who has completed a single planetary "bonus series" from Q'ing. It's obvious these people aren't here for the comms




A Spoiled Society



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No way. The point of this game is story, not hampster wheel gear grind. Many of us are there for the experience and story, not the laughable gear drops or black hole comms.


Then get the hell out of the HM flashpoints and go run them on normal.

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I like the cutscenes. One of the best things about this game is the story writing.


Yes. Once, maybe twice.

I also thought that this really isn't much of a problem. I'm gonna have to wait for a few minutes for my group members to finish watching the cutscenes, so what? But it gets extremely annoying if you have done said FP hundreds of times and you just don't care anymore. Yes, I get it, Revan is so qool, I know, I've played Kotor as well, but oh my god, do you really need to watch the cutscenes again and again and again!? Go into storymode for the friggin story! I'm gonna puke if I have to stare at the "Waiting for group members" words again while some NPC is bopping his head up and down for 3 minutes. Jeez, people. It's called storymode for a reason. Hard mode exist_ed for the challenge. But since it isn't challenging at all anymore the only reason people do them is for the comms. The faster we get the, the better. I really don't want to waste my time watching people insult Moff whatshisname on Black Talon over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I got it the first hundred times. I only want my comms. Please, please, please, for the love of god, please press spacebar. I was always pressing spacebar even when it was my very first time. I don't know what it's going on in the Directive 7 FP and I still don't know why the heck we are suddenly fighting Malgus. But if I wanted to know I would do them in storymode.

So yes, absolutely in favor. Remove them. No one needs them. There are in the story mode. Run them if you forgot what the fp is about. Then I wouldn't have to ask the group if we could skip. Not that me asking changes anything. Everytime I ask two others say yes please and we still wait for minutes, because there is always one person who.. I don't know??? Why don't they just go into storymode. Please.

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What ? The op is asking to remove something anybody can skip in 10 or 20 seconds ?

What's the point ? 2 minutes in a FP you spend 1/2 hour to go through when you skip as many mobs as you can ?


If that is ever implemented i hope we will have the possibility to keep the cut-scenes.


And i hope (make a wish ?) that many other (much more urgent) things will be done before even a millisecond of dev time is spent on such features.

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Any vote system is only going to compound the current conflict, people will harass and drop out of the queues if people aren't voting to skip them. From a design standpoint, cut-scenes in HARD MODE flashpoints is beyond dumb. I love this game for its story, but HARD MODE flashpoints are encouraged by Bioware to be completed many times, and possibly the same flashpoint multiple times in the same week.


Rather then butchering the current flashpoints, they should remove the hardmode from them. Bioware made the mistake of selecting the most story / cut-scene heavy flashpoints eligible for hardmodes instead of the story light, action focused flashpoints like Hammer Station and Mandalorian Raiders. Swap these around and we could have nice fast cut-scene free flashpoints without actually removing / changing anything cut-scene related.


Once this is done, one possible solution to the bigger problem (group dialogue system) would be to revamp the social points system to reward players who choose not to skip dialogue with actual tangible rewards. I think if you choose to skip dialogue, you should have to forfeit your social points. Make the incentives attractive enough to lure the non story crowd to watch the dialogue, they may even enjoy it.

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I'd vote for having a 'social' flashpoint where the cutscenes and group chat are mandatory. And an 'antisocial' version where you get no communication of the game in any way or form. Just rush through the game, no pause to talk, no spacebar angsting, no social points and not even enemies talking to you. Just the way the 'I have seen it a thousand times and can't be bothered by it anymore' likes it.

That way players can sign up for the kind of experience they prefer and never the two extremes have to meet.


because, yes, people like the hardmodes because they provide more of a challenge. that does not mean they can not enjoy taking the time to listen to sometimes excellent writing and acting (and to some cringeworthy stuff as well) and to banter with the rest of the group.

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Atleast add in a new convo option to "just get on with it", then those that are sick to death on the dialog have a CHANCE to win a roll and skip it.


Or even a seperate Q option for those that want don't want to see them at all. I bet that the Q for those that want to watch would be barren.

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