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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A case for a more robust preferred status


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except once you stop paying that monthly money it would appear you permanently loose any commendations you earned while subbed that exceed the preferred/F2P limit and do not get them back when you resub. Currently the limitation can hurt any sub who lets their sub lapse. It doesn't just restrict non-subs, it punishes subs who don't maintain their sub every day for the life of the game.


Not particularly cool to pay a subscription, earn comms, let subscription lapse for a month because real life got in the way, resub and find that the devs punished you for letting the sub lapse by permanently taking away any comms you earned that exceeded the Preferred status comm cap. In this case creating a comm escrow at minimum is needed to avoid punishing subs who briefly let their sub lapse.


This is a good point. What the could do is add in a timer. Or just not delete any earned comms, but you can't earn anymore untill you've used them and hit below the preferred status limit.

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These are reasonable requests.


The medical probes issues is a problem for f2p healers. If the team wipes, normally the medic self rezzes and then gets other people up. f2p healers, however, need to release and then run back or just kind of hope that someone else burns a probe. As is, medical probes hurt group play. At first I didn't realize probes were an issue (I thought people got up to 5 before they had to go back to a med center), but then I realized it was 5 ... forever, unless they bought more at $1 each. Everyone should get at least 1 probe before return to medical bay, with the ability to unlock more and reduce the amount of time required between uses. At the very least, people should be able to use free probes if they are part of a group, so that f2p aren't a burden on group play.


While preferred, I also bought an unlock that didn't work properly. Bioware refused to provide support for an item I purchased because I was not a subscriber at the time. What a terrible way to support someone who bought something. Cartel unlocks, whether purchased directly or traded, should have support.

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I don't know where this hostility is coming from and it's totally uncalled for. I have been a sub and except for a few cases when I had to cancel my sub because work prevented me from having enough time to play I have maintained and intend to maintain my sub. But at the same time I see no reason why Preferred status people should have arbitrary restrictions placed on them which they cannot remove. If they idea is to make Preferred appealing for those who just want to buy access to features they use and sub is for those that want access to everything for a single monthly fee then why not make unlocks for the credit/commendation cap?


Note that as it stands to just buy a month's worth of access to Space, WZ, Ops, and FPs it would cost 3840 CC or more than 30 USD a month. That's not counting the additional money that would have to be spent for the account wide unlocks like the Artifact Quality unlock. So even if credit/commendation cap unlocks are sold a sub would still cost less if you do all four of the mission activities. Preferred would only be economically appealing if you have no need for weekly passes or rarely buy them. Adding credit/commendation cap unlocks would only harm the sub aspect if the idea is to make subs feel better than everyone else rather than present a payment option that offers a package deal that is cheaper than individually buying access to everything.


These restrictions may seem arbitrary to you, but I'm sure that EA evaluated each and every one before deciding to implement them. In addition, they were all made very clear before the game went F2P, and are still made clear for any new players. If a player chooses to cancel their sub, they should know what the restrictions will be and accept them, not try to get them lifted. The idea of preferred status is not to allow players to buy permanent unlocks for every feature that they use, but rather to provide some benefits over the true F2P, those players who have not yet spent anything on this game. A preferred player gets 4 action bars instead of 2; 6 character slots, I believe, not just 2; sprint at level 1; and additional crew skill slot; access to cargo hold; a higher credit cap; etc. If you find that even a s preferred player, you are spending more than the cost of a sub for access to the features you use on a monthly basis, then subscribe and save some money.


Not all subscribers subscribe because they want access to everything. Some subscribe because they want to play without a credit cap, or having to pay for weekly pass for FP's, etc. I doubt that most PVE players really care that they get unlimited access to WZ's, or that players that prefer PVP care about the FP's. It is most likely a much better deal to pay the $15 sub fee per month than to buy 4 weekly pass for FP's or WZ's, especially if you consider that things like the credit cap do not apply to subscribers. The features that they choose not to use are simply bonuses.


If they offered a permanent unlock of these features for a one time payment, most players would only unlock those features that they use most often. After all, who in their right mind would pay for a permanent WZ unlock if they seldom or never did WZ's, or FP's if they were a PVP only player. It would boil down to EA seeing a high amount of individual unlock purchases for a month or two, but after that a much lower amount of sales due to most F2P or preferred players having the unlocks for which they used to pay a sub fee. Sure some players might still spend some money on specific items, such as a new armor set or weapon, or cartel packs, but I think that you overestimate the amount of income EA would still be receiving after the initial burst of sales. Even if preferred players had to pay for new content, not all preferred players are going to pay for ALL the new content. As with the unlocks, most players will only pay to unlock the new content that appeals to them.



For record I did read what the unlock says and was quite aware that it says most without explicitly saying what isn't included. Thus I was speculating that it would be fairly encompassing or else they'd have a big PR disaster when it comes out "oh yeah you remember how we vaguely only said it unlocks most Artifact quality items but implied not all without specifying what we meant? Well this item, for no reason apparent to the consumer, falls into our unspecified category of what isn't covered by the unlock."


I had not seen anything to indicate what types of artifact items were not included in the artifact unlock, either. I was speculating that EA may see a chance for additional sales since any artifact items in the expansion obviously were not in game at the time a player purchased the current artifact item unlock. IF they choose not to include any artifact items specific to the expansion, it would be due to the fact that those items were not in game when the unlock was purchased and therefore would not be covered under the current unlock, not for "no reason apparent to the consumer".


Yet you have argued that the credit cap does have a direct impact on a player's in game performance by preventing them from buying BiS gear on the GTN. You argued that removing the credit cap would allow players to buy BiS items on the GTN and further emphasized this by noting that not all players have alts to craft everything which forces them to buy off the GTN if they want the BiS items they cannot craft. By the logic of your own argument then the credit cap is by design intended to impact a player's in game performance by limiting what items a player can acquire/equip which makes it exactly the same as the Artifact Quality equipment restriction.


If you can buy an unlock to allow use of Artifact quality items because it has a direct impact on in game performance why are only subs allowed to "unlock" the credit cap that allows them to buy BiS items on the GTN, which again by your own argument, is an option that has just as much impact on a player's in game performance?




And this is the first I've ever heard what that "most" qualification didn't encompass. thanks for clarifying!


To say that since a credit cap may impact a players performance, that it is intentionally designed to impact a players performance is faulty logic, at best. Some things intended to do one thing have side effects that may not have been a part of the intentional design, This does not mean that a side effect is necessarily a bad thing, just that it may not have been a designed feature. If a person decides to open a restaurant next door to a book store owned and operated by someone else, are they opening the restaurant to increase the bookstore owner's sales? My guess is probably not. The bookstore owner's sales may increase due to there being more people in proximity to his store, some of them restaurant customers waiting for tables, but that was probably not the intent of the person who opened the restaurant. The restaurant owner simply wants to make money and have a steady ongoing income.


If a player finds that the credit cap is hindering him, does that mean that the credit cap was DESIGNED to hinder him? No. The credit cap was put in place as one of the ways to make subscribing more attractive, as well as to make it less appealing for gold sellers.

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The only problem I see with the credit and commendation cap, is like was mentioned, before you would of kept them and had them when you resubbed, now you just lose them. :/


The price for being able to play for free? I can see that. But what if it was just a one or two day lapse as you gathered funds?


I say this as someone on continuous monthly sub, so not thinking of me :p


Customer Support on Cartel Market sounds like a good idea too.

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I edited my post above, but I will respond to this. They should do this by giving extra bonuses to subs, not by penalizing preferred. Giving extra toys, bonuses, titles etc etc to subscribers is one way. One example of course is the 500 cartel points. There are other example of rewards for subscribers. But penalizing preferred by not letting buy what they want to buy hurts the players, and in the end bioware. Rewarding certain players is always better than penalizing others. I guarantee you that they would see lots of sales from the above unlocks. On the flip side, these unlocks alone are not enough for a person to sub.


In the end, if there are 2 payment methods to play a game, it would be great if both payment methods could experience the full game. Preferred players WILL pay to unlock these features.


If you follow this and your OP logic you will soon be asking for what Subs have too. " Subs get this WHY cant I buy it as an unlock on the Cartel Market? Its unfair that BW is limiting they way I want to play."


I sub because I want to support the game in the best way I can. Paying for it. I also buy coins now and then when new packs come out or I just feel like testing my luck. If I follow your logic as a sub I should get few cartel packs for all of my toons every time they come out. As a sub I should get the expansion access free.


But am I complaining that I dont? No I bought the expansion and dont mind that I did. You say you have spent $100 for all the unlocks, this is not including I take it cartel packs. Oh wait your buying those from your brother for in game credits. I say ok give you what you want, buy take away your right to buy anything from other players or the GTN. You cant have your cake and eat it too.

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. If you find that even a s preferred player, you are spending more than the cost of a sub for access to the features you use on a monthly basis, then subscribe and save some money.


Well that was my point. Preferred is set up so it's only cost effective if you don't buy all the weekly unlocks for a full month.


If they offered a permanent unlock of these features for a one time payment, most players would only unlock those features that they use most often. After all, who in their right mind would pay for a permanent WZ unlock if they seldom or never did WZ's, or FP's if they were a PVP only player.


To my knowledge no one is suggesting a permanent unlock for WZ/FPs etc for any reason much less suggesting people would buy something they don't use. That should remain a weekly unlock as current because on their own they can make a sub cheaper. Isn't that the point of Preferred status vs Sub? To have a threshold where subbing is cheaper than buying everything individually?


As far as I am aware the OP and people who agree with the OP are arguing that commendations, credits, and med probes should have a permanent unlock feature. Again even if this was done it would not give Preferred status players all the same subscription features without a monthly sub, you'd still have to pay what is in essence a monthly sub to get unlimited access to things that require a weekly pass. As I previously noted those weekly passes can cost more than a monthly sub so a sub would remain valuable to anyone who plays FPs/Ops/WZs/Space tons. Thus Preferred would remain only economically advantageous to people that would rarely buy weekly passes.


To say that since a credit cap may impact a players performance, that it is intentionally designed to impact a players performance is faulty logic, at best.


You assert earlier that the credit cap has a direct impact on a player's performance to counter my argument that a credit cap unlock does not have a direct impact on in game performance thus making it different from the Artifact Quality unlock which does have a direct impact on in game performance. In the context of your original argument against my statement the implication was that if it was exactly like the Artifact Quality restriction in having a direct impact it was thus intentional. Otherwise I have no idea why you decided to argue that the credit cap has just as much of a direct impact on in game performance as the Artifact Quality restriction.


I just honestly don't follow your logic. If you don't think Preferred should ever have a credit cap unlock why did you note that both the Artifact Quality and Credit Cap restrictions have the same result of directly impacting in game performance? Is the "logic" that the end result of a restriction doesn't matter and only the intention of a restriction should determine what gets an unlock and what doesn't even if both restrictions have the same end result of impacting in game performance?


If a player finds that the credit cap is hindering him, does that mean that the credit cap was DESIGNED to hinder him? No. The credit cap was put in place as one of the ways to make subscribing more attractive, as well as to make it less appealing for gold sellers.


If the credit cap doesn't hinder someone why would they find it appealing to remove the cap? What's the appeal in removing any restriction (be it through an unlock or sub) if you don't feel it hinders you in some way?

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Well that was my point. Preferred is set up so it's only cost effective if you don't buy all the weekly unlocks for a full month.




To my knowledge no one is suggesting a permanent unlock for WZ/FPs etc for any reason much less suggesting people would buy something they don't use. That should remain a weekly unlock as current because on their own they can make a sub cheaper. Isn't that the point of Preferred status vs Sub? To have a threshold where subbing is cheaper than buying everything individually?


As far as I am aware the OP and people who agree with the OP are arguing that commendations, credits, and med probes should have a permanent unlock feature. Again even if this was done it would not give Preferred status players all the same subscription features without a monthly sub, you'd still have to pay what is in essence a monthly sub to get unlimited access to things that require a weekly pass. As I previously noted those weekly passes can cost more than a monthly sub so a sub would remain valuable to anyone who plays FPs/Ops/WZs/Space tons. Thus Preferred would remain only economically advantageous to people that would rarely buy weekly passes.


The OP has already stated that he wants to see permanent FP, WZ, etc unlocks, but "one thing at a time". At least one other poster wants the same thing and has even suggested a miniscule cost of 7500 coins for such unlocks. When I suggest that the proposed costs are miniscule, the typical response si that if a player unlocks every feature that the total cost is not as miniscule. It seems like people are trying to throw up a smokescreen to hide the fact that they are proposing such a miniscule cost to enjoy some of the benefits that subscribers get.




You assert earlier that the credit cap has a direct impact on a player's performance to counter my argument that a credit cap unlock does not have a direct impact on in game performance thus making it different from the Artifact Quality unlock which does have a direct impact on in game performance. In the context of your original argument against my statement the implication was that if it was exactly like the Artifact Quality restriction in having a direct impact it was thus intentional. Otherwise I have no idea why you decided to argue that the credit cap has just as much of a direct impact on in game performance as the Artifact Quality restriction.


I just honestly don't follow your logic. If you don't think Preferred should ever have a credit cap unlock why did you note that both the Artifact Quality and Credit Cap restrictions have the same result of directly impacting in game performance? Is the "logic" that the end result of a restriction doesn't matter and only the intention of a restriction should determine what gets an unlock and what doesn't even if both restrictions have the same end result of impacting in game performance?




If the credit cap doesn't hinder someone why would they find it appealing to remove the cap? What's the appeal in removing any restriction (be it through an unlock or sub) if you don't feel it hinders you in some way?


No. You said that the credit cap has no direct bearing on a character's performance. I pointed out that it COULD have a direct bearing on performance. That is not the same as saying that it does. I would not be surprised if the only reason EA allowed artifact unlocks is that a lot of players already had artifact quality equipment. It may have been EA's intent that in order to wear any artifact gear you had to subscribe, but they decided to add an unlock for those players that already had artifact gear, but did not want to subscribe. A preferred player already has a higher credit cap than an F2P player. If you feel that is not enough and your performance is still being hindered, EA offers a little blue pill. It's called a subscription.

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Some still believe this game is free to play, its not, it's still a sub game and the FTP is just to trick outsiders into trying the game and hoping that they like it enough to sub.




unfortunately a lot of people are not tricked!!! im one of them... only a few more days till sub runs out!!!


i honestly don't see any reason to pay a monthly fee for a single player game with online capabilities and that's basically what this game is. id rather play a couple other actual free to play MMOs yea they are not star wars but hey i got over SWG dieing i can get over this one and i hardly even played this one. I loved playing my bounty hunter but this game is just not worth the subscription fee for me.

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The OP has already stated that he wants to see permanent FP, WZ, etc unlocks, but "one thing at a time". At least one other poster wants the same thing and has even suggested a miniscule cost of 7500 coins for such unlocks. When I suggest that the proposed costs are miniscule, the typical response si that if a player unlocks every feature that the total cost is not as miniscule. It seems like people are trying to throw up a smokescreen to hide the fact that they are proposing such a miniscule cost to enjoy some of the benefits that subscribers get.


My apologies then, I didn't see the post where the OP stated the thing about permanent WZ/FP unlocks, I only saw the post about better CS on CM purchases, med probes, and a credit/comm cap unlock. I agree WZ/FPs etc. should be kept as weekly unlocks.



It may have been EA's intent that in order to wear any artifact gear you had to subscribe, but they decided to add an unlock for those players that already had artifact gear, but did not want to subscribe.


To my knowledge it was designed so any artifact gear already bound to the character would not require an unlock to use in the event a sub went to Preferred status. To the best of my knowledge that unlock was present from day one of F2P so it would not have been in reaction to non-subs already having Artifact quality gear they wanted to wear. Thus I surmise that the idea behind Artifact Equipment unlock was to permit people to unlock features the same as Unify Colors etc.


Perhaps we're stating the same interpretation of why the unlock was made in just different ways and if that is the case I apologize for my misunderstanding.


A preferred player already has a higher credit cap than an F2P player. If you feel that is not enough and your performance is still being hindered, EA offers a little blue pill. It's called a subscription.


You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. Even though I have been a subscriber and intend to remain a subscriber in the foreseeable future I don't see why Preferred status should be able to unlock virtually all restrictions through weekly or permanent unlocks except for a tiny handful of things like the credit/comm cap. As I've said before I support making subscriptions appealing through perks like the CC stipend, not through restrictions like the credit/comm cap.


As the OP notes people aren't going to sub to get access to one or two things after spending a decent chunk of cash on the permanent unlocks already available. Thus the amount of Preferred people who sub to remove the credit/comm restriction will be very small and the unlock would allow the devs to increase CM revenue. IMO all the restriction currently does is give subs a reason to feel better than everyone else.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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The OP has already stated that he wants to see permanent FP, WZ, etc unlocks, but "one thing at a time". At least one other poster wants the same thing and has even suggested a miniscule cost of 7500 coins for such unlocks. When I suggest that the proposed costs are miniscule, the typical response si that if a player unlocks every feature that the total cost is not as miniscule. It seems like people are trying to throw up a smokescreen to hide the fact that they are proposing such a miniscule cost to enjoy some of the benefits that subscribers get.


Err no, I don't want to buy it, I'm subbed and happy to be so, but I don't see any harm in it. Your trolling post which would have a person pay over $700 to buy the lockout was what I was replying to. Facts please, don't make things up.

Edited by mothear
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I'm going to attempt how many features that are currently lacking for preferred status members would greatly help our game experience. These suggestions, imo, would benefit bioware in the end with greater revenues.


1-Support for cartel purchases


This is quite simply a no-brainer. If I buy something with money from the cartel market, and it bugs/doesn't work, I was customer support in order to fix it, period. It has happened to me, and I had to go to great trouble in order to fix it. I won't post all my steps here, but after 2-3 weeks, I finally got someone from bioware to respond to my complaints and fix the issues.

It's simple really, if someone buys something from a company and it doesn't work, and they don't fix it, they will stop purchasing things. It's really that simple.

Also important to note is that support should also go to people who buy cartel items for credits. If my brother buys something with money, and sells it to me for credits, and it doesn't work, I will no longer buy things for credits, and my brother won't be able to sell his items that he bought for real money. In either case, the company is making money because someone is spending money


(In passing, I think it's also good business sense to provide support for any game issue for preferred members. Making your customers happy will keep them spending. But support for cartel purchases is a minimum.)


2-Death tax (medical probes)


Preferred players should be able to buy a permanent unlock for medical probes. Right now, at the current cost it's $1 per death. Most games with death taxes usually suffer because of it. Mind you, this game does have a free way to respawn, but it can be quite bothersome. I play a healer. If I die with a group in the middle of mobs, not only do I have to run all the way back, but my group also has to wait for me (this is if they can't res me).


I'm quite sure this would be a great revenue generator for Bioware, as I'm sure that they can't be selling a lot of the 5 packs of medical probes (I could be wrong of course). Suffice it to say that the permanent unlock for probes would be a best seller as everyone would buy one for their accounts.


3-Credit cap (as well as commendation cap)


There should be a way to unlock the credit cap permanently. There are many ways to get around the credit cap so that it being there is just a hassle. Once again, selling a permanent unlock is a great revenue generator for the company as everyone will buy it.


The commendation cap is also a hassle. The more expensive vendor items we can't even buy, and while leveling on a planet, we have to stop questing to empty our commendations. A needless hassle imo, especially when BW can turn this into a money maker by selling an unlock.


These are three things that I think would bring the preferred option to the next level for this game. I think they should be seriously considered.


"But why don't you just subscribe?"

Ah, a good question. People have their reason for not subscribing. Mine, well I just bought every unlock available in the store. Why would I spend that much money to unlock everything, just to pay a subscription in the end. I'm just not going to do that. I'm posting here because I bought the expansion, and I got the sub for a month (instead of paying $20, it's $15 sub and $10 expansion). I will not renew, but I will buy everything in the store that's for sale. I'm sure there are many others who are like me and making our gaming experience better can only be profitable for BW in the long run.


What is see:

Give me everything for the lowest cost pls...gimme gimme gimme



Now im just waiting for someone asking:

"Hey Bioware please give me a Lifetime Subscription when i pay my 4 Euros.."

Edited by Prysha
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These restrictions may seem arbitrary to you, but I'm sure that EA evaluated each and every one before deciding to implement them.
Sure and we got Monetized Quickbars, no Customer Support for cash purchases and almost had to live with not being able to spacebar through conversations (see last Livestream). Obviously whoever did the eval made mistakes. Expecting them to get it perfect is naive as is expecting everything to be resolved in a single iteration. Fixing the quickbars and opening up character slots are a start.


There are still obvious shortcomings (Med probes) and significant irritations (Credit and Comms cap, Reverse-Engineering chance halved, etc.) These do more to chase people away than to encourage them to sub. Med probes and the XP differential have been demonstrated to hurt subscribers.


Unlimited access to WZ, Space, Operations and Flashpoints along with the monthly 500 CC stipend should have been the huge carrot to subscribe without the worst-in-class F2P program. Sadly the Cartel Market offerings have been sub-par and overpriced. RotHC access cannot be bought with CC's. Space has been roundly criticized.


Annoying potential customers is not a viable long-term replacement for making your premium content worth paying for.

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Err no, I don't want to buy it, I'm subbed and happy to be so, but I don't see any harm in it. Your trolling post which would have a person pay over $700 to buy the lockout was what I was replying to. Facts please, don't make things up.


I apologize for misunderstanding. I did not realize you were subbed, as I am.

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My apologies then, I didn't see the post where the OP stated the thing about permanent WZ/FP unlocks, I only saw the post about better CS on CM purchases, med probes, and a credit/comm cap unlock. I agree WZ/FPs etc. should be kept as weekly unlocks.


For the record, I do believe that customer support for cartel purchases should be available to everyone, whether that purchase is made directly from the cartel market, from the GTN or from another player.





To my knowledge it was designed so any artifact gear already bound to the character would not require an unlock to use in the event a sub went to Preferred status. To the best of my knowledge that unlock was present from day one of F2P so it would not have been in reaction to non-subs already having Artifact quality gear they wanted to wear. Thus I surmise that the idea behind Artifact Equipment unlock was to permit people to unlock features the same as Unify Colors etc.


Perhaps we're stating the same interpretation of why the unlock was made in just different ways and if that is the case I apologize for my misunderstanding.


The artifact unlock has been available from day one of F2P, yes, but I'm not sure if it was part of the original plans for an unlock option, or if the option was implemented so that players who already had artifact gear didn't lose their ability to wear it if they went preferred. I think we agree on the why the artifact unlock was implemented.



You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. Even though I have been a subscriber and intend to remain a subscriber in the foreseeable future I don't see why Preferred status should be able to unlock virtually all restrictions through weekly or permanent unlocks except for a tiny handful of things like the credit/comm cap. As I've said before I support making subscriptions appealing through perks like the CC stipend, not through restrictions like the credit/comm cap.


As the OP notes people aren't going to sub to get access to one or two things after spending a decent chunk of cash on the permanent unlocks already available. Thus the amount of Preferred people who sub to remove the credit/comm restriction will be very small and the unlock would allow the devs to increase CM revenue. IMO all the restriction currently does is give subs a reason to feel better than everyone else.


I'm not familiar with all MMO's, but I am not aware of any game that has a F2P option and a subscription option that offers permanent unlocks for the entire game for a one time payment for F2P'ers. All of the games I'm familiar with keep at least a few things specific to subscribers, in addition to any perks like the monthly cartel coin stipend.


Anyone who plays this game, either a previous sub or a new player, should know what restrictions apply to preferred or to F2P. If a player chooses to spend a large amount of money to unlock certain features, that is certainly their choice. If the unlocks they purchase are not enough, then that is their tough luck. The fact that they spent a large amount of money does not, IMO, entitle them to unlocks that they should have known up front were available to subscribers only. The argument that they already spent a large amount of money for the unlocks they bought holds no water for me. They were not forced to buy those unlocks. They chose to buy those unlocks as opposed to subscribing, which now they find out may have been the better deal.

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Sure and we got Monetized Quickbars, no Customer Support for cash purchases and almost had to live with not being able to spacebar through conversations (see last Livestream). Obviously whoever did the eval made mistakes. Expecting them to get it perfect is naive as is expecting everything to be resolved in a single iteration. Fixing the quickbars and opening up character slots are a start.


There are still obvious shortcomings (Med probes) and significant irritations (Credit and Comms cap, Reverse-Engineering chance halved, etc.) These do more to chase people away than to encourage them to sub. Med probes and the XP differential have been demonstrated to hurt subscribers.


Unlimited access to WZ, Space, Operations and Flashpoints along with the monthly 500 CC stipend should have been the huge carrot to subscribe without the worst-in-class F2P program. Sadly the Cartel Market offerings have been sub-par and overpriced. RotHC access cannot be bought with CC's. Space has been roundly criticized.


Annoying potential customers is not a viable long-term replacement for making your premium content worth paying for.


It is your opinion that the med probes and credit/comm cap are shortcomings. I see them as perfectly reasonable items to reserve for subscribers. As far as med probes and xp differential hurting subscribers, they can be an inconvenience for those subscribers who choose to play with F2P'ers. The F2P'er always has the option to purchase the med probes or the xp boost to bring his xp gain closer to the subs, or subscribe in order to get access to those features. If the F2P'er chooses not spend money, then my sympathies to the subscriber who is inconvenienced, but I would blame the F2P'er. EA has already made it possible for both of those players to play on a more even level. To ask for more is simply not reasonable, IMO.

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So, you bought every unlock in the store and now you want EA to give you three of the biggest benefits that subscribers have over preferred status players? Why should you have all of the biggest benefits of a subscriber without subscribing? If you want those benefits, you can have them, It's called subscribing.


You can say that you are willing to pay for the unlocks you want, but that's a smokescreen. You are offering a one time payment to get what others are paying $15 month to get.


maybe u don't realize this game doesn't deserve 15$ per month,

it should be B2P or make it as a console game as kotor3.

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I unsubbed because I was playing some single-player games and I wasn't sure if I was gonna continue playing SW:TOR.


My interest in the game is waning and I may still sub, but I would like preferred status to be what it is. Subs get every feature at a discount, but preferred status should be able to tailor the game to what they want, then play it for free.


Preferred status should be able to unlock everything. We're paying money for them, not asking for freebies. I really want the credit limit unlock.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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maybe u don't realize this game doesn't deserve 15$ per month,

it should be B2P or make it as a console game as kotor3.


I think the game is worth $15 month. $15 is less than the cost of two movie tickets, or a single dinner for two. If you feel that the game is not worth $15 month, then don;t pay the $15 month. Realize, however, that you will not get access to everything this game has to offer if you don't, and there will be restrictions you will have to endure.

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I unsubbed because I was playing some single-player games and I wasn't sure if I was gonna continue playing SW:TOR.


My interest in the game is waning and I may still sub, but I would like preferred status to be what it is. Subs get every feature at a discount, but preferred status should be able to tailor the game to what they want, then play it for free.


Preferred status should be able to unlock everything. We're paying money for them, not asking for freebies. I really want the credit limit unlock.


No one who is not paying a sub fee should be able to unlock EVERYTHING. There should always be some things that are exclusive to subscribers. You want to pay an one time fee to tailor the game to what you want and essentially get a lifetime subscription. The only game I know that offers a lifetime subscription charges about $300. Are you willing to pay $300 in order to tailor the game to what you want and essentially have that lifetime subscription? Forgive me if I find it hard to believe that you are.

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No one who is not paying a sub fee should be able to unlock EVERYTHING. There should always be some things that are exclusive to subscribers. You want to pay an one time fee to tailor the game to what you want and essentially get a lifetime subscription. The only game I know that offers a lifetime subscription charges about $300. Are you willing to pay $300 in order to tailor the game to what you want and essentially have that lifetime subscription? Forgive me if I find it hard to believe that you are.


I'm glad you find it hard to believe, because you shouldn't believe it.


You won't be able to unlock everything, because there are the weekly passes for operations, warzone, space missions and flashpoints that you have to pay every week. There is no one-time fee where you can unlock them forever.


The unlock I was referring to was the credit limit unlock. It is a non-content related unlock in-line with showing your legacy name or hiding your head slot.


I don't know why subscribers are raging about things like a credit limit unlock. Like as if that is more important than your free flashpoints and operations.

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I'm glad you find it hard to believe, because you shouldn't believe it.


You won't be able to unlock everything, because there are the weekly passes for operations, warzone, space missions and flashpoints that you have to pay every week. There is no one-time fee where you can unlock them forever.


The unlock I was referring to was the credit limit unlock. It is a non-content related unlock in-line with showing your legacy name or hiding your head slot.


I don't know why subscribers are raging about things like a credit limit unlock. Like as if that is more important than your free flashpoints and operations.


Maybe you missed the OP's statement that he wants a permanent unlock for FP's, WZ's, etc. You might not be asking for a permanent unlock, but some are. If they were to offer an unlock for some of the current features that are limited to subscribers, but not others, can you imagine the outcry that would ensue? That does not even take into consideration the "if you give a mouse a cookie" effect.


The credit limit unlock is one of the few benefits that separate subscribers from F2P or preferred players. It is content related, not simply visual like a title or the ability to hide a head slot. Among other things, it limits what you can spend on items on the GTN. The last time I checked that was definitely part of content. The credit limit cap is as important to some subscribers as the FP's, WZ's, etc. Subscribers can afford to buy those fancy mounts, weapons, armor and pets, etc. on the GTN, but the F2P and preferred players cannot.

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The credit limit...is one of the few benefits that separate subscribers from F2P or preferred players...Subscribers can afford to buy those fancy mounts, weapons, armor and pets, etc. on the GTN, but the F2P and preferred players cannot.


...and this is important as it forces the free players to the cartel shop to buy these items directly, thereby spending a little cash to help pay for their spot on the server.


This is why the credit limit above all things needs to remain.

Edited by lollie
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Oh my goodness, the limitations are terrible.


Today I let my subscription run out, but I wanted to see if I could survive as Preferred Status.


Once I realized that there is a commendations limit for Preferred Accounts, I decided that I should sub.


But upon subbing, I did not get back the commendations that I lost due to the limit. I thought there would be an escrow for them like credits. But I read that there isn't.


This has upset me and the limitations have gone too far. The numerous limitations are just too confusing and there is no way I would know that the commendations that were over the limit would be gone.


Enough is enough. Stop discouraging people from playing this game. This is probably the biggest thing to push me away from the game.

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Oh my goodness, the limitations are terrible.


Today I let my subscription run out, but I wanted to see if I could survive as Preferred Status.


Once I realized that there is a commendations limit for Preferred Accounts, I decided that I should sub.


But upon subbing, I did not get back the commendations that I lost due to the limit. I thought there would be an escrow for them like credits. But I read that there isn't.


This has upset me and the limitations have gone too far. The numerous limitations are just too confusing and there is no way I would know that the commendations that were over the limit would be gone.


Enough is enough. Stop discouraging people from playing this game. This is probably the biggest thing to push me away from the game.


I would contact customer service regarding the credits. I believe there is a commendation cap without an escrow, but I thought that any excess credits went into escrow and while they could not be accessed if you were F2P or preferred, you did not lose them.

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