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Rested State Gains Nerfed?


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they need to remove that thing..

you get soo much xp you always out-level the content you're doing. it's sucks.


Why remove it? It is easy enough to avoid and no one says you have to do all the missions on any given planet. Plus you may not like it so much, but for alts it is a blessing.

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why not doing all the content? I want to enjoy and try all missions with every character I make.

1 daily pvp pre 50.

2-4 space operations daily.

new flashpoints (you'll get 1-2 a day)

and then there is planet missions themselves + bonus missions.


so only way is to skip content or do it and then you over level it.

on my IA I skipped alderran and Hoth quest lines and side missions and still got to 50 before I reached corellia.

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If it is toned down then that is a good thing indeed, it should be removed completely in my opinion because it is impossible not to over level content in this game.


But you can avoid it by not logging out in an area that gives rested XP :confused:


EDIT: And gg the day I thought would never come has arrived; people complaining there is too much content! :p

Edited by KariTalRathe
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why not doing all the content? I want to enjoy and try all missions with every character I make.

1 daily pvp pre 50.

2-4 space operations daily.

new flashpoints (you'll get 1-2 a day)

and then there is planet missions themselves + bonus missions.


so only way is to skip content or do it and then you over level it.

on my IA I skipped alderran and Hoth quest lines and side missions and still got to 50 before I reached corellia.


You know you can over level a quest or planet and still play it anyway, right? And as a bonus, you get almost no XP for it! It's Win/WIn!


Seriously though, that's what I do with my main. I do everything and am usually 3 or 4 levels over the content when I finish a planet. Then I go to the next planet, get a couple levels and the XP slows down again. If I wanted I could skip, but I don't want to. So I don't.


With Alts I skip planetary quests or other side quests and usually skip all bonus series. Still manage to be leveled right for the content.


This really is easy stuff.

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it's not too much content it's too much xp\gear\credits which out-level the content.

with legacy bonuses it's a total Rofl'Stomp run to 50.


and you always get some kind of rested xp.. log out on the wilds and check rested xp when u log back in. also fleet\spaceship will grant rested xp.

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You know you can over level a quest or planet and still play it anyway, right? And as a bonus, you get almost no XP for it! It's Win/WIn!


Seriously though, that's what I do with my main. I do everything and am usually 3 or 4 levels over the content when I finish a planet. Then I go to the next planet, get a couple levels and the XP slows down again. If I wanted I could skip, but I don't want to. So I don't.


With Alts I skip planetary quests or other side quests and usually skip all bonus series. Still manage to be leveled right for the content.


This really is easy stuff.


no it's not fun when I stnd in middle of heroic 4 by myself (as people don't want "Boost") and getting no damage from the mobs.. my companion solo them and all of that for a reward which is not existing or not worth it at all.


XP reward system in this game makes leveling up and gearing\hoarding creds way too easy which makes the game end faster and become extremely boring.


I remember good old Neverwinter nights multiplayer days when leveling up from level 1 to 20 took ages and each level meant a lot and each encounter was epic, and why is that? cause it was player made modules running on their personal servers and by so doing the content was optimized as it should be.

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But you can avoid it by not logging out in an area that gives rested XP :confused:


EDIT: And gg the day I thought would never come has arrived; people complaining there is too much content! :p


The fact of the matter is that there is too much content indeed during the leveling process, and too much experience, to the extent that if you are moderately enjoying all the content this game has to offer (flashpoints, war zones, space missions, bonus series etc) you will hit 50 before you land on Voss most likely, and that is when you try to avoid having too much rested exp.


Not to mention the fact that once i load up an alt with whom i haven't played for a while, and his rested bar is full, the bloody thing lasts forever since the experience you gain from completing a quest doesn't effect the bar, only mobs you kill along the way do.

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it's not too much content it's too much xp\gear\credits which out-level the content.

with legacy bonuses it's a total Rofl'Stomp run to 50.


and you always get some kind of rested xp.. log out on the wilds and check rested xp when u log back in. also fleet\spaceship will grant rested xp.

Sorry, but you're mistaken.


I'm currently leveling my 7th and 8th toon (I bounce back and force to keep rested XP up). Having played 6 classes all the way to 50, I'm more interested in the class stories, and less interested in the planetary missions that I've seen before, in some cases several times.


I've purchased every single available legacy xp perk. Every. Single. One. I also always have rested xp on both characters. I also bought a bunch of "Major Experience Boosts" off of the GTN and use them at all times.


Despite all these bonuses, once you get around level 30+, your class quests + killing mobs along the way + exploration xp along the way will only get you 2 levels worth of xp (sometimes only 1). Yet most planets expect you to gain 4 levels by the time you move on.


To keep from being vastly underleveled as I round off the remaining storylines I need to:


1. Do warzones (which I don't enjoy), or

2. Do space missions every day (which I'm tired of), or

3. Do some planetary quest lines / side missions (which I've already seen several times).


If you nerf the rested xp, this would just get worse.


It's just fine the way it is.

If it is toned down then that is a good thing indeed, it should be removed completely in my opinion because it is impossible not to over level content in this game.

On my first first level 50 I overleveled content.


None of my other ones did. "Impossible." I do not think it means what you think it means.

Edited by Khevar
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many people including myself suggested that class story should scale to your current level, but as it seems you have to level up.


doing 80-90% of the mission you'll be 50 before you finish belsavis, with no perk and without resting xp.

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I also think that it should be removed. Rested XP imbalance the game.


If you want to NOT overlevel mobs while leveling, my suggestion is to avoid all bonus quests, as long as you can. This is what I do, and it work quite well.

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problem is some bonus missions grants unique orange gear or codex\dialog lines.



in imp side on taris final main story mission you get a bonus mission to destroy 3 Guns to aid the imp assault, by skipping it you get different dialog.

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problem is some bonus missions grants unique orange gear or codex\dialog lines.



in imp side on taris final main story mission you get a bonus mission to destroy 3 Guns to aid the imp assault, by skipping it you get different dialog.

Alternate planets.


Do Taris on toon 1, skip Taris on toon 2. Skip Tatooine on toon 1, Do Tatooine on toon 2.


If you're one of those completionists that have to do every available side quest on every toon no matter how many times you've seen in before, then yes, you will overlevel content.



doing 80-90% of the mission you'll be 50 before you finish belsavis, with no perk and without resting xp.

This is just not accurate.


On my first toon (no leveling xp perks, they didn't exist) I did every planetary quest and almost every single bonus series as well. I hit level 50 about an hour into Corelia.


I suppose had I done space missions AND warzones every day (in addition to the bonus series) I could have hit level 50 by Belsavis. But if you tune progression xp to all that, then leveling alts would become way too much of a grind.


Right now you have a choice, you don't have to do everything to level an alt and see the class stories.

Edited by Khevar
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many people including myself suggested that class story should scale to your current level, but as it seems you have to level up.


doing 80-90% of the mission you'll be 50 before you finish belsavis, with no perk and without resting xp.


If you're just doing all the missions on planets(I dont do pvp or space, and only do the first 1 or 2 flashpoints), theres no way you'll hit 50 on belsavis.

I have 13 50s and working on No14, the best you'll get with lots of rested XP is around the end of Voss or during the bonus series. But to even get this, you must do all the bonus series, which a lot of people dont, some dont even relise there are bonus series, particularly Nar Shaddda, Alderaan, Hoth, as you have to know they are there later on.

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Op, not sure what is happening for you there... I rely on rested xp quite a bit and it is working fine. I always park in a cantina, my ship or the fleet when I'm going to be away for a while. It's just standard practice for me.


As for the rest of the posts... I've capped 6 toons, and I'm about halfway through with my 7th and, lets be clear, you the player, control your leveling. If you are bored with overlelved instances, heroics etc.... ah.... yea, don't do them overlevel. lol! Slow your leveling down. Go up a planet or 2. Stop using rested xp. Don't use boosts. There are many ways to control your leveling.


For me, I'm not that interested in side quests or even planet quests anymore. I love the class quests though. So... I speed level by running only the Class Quests, some planet quests and... that's about it. I use rested xp and xp boosts to make up any deficiencies.


I can confirm what the previous poster pointed out, I am running about 2 levels low. I finished Chapter 1 four levels low with out realizing it this last time. It sounds counter intuitive as I'm speed leveling, but... by minimizing travel and cruising through planets, it is really easy to make up levels by running dailies and cap in record time. And... I still get to see the Class quest story which is new and what I'm interested in (aside from endgame etc.).


If you know your class and what you need to do to stay geared up, and when not to skip stuff, it is enjoyable. I don't recommend it though, if you don't know your class. However, since Imp and Pub sides are mirrored in terms of classes once you learn a class on one side you know it on the other, you just have to learn the names of the abilities across the factions. There are plenty of web sites that can help with that.


Net, net, leveling: the stories, the process, and your ability to slow down or speed up, is a strength in this game. Rested XP is just fine. So are the xp points gained per mission. The game leaves it in your hands on how you want to approach it. And... I really appreciate that.

Edited by Rafaman
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If you're just doing all the missions on planets(I dont do pvp or space, and only do the first 1 or 2 flashpoints), theres no way you'll hit 50 on belsavis.

I have 13 50s and working on No14, the best you'll get with lots of rested XP is around the end of Voss or during the bonus series. But to even get this, you must do all the bonus series, which a lot of people dont, some dont even relise there are bonus series, particularly Nar Shaddda, Alderaan, Hoth, as you have to know they are there later on.


I did every available quest on every planet with my BH and logged him in a "rested" area each time I logged off. I also did space missions almost every day. I came in just a bit over the expected experience but still within tolerances, and still in line with the final planets, so I can concur with your findings.

Edited by Blackardin
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I also think that it should be removed. Rested XP imbalance the game.


If you want to NOT overlevel mobs while leveling, my suggestion is to avoid all bonus quests, as long as you can. This is what I do, and it work quite well.


It will never be removed as there are far more people desiring the additional xp boost then there are siding against it. Further, the XP packs, I'm sure, are a good seller in the Cartel Market. No company is going to diminish revenues by pulling a hot seller off the shelves.


The choice is yours to skip rested xp or purchased xp. However, it is unlikely that any one player will be able to enforce his will upon the masses, especially when the choice to not partake is there for him.

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why not doing all the content? I want to enjoy and try all missions with every character I make.

1 daily pvp pre 50.

2-4 space operations daily.

new flashpoints (you'll get 1-2 a day)

and then there is planet missions themselves + bonus missions.


so only way is to skip content or do it and then you over level it.

on my IA I skipped alderran and Hoth quest lines and side missions and still got to 50 before I reached corellia.


No one is stopping you from doing any of this at present. You have options the way the game is currently, you can go back and play through that content at higher level or avoid the rested XP build up and play it at level, or near that level. Forcing everyone else to "experience" all this content that they may not want to experience can end up being a drastic decision...and while BW definitely has some flawed logic in the design department...they know what they're doing here.


The choice to be able to skip a little content here and there makes the game refreshing for many of the casuals, which is a huge chunk of the customer base. Alienate them on this level, and you may very well be searching for another MMO in a year or two.


It's really a non-issue anyhow, considering the plethora of bad press BW has been taking in the teeth, deservedly so, I am sure they do not want to end up having to deal with a problem like this. This is the sort of move that could end up really hurting them, if not killing the game...and they know that.

Edited by Rezakh
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Alternate planets.


Do Taris on toon 1, skip Taris on toon 2. Skip Tatooine on toon 1, Do Tatooine on toon 2.


If you're one of those completionists that have to do every available side quest on every toon no matter how many times you've seen in before, then yes, you will overlevel content.


This is just not accurate.


On my first toon (no leveling xp perks, they didn't exist) I did every planetary quest and almost every single bonus series as well. I hit level 50 about an hour into Corelia.


I suppose had I done space missions AND warzones every day (in addition to the bonus series) I could have hit level 50 by Belsavis. But if you tune progression xp to all that, then leveling alts would become way too much of a grind.


Right now you have a choice, you don't have to do everything to level an alt and see the class stories.


I love the idea of alternating planets but it puts me in a bit of a bind. I absolutely hate alderaan and am thoroughly annoyed by Hoth (particularly rep side). I am also finding with more characters that I level Nar Shadaa and Voss are feeling more tedious. Problem is, I play this game with my wife (the only thing RPG-wise that she'll play and she really enjoys it, so quitting is out. To top that off, I do enjoy the class missions, the ones I plan on finishing up and maybe playing through 1 or 2 of them a second time. So I have some left over incentive to stick with it, for awhile.


As soon as that is all done, we're probably taking off (No Makeb DLC for us, most likely). You have excellent points though and I agree with all of them. But, for now, class stories, fun planets, and, most importantly, cooping with my wife makes it fun. But if I was forced to do Alderaan, Hoth, and Voss every time, I probably would have quit long ago.

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Personally I like to skip content since running all alts through all the same quests would be very boring. If by midgame you feel like you are getting too much ahead of level curve you can skip whole Quesh (expect your story mission). That sets you down by 1-2 levels alone. Bonus arcs are sometimes badly made so skipping them won`t lose you much and you can always get up to date equipment from galactic market with credits instead of whatever quest rewards you missed.


Only problem I`ve had with this is that in Correlia I tend to hit level 50 bit too early. But it won`t spoil the challenge too much in any case.

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This turned into some sort of debate I did not expect. I'm not having trouble leveling. I have all the purchased legacy bonus. I don't seem to be gaining any rested xp. Like people are saying dont do the side quests if your leveling to fast or it's too easy. I'm on my 5th character. 4 others are 50. I'm trying to get this one to 50 fast. I'm doing everything I see. Flashes, warzones 1 if I win 2 if I lose! For the quest. I'm staying right on par.
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