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how is it after 50 ?


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I will start this thread because i cannot find informations all together - how is it after 50 ? we have Ilum and something else.. i have read there is an open world pvp area on ilum - is it alive or not ?

what are the dailies ? missions on ilum ? is the united we stand daily for warzones still active ? how to earn money ? how to take dailies ? etc thanks for answers!

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Most of the endgame is defeating enemies (warzones or Operations) for comms, which you use to buy gear.

Dulfy's endgame gearing guides.


There's an Illum storyline (for Imperials it's "Empire Betrayed") then the Tionese Hegemony (Kaon and LI) followed by The Eternity Vault (EV) then Karagga's Palace (KP) then Explosive Conflict (EC) and lastly Terror From Beyond (TFB).


How is it after 50? It requires a lot more skill - unless you were undergeared and leveled for your class story.

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How it is after 50, in my personal opinion, depends on if you have a good guild or not.


When I play, I get on mumble, people get groups together, we tell jokes, we help each other out, do the operations, get advice from the vets, etc.


If I didn't have this, life after 50 wouldn't be fun enough to keep me around.

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Well it's a bit of a grind on the PvE side, theres a strong dependency on doing daily missions for commendations to improve gear, as well as repeatedly doing hard mode flashpoints or operations, but yes the social side with friends and a guild that fits you makes this better and enjoyable.
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If you are on Jedi Covenant and play Empire be prepared to cry... a lot. You will lose 99% of every single WZ you join. Your team will be all players with 15k health and no healers while playing aginst only premades. Just did one and we couldnt even kill anyone. Was a Voidstar and they only went through the first doors after like 30 seconds and then farmed us without ever opening the bridge for the rest of the timer. That was so much fun. Then of course we never even made it through the first doors so they still won and we got farmed the entire time as soon as we jumped down they were there to kill us. Thats how EVERY single match is. Edited by Dabrixmgp
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Honestly, you will get different replies from people depending on how long they have been at 50, if they have a good guild, and if the don't mind the grind of doing dailies.


I enjoy it for a while, but tend to get bored. I don't want to spend my free time doing dailies on 3 different planets just to 'kill time'. If you enjoy raiding and can get in a guild that raids, then that is a goal. Personally, I am able to raid twice a week. But then again, after you are fully upgraded in armor (or as upgraded as you can) then what is the point of even raiding?


I don't tend to spend a lot of time on my 50's. I will queue up for the daily hard mode and try to get my weeklies done, but that's about it. I enjoy the story more than the end game life, so I work on alts.


Life after 50 is ok, if you find a nitch to fit in that gives you what you want.

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best way to deal with being a new fifty is to look at it as starting a brand new game with a brand new newbie toon


also, dont try to rush - you will go mad

a couple of the fifties i tried to rush are now out to pasture running only slicing crew missions and farming for my alts

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best way to deal with being a new fifty is to look at it as starting a brand new game with a brand new newbie toon


also, dont try to rush - you will go mad

I think this is it in a nutshell. It's a different game that is more social than storyline but I'm not in a guild or anything and still have fun. You just have to be a bit more willing to go into general change to get groups together when you need them.


There is alot to do, it's not just grinding. But grinding builds better gear so alot of people focus on that. Personally I get bored with the grind and just explore the game for fun.


Then if you do get bored and long for the simple storyline you can roll a new alternate toon and jump between the two. And new toons have an easy time because it's like they have an "older sibling" handing down all kinds of buffs, gear, and benefits down to them.

Edited by Kerensk
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I'd answer this by asking "how was it before 50"?


Did you like the stories of your class? warZones? flashPoints?


If you would like to continue to grow that same character, you will be grinding WZs for gear, or running FPs/OPs for gear and additional ""raid" content. Some like that, others don't. However, if you enjoyed the class stories, and have interest in another class, try leveling another character.


I find I prefer to split time from doing dailies/HM FPs/WZs on one character and then run another 10 levels or so on another class. That way I get to keep improving one character up the 50 gear chain and get to enjoy the other faction and/or other story lines.


So it kind of depends on what you liked getting to 50 as how you'll like post-50.

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Lets see, first let me say no active guild, PvE player.


After a year and on my 8th toon, I find that life after 50 is about pacing yourself. I can't grind dailies over and over to get all the gear, so I have to take breaks between doing that. Thats why I have the 8 toons by now. I truly enjoy raising a new class all the way to 50 more than some of the after 50 work.


So I usually have two toons under development, and I go to the 50s to do crafting for them, run dailies or HM FPs to get credits and gear, then go back to the development toons, etc... I fully equip my companions, which is a bit foolish because you don't use them as much once you hit 50. Most of the post-50 work is group work.


It is still enough to keep me very busy and enjoy the game a lot. Actually the HK chase pushed me to try HM FPs and now I am starting to run those more frequently. Haven't made a dent into ops yet, but you really need to have support for that, so I would have to join a real active guild for it.

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