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8 50's in 8 weeks or less challenge.


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This is my new challenge for you all. Join a different server than your main, create 8 chars. 1 of every AC of either faction. No use of Cartel Coins. No buying xp upgrades. Just see who can get there in under 8 weeks. After the time is up, we'll post our times and see who got there quickest.


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I finished 9 50s in just under a year (I have a job but no life), which I totted up for that other thread and it turned out to be 93 days playtime across all alts. Done all at once, that would be 3 months of 24/7.


Granted, some of that time was spent farming for creds and comms but you go ahead and try that 8 50s in 8 weeks yourself and let us know how you do. Good luck.

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WITH XP stims and perks, and max rested XP (basically only playing on the weekends and resting all week), my last toon was right around 100 hours /played when I hit 50. Obviously that took a lot longer in calendar days to play that 100 hours. I think my first toon ever to 50 was around 200, which I believe is what they said they expected it to take at launch, and that was long before any perks or stims, and with very little rested XP probably.


Assuming you can do it in 150 hours per toon, with no boosts, but maybe timing it out to make as much rested as you can between all of them, and being very, very efficient about your XP/hr, that works out to about 21 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 8 weeks. Two hours of sleep a day for two months . . . I don't see the problem.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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This isn't a challenge, it's a waste of time and effort.


Part of gaming is enjoying yourself. Pushing and grinding for no reason other than to say "I did it" isn't worth it. And this is coming from an old school "Insane in the Membrane" achiever and all I got was a title (No matter how cool it looked on my Warlock).


Anyone trying to do this is just depriving themselves from enjoying the game.

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Possible if multiple people use the same account. Not saying is a great idea but it is possible, I am not going to attempt it myself, I am enjoying the game playing 2-4 hours a day, I think anymore than that and I would get bored of the game real fast.
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