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Every companion should be able to heal and/or tank


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Hear me out.


1. Everyone agrees that a companion that can't heal or tank is worse than one that can.-


For many classes a healer companion is just so superior that people never use any other companion while leveling up after they get their healer. It just makes too big of a difference.


2. This is to the detriment story and to personal choice in the game-


Instead of picking what they believe to be the most interesting companion they will pick what is objectively the best companion for leveling up.


3. This change would not make the game easier-


Healing companions already exist. Tanking companions already exist. And they are already what the vast majority of people use while they are leveling up. Giving other companions some greater utility would just make the game better. It would give people greater freedom to pick the companion they like rather than the companion that is, under the existing system, clearly a superior companion for their class.

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Sorry but I disagree. If I'm leveling a healer, I want a DPS companion. If I'm leveling a Tank, I want a DPS or Healer depending on the fight. If I'm leveling a DPS I want a Healer or Tank depending on the mob.


You have multiple companions to provide variety. If they were all the same...well, why bother having more than one...

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1. No, not everyone agrees. I don't.

2. No, it isn't. This would remove choice because then I would be without my favorite DPS companions.

3. Maybe not, but it's still not a good idea.


Just because the vast majority are dependent on their tanks and healers doesn't mean everyone is. Some of us can use DPS companions to take out groups of mobs so fast that they never have a chance to hurt us much. Homogenizing the game so that all companions are the same two choices would make it boring. Also, tanking and healing simply don't fit the characters of many of the companions that you would change.


No thanks.



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I disagree. Play with whichever character you prefer and appreciate their abilities, adapt your playstyle to match it. I refuse to play with certain companions because they annoy me story-wise, even though they are the perfect compliment role. It makes it a little bit harder sometimes but thats keeps me on my toes.
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Just to point out the obvious.


Be able to != they can only.


Basically seems to be saying all companions should be able to fulfill all roles, so which companion you use boils down to which one (story, attitude, personaly, looks, whatever) you like better, and not which one happens to fill the needed combat role.


And I happen to agree. Most of the time with my JK I'd play through *most* of a boss convesation with Kira, then escape out, switch to Doc, then go through it again so that I wouldn't get creamed in the ensuing boss battle. Because let's face it, Tank + Healer = win. Tank + DPS = Dead. But it's Kira I really wanted the story of.


Edit: that being said, most non-boss battles I just blew through with Kira

Edited by GnatB
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Companion setup are fine as it is, players can pick the combo fit them play style most.


Why do I have the feeling that op play Sentinel and want to use Kira as companion however he found it is easier to quest with doc.


If i have one complain about companion that will be lock of force healer companion. The closest thing to a force healer would be Guss Tuno for smuggler since he is Jedi exile however he is base on scoundrel. (It is funny that he does say he will try to heal you with force power.)

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There are 6 companions available for each class. Pick the one most fun and most appropriate for the advanture.


There are a few features people like about RPG....


different npc personality, background story, choices, impact of your decision, trade-off....


It is interesting when come to mmo, some players just want everything off the bat and everything to be equal.

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Tank + Healer = win. Tank + DPS = Dead. But it's Kira I really wanted the story of.


Disagree, I leveled up sentinel with T7 just fine and I never have issue with boss fight. I also level up sentinel to 50 with kira without any issue in beta.


If player have issue with boss fight that usually means they don't interrupt boss's special and they expect the eat special and live through the fight. Which is not surprise that I still find lv50 don't interrupt in hard mode fps.

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Sorry OP. I can't agree either. I have 2 tanks, a Guardian and a Shadow. HK-51 is the best companion for both, especially when I'm running dailies. To be fair, I'm a well geared and so is HK, but with the amount of damage he puts out and with his special abilities including Assassinate, I don't' need heals at all. Not even between fights. I pull, mitigate, maintain aggro, and that is all she wrote. And the fights are very fast. Makes it a pleasure to run dailies if you can believe it.


My point is that dps pairing can be very beneficial. I prefer companions not to tank, and I don't' always need them to heal. The best results for me are decent dps from them. I take care of everything else.





Edited by Rafaman
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1. Everyone agrees that a companion that can't heal or tank is worse than one that can.-


No not everyone. I always use DPS companions and DPS companions alone.

Keep your useless (to me) tank companions to yourself...

Edited by Aelther
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Hear me out.


1. Everyone agrees that a companion that can't heal or tank is worse than one that can.-

Who is everybody? I do not agree.

For many classes a healer companion is just so superior that people never use any other companion while leveling up after they get their healer. It just makes too big of a difference.

As both a Healer and a Tank I use my DPS companion more then either the tank or heals. I use my DPS comp even more when I am on a DPS toon.


2. This is to the detriment story and to personal choice in the game-

No it is not.


Instead of picking what they believe to be the most interesting companion they will pick what is objectively the best companion for leveling up. I play multiple toons and use different companions at different times, what ever I was in the mood for at the time


3. This change would not make the game easier-


Healing companions already exist. Tanking companions already exist. And they are already what the vast majority of people use while they are leveling up. Giving other companions some greater utility would just make the game better. It would give people greater freedom to pick the companion they like rather than the companion that is, under the existing system, clearly a superior companion for their class

Companions have awesome utility, maybe you don't know how to use them correctly.



Answers in Red.

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Disagree, I leveled up sentinel with T7 just fine and I never have issue with boss fight. I also level up sentinel to 50 with kira without any issue in beta.


If player have issue with boss fight that usually means they don't interrupt boss's special and they expect the eat special and live through the fight. Which is not surprise that I still find lv50 don't interrupt in hard mode fps.


*shrug* as pure tank spec with tank equipment, I simply didn't have the DPS to beat them down before they offed me, interrupts or no. With healer, they were all trivial. I also notice that none of your examples were actually tank with DPS companion.


edit: that being said, I'll admit that right around hoth, in this one class instance where an extra elite repels in when you attack the visible elite, is when I finally started switch to Doc for every boss/elite fight. So it's possible some of the boss battles would have been doable with Kira. But hey, why risk the armor damage when they are trivial with a different companion? The healer is simply a better choice. Period.

Edited by GnatB
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Well I kind of agree with the OP. I find that in the toons I've leveled, I'll usually stick with one(mostly healer unless I'm a healer) for most of the grind. But I think that using comps should be more about their personalities than their skills.


Someone previously said that they hate Quinn but like heals. If there was another companion, like Jaesa if you preferred, who could also heal as well as Quinn, why wouldn't you want that?


BW put a lot of effort in giving each of your companion certain identities and they are all different enough that there are going to be some you like and some you don't, or are more compatible/incompatible with your own character's storyline/playstyle/etc.


I prefer playing with healer comps and that leaves a lot of my other comps unused. I don't see why anyone would object if each comp could act as tank, dps, healer, etc. It could be something you assign to each of them via a checkbox. All the pool of abilities exist across all comps so they could just dynamically adjust so the abilities they use make sense depending if they are a force user/weapon user, etc. That way you try out more comps without having to sacrifice how you like to play the game, instead of being pigeon-holed into a specific comp.

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Hear me out.


1. Everyone agrees that a companion that can't heal or tank is worse than one that can.-


For many classes a healer companion is just so superior that people never use any other companion while leveling up after they get their healer. It just makes too big of a difference.


2. This is to the detriment story and to personal choice in the game-


Instead of picking what they believe to be the most interesting companion they will pick what is objectively the best companion for leveling up.


3. This change would not make the game easier-


Healing companions already exist. Tanking companions already exist. And they are already what the vast majority of people use while they are leveling up. Giving other companions some greater utility would just make the game better. It would give people greater freedom to pick the companion they like rather than the companion that is, under the existing system, clearly a superior companion for their class.


Akavi Spaar, Risha, Kira, Ashara, Aric, Torian, Vette and Nadia all say you are wrong because those are my most used companions. This is a subjective argument anyway, close this thread or let it die.


Do not get mad at any of us who are skilled enough to play a game without being constantly healed. Seriously, this game is not that hard. I watch my fiance lose to npc's so she uses healing companions all the time and takes forever. I can take her toon and pull out a dps companion and beat a boss she can't. It is preference for being constantly healed or you do not understand your toon maybe and need a crutch.


I watch some of you play, 3 people in a mob, healing companion wasting time stunning one instead of burning it. Healing companion healing you while you take your time to kill one enemy npc. Then you tell me it is faster....


BTW tank comps are awesome.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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