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Game Update 1.7: Return of the Gree is coming soon!


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To People freaking out about Reputation:

There are 4 factions, Gree, Voss, Belsavis and Mobile Fleet, which no one know where it will take place. So, even if you dislike PvP, you will still probably have 2-3 factions to get reputation with.

Also, the event will be on for whole year. So, even if you suck at PvP, but want to participate and get rewared from PvP zone, you have plenty of time to train yourself, getting good (or at least mediocre) in PvP is a matter of month at most...


yes i would love to do it if this game could run pvp with playable fps

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JymmyMorison: Well, not sure what your problem is, but I have been playing PvP on 5 year old PC (cost me approx 750 USD then, composed of AMD x2 5800, GeForce 8800GTS, 4GB DDR2 RAM, so something comparable to low-mid PC today) with almost no problem (on medium-low settings, rest of game in high-very high), and now I am playing on approx 1200 USD PC (i7 3770, GTX670, 8GB DDR3 RAM) with everything maxed out without problem (no lags anywhere, even in middle of fleet crowd).
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There are 4 factions, Gree, Voss, Belsavis and Mobile Fleet


Uh, no "Earn Reputation Points by completing missions for allies such as the Gree and the Voss, or for military divisions within the Republic and the Empire."


The phrase "such as" means for example, meaning that there will be those but also might be more then those.

Edited by Altyrell
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Uh, no "Earn Reputation Points by completing missions for allies such as the Gree and the Voss, or for military divisions within the Republic and the Empire."


The phrase "such as" means for example, meaning that there will be those but also might be more then those.

If you see the screenshot, we see 4 faction. The question is if these are the faction already "discovered" by the player, or just "all" we will get this patch (I am sure more will be added)

Edited by Aries_cz
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To People freaking out about Reputation:

There are 4 factions, Gree, Voss, Belsavis and Mobile Fleet, which no one know where it will take place. So, even if you dislike PvP, you will still probably have 2-3 factions to get reputation with.

Also, the event will be on for whole year. So, even if you suck at PvP, but want to participate and get rewared from PvP zone, you have plenty of time to train yourself, getting good (or at least mediocre) in PvP is a matter of month at most...


People "freaking out" about reputation aren't freaking out because they "suck at PvP". But I'm not going to explain the issue again, just read the rest of the thread before you post.

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JymmyMorison: Well, not sure what your problem is, but I have been playing PvP on 5 year old PC (cost me approx 750 USD then, composed of AMD x2 5800, GeForce 8800GTS, 4GB DDR2 RAM, so something comparable to low-mid PC today) with almost no problem (on medium-low settings, rest of game in high-very high), and now I am playing on approx 1200 USD PC (i7 3770, GTX670, 8GB DDR3 RAM) with everything maxed out without problem (no lags anywhere, even in middle of fleet crowd).


we l i got high end system ( fx 8120 @4.3 gtx 670 and 8gb ram) but pvp is unplayable for me

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JymmyMorison: Now that is strange... we have practically the same setup (just yours AMD instead of my Intel, although I did read somewhere that AMDs have some problems with SWTOR), but you get lags, and I don't. Have you got the game installed on SSD or normal HDD?
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Good to see the word is out on 1.7, hope to see it on the PTS soon.


And as for the panic about PvP, I'd only worry if you were on a PvP server. With the Rakghoul Plague event, there was one world boss in contested PvP territory on PvE servers in the Outlaw's Den (also a free for all). Everything else was outside contested territory, so you'd only get ganked if you neglected to turn off your flag when a bunch of flagged players showed up. Other than the world boss I think there was maybe one item that you needed to venture into contested territory to attain (and I think that item may have been part of a different event). Otherwise, you could quest to your heart's content without the risk of sudden death.


I'd expect much the same in this update.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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If people wanted PvE and PvP content to be blended together they'd ask for it.


PvE server = People who don't want to be forced to PvP

Is that just too simple a concept to understand?


No, YOU obviously missed the point. If the area ends up being as described, and you're not versed in PvP, you don't go there. Simple as that. Do you miss out out on content? Yes. By YOUR choice.

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No, YOU obviously missed the point. If the area ends up being as described, and you're not versed in PvP, you don't go there. Simple as that. Do you miss out out on content? Yes. By YOUR choice.


Forcing people to PvP for PvE rewards and content is 'the point'. Nobody cares if there is PvP ALONGSIDE the PvE, we just care if we're forced to PvP, which is not what we want. If PvE content starts being given out as a reward to griefers instead of PvE players, that is not choice, that is PvE players being prevented from doing the content. So actually, YOU have missed the point... Again.

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1. PVE should not be on PVP world !

2. Another grind put into the game why because other MMO's have it?? if you make this faction grind comes in the patch 1.7 have you considered the BH and Smuggler aas being the 2 classes that can be played with both factions? Bounty Hunter servers both Empire and Repiblic in BH missions. Smuggler being able to do the same.

What about flying craft remember the battles on Hoth ?? walkers republic speeders etc why cant they be part of a pvp world they can be bought or built by clans or whomever.

Clan bases on other planets this would give clans something to play for they could actually be part of the world this way.

Flying creatures as in Alderean extending skills things like that in other words adding content.

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Forcing people to PvP for PvE rewards and content is 'the point'.

Really? Are you sure about that? How do you know it will be forced PVP for PVE rewards? I didn't see anything about the rewards on the update page.


It might even be that the Gree reputation is a PVP rep. With it all being gained through open world PVP missions, and the rewards for that faction may all be PVP based.


Of course, I play on an Oceania server, so having other players actually be in the area won't be a problem. It'll be more of a shock to actually see someone. I hope there's no PVP based missions. It'll suck having to sit around for days and days just to find someone to kill.

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Really? Are you sure about that? How do you know it will be forced PVP for PVE rewards? I didn't see anything about the rewards on the update page.


It might even be that the Gree reputation is a PVP rep. With it all being gained through open world PVP missions, and the rewards for that faction may all be PVP based.


Of course, I play on an Oceania server, so having other players actually be in the area won't be a problem. It'll be more of a shock to actually see someone. I hope there's no PVP based missions. It'll suck having to sit around for days and days just to find someone to kill.


This entire discussion is theoretical. Nobody knows for certain. But from what we know it's quite likely it's a PvE event (as I pointed out to some other guy, you should look at the screenshots- That Wampa isn't wearing any PvP gear at all! -_o).

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It's PvP all right. The question is whether there are PvE objectives in there.


That was answered on the update page for the event. There will be.


Get ready to face a powerful opponent that awaits you at the center of this ancient vessel.


Can't see how that's a PVP objective unless the Devs plan to be there to kick someone's face in.

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That was answered on the update page for the event. There will be.




Can't see how that's a PVP objective unless the Devs plan to be there to kick someone's face in.


You made the point I made in earlier posts much clearer. Hopefully this will end the "we don't know if it will have PvE aspects" garbage.

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Game Update 1.7: Return of the Gree is coming soon to The Old Republic™, allowing players to experience brand new in-game content, including a limited time event and an exciting new way to progress your character.


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that event looks awesome i cant wait =)


with that rep progression i asume that we will be getting more dailys to do then?

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Aries_cz thx for reply I got the game installed on normal hdd, but i suspect its just that this game hates amd cpus ( i knew i had to go for intel), was wondering about ssd performance differences aswell since i got one laying around somewhere,dont ask why. I never was able to find any comparision for this game between ssd and normal hdd performance. Edited by JymmyMorison
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that event looks awesome i cant wait =)


with that rep progression i asume that we will be getting more dailys to do then?


I can't wait either. Ilum has been needed fixing for a long time and I hope they don't water this down because of the whines of a few carebears.

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Yet what happens is that group gets more content and pve-pures get less content, because this content offers pve gear but is exclusionary to the people who don't enjoy pvp. Assuming of course the gear offers pve goodies and also is only in a pvp flagging area.


I'm sorry, but you PVE only folks have had MORE than enough content geared towards you this past year. Every daily on Ilum, Belsavis , Black Hole and Section X is PVE only. The only quest line for people that like both is the HK one. It would take a LOT of new content being produced to catch up with you. We're being thrown a bone here. Finally. You're also making assumptions because we have no idea what the rewards are.


Do you understand yet what the issue is, or are you going to say (again) that your group has as much right as others to the same content (because if we start down this path, then we will need to offer another special reputation grind system in a purely pve area, perhaps involving petting rainbow unicorns and escorting them across a field of flowers, to put off the pvp lovers and make them start writing up equivalent protest posts).


Put simply, this content actively excludes an entire group of people who might otherwise like the rewards and the grind, if it wasn't for the location of this content.


No it doesn't. You have what's called a "CHOICE." Same for people like me who hates grouping. I can't stand random pugs. Guess what? That means I miss on all the content and rewards that come with doing flashpoints and operations. I don't mind. You know why? Because I realize that there is a lot of players that do like it and it would be selfish of me to gripe every time a new flashpoint or operation came out. You have an entire new planet coming out in Makeb for your non-PVP/easy win needs and you will still have the most content in game geared towards your play style. Stop being selfish.

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I'm sorry, but you PVE only folks have had MORE than enough content geared towards you this past year. Every daily on Ilum, Belsavis , Black Hole and Section X is PVE only. The only quest line for people that like both is the HK one. It would take a LOT of new content being produced to catch up with you. We're being thrown a bone here. Finally. You're also making assumptions because we have no idea what the rewards are.




No it doesn't. You have what's called a "CHOICE." Same for people like me who hates grouping. I can't stand random pugs. Guess what? That means I miss on all the content and rewards that come with doing flashpoints and operations. I don't mind. You know why? Because I realize that there is a lot of players that do like it and it would be selfish of me to gripe every time a new flashpoint or operation came out.


You're playing a PvE game, complaining that PvEers get more content than PvPers is a pretty stupid complaint to make. People don't want mixed content, it wasn't asked for and the dozens of things that have been repeatedly asked for are still not in-game. PvE rewards for PvP content is a huge design flaw which, if they foolishly go ahead with, will just lose them more players- PvPers will have little use for the rewards, PvEers won't be able to get them because a gang of morons is almost certainly going to sit around all day preventing people from playing the game.


And if you don't like grouping, go play something else? Grouping is a key part of online gaming.

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