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Pocket Healer, Pocket Peeler


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So all you DPS guys are always going on about Pocket heals. How cool is it to be immortal in a WZ right. But what about us Healers? Where is our Pocket Peeler? Someone who will drop their bloodlust for second and help get the 2 DPS dudes attempting to violate me with their light sabers and Pistols barrels.


Really I think we are in need of a "Healer Awareness Week"

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I am now accepting applications for 3-4 DPS/Tanks who wish to follow me around a WZ and kill everyone trying to kill me. I can assure you there is no shortage of targets. I recorded some PVP game video of me trying to kite some attackers last night. I am not sure if it was GG or Zen, I couldn't see the guild tags in all the action:
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Its a team game, people fail equally at all aspects in PUG's, not just peeling for healers.


How about that healer PUG who begs for a guard, gets it, and then fails to heal the tank guarding them at all, and the tank dies to guard damage? That's one of my favorites.

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This week seems to have been a rather harsh one for healers. I swear I have had an uptick in the focus fire department. The only time I fail to keep my tank up is if there are multiple tanks in a match and I can't figure out which one has me guarded or I have far too many on me to keep either of us up. On one hand I applaud the other teams for focusing healers, but at the same time it can become rather frustrating to barely heal more than the damage you took.
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Where is our Pocket Peeler?


A vast majority of tanks, especially ones queueing solo, don't do their job. A little part of me dies every time I see a soresu guardian or combat shadow with zero prot at the end of the match, and it happens way more often than I want to accept. Even if they don't have a dedicated healer to peel for, the least they could do is toss in an AOE taunt during FF!

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A vast majority of tanks, especially ones queueing solo, don't do their job. A little part of me dies every time I see a soresu guardian or combat shadow with zero prot at the end of the match, and it happens way more often than I want to accept. Even if they don't have a dedicated healer to peel for, the least they could do is toss in an AOE taunt during FF!


This is why I love you Nadir because even when you aren't guarding me you're still looking out for me :p


I often get very frustrated at tanks who think their job is done after they throw guard on someone. When I'm on my SENTINEL I make it a point to snare people I see piling on my team's healer. Tanks and Tank/DPS have so many abilities with which they can keep their team alive, and so very few of them use it.


I roll my eyes on my juggernaut when I end the game with more protection (and protection in a single life, at that), than people who are actually tank spec'd. If I can get that much protection just running by clumps of people and spamming my aoe taunt and then single target taunting every person beating on my healer, then imagine how many protection medals a tank doing his JOB could rack up.


We're given tons of tools for a reason - people should use them.


I hate feeling like I just want to log off my healers because I'm getting zero protection or aid from my teammates despite the obscenely huge target I place on myself to keep them alive.


Keep me alive, and I will keep YOU alive.


I can't heal you if I'm dead.

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So, on the Imp side, as some of you may know. I'm a Powertech Tank.


My issue/gripe is that nobody is telling me what the frack to do in any given match. I ask in ops who's healing so I can guard them and get no reply. Nobody talks and nobody coordinates.


If we're doing Hypergate I don't know if I should follow the healer and go center or if I should guard the pylon. If we're doing Novare Coast I'm not given any indication if I should go East/West and sit tight or if I should go South with a healer. If we're doing Civil War it's fairly similar. Snow and sit and wait or center, etc.


I can't get better and improve if nobody talks >_<.

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So, on the Imp side, as some of you may know. I'm a Powertech Tank.


My issue/gripe is that nobody is telling me what the frack to do in any given match. I ask in ops who's healing so I can guard them and get no reply. Nobody talks and nobody coordinates.


If we're doing Hypergate I don't know if I should follow the healer and go center or if I should guard the pylon. If we're doing Novare Coast I'm not given any indication if I should go East/West and sit tight or if I should go South with a healer. If we're doing Civil War it's fairly similar. Snow and sit and wait or center, etc.


I can't get better and improve if nobody talks >_<.



Okie. :) A little advice - if you ask who's healing and nobody answers, don't sweat it. You should have guard quickbound so you can switch it back and forth between whoever is taking the most damage at the time (or between ball carriers in huttball). Healers don't always need a guard. They do, however, need you to be CONSTANTLY taunting and aoe taunting dps'ers. This will not only lessen the damage on the healer themself, but lower the damage they have to heal. This is the most often overlooked thing by both tank-spec'd players and players who are playing tank base classes as dps.


Make your own choice whether you want to go take a side node or go with the main group to whatever objective they are attacking. This goes for any warzone.


If you choose to stick with the healer, remember that we count on you to be snaring, stunning, taunting, and in general doing everything you can to make sure there isn't any dps riding our asses. THAT is your job. No DPS currently attacking us? Find a healer and harrass him, you can be an extremely effective interrupter if you use your tools right. But ALWAYS be panning your camera around, be aware of where we are, and keep an eye on whether or not we need you to come back to us.


Most importantly - remember that you can't improve other people. You can only improve yourself. If nobody is talking or communicating in a warzone, try to get them to. Take the reins yourself. Learn different strategies for each warzone and when it's best to use them. Learn how to send one or two players to one node to distract enough from defending another so you can take it. The more people who learn to do these things, the better the pvp experience will be overall.


Also - don't give up. It can be a rewarding and fun experience when the dice roll your way.

Edited by silvershadows
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A vast majority of tanks, especially ones queueing solo, don't do their job. A little part of me dies every time I see a soresu guardian or combat shadow with zero prot at the end of the match, and it happens way more often than I want to accept. Even if they don't have a dedicated healer to peel for, the least they could do is toss in an AOE taunt during FF!


Nothing makes me facepalm harder than a jugg with 0 protection at the end of the game. If you do this you are bad and you should feel bad.

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