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PVP Mentor Program


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Best tip for learning all your fancy new keybindings, for those switching setups or finally hotkeying everything, is to head to a flashpoint you can just barely solo. Or for healers just heal yourself and pretend to dodge other players using all your abilities.


When I made the switch from WASD movement to ESDF, I spent a week farming Mando Raiders trying to get used to all the change. The upside is you don't have fellow PvPers to complain about your slowness while you're learning, and it's totally no pressure cause you just create the muscle memory at your own pace. And since it's less stress, you can safely find your hotkeys, instead of panicking in the middle of PvP and creating false muscle memory (defaulting to the old keybind or lack thereof before hitting the right one).


It'll take a while, and it's boring. But very effective.

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Best tip for learning all your fancy new keybindings, for those switching setups or finally hotkeying everything, is to head to a flashpoint you can just barely solo. Or for healers just heal yourself and pretend to dodge other players using all your abilities.


When I made the switch from WASD movement to ESDF, I spent a week farming Mando Raiders trying to get used to all the change. The upside is you don't have fellow PvPers to complain about your slowness while you're learning, and it's totally no pressure cause you just create the muscle memory at your own pace. And since it's less stress, you can safely find your hotkeys, instead of panicking in the middle of PvP and creating false muscle memory (defaulting to the old keybind or lack thereof before hitting the right one).


It'll take a while, and it's boring. But very effective.


I just got a Logitec G600 this week (Their version of the Naga, with bigger buttons) and last night was my first time using it. I went into PVP after 3 hours on PVE Illium wandering around trying keybindings.


.... there was good news and bad news.


Bad news : It did not work so well. There were lots of OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD spazzing moments.


Good news : I was pugging and hit MVP/GG/Saberwing/Team One 4 games in a row so it winning was really rather moot and I don't think anyone noticed -just how bad- I was in comparison to the overall choo-choo DPS train on everyone. WHO SAYS PUGGING ISN'T GOOD FOR SOMETHING!


So yes, much of this week I expect to be training my muscle memory. With lots of 80s montage music.

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If anyone would like any help with Vanguard tanking, I'd be more than happy to help. I've been playing it since launch, and still play it daily, so I feel I could be a good mentor to people looking to improve their Vanguard tanking or learn the spec.


I'm Valkyrus on the Imp side and Courmac on the Rep side, just in case.

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2. Someone in the thread briefly talked about how the good PvPrs are too concentrated in a few guilds. Surprisingly, I'm going to agree with that statement. While I'm certainly not one to claim innocence of doing that, being someone who helped found Squad Six/Game Genie, I can absolutely see how putting all the good PvPrs in only a few homes can be detrimental to server PvP. Back on Sanctum, before I left, while you still had "PvP guilds", the talent was much more equally distributed across many guilds. While it is natural that people who excel in PvP want to be around others that excel, and more importantly, take PvP seriously. I think it's clear, though I wasn't around, that ranked warzones accelerated this development. However, the fault also lies with the good PvPrs, as many are ignorant or unwilling to recognize behavior that can hurt a server - not playing with new people, spawn camping, elitist attitude, etc..


This is the biggest issue...er problem...not really sure what to call it. I understand it, but on an RP server this mentality just kills the overall pvp community. Tonight was my guild's 'pvp night' and we had probably a total of 10 or so people, but never most didn't last longer than a few games quiting after getting frustrated. I can't really blame them, it's not fun getting completely dominated. And growing the community just doesn't happen when you try to get people out and they just get stomped every game. Not one of our groups won a game...makes it tough for me to convince folks to come out again.

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This is the biggest issue...er problem...not really sure what to call it. I understand it, but on an RP server this mentality just kills the overall pvp community. Tonight was my guild's 'pvp night' and we had probably a total of 10 or so people, but never most didn't last longer than a few games quiting after getting frustrated. I can't really blame them, it's not fun getting completely dominated. And growing the community just doesn't happen when you try to get people out and they just get stomped every game. Not one of our groups won a game...makes it tough for me to convince folks to come out again.


And to add to this apparently these pvp guilds don't like playing each other...had a GG premade quit less than a minute in to a match against their imp alt buddies.

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And to add to this apparently these pvp guilds don't like playing each other...had a GG premade quit less than a minute in to a match against their imp alt buddies.


SOP: Standard Operating Procedure


Where's the fun for a hardcore PVPer unless you're in voice-communication and rolling weaker players. Not every PVP-centric premade or guild is like that, but as you've witnessed some are.


The people you're describing don't like to lose, or get focus-fired, or lower their Ranked ratings. They'll group up thier A teams against Kickball teams, they'll group up on Ranked PUG nights with their A teams, because all they want is an easy win and some high Ranked stats to boot. It's easy when you have 4-8 A+ players, or even some B+ and A- in the mix. It's also easy when you're stunlocking the entire WZ with bubble mezzes and have 2 Focus specs and 2 Pyros to boot, 3 shotting people who are stunned until they are bursted down.


The best is when these same players have in the past, gotten rolled by PUGs and logged/switched factions, asking if you got an open spot. Been there, seen it, have received PMs. These are the same players who's moral understanding, considerations for other players, and oh I don't know, any kind of human decency is every so often questioned by TEH community, You know, for some folks it's all about an easy win. What can you do? There's no /unmakeShole command in SWTOR.


My recommendation is to PVP because you enjoy sticking a lightsaber or a blaster bolt into the other guy. PVP for the sake of PVPing, to grind out the better gear, and never ever ever ever take facerolls or losses seriously. It can be stressful when your team is filled with terribads, but if the other team is just that good? Eh, don't hate someone cause they're good. Don't hate period. Hate is bad.


If someone is a douche, hell if it's a group of douches... /ignore douchie


Finally, if you ever see me PVPing and have no group, just hit me up with a whisper to group up. As long as you're decent at following directions and are a half-way decent skilled player, if my group has an open spot I will guarantee you that spot. I don't always have open spots, in the mornings I run with my buddy Noland and I give him all the invite priveleges and he's always grabbing tanks left and right to guard his tush, but if there's an open spot, anyone else is more than welcome! Folks, Arash will help get you into a group where you can make new friends and acquaintances. And you can meet Notte (everyone likes Notte!).


Anyways, let's not hijack this thread anymore than we already have. Guys, if you're good or think you're good, if you're on the top of the leader boards and are willing to share your knowledge and experience, please add to this thread.


On a personal note, I'm very very good an Annihilation/Watchman spec, so if anyone has any questions please feel free to hit me up.

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^ Great post Arash!


Really, the class mentoring is a great idea, but people need a seminar on PvP during lowbies so they stop bringing the bad habits with them.


I've see 50s on this server lately:

Call INC when already dead.

Not come at all when INC is called.

Take the mid speeder when we hold the side nodes in ACW.

Completely leave nodes undefended.

Not stop cappers.

Etc etc etc.


These are basics, but it seems like people go through lowbies with the impression that nothing matters, so they never learn anything. :(

Edited by RGMetal
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I’d be more than happy to help too. Though my mentorship in the game usually goes well beyond giving advice on how to play a spec, I’m willing to take my time and play with people who are interested in playing objectives and ready to do what is right.


I have one condition: Come to me only if you are ready to finish every Warzone no matter how bad they go, for I have neither time nor patience for quitters in the game. Do not get discouraged; I have very amusing screenshots of one or two PvP guilds sitting on nodes, ragequitting as a group even when it is their own member who loses a turret or Elite Warlords who leave Warzones after the first time they die when they are solo. The sad part is, the “pugs” of the Ebon Hawk also give up at the first sight of these people.


I’m also up for 1v1 practice. I wouldn’t be playing Focus spec if I was interested in 1v1 but it is the best way to learn how to deal with certain specs. 1v1 itself is something I discourage in Warzones, but it is a great way to practice no matter which spec you are in.


As for the discussion above... It is for another thread. I would start talking about it, I’m just afraid I will not be able to stop. Arash’s post is a good place to end that discussion.

Edited by Advanderer
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I think I am decent enough at being an annoyance to the other team, so I'll throw my name in the hat to those wanting a lil help with sage/sorc healing. I do my best to answer any whispers sent my way and I am almost always solo queuing so I don't mind either sitting out a few matches to talk or even come along and play with you.


I do have a sage on the other side, I am trying to get her as geared as Thaeya, so if you see Aphrodite on the Rep Fleet, don't be afraid to give me a hug.

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I don't know this guy, but it sounds like I should - he pub or imp? Sounds like a name I've seen on enemy teams, but all pubs sorta look alike to me.


I try to keep a low profile, which is lesson number 1 as a DPS sage. You have probably done your fair share of killing me though Zigs. I'm one of the only non-(smasher/pyro) with a damage-related server record other than Asami (10k hit ***?!). I realize that doesn't mean a whole lot in a never-ending civil war but since dps sages/sorcs are a dying breed, and with the upcoming rumored popping bubble nerfs, I figured I'd offer an alternative to all the "QQ I'll never play my sage/sorc again if they nerf bubbles"

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I would be more then happy to help any up and coming Assassins or Shadows on PVP advice, doing warzones with them, Specs/Gear, general warzone strats and node guarding tips. Just send me a tell on here or ingame =)


Vaul'akar'tazin - Level 50 Darkness/Deception Assassin.

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Yeah, I'm definitely interested in talking to folks who feel like they understand WZ strategies. Class mentoring is great (and really, really important), but I definitely feel like tactics and strategies are what make/break warzones, more often than one individuals's performance.
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Yeah, I'm definitely interested in talking to folks who feel like they understand WZ strategies. Class mentoring is great (and really, really important), but I definitely feel like tactics and strategies are what make/break warzones, more often than one individuals's performance.


I had envisioned this program to be designed for individuals who already grasped 99% of this stuff, and need that extra little bit of perfection to push them to the next level.


Asking individuals to take time out of there game or RL time to answer questions that could be taken from research and running WZs is kinda douchy.


I agree that tactics are just as, if not more important. I just didnt want to give people the idea that you can come into this thread and have these dude PVP for you.

Edited by DarthBror
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I had envisioned this program to be designed for individuals who already grasped 99% of this stuff, and need that extra little bit of perfection to push them to the next level.


Asking individuals to take time out of there game or RL time to answer questions that could be taken from research and running WZs is kinda douchy.


I agree that tactics are just as, if not more important. I just didnt want to give people the idea that you can come into this thread and have these dude PVP for you.


Oh. Sorry to have bothered you all.

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Oh. Sorry to have bothered you all.


Ok so perhaps my last post came off a little D-baggish.


Let me rephrase.


There are tons of Class and WZ guides that are extremely well written and very informative. Starting there would be your best bet.


This thread is more like step 5 in the process of becoming a top teir PVPr ready for Ranked WZs.


Once you have a firm grasp of that stuff and have min/max your gear out. This will be a place to ask direct questions of people you see doing exceptionally well. Attempt to learn some of the finer tips and trick. etc.

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