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HM LI unbalanced or buggy?


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I'm just curious what people think. Seems to me that HM LI is too hard or buggy. A full group of Columi-BH geared players can't seem to get through it. After dying countless times. Every other HM FP is a breeze you can do in your sleep but this FP is way harder. I've done HM ops and find them far easier than the FP. I've managed to complete it with a group that's all BH/Campaign geared and even then it is tough and takes a fair amount of dying.


So what do other people think is this FP too hard? Is it too buggy?


The robot was hard but we finished that and then the boss that jumps on the pipe was enraging at about 30% health and became too much to heal through.

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With lost island, it is mainly a mechanic based flashpoint, a full dread guard geared group wouldn't be able to do this if they didn't know what to do. With enraging at 30% I think that is just the dps not doing their job, columi geared is plenty when it comes to dps. Everyone has to click their panels quickly and at the same time with Sav-rack, a missed set of panels will mean there is a much higher chance at hitting enrage. I am actually surprised that you got passed the first boss, since that is easily the most difficult fight, but since you did get passed that, I'm surprised that any other boss (except Lorrick) would give you trouble. I think it is just someone not fully understanding the fight. Before each boss, just make sure everyone knows exactly what their job is.
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Used to clear this in about 30 mins when it first came out, it has even been nerfed since then. You don't need special gear or even be good at the game, you just need to know the boss and trash fights so you don't mess it up. If you're going in blind with now idea about the fights you are going to more then likely fail at this instance.


The Boss that jumps on the pipes is easy, when he does his slam everyone runs in and stack on him. And I do mean on him, not to the side.


everyone but the healer should pick a pipe before the fight as there pipe to click on. When he jumps to a pipe everyone goes to there pipe and starts channeling. This is also the time to pop a CD as a DPS if you have one to help the healer.


And lastly keep your distance from other players, there is a plague that will jump from one person to the next if you stay to close to one another.


That's the strat we used way back last year when this was new.

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Actually... I don't find it too buggy. Sometimes the pipe dude bugs out but in your favor as he does not jump on the pipes, but other than that... I haven't run into any other issues.



As for it being too hard as an HM? Well, it is hard. You have to know the mechanics, that is a given, but then you have to execute. For example, you miss interrupting incinerate... and it is most likely a wipe. So... it's one thing to talk about the mechanics, but it is another to execute. Not much carrying anyone in this FP, everyone has to execute.


I like the difficulty. It's hard, but as you get better at the mechanics and your gear improves you can get it done. Doesn't seem unfair to me at this point.

Edited by Rafaman
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I'm just curious what people think. Seems to me that HM LI is too hard or buggy. A full group of Columi-BH geared players can't seem to get through it. After dying countless times. Every other HM FP is a breeze you can do in your sleep but this FP is way harder. I've done HM ops and find them far easier than the FP. I've managed to complete it with a group that's all BH/Campaign geared and even then it is tough and takes a fair amount of dying.


So what do other people think is this FP too hard? Is it too buggy?


The robot was hard but we finished that and then the boss that jumps on the pipe was enraging at about 30% health and became too much to heal through.


I would have to say neither (well, maybe ever so slightly buggy). As others have pointed out being successful in Lost Island is much more about knowing what to do than it is about being well geared. If your group doesn't know what to do then you can expect failure, regardless of gear level. Our guild routinely makes runs through LI HM and we usually breeze right through it with little to no difficulties.


My only gripe about the Sav-rak fight is that I occasionally experience a sudden lag spike the first time that he jumps up onto the pipes. Other than that, though, it's a pretty smooth fight.

Edited by ItchyThePenguin
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Used to clear this in about 30 mins when it first came out, it has even been nerfed since then. You don't need special gear or even be good at the game, you just need to know the boss and trash fights so you don't mess it up. If you're going in blind with now idea about the fights you are going to more then likely fail at this instance.


The Boss that jumps on the pipes is easy, when he does his slam everyone runs in and stack on him. And I do mean on him, not to the side.


everyone but the healer should pick a pipe before the fight as there pipe to click on. When he jumps to a pipe everyone goes to there pipe and starts channeling. This is also the time to pop a CD as a DPS if you have one to help the healer.

And lastly keep your distance from other players, there is a plague that will jump from one person to the next if you stay to close to one another.


That's the strat we used way back last year when this was new.



The "hardest" boss in the instance (the droid) has been nerfed pretty significantly since it came out, and you even get to decide where to drop the bubbles. The fact that so many people still have problems with it indicates a PEBKAC issue, not a tuning one.

EDIT: You can also heal through incinerate now, lol.

Edited by Beslley
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I'm just curious what people think. Seems to me that HM LI is too hard or buggy. A full group of Columi-BH geared players can't seem to get through it. After dying countless times. Every other HM FP is a breeze you can do in your sleep but this FP is way harder. I've done HM ops and find them far easier than the FP. I've managed to complete it with a group that's all BH/Campaign geared and even then it is tough and takes a fair amount of dying.


So what do other people think is this FP too hard? Is it too buggy?


The robot was hard but we finished that and then the boss that jumps on the pipe was enraging at about 30% health and became too much to heal through.


Want the truth, go look up the time when Lost Island debutted, and read the posts about it. It was harder before. People asked for a easier version but wanted it more difficult than the other flashpoints. BW did make it a little easier now but it is still designed to not be as simple as the other HMFPs. Even after you learn the mechanics, there is still room for error.

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Well two of the people in my group knew it and had done it before. We did know the mechanics and had pretty good strategies. We did have two people that were first timers but had pretty good instructions and yes the bot did take a few deaths to get execution correct. But other times I've done it the bot was the toughest fight but I don't know anyone that would call this easy and I would consider it harder than doing operations that give far better rewards. Honestly I have no motivation to do it at all other than to help others and given the difficulty it just isn't fun or interesting. I don't ever queue for it and the few times I've been queued into it when grouping with someone else setting up GF I just drop from the group.


For the reward you get from it it just doesn't match the difficulty.

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Well two of the people in my group knew it and had done it before. We did know the mechanics and had pretty good strategies. We did have two people that were first timers but had pretty good instructions and yes the bot did take a few deaths to get execution correct. But other times I've done it the bot was the toughest fight but I don't know anyone that would call this easy and I would consider it harder than doing operations that give far better rewards. Honestly I have no motivation to do it at all other than to help others and given the difficulty it just isn't fun or interesting. I don't ever queue for it and the few times I've been queued into it when grouping with someone else setting up GF I just drop from the group.


For the reward you get from it it just doesn't match the difficulty.


There's where I'm gonna disagree with you. I enjoy it much more so than other "Hard" mode Flashpoints that require virtually no effort. At least with LI you need to know what you're doing and you have to be able to execute. We need more Tier 2 Flashpoints, man! ;)

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The OP is pretty much dead on about the balance being off for the loot.


It's not too hard for a flashpoint. It's too hard for a flashpoint with the crappy drops and weak weekly reward that it has. The idea of doing this hm with a group wearing primarily tionese is flat out stupid, and that's what the loot is designed for.


It should be low end rakata, gloves, boots, bracer, or belt from the first three encounters and a rakata offhand from the final. Also a seperate daily reward for it along the lines of 10 bh tokens. Without those types of changes it's going to remain mostly wasted content.

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I'm just curious what people think. Seems to me that HM LI is too hard or buggy. A full group of Columi-BH geared players can't seem to get through it. After dying countless times. Every other HM FP is a breeze you can do in your sleep but this FP is way harder. I've done HM ops and find them far easier than the FP. I've managed to complete it with a group that's all BH/Campaign geared and even then it is tough and takes a fair amount of dying.


So what do other people think is this FP too hard? Is it too buggy?


The robot was hard but we finished that and then the boss that jumps on the pipe was enraging at about 30% health and became too much to heal through.


Since you asked for it.... no, LI HM is just fine, if you are having problems beating it in columi/BH gear, it's not the fault or the difficulty of the FP, but the poor execution of mechanics by the players/you. There are videos on youtube that show this FP can be 2 manned with companions, as well as 3 manned in tionese/recruit gear. What can I recommend? L2P.

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I'm just curious what people think. Seems to me that HM LI is too hard or buggy. A full group of Columi-BH geared players can't seem to get through it. After dying countless times. Every other HM FP is a breeze you can do in your sleep but this FP is way harder. I've done HM ops and find them far easier than the FP. I've managed to complete it with a group that's all BH/Campaign geared and even then it is tough and takes a fair amount of dying.


So what do other people think is this FP too hard? Is it too buggy?


The robot was hard but we finished that and then the boss that jumps on the pipe was enraging at about 30% health and became too much to heal through.


It's not a gear issue. It's a skill issue. People have done it in full Tionese, full Recruit (both MK-1 and MK-2) and there's a vid on youtube of 3 people doing the whole thing in Tionese WITHOUT a companion (as in 3 people, zero companions). It's a matter of timing and knowing your rotation perfectly. Any lag can wipe an undergeared group, whereas an overgeared group has a greater margin of error to work with.

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It's not a gear issue. It's a skill issue. People have done it in full Tionese, full Recruit (both MK-1 and MK-2) and there's a vid on youtube of 3 people doing the whole thing in Tionese WITHOUT a companion (as in 3 people, zero companions). It's a matter of timing and knowing your rotation perfectly. Any lag can wipe an undergeared group, whereas an overgeared group has a greater margin of error to work with.


What he said. The actual damage dished out by bosses in this FP is a joke in fact, if everything is executed perfectly, a one-handed healer could heal it through.

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What he said. The actual damage dished out by bosses in this FP is a joke in fact, if everything is executed perfectly, a one-handed healer could heal it through.


Would you want to be that healer trying to heal an average pug in mostly tionese through this hm? I'm going to guess no, hence the loot isn't worth it. Either the average player needs to have gear well beyond what drops in this fp, making it pointless, or they need to be a whole heck of a lot better than average, in which case they could be doing an op with 4 pugs that would be easier and have much better loot.

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Would you want to be that healer trying to heal an average pug in mostly tionese through this hm? I'm going to guess no, hence the loot isn't worth it. Either the average player needs to have gear well beyond what drops in this fp, making it pointless, or they need to be a whole heck of a lot better than average, in which case they could be doing an op with 4 pugs that would be easier and have much better loot.


I've healed our Jugg-DPS in Rakata-DPS gear through this, so stop complaining...

I've tanked this in Tionese gear aswell and didn't hear any healer complain...

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Would you want to be that healer trying to heal an average pug in mostly tionese through this hm? I'm going to guess no, hence the loot isn't worth it. Either the average player needs to have gear well beyond what drops in this fp, making it pointless, or they need to be a whole heck of a lot better than average, in which case they could be doing an op with 4 pugs that would be easier and have much better loot.


I've healed this in mostly Tionese, it's not bad as long as everyone knows their job. In most LFG groups I've been in, there's always 1-2 players who don't actually know what they're doing and just button smash (usually dps). In HM LI these players will cause a wipe. Let's be honest, HM LI is easy as long as you're competent.


Dunning-Kruger effect:

The reason some people believe HM LI is too hard is that their own incompetence makes them unable to rate themselves fairly. They are evaluating themselves with according to their comprehension of mmo mechanics/combat that they don't understand.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I still clear this every week on 4 of my 50s.


Lost Island is NOT TO HARD, if anything its to easy in spots.

The entire flashpoint is NOT ABOUT GEAR but about fight mechanics and honestly class knowledge of players doing it.


First boss at bridge: Straight DPS race


2nd Boss (droid): Tank needs to know how to taunt and how to interupt. DPS need to know how to interupt, dps, and work as a team (and not as individuals that we see so often from DPSer). Healer just need to pay attention to heals.


Other then that, everyone needs to pay attention to suroundings.


Actually a VERY EASY FIGHT on HM.


3rd boss (Pipe Jumper) : Straight DPS. The ONLY person this fight hard on is the healer and thats ONLY the case if the Tank and DPSers are not hitting their defensive skills to lessen the demand on healing at key spots. Other wise this fight is VERY SIMPLISTIC and follows a easy to learn patern.


Last boss: Easiest fight of the flashpoint. Fight is a 3 stager. the first stage is by fare the hardest, every thing else is cake.


This flashpoint is NOT THAT HARD and I have completed it with 2 dpsers in tionesse/columi mixures for gear.

Ive also seen it wipe with 2 rakata/BH geared shadows because 1 shadow was "smart like stick" and clearly had no understanding of his class or its abilities.


This flashpoint has been nerfed enough.


There is a ton of walk throughs on the web for this flashpoint THAT WORK

After they do all the thinking for you, all thats left is to follow the dots to success


Quit asking for nerfs

Demand more of yourself

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The OP is pretty much dead on about the balance being off for the loot.


It's not too hard for a flashpoint. It's too hard for a flashpoint with the crappy drops and weak weekly reward that it has. The idea of doing this hm with a group wearing primarily tionese is flat out stupid, and that's what the loot is designed for.


It should be low end rakata, gloves, boots, bracer, or belt from the first three encounters and a rakata offhand from the final. Also a seperate daily reward for it along the lines of 10 bh tokens. Without those types of changes it's going to remain mostly wasted content.


The final boss ALWAYS drops Rakata chest

I have gotten Rakata Boots from Droid


Ive also gotten from droid and pip jumper 2 mysterious eggs that sell for a fair bit if thats your thing and 2 midnight Rakling pets which sell for ALLOT.


As well as seen multiple speeders drop


So not really sure what your going on about regarding loot?

Flashpoint wise Im hard pressed to think of any FPs that offer better loot on such a consistant basis.

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Not really sure how this turned into a pissing contest, but hey, that's great you guys have no problem with it. I'm sure you run it naked on Monday's while having a dance contest midway through the boss fights, just for laughs.


But the fact is that this hm is far too difficult for the typical pug. If you'd like proof, try queueing for it solo. After likely an hour or more of waiting, you'll either end up in a group of 2 or 3 vets who've done it before and are willing to have to deal with potentially having to train a pug or two to bang it out, or you're going to get a group full of characters wearing at best tionese, at worst their pre-50 leveling gear and all with no clue about the mechanics of the fights. Why? Because no one else bothers to queue for it. Players who don't know it, can't get a group that will help them learn it most of the time, and players who do know it generally don't bother trying to pug it, or in some cases just don't bother with it at all because there are far more rewarding options available for their game time.


I'm fine with the difficulty, I think it's good to up fp difficulty as we go along. But you have to up reward at the same pace. This one didn't, you have something more difficult than most sm op runs for the average pug but with worse rewards. I'd guess you all probably know this already though, which makes the pissing contest all the more ridiculous.

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It's certainly not buggy. The only bug I'm aware of is that the pipe boss can not do his stomp if you have too much DPS, but it seems like one boss per instance has a bug like this.


It's alot easier than it used to be when it came out. When it came out I would say it was a little unbalanced, right now I'd say it's fine, especially with it being a tier 2 and clearly separated from the rest. It does seem kinda silly to me though that there is a single tier 2 flashpoint and no others, always strikes me as odd.

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Well two of the people in my group knew it and had done it before. We did know the mechanics and had pretty good strategies. We did have two people that were first timers but had pretty good instructions and yes the bot did take a few deaths to get execution correct. But other times I've done it the bot was the toughest fight but I don't know anyone that would call this easy and I would consider it harder than doing operations that give far better rewards. Honestly I have no motivation to do it at all other than to help others and given the difficulty it just isn't fun or interesting. I don't ever queue for it and the few times I've been queued into it when grouping with someone else setting up GF I just drop from the group.


For the reward you get from it it just doesn't match the difficulty.


honestly i consider Lost lost HM easy since the nerfs i've done the last boss with no tank 3 dps and heals still my fav FP but it is still can be hard if you got people that have no clue or just can't play their class right but from the sounds of it since you hit the enerage on pipe boss either didn't hit pannels fast enough or your dps didn't really know their rotation to well since coulmi should be fine for dps

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