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The typical kind of player we have to carry in wz's


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Ok, lets try:


1. Clicking on abilities

2. Not moving around

3. Being a caster yet standing in the middle of the war

4. spamming aoe unnecessarily

5. not focusing fire

6. not throwing off heals

7. zoomed in way too far- cannot see the whole battle taking place

8. Hardly stuns or if so, ineffectually

9. Did not use thundering blast enough, or dot multiple targets

10. Did not use the instant cast chain lightning on every proc, despite the fact that the enemies were mostly clumped up.


Were they what you were thinking Agapex?


Also side note, do you guys always run 3 healers? I imagine you may have lost this one had you not three heals (and possibly another one of these guys in his stead)


Oh and 250k for a caster who did not die is pathetic. Would have expected around 400k.


Will keep my eye out for this guy next time- looks like a free kill to me (you can tell smilies, to let him drop)


All the best


-Lindooni, Lindothar

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The issue I see is that s/he may not have a macroable keyboard where all he has to do is hit one button and watch they keyboard do its job. Those that are clickers have a hell of a time against someone who can program their keyboard to do 5 different things with the press of 1 button or the fact that they can create an attack rotation on this same button.


I do get the jist of this thread.

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Since when do you need to macro you keyboard its called keybinds. This vid is amazing I thought it was a huge troll but im so happy its not :D


So I am going to give you 2 examples since I am probably ignorant to the fact. This is so I can understand which term means what (macro, keybinds) not a troll but I want to clear my ignorance.


1) I assign shiv (any attack just using shiv) to the letter C. Keybind?


2) I assign take cover (letter F), Explosive probe (letter U) and shield probe (letter N) to my "G13" button so when I press the"G13" all three go off at about the same time. Macro?


Example 3 (I know I said 2). You put your rotation (if you have one) on, lets say, "G11". So all you have to do is press "G11" once and wait for your rotation finish and press it again when its done. Macro or Keybind? Thanks for your help in advance.

Edited by Mr_Elotes
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Technically, that is a macro. But I feel it may hinder you more than help, since your abilities don't just "go off" all at once, they all exist on the global cool down. I think most people will be able to press the next button before the GCD finishes (I know I am spamming my buttons in anticipation of the GCD coming off. It also seems that you have less control of your abilities if you just assign them all to one button. Often, timing of your abilities is key. For example, I would not want a complete rotation to go off if my enemy just popped resilience or perhaps dodge.



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Technically, that is a macro. But I feel it may hinder you more than help, since your abilities don't just "go off" all at once, they all exist on the global cool down. I think most people will be able to press the next button before the GCD finishes (I know I am spamming my buttons in anticipation of the GCD coming off. It also seems that you have less control of your abilities if you just assign them all to one button. Often, timing of your abilities is key. For example, I would not want a complete rotation to go off if my enemy just popped resilience or perhaps dodge.




It depends on what the "macro" is. Some abilities don't rely on the GCD (think most def don't and abilities like acid blade). Take example 2 for instance. If you place shield probe first, all three will go off before 1 GCD. Also certain keyboards have it to the point that you can include the GCD time between button presses while creating a "macro". Meaning you set 1,2,3,4,5 on "G2" as your rotation. Between each button press is a 1.5 second delay. So in theory you can press one button, stay in ability range, rinse and repeat. Not saying it is optimal in PVP but then again I think it might be in PVE for certain ACs. On most of my toons, I have an "Oh s---" macro. I am not saying it is every def ability on one button with a heal but...

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he pays for the game, he can play however he wants to. As spyhg said he seems to be enjoying himself. dunno why this needed to be brought to the forums


Normally I'd agree with you Hammad and it is his $14.99 that he pays to play, but it is the 7 other players $104.93.

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Normally I'd agree with you Hammad and it is his $14.99 that he pays to play, but it is the 7 other players $104.93.


i actually did watch the whole vid psi and he stopped the caps quite often. So he didn't do mad deeps like you( doubt anyone can) but he was playing objectives and trying (pretty sure he doesn't have tank gear like someone we used to know either lol) so i think other peoples 104.93 $ weren't really in any danger.


P.S carry me and ives imp side Psi. We need a bit of help in pvp these days :( i'd get varrun to play with me but he's usually offline when i play. Think of poor ives, he was almost angry and you don't see that quite often

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Its pretty obvious tht everything he is doing is just a giant death wish, ie the not moving etc...But i think he sounds like he is having fun n means absolutely no harm. So i dont think he shud be publicly ridiculed like this. Im sure if sumone mentored him ,he wud improve. plus all he was doing is saying heloo.




v97 Ewh/Full dread guard marauder

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He does harm his team though, look how much effort the healers have to put into keeping him alive. I know Sorcs/Sages are a little bit squishy, and you have to be aware of healer LoS when you are strafing but a couple steps even to the side and he only takes 1 strike of the Master Strike. You don't have to be a genius to realize that moving a little bit might save yourself, not to mention your healer might be able to concentrate on healing somebody that deserves it.


There are times when you have to be in the middle of everyone, but those are rare. Still, maybe he didn't PvP much getting to 50, but then again, he doesn't appear to have watched any other videos either because I have watched a lot and never saw anyone standing perfectly still for minutes on end while getting beat on.

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Despite my initial list of mistakes he is making, I do agree that he has the right to play however he likes although I am inclined to agree that someone should send him a tell and see if he wants some tutoring. He seems to respect you ascendency and full resolve guys a lot, so I am sure he would gladly accept it. And he does seem like a nice fellow (I did not hear him raging when he lost and he seemed optimistic in the face of certain defeat in another WZ)



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I got 2 things. Even though I know jack dick about sorcs, this guy is having a BLAST (I need more commentary like this in mumble).


''Get out of there smuggler, quit smuggling.''


2nd. Smilies if I ever die again.........i swear......we won't be friends anymore.

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