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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A REAL Solution to gear imbalance in level 50 Warzones


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  1. Blue quality level 49 augments are providied with the recruit set.
  2. All Recruit Pieces are Augmented with Mk-6 Slots
  3. Recruit Gear is at Champion level, so that instead of about a 10 level difference, it becomes a 5 i level difference.


3 would also make it so there is a reason to want to gear up, but the gear is not massive stats away.

*ALSO, to encourage alts, war hero gear cost is reduced by 5% per item purchased.

*when i am comparing i levels, i am assuming that recruit is currently at level 51 mods, and that the comparison is to WAR HERO gear, not ELITE WAR HERO.

*Lastly, better itemize PvP gear to have ONLY stats that are beneficial to a class, or create a codex entry that shows the best stats for each advanced class.

Edited by seefouruno
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Oh my......


It takes so little time to get War hero armor now, and we still see these posts. Everyone has to pay their dues ie. take a beating as Henry Hill once put it. Man up, and deal with it until you get the gear. It does not take long.


I had to wear recruit mk-1 which was more poor in stats than what you get now and I had to pay 300k credits for it. Then I had to grind a week's worth of comms to get my battlemaster gear. Then I had to grind literally a couple months almost to get my War Hero Gear. Then many many more months to BIS the gear. Others before I started playing had to grind battlemaster pvp bags to get gear. All random mind you. So, Seriously quit your complaining. You have it easy now.


Play the damn game.

Edited by Sleprock
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1. Legacy Gear


I've got a lvl 46 sorcerer with a full set of war hero ready to go in their inventory....

I really hate threads like these. Most people who propose ideas in them either don't think them through or are just mad at something that happened earlier in the day. Recruit-geared players especially need to take a chill pill, play for 7 days, get some gear, GET BETTER, and stop posting these threads.


BUT then there is this comment that I quoted here.


This is actually an excellent idea, one that the game should implement to some extent or another.


I can understand that there might be some reasons why you would not want ALL WH/EWH gear to be automatically given to a new character. But some of those pieces should absolutely be inherited through the Legacy system. This would give strong incentive for players to reroll new 50s, and would make the lvl 50 PvP scene more dynamic and diverse.


Great idea DrewFromPhilly!

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I really hate threads like these. Most people who propose ideas in them either don't think them through or are just mad at something that happened earlier in the day. Recruit-geared players especially need to take a chill pill, play for 7 days, get some gear, GET BETTER, and stop posting these threads.


BUT then there is this comment that I quoted here.


This is actually an excellent idea, one that the game should implement to some extent or another.


I can understand that there might be some reasons why you would not want ALL WH/EWH gear to be automatically given to a new character. But some of those pieces should absolutely be inherited through the Legacy system. This would give strong incentive for players to reroll new 50s, and would make the lvl 50 PvP scene more dynamic and diverse.


Great idea DrewFromPhilly!


umm.... it IS in the game already. just buy some orange legacy gear from the legacy vendors on the capital planets, have a higher geared 50 (that's been collecting comms for months with nothing to do with them) purchase your alts gear, rip the mods out of WH or whatever and put them into the legacy gear and mail them to your alt. it's been in for a while now, since like 1.2 or something.


anyways, OP, please don't complain that the free recruit gear mk2 that you get isn't enough. seriously we had to farm champion bags (which may or may not drop the piece you need, i opened 25 bags and got 2 pieces of gear) just for gear that was basically recruit mk1 with set bonuses. then it gets given to new 50's while i'm farming comms for BM (which i was HAPPY about because it was still way easier than it had been), about the time i start collecting WH recruit mk2 comes out, basically bringing every new 50 up to my gear level (almost) and just about the time i've finished WH they replace the BM i had been using with WH making it that much easier for you to close the "gear gap". i fully expect to recruit mk3 to come out as soon as i finish getting EWH (which would naturally be the same stats as WH without the set bonus)


so, it a nutshell, stop complaining about not getting enough free gear that's better than what the rest of us have had to put A LOT of time and effort in to get. please, take step back and just play the game, get some comms and earn your gear the old fashioned way.

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umm.... it IS in the game already. just buy some orange legacy gear from the legacy vendors on the capital planets, have a higher geared 50 (that's been collecting comms for months with nothing to do with them) purchase your alts gear, rip the mods out of WH or whatever and put them into the legacy gear and mail them to your alt. it's been in for a while now, since like 1.2 or something.

Not even close to the same thing as that guy was suggesting. Or rather, not close to my interpretation if it; he didn't say much beyond a single sentence.


Under his system (at least, as I guess it would be implemented) just by virtue of getting a full set of WH or EWH (plus maybe some Legacy perk), you would get your new 50 toon mailed a fresh set of gear, or a piece of gear. The details would have to be worked out. The point is to minimize the gearing hassle as much as possible just by sending your toons the whole set. You earned it on one character, you might as well just get it on another.

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I am finally past the recruit stage on all of my 50s so this would not help me but I fully support it. I am for (almost!)anything that can help make more even matches. So many matches are runovers and boring. SWTOR really has very balanced classes (if you understand their intended roles), fun wz's and is great for having multiple alts.


The only thing stopping the pvp from being extremely fun is the lack of premade matching and the gear imbalance for people that decide they want to pvp sometime after they have hit 50.


It really isn't fun to make a good premade and stomp pugs. I have been premading some lately but it is in a couple guilds of more casual players that are mostly lesser geared and I have some fun doing this but I would really like to get some real premade matching going and then try to make a great pvp group like I have done in my past mmos. Now I just pug 90% of my time.

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The real solution to YOUR gear problem is to PVP--Get Comms--Buy gear. This grinding for months to get the gear only to have them make it obsolete is getting old. I understand this is how MMO's work but this crying "I Want my gear for free" , "Nerf X class its OP", "Nerf this skill", is not helping anyone or anything. L2P is the way to fix all the problems. Gear is easy play the game, bubbles just another stun so many I dont even notice them and no worse than my sniper!!!! Smash? this one is just a joke I have no problem with these either. If I die I die its not RL I respawn and rejoin the fight. I am not the best PVPer nor claim to be but every time my face is melted I dont come here and cry Nerf/give me gear!!! I would rather see the Devs work on fixing the hackers, bugs and working on new content and not bowing to the vocal minority about their lack of game skill.
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Not even close to the same thing as that guy was suggesting. Or rather, not close to my interpretation if it; he didn't say much beyond a single sentence.


Under his system (at least, as I guess it would be implemented) just by virtue of getting a full set of WH or EWH (plus maybe some Legacy perk), you would get your new 50 toon mailed a fresh set of gear, or a piece of gear. The details would have to be worked out. The point is to minimize the gearing hassle as much as possible just by sending your toons the whole set. You earned it on one character, you might as well just get it on another.


Oh sorry, yeah I was talking about the orange legacy gear you can use to transfer mods between toons. I picked up the set with my powertech then sent it over to the sorc with the War hero mods. Its expensive because you have to buy all of them with the armoring bound to specific slots but still worth it IMO.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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The gear gap is "basically" gone and really no longer exists so not sure where you are coming from here. I was all in favor of closing the gear gap by base linging all pvp gear. They didn't do that.

What they did do was make WH gear so easy to get that if you save comms up while leveling, you can have enough to be 'nearly' full hero upon turning 50....

There is no reason to complain about gear anymore. As another said....if you didn't plan ahead you have no one to blame but yourself. :)

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Or just use Containment / Sandepeople event sets, which were effectively free from a credits standpoint (unless you bought your tokens with credits, in which case it was merely much less expensive than buying a full set from the vendors).
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If you would of capped Rated and Normal WZ comms from 40+, you would have FIVE PIECES OF ARMOR, WEAPON, AND AN IMPLANT OR EARPIECE. If you haven't PvPed before 50, that is your fault. Fresh PvPers at 50 piss people off as much as having a lack of gear, or laziness to augment their gear and ***** about it.
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You people that assume everyone should have max comms pre-50 make me sad. Now personally, I did have max comms on all of my chars as I mainly pvp. However, not being a total ahole and understanding that this game's pvp would benefit from an influx of new players then it is plain to see that players that decide to pvp after 50 should not be punished this severely.


I am sorry for you people that can't see this as you must be really angry to hate them so much even when it will hurt your gameplay experience as there will be less players and less development money going into pvp if they don't continue to play pvp.


Also, remember this game's main focus was the pre-50 pve experience. Many new players might get into the game for that. Then, if they have a decent experience, they might find pvp fun and start pvp'n. Some of these players will be great pvp'rs as well. Get over yourselves.


I think many of you are just afraid of having any competition. I bet many of the people against better gear for new 50s are against premade matching as well.

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You people that assume everyone should have max comms pre-50 make me sad. Now personally, I did have max comms on all of my chars as I mainly pvp. However, not being a total ahole and understanding that this game's pvp would benefit from an influx of new players then it is plain to see that players that decide to pvp after 50 should not be punished this severely.


I am sorry for you people that can't see this as you must be really angry to hate them so much even when it will hurt your gameplay experience as there will be less players and less development money going into pvp if they don't continue to play pvp.


Also, remember this game's main focus was the pre-50 pve experience. Many new players might get into the game for that. Then, if they have a decent experience, they might find pvp fun and start pvp'n. Some of these players will be great pvp'rs as well. Get over yourselves.


I think many of you are just afraid of having any competition. I bet many of the people against better gear for new 50s are against premade matching as well.


In my experience, bad players will blame gear for their defeat. Thinking it has NOTHING to do with their current skill level. It's by nature that people want to believe they are very good at their class and use it to 100% potential. However, this is almost never reality, and most of these bad players that complain about gear gap use their class to not even 50% of it's potential. This is the truth, and if you disagree, then you should go play GW2. :rak_03:

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If you would of capped Rated and Normal WZ comms from 40+, you would have FIVE PIECES OF ARMOR, WEAPON, AND AN IMPLANT OR EARPIECE. If you haven't PvPed before 50, that is your fault. Fresh PvPers at 50 piss people off as much as having a lack of gear, or laziness to augment their gear and ***** about it.


Wow, calm down man. Not everyone wants to spend hours/days converting everything to ranked at a 3:1 ratio when they can just get it at 50...and, the planet will continue spinning despite this.

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It wasn't caps-lock rage cruise control. I just wanted to overemphasize that point. If they don't want to put in the effort pre 50, then they shouldn't cry about this "gear imbalance" at 50. These are the same people that don't augment their WH gear when they do get it anyway, so why should BioWare pander to the lowest common denominator?


If one wants to be competitive, put in the effort. Even with gear, these bads will come back on the forums complaining how certain classes are OP because they have no clue how to counter and play. It all comes down to a L2P issue.

Edited by SDTAXantos
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