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Ok so perhaps my last post came off a little D-baggish.


Let me rephrase.


There are tons of Class and WZ guides that are extremely well written and very informative. Starting there would be your best bet.


This thread is more like step 5 in the process of becoming a top teir PVPr ready for Ranked WZs.


Once you have a firm grasp of that stuff and have min/max your gear out. This will be a place to ask direct questions of people you see doing exceptionally well. Attempt to learn some of the finer tips and trick. etc.



I have no problem gearing myself or understanding my abilities. This post was originally about the vitality of ranked. Putting 8 guys who know how to play their classes against a team that's coordinated is going to have an obviously lopsided outcome. I know there are some great PvPers out there who think of themselves as winning games by themselves, but that's just not the reality of ranked.


I was hoping for advice on how to get teams working together, triage targets, sync taunt rotations, etc., not "how do I pick up the ball," but I'll just go back to solo queuing and being jealous of all those ranked games you guys are enjoying.


Oh, wait.

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Can't teach common sense, which is what 99% of bad PvPers lack. I know plenty of people who are good at the mechanics of their class, but have no PvP sense - they don't pay attention to objectives, they don't ask their teammates if they need help, they don't know how to delay people coming over to help, they break CCs; it goes on and on. Edited by VtTethias
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Can't teach common sense, which is what 99% of bad PvPers lack. I know plenty of people who are good at the mechanics of their class, but have no PvP sense - they don't pay attention to objectives, they don't ask their teammates if they need help, they don't know how to delay people coming over to help, they break CCs; it goes on and on.


Stop breaking my flash bangs, Manlio.

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I have no problem gearing myself or understanding my abilities. This post was originally about the vitality of ranked. Putting 8 guys who know how to play their classes against a team that's coordinated is going to have an obviously lopsided outcome. I know there are some great PvPers out there who think of themselves as winning games by themselves, but that's just not the reality of ranked.


I was hoping for advice on how to get teams working together, triage targets, sync taunt rotations, etc., not "how do I pick up the ball," but I'll just go back to solo queuing and being jealous of all those ranked games you guys are enjoying.


Oh, wait.


Yes,, this^^^


Perhaps I misread your post or misinterpreted it. My bad.

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I have no problem gearing myself or understanding my abilities. This post was originally about the vitality of ranked. Putting 8 guys who know how to play their classes against a team that's coordinated is going to have an obviously lopsided outcome. I know there are some great PvPers out there who think of themselves as winning games by themselves, but that's just not the reality of ranked.


I was hoping for advice on how to get teams working together, triage targets, sync taunt rotations, etc., not "how do I pick up the ball," but I'll just go back to solo queuing and being jealous of all those ranked games you guys are enjoying.


Oh, wait.


Here's some advice that will sound harsh and to the point:


- If you see 4 of your team mates beating up 2 enemy players, you should redeploy asap.

- Look around the battle field as you're playing. No one can teach your awareness, that's a skill you have to practice yourself.

- Constantly evaluate and re-evaluate the state of the WZ.

- Pick out the most dangerous enemy and focus that guy. (Weird to be the DPS guy taking the most damage in a WZ, I take it as a compliment. ;-))

- Go online, find out what the target DPS range for your class is and parse what you're putting out. There's always room for improvement. (ie Jerc, he's always working on a new spec and pushing his deeps higher.)

- Respec and learn how all of the specs associated with your class. Especially if you're an Assassin or a Marauder where you have numerous viable specs, respec and go to your ship, learn the right rotations, and perfect every single spec possible for that class. (ie Dizeren, this guy has spent millions and millions of credits respec'ing and he's versatile in every one of them.)


You can't make a team together, bad players aren't sticky, they don't fit into the flow of the perfect machine, they're an obtuse cog. But when you get a team of good players, who have obtained an intuative feel for their class and the roles they play on the battle field, even without voice-communication, these players find their place and can utterly decimate WZs. Your team is as good as it's weakest player, that's the reality.


And first and foremost, you need to be good and excel on an individual level before you can be of any benefit to a team. What good is a team of bads? But a random team of good players is marvelous.

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I try to keep a low profile, which is lesson number 1 as a DPS sage. You have probably done your fair share of killing me though Zigs. I'm one of the only non-(smasher/pyro) with a damage-related server record other than Asami (10k hit ***?!). I realize that doesn't mean a whole lot in a never-ending civil war but since dps sages/sorcs are a dying breed, and with the upcoming rumored popping bubble nerfs, I figured I'd offer an alternative to all the "QQ I'll never play my sage/sorc again if they nerf bubbles"


Yeah, I found that thread after I posted. Quite impressive. I almost thought you made a deal with Plummin to find an out of the way spot to spam dps while he spammed heals (but then I saw your objectives score)! I'm clearly impressed, since I think I'm geared well, generally play well, and bust my *** to very rarely break 500k and you more than doubled that! No more blaming the class, I guess. :p

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So I wrote up a Sorc Heals guide for my guild mates. Im by no means the best Sorc Heals on the server, but the most seasoned PVPr,aside from Arash, that Pax has.


I was wondering if some of the other Sorc Heals could read it over and offer suggestions. Anything I may have missed or completely gotten wrong.


WARNING: Its a TLDR Thread



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I was wondering if some of the other Sorc Heals could read it over and offer suggestions. Anything I may have missed or completely gotten wrong. ]


I don't know if your post is up to date on this but the point distribution could be more efficient (this is what I run):


I feel you need a 600 force pool whether you're in PvP or PvE. In long fights where you're keeping yourself alive you will inevitably run out of force (bubbling is expensive) but this lengthens the amount of time it takes. Then try to slip out of combat and regen.


For the same reasons a lot of us take lightning/telekinetic effusion and lightning barrage ( / whatever the TK equivalent is) in order to have 2x speed force lightning channels to get cheap bubbles (overloads on groups also do this reliably with lightning effusion). The bubble blind build therefore relies on having a decent, PvE-level amount of crit (I think my rating's around 280) to assure that virtually all force lightnings or overloads on groups of 3+ will grant lightning effusion.


Chain lightning is useless as a hard cast IMO.


Suppression is a nice ability but I can't see how I can take it in a healing spec.


I don't take convection because the point of this hybrid build is definitely not DPS capability, and to help burn a target the most efficient ability is probably force lightning, then lightning strike (see above re: force regen). Besides, buffing lightning strike without reducing its pushback negates the point of buffing it in the first place. I do cast crushing darkness occasionally as a healer, but 6% isn't going to turn me into a hero.


In the corruption tree, Dark Mending is a must. You may not use dark infusion too much but you want to be able to use it when you do. I actually find DI gets interrupted a lot *less* than I would expect it to. And with the crit rating you should have, it does crit around 1/3 of the time.


Regarding healing priority: I see tons of sages/sorcs casting Benevolence/Dark Heal more than they probably should. Sure, your Force Bending / Conveyance proc makes it crit pretty reliably, but even when it crits it is essentially doing the healing of a non-crit Dark Infusion. IMO it's a pretty lousy heal in that if it's a heal I never use in PvE it should be use sparingly in PvP (at best) for the same reasons: it's weak and it's a huge force spender. I see one main purpose to dark heal, which is to trick opponents into wasting their interrupt (sort of like a fake cast of DI but you actually let it go through). Innervate / Healing Trance is such an efficient heal, one that is good even if it's interrupted, and it really benefits from Force Bending / Conveyance to make 2-3 out of the 4 ticks reliably crit. So I almost always innervate after a resurgence and use dark heal sparingly.


Of course, my top priority heal is always the OP bubble :p. Does more than a dark heal crit, is instant cast, and costs less force.

Edited by minervasunrider
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I switch specs a lot, but this is one that I have been using frequently on my Sage.


The main difference between this build and Athena's is that I take as many of the crit bonuses in Corruption as I can, this allows me to stack more power in my gear while retaining ~33-35% crit. Stacking power, in combination with the 6% buff from Will of the Sith maximizes bonus healing, which directly effects how much damage my bubbles absorb.


I also talent into the 30% boost on the self heal and the 4% reduction on Consumption, I feel that this + warzone medpack + warzone adrenel gives us three oh **** tools when half of the enemy team is trying to kill us.


I'm on the fence about Chain lightening, on one hand you can set up a nice burst rotation to help your dps kill someone (Chain lightening + shock = ~6k damage), and you can also use it to draw an interrupt; on the other hand it's rather useless as an offensive ability without the instant cast proc from lightening storm.


I used to pickup lightening effusion, but with the dramatic increase in burst I've found myself unable to dps as much as I used to; technically, you should have better force management and more up-time with lightening effusion, but under intense focus fire I find the 30% bonus on the self heal to be more useful.


As far as rotation, I try to keep everyone bubbled at all times, not only is this our most efficient heal(from a cast time/healing done perspective), it's also our only way to deal with burst damage; after bubble I keep my hot on cool down, and always use the proc on the channeled heal if it is off of cool down. I try to maximize my use of the big heal unless I have the proc and cannot use the channel, or someone is on the verge of death and my hot/channel/cleanse is on cool down. Something else to remember is that our cleanse is a heal if you spec into Sith purity, which gives you an extra instant heal that you can use on the move, so don't hesitate to use your cleanse as a heal even if the person you are healing does not have a dot/debuff that can be cleansed.

Edited by alexsamma
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Yeah, I found that thread after I posted. Quite impressive. I almost thought you made a deal with Plummin to find an out of the way spot to spam dps while he spammed heals (but then I saw your objectives score)! I'm clearly impressed, since I think I'm geared well, generally play well, and bust my *** to very rarely break 500k and you more than doubled that! No more blaming the class, I guess. :p


I chased Plummin around through a majority of the game, and had to run to support grass a few times (we had to put a healer there since we were stacked on heals). After i while i just parked myself up top at mid and rained down rocks, and I'm pretty sure Plummin was underneath me. Games where you get to freecast are rare, so make sure to enjoy them.


On an unrelated note, there are definitely some skilled players on this server that play the popping bubble heal spec, but I don't think at this point it is worth getting advice on a spec that is approaching an imminent nerf. When i spec heals now i go full heals, partially because i think the bubble spec is a tad cheesy, and partially to prepare myself for this nerf. If i had a credit for every post I saw with a sorc/sage threatening to retire when the bubbles get nerfed, I'd be pretty wealthy. The reality is, popping bubbles are a bit of a crutch, and anyone learning to heal on a sorc/sage would do themselves good by not having to rely on them. Sure you can claim its a counter to the current smash epidemic, but if Bioware has any semblance of a clue they will tweak that spec as well.



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Sin question


Minmaxed - 30% crit (29. something for force, missing datacrons) 1812 WP, 76.8% surge, 97.90% M acc, 1055 power


builds i run: 31/3/7, 3/15/23 or 0/27/14, sometimes full mad/full dark tank for the fun of it.


1. i heard about someone hitting over 800k with 27/14, and i'm REALLY wondering how he managed to do that

2. WP or power augments? i tried full power augs, it SEEMED like i did less critical damage, which is odd.. had about 1560 WP


3. for running a full madness spec, the most efficient way to help a team and take down opponents isn't by tab dotting, do you lay a FB/discharge on everyone than target someone and go for root + DF/FiB?


4. pve set bonus or pvp set bonus? im running at 1214 exp and im wondering if i should drop it for a 3rd PVE armoring.


5. our hilt has 36/37/50exp whereas barrels have 39/39/50, should we switch for a PVE hilt?


etc. (Send me a private message, i have more questions and dont want to spam a thread)

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I chased Plummin around through a majority of the game, and had to run to support grass a few times (we had to put a healer there since we were stacked on heals). After i while i just parked myself up top at mid and rained down rocks, and I'm pretty sure Plummin was underneath me. Games where you get to freecast are rare, so make sure to enjoy them.


On an unrelated note, there are definitely some skilled players on this server that play the popping bubble heal spec, but I don't think at this point it is worth getting advice on a spec that is approaching an imminent nerf. When i spec heals now i go full heals, partially because i think the bubble spec is a tad cheesy, and partially to prepare myself for this nerf. If i had a credit for every post I saw with a sorc/sage threatening to retire when the bubbles get nerfed, I'd be pretty wealthy. The reality is, popping bubbles are a bit of a crutch, and anyone learning to heal on a sorc/sage would do themselves good by not having to rely on them. Sure you can claim its a counter to the current smash epidemic, but if Bioware has any semblance of a clue they will tweak that spec as well.




We were Sorcs before bubbles, Before Unnatural preservation. Back when a Sorc was almost a free kill. We learned to be elusive and frustrating for DPS to a point of being accused of trolling. I have played a sorc since beta and have more fun than with anyother class. Its a personal choice thing.


But alas came the bubble. Not sure I would call it a crutch. Maybe for some terribads that have 0 clue. Its more of an exploit right now. Even tho its designed to be the way it is. Regardless, EVERYTHING gets the nerf bat in time.


Good Sorcs will just move on, and play with new specs, rotations etc. Those people QQing about never playing their Sorc after it gets nerfed, are the For the moment crowd, and will forever be a pain in the ***. Happy with being a mediocre player. Howver this is not me. And not what this thread was designed to do.

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Sin question


Minmaxed - 30% crit (29. something for force, missing datacrons) 1812 WP, 76.8% surge, 97.90% M acc, 1055 power


builds i run: 31/3/7, 3/15/23 or 0/27/14, sometimes full mad/full dark tank for the fun of it.


1. i heard about someone hitting over 800k with 27/14, and i'm REALLY wondering how he managed to do that

2. WP or power augments? i tried full power augs, it SEEMED like i did less critical damage, which is odd.. had about 1560 WP


3. for running a full madness spec, the most efficient way to help a team and take down opponents isn't by tab dotting, do you lay a FB/discharge on everyone than target someone and go for root + DF/FiB?


4. pve set bonus or pvp set bonus? im running at 1214 exp and im wondering if i should drop it for a 3rd PVE armoring.


5. our hilt has 36/37/50exp whereas barrels have 39/39/50, should we switch for a PVE hilt?


etc. (Send me a private message, i have more questions and dont want to spam a thread)


31/3/7 and 3/15/23 are bad specs :(. Wither (IMO) has no place in pvp and your sacrificing the crit damage boost for deathfield in 3/15/23. You also want more crit for madness and deception.

1. Hitting high numbers is easy. Maximize uptime, kite players attacking you, and use vanish often. Total damage done is a very poor metric since it depends on the length of a match.


If your in one of those never ending civil wars your job as an assassin is either to stealth cap the sides or cheese, not to farm dmg at mid. Setting your goal for 800k+ as an assassin is a terrible idea as it requires you to ignore objectives, callouts for help, and peels from healers.


2. WP augments in deception/madness. Probably want power augments in darkness hybrids, not sure.


3. For full madness dots should be spread on players with deathmarks. You want to alternate between spreading dots while kiting when raze is on internal cd and melee attacking when raze is not on internal cd. Maximize your crushing darkness casts on players with deathmarks will maximize your force regen and allow you to never be force starved. In general madness is very squishy so you have to use creeping terror/whirlwind/grenades to kite.

If your about to die spreading dots on players without deathmarks is fine.


4. PvP stalker for 27/14. Im undecided whats the best for full madness or madness hybrid, but the 50 extra force set bonus would be interesting.


5. I think the consensus is PvE hilt is worth it over PvP hilt. I'm not sure.

Edited by iotasquared
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I chased Plummin around through a majority of the game, and had to run to support grass a few times (we had to put a healer there since we were stacked on heals). After i while i just parked myself up top at mid and rained down rocks, and I'm pretty sure Plummin was underneath me. Games where you get to freecast are rare, so make sure to enjoy them.


On an unrelated note, there are definitely some skilled players on this server that play the popping bubble heal spec, but I don't think at this point it is worth getting advice on a spec that is approaching an imminent nerf. When i spec heals now i go full heals, partially because i think the bubble spec is a tad cheesy, and partially to prepare myself for this nerf. If i had a credit for every post I saw with a sorc/sage threatening to retire when the bubbles get nerfed, I'd be pretty wealthy. The reality is, popping bubbles are a bit of a crutch, and anyone learning to heal on a sorc/sage would do themselves good by not having to rely on them. Sure you can claim its a counter to the current smash epidemic, but if Bioware has any semblance of a clue they will tweak that spec as well.




Full heal spec is a joke in the current game environment, good teams are not going to let you get your big heals off, and your lack of defensive abilities make you a free side dish to the main course.


Full heal spec works well when you have two other healers, or the opposite team has no burst dps/focus fire.


I ran full heal spec for a long time, I've pulled crazy numbers, but full heal spec lacks the burst healing to deal with burst dps unless your teammates stand in the puddle, which good teams won't let you get off 95% of the time, and when you do manage to put it down it's incredibly easy to mitigate (force sweep, death from above, freighter flyby, enemy pull, etc, etc).

Edited by alexsamma
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31/3/7 and 3/15/23 are bad specs :(. Wither (IMO) has no place in pvp and your sacrificing the crit damage boost for deathfield in 3/15/23. You also want more crit for madness and deception.

1. Hitting high numbers is easy. Maximize uptime, kite players attacking you, and use vanish often. Total damage done is a very poor metric since it depends on the length of a match.


If your in one of those never ending civil wars your job as an assassin is either to stealth cap the sides or cheese, not to farm dmg at mid. Setting your goal for 800k+ as an assassin is a terrible idea as it requires you to ignore objectives, callouts for help, and peels from healers.


2. WP augments in deception/madness. Probably want power augments in darkness hybrids, not sure.


3. For full madness dots should be spread on players with deathmarks. You want to alternate between spreading dots while kiting when raze is on internal cd and melee attacking when raze is not on internal cd. Maximize your crushing darkness casts on players with deathmarks will maximize your force regen and allow you to never be force starved. In general madness is very squishy so you have to use creeping terror/whirlwind/grenades to kite.

If your about to die spreading dots on players without deathmarks is fine.


4. PvP stalker for 27/14. Im undecided whats the best for full madness or madness hybrid, but the 50 extra force set bonus would be interesting.


5. I think the consensus is PvE hilt is worth it over PvP hilt. I'm not sure.



so far that's about what i was thinking for 2/3/5



for 1, though... bad specs? 3/15/23 allows you to hit for past 6k over 5-6 times EVERY warzone, deathfield is just to have a 30m ability in case of a cap or something, even if missing the crit strike damage, it still hits for.. ~4k on 3 players, plus, i get raze and dots, insta whirlwind, etc... it's not bad at ALL, it's a different playstyle :p


31/3/7 is really good AOE damage, the 5% dmg debuff on everyone isn't bad, especially since it's also a slow on 5 enemies that doesn't break CCs - your damage doesn't come from deathfield, but from force lightning (i hit for 2.3k/ FL tick very often)



and, obviously my objective isn't to constantly get 800k dps, i always play for objectives and rotate taunts like there's no tomorrow, but i'd also like to often break the 400-500k, i'm skilled with the class, i'm kinda trying to find WHERE i can improve - i know i can improve on stun timing and when to unleash the high-burst abilities, and not use shroud and right after say, electrocute, which i found myself doing 2-3 times and just realized i had wasted it :/ it might be the gear, too. a 31 darkness build barely needs crit. i understand madness would need more crit, obviously for the dots, but 27/14 seems fine for deception, as a lot relies on maul/assassinate, and all force abilities have 100% accuracy regardless of damage mitigation.


for the 3/15/23, i'd like you to see a 8.4k crit with a maul :p i don't think it's possible with another spec (i didn't have bloodthirst/pvp 15% buff, or else... 5 digits hit for sure)


shock is a bit weaker, but costs less force. also missing on discharge damage, but it still hits for over 3.5k, your damage comes from maul, assassinate and thrash, hence my question about the PVE bonus (you also have 9% penetration at all times)


it's basically twin disciplines, as you alternate between surge/lightning, lightning is against a team of heavy armor opponents, i'll alternate depending on what the group needs. for the 31/3/7, a friend equally as good as me reached 1m damage in a voidstar because of wither/darkness discharge... it's not bad at all, but again that's a personal opinion. what's your gear like?

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so far that's about what i was thinking for 2/3/5



for 1, though... bad specs? 3/15/23 allows you to hit for past 6k over 5-6 times EVERY warzone, deathfield is just to have a 30m ability in case of a cap or something, even if missing the crit strike damage, it still hits for.. ~4k on 3 players, plus, i get raze and dots, insta whirlwind, etc... it's not bad at ALL, it's a different playstyle :p


31/3/7 is really good AOE damage, the 5% dmg debuff on everyone isn't bad, especially since it's also a slow on 5 enemies that doesn't break CCs - your damage doesn't come from deathfield, but from force lightning (i hit for 2.3k/ FL tick very often)



and, obviously my objective isn't to constantly get 800k dps, i always play for objectives and rotate taunts like there's no tomorrow, but i'd also like to often break the 400-500k, i'm skilled with the class, i'm kinda trying to find WHERE i can improve - i know i can improve on stun timing and when to unleash the high-burst abilities, and not use shroud and right after say, electrocute, which i found myself doing 2-3 times and just realized i had wasted it :/ it might be the gear, too. a 31 darkness build barely needs crit. i understand madness would need more crit, obviously for the dots, but 27/14 seems fine for deception, as a lot relies on maul/assassinate, and all force abilities have 100% accuracy regardless of damage mitigation.


for the 3/15/23, i'd like you to see a 8.4k crit with a maul :p i don't think it's possible with another spec (i didn't have bloodthirst/pvp 15% buff, or else... 5 digits hit for sure)


shock is a bit weaker, but costs less force. also missing on discharge damage, but it still hits for over 3.5k, your damage comes from maul, assassinate and thrash, hence my question about the PVE bonus (you also have 9% penetration at all times)


it's basically twin disciplines, as you alternate between surge/lightning, lightning is against a team of heavy armor opponents, i'll alternate depending on what the group needs. for the 31/3/7, a friend equally as good as me reached 1m damage in a voidstar because of wither/darkness discharge... it's not bad at all, but again that's a personal opinion. what's your gear like?

3/15/23 is bad because it trades off increased deathfield crit damage for 3% crit (assuming lightning charge). I've you have parses saying this is worth it, i'd like to see them, but remember deathfield is effected by recklessness. I dont have access to an assassin talent calc atm, so I dont know what the extra point in deception would buy you.


For wither, the dmg coefficient is very low, even when you consider it hits multiple targets. You may see high numbers at the end, but your not really killing anyone. From a purely damage output, both wither and force lightning are inferior to other trees. Deception is higher killing power, madness has higher damage output. From a utility standpoint, going something like 23/1/17 would be more useful because of insta whirlwind. From a defensive standpoint having 30% aoe reduction is better because of the heavy emphasis on aoe in the game currently. Probably the only use wither has is stopping caps in novarre, but thats a pretty weak reason to use wither. Overall, wither is very meh.


I have 280 crit and WP augments.

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so far that's about what i was thinking for 2/3/5



for 1, though... bad specs? 3/15/23 allows you to hit for past 6k over 5-6 times EVERY warzone, deathfield is just to have a 30m ability in case of a cap or something, even if missing the crit strike damage, it still hits for.. ~4k on 3 players, plus, i get raze and dots, insta whirlwind, etc... it's not bad at ALL, it's a different playstyle :p


31/3/7 is really good AOE damage, the 5% dmg debuff on everyone isn't bad, especially since it's also a slow on 5 enemies that doesn't break CCs - your damage doesn't come from deathfield, but from force lightning (i hit for 2.3k/ FL tick very often)



and, obviously my objective isn't to constantly get 800k dps, i always play for objectives and rotate taunts like there's no tomorrow, but i'd also like to often break the 400-500k, i'm skilled with the class, i'm kinda trying to find WHERE i can improve - i know i can improve on stun timing and when to unleash the high-burst abilities, and not use shroud and right after say, electrocute, which i found myself doing 2-3 times and just realized i had wasted it :/ it might be the gear, too. a 31 darkness build barely needs crit. i understand madness would need more crit, obviously for the dots, but 27/14 seems fine for deception, as a lot relies on maul/assassinate, and all force abilities have 100% accuracy regardless of damage mitigation.


for the 3/15/23, i'd like you to see a 8.4k crit with a maul :p i don't think it's possible with another spec (i didn't have bloodthirst/pvp 15% buff, or else... 5 digits hit for sure)


shock is a bit weaker, but costs less force. also missing on discharge damage, but it still hits for over 3.5k, your damage comes from maul, assassinate and thrash, hence my question about the PVE bonus (you also have 9% penetration at all times)


it's basically twin disciplines, as you alternate between surge/lightning, lightning is against a team of heavy armor opponents, i'll alternate depending on what the group needs. for the 31/3/7, a friend equally as good as me reached 1m damage in a voidstar because of wither/darkness discharge... it's not bad at all, but again that's a personal opinion. what's your gear like?


Withers overall damage is fine you can easily hit high numbers with it. I've done 800k with wither/discharge back in BM gear with zero augments but nothing died. The real damage of wither does not even come close to that of the other specs, if you want a high damage hybrid tank you go 27/0/14, for utility you go 23/1/17 and for pure 100% zero damage meat shield you go 23/17/1. I've done every spec on Dizeren ( my main) I normally use 0/13/28 and have pulled 1.1mil with 100k protection ( from pure detaunts) with this spec. The specs you have listed and as iota as said are not up to par with that of the main hybrid specs used, We are shadows/Assassins, There is not any reason to do full 31points into any of the three trees because the hybrids far surpass them. Your spec of 3/15//23 is just a weaker version of 0/13/28. You still get the 30% bonus damage on maul plus you get the increase crit damage on death field meaning you get the best of both worlds along with all the dots and lift.

Edited by tizeren
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I ran full heal spec for a long time, I've pulled crazy numbers


This. For every face tanking bubble spammer I've also seen a full seer sage in ~100 expertise gear who claims to be useful because they did 400K healing (and, they never mention, took 550K damage).


Off topic:

Even when they change the way bubble blind works, the hybrid may still be a necessary spec for its utility. If they change it back so that the blind only procs on oneself, it will still be useful for escapability. If they change it so it gives the correct amount of resolve, it will still be useful (but not as spammable, especially in maps where you have to control the enemy's whitebars). If they turn it back into a mezz, it will still be useful but just a lot less powerful. I can't see a version of the bubble blind where the bubble blind still exists and it isn't a viable/preferred spec.

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This thread appears to really have gone off the rails, even despite some good contributions adding to that. Are we actively working to create an actual mentor ship program or are we just posting stuff in this thread to be helpful?


I suppose no one is going to take someone by the hand. But the information in this thread should help those who are intelligent enough to read it, and understand. Yes its off the rails, but I believe it to be in a positive direction.

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