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Do you have lag in PvP? If so, -Please- support this thread.


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First off, I have business class internet, high-end hardware and live about 3 miles from the West Coast servers.

My ping is between 13-25ms everywhere and my FPS never drop below 40, usually 60-120.


The only time I lag is when the whole game lags.

However, I do see lag spikes in warzones once in a while, which I couldn't really explain for the longest time.


After doing an ops the other day, I think I know why:


SM KP, 8 random guys and lots of lag from the very beginning.

Everyone in the ops experienced it, one guy d/ced twice and he admitted that his connection is always terrible.

After failing at the first boss a few times due to lag, that guy had enough and left the ops.

We replaced him and all of a sudden there was no more lag for anybody!


Why is this relevant to warzones?

The bad connection of this one guy was lagging the entire ops and everyone in it, probably due to constant server/client resyncing. The same should be true for warzones - if someone lags, it may affect everyone in the instance.


I play about 10 warzones a day on various toons (just not as active anymore as I used to).

On average, 9 warzones have no lag for me, 1 has lag spikes.


Interestingly, the one wz that has lag spikes is often the one where suspicious stuff is happening.

For example, when I play against 2 Imp guilds and 1 Pub guild on my server, I will always have these spikes.

All three guilds have players that I have reported on several occasions in the past.

(Btw, all 3 guilds are rather mediocre, certainly not the top tier)


As it is, I see lag in warzones as a possible indicator for cheating, because cheating and especially lag-switching, affects server/client sync, just like a bad connection would.


Pretty much describe what I see and I am not near the server.

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More than lag i have often in wz a vastly drop of my fps.


I play on a high hardware pc and i always have very good fps, but sometimes and mostly against some imps guild on my server i experience some targetted fps drop (IE: im killing the lone guard in voidstar) than i start to go at like 4 fps until this guy finally die or the reinforcements arrive and all get restored.


Some1 have never experienced this issue? if not i should start make a complete checkup of my hardware =/

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Some people posted here that they dont have this lag issues, one of them said he's close to west coast servers, Ive seen video of guy from US playing on US server and it seemed pretty smooth and without this rubberbanding we have.


I also know i do have lot of rubberbanding happening, empty GCD and people warping around, when we asked on our servers forum (progenitor, EU), everyone has it. So is it possible that our server is malfunctioned? Or are EU servers not working? Are they old? Are they even in EU?


The empty gcd seems to be caused by lag, and its happening more on abilities that are instant, but damage is done after maybe 0,5second animation (zealous strike, stockstrike, HiB etc), and most likely cause by your target not beeing in front of you, even tho you see him there.

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Both are annoying, but I don't think there's anything you can do about it.


this is excatly the attitude that has gotten gamers to this place.


developers are always given a free pass, never held accountable.


i've been playing since launch. WZ's everyday up to 1.2. no lag, little to no performance issues. 1.2 hits, lag city.


FTP/server merges, i cannot even play from 5pm-12am. peak hours.


no longer will i accept this behavior and lack of accountability. i'm paid up to Makeb...after that, if this game is not fixed, i am done.

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this is excatly the attitude that has gotten gamers to this place.


developers are always given a free pass, never held accountable.


i've been playing since launch. WZ's everyday up to 1.2. no lag, little to no performance issues. 1.2 hits, lag city.


FTP/server merges, i cannot even play from 5pm-12am. peak hours.


no longer will i accept this behavior and lack of accountability. i'm paid up to Makeb...after that, if this game is not fixed, i am done.


I'm not saying the developers can't do anything about it. Rubberbanding came with a patch, at least for me. I never noticed it before then. I think it was patch 1.2 or 1.3? where it would consistantly happen especially when you would force sprint as someone was attacking you with say a ravage.


What I meant was, we as players can't do anything about it on our end. I doubt a lower ping or tunneling would help the problem, because I think it can happen if the other player who is attacking is lagging. I play on 2 servers, one east coast and one west. The west coast server I have around 30ms for the most part and the east I have around 80-90. I rarely notice the rubberbanding on the server I have the higher ping, but it always happens when I have like 30ms, so i'm pretty sure I can't do anything on my end to fix it.


On PoT5 there are some players who constantly warp around on everyone's screen. They have horrible computers/connections, but they aren't hacking. It makes it annoying facing those players, but there's really nothing you as a player can do about it on your end. That's all I meant.

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Do you have lag akin to this?







If so, please support this thread and leave a comment in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=584902


As of the 17th January I will be unable to post on these forums. I'm unsubscribing to the game, but that doesn't mean I don't want this game to succeed. I'm just fed up waiting for changes that will seemingly never happen. This lag we've had since 1.3 is really breaking the game for me.


So please, for the sake of the game, keep this thread bumped so that we can get Bioware's attention.


I have encountered both situations posted here and even more. My targets disappear from wiew and i am not able to fight back, while i am taking damage still. If you look close to sage/sorcs their speed is glitching the game so the animation looks like a speed hack. Low slash does not work even if it apply is damage, leap does not imobilize targets even if they dont dodge it or block it or take is damage and many many many more.

Too bad that bugs become more and more, i refer to numbers here.

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I get both lag spikes and framerate drops. It makes pvp totally unplayable for me. I think if they added arenas it would fix it. At least it would fix my framerate. I get like 60 to 30 fps everywhere in the game on high settings even the fleet but when ever I enter a battle with 16 players it drops to like 15 to 20 and people start teleporting from the terrible lag. Bioware please add a 4v4. I'm missing out on a huge part of the game that I want to be a part of.
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I have encountered both situations posted here and even more. My targets disappear from wiew and i am not able to fight back, while i am taking damage still. If you look close to sage/sorcs their speed is glitching the game so the animation looks like a speed hack. Low slash does not work even if it apply is damage, leap does not imobilize targets even if they dont dodge it or block it or take is damage and many many many more.

Too bad that bugs become more and more, i refer to numbers here.


I've had all of these happen to me before.


I get lag spikes in WZ where I can't see a player, this happens on PoT5


On the Bastion I get such bad lag I can't play, I don't understand what the problem is but I can't play at peak hours on the bastion for some reason.

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I just wanted to jump in here (I am sorry didn't read all the posts) and say one of the 2 videos you uploaded its an animation loop glitch ... not lag. The one where the guy is lying down, that happens to me from time to time, and to my companions every now and then. Has something to do with getting rezzed after being killed, the animation for death doesn't clear.


2ndly I would add I don't ever have lag in pvp and often when I see videos of "lag" it is clearly an issue with the persons PC / Connection - not server based. You can tell the difference because only 1 person is "lagged" where in proper "lag" videos everyones character does something funky, not just one.

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2ndly I would add I don't ever have lag in pvp and often when I see videos of "lag" it is clearly an issue with the persons PC / Connection - not server based. You can tell the difference because only 1 person is "lagged" where in proper "lag" videos everyones character does something funky, not just one.


You should read the posts in this thread then. It seems like the vast majority experiences lag like this in one shape or another. And I can repeat the story I've already told;


When I started playing this game I had a bad computer and a pretty poor internet connection (ms was fine but I dced very often). I bought a new computer in early January last year, and after that I had no more lag. Game ran smooth.


[Edit] I usually play around 30-50 MS.


Up until 1.3 I never experienced any rubberbanding. After 1.3, rubberbanding and warping etc. began to occur. At this point I actually upgraded my internet connection. Now I never really DC, but the funny thing is that rubberbanding didn't change at all. The lag was exactly the same.

Edited by Majspuffen
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