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More World-events


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So far we had two different World Events. The Rakghoul Plague and The Grand Acquisitions Race. I enjoyed them and like to see more. It brings the community more together, unique missions and unique rewards. It gave us something to do, and look forward to do when we got online.

It's been a while since we had a World Event, somewhat around 5-6 months. Surely, other MMO's don't seem to have much World Events happening either. But look at when they started and the time between them.



- Rakghoul Pandemic

"As of the 16th of April vile rakghouls roam the wreckage of a Republic transport on the desert world of Tatooine."

It was a great event which involved doing dailies, gathering gear, unique crystals, world bosses, minipets and infecting others with the disease. It lasted for about a week or so, and was realy loved. It, obviously, fit in perfectly with the story line of the Flashpoints: "Kaon Under Siege" and "The Lost Island".


- The Grand Acquisitions Race

"At the 14th of August a representative of the Chevin Conglomerate speaks to the people of Nar Shadda about the riches offered in the Grand Acquisitions Race."

This world event involved lots of puzzling, traveling across other worlds (which was great to get back to them again) and again collecting unique treasures. Those treasures are weapons, mounts, pets and a title. Maybe it wasn't as loved as the Rakghoul Pandemic Event, but everyone enjoyed doing the hunting and collecting their lovely treasures. It was something worth doing, and having an unique thing of their own.



So, what I am looking at is a petition to let Bioware start making more World Events. They got us disapointed, hugely, on Life Day for putting a few items in the Cartel Market, and letting us buy it.


I am sure everyone is looking for more enjoyable Events in this game. The community/playerbase which is active is highly appreciated of the game and things done in the past. But so far, everyone seems to be let down by Bioware. Making an amazing and memorable World Event will give this game a huge improvement.


I am also interested in hearing what you all are looking for in a World Event? Theme, objectives, rewards, you name it.

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There's already some kind of new world event on its way sometime January/February (I believe) that centers around Ilum and PVP.


I just think it takes a lot of effort and work to go into these events. I'm not sure they can put out more than 2-3 of these a year with the amount of work that goes in. If they can do a new event every 4-5 months, I'll be happy.

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I just think it takes a lot of effort and work to go into these events. I'm not sure they can put out more than 2-3 of these a year with the amount of work that goes in. If they can do a new event every 4-5 months, I'll be happy.


I am aware of that. But when The Grand Acquisitions Race it seemed like we would be getting world-events every 4-6 months. It is something to make the game more alive and interesting for other players to join in.


Surely, you will get the usual complaint that "I didn't get the chance to do that/get that certain item". Well, that will always happen. But that's the great thing about having something unique.

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World events are the least effective form of content. They are only available for a limited time, so most people do them once and thats it. Very few are going to hop on all their characters to do it over and over in such a short time period.


World events, if included at all, should be simple quests into existing areas with existing targets not major projects that eat up development time.

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World events are the least effective form of content. They are only available for a limited time, so most people do them once and thats it. Very few are going to hop on all their characters to do it over and over in such a short time period.


World events, if included at all, should be simple quests into existing areas with existing targets not major projects that eat up development time.


Did the 1st event on my main and the 2nd on 5 different toons. People tend to do them on whatever toons have already hit 50.

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This is my first MMO and I have a related question for you MMO veterans: Do they re-do World Events very often or at all?


After a year playing and two World Events I think I finally have a clue what to do.


During the Rakghoul Plague I had no idea what was really going on so I missed out on pets and things for each of my toons, but the saddest, is that I didn't complete a single set of Containment Officer gear. I'd love to be able to go back and fill in some items.


I got a little better for Grand Acquisitions but ended up buying a lot of the Legacy weapons thinking maybe there'd be more use for them down the road, even though they were only rifles, I still bought two of everything and now they are just sitting in my cargo hold.


I'm 100% ready for the next one now but I really would love to finish my C.O. gear. Any chance of that or do they never repeat World Events in MMOs?

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This is my first MMO and I have a related question for you MMO veterans: Do they re-do World Events very often or at all?


After a year playing and two World Events I think I finally have a clue what to do.


During the Rakghoul Plague I had no idea what was really going on so I missed out on pets and things for each of my toons, but the saddest, is that I didn't complete a single set of Containment Officer gear. I'd love to be able to go back and fill in some items.


I got a little better for Grand Acquisitions but ended up buying a lot of the Legacy weapons thinking maybe there'd be more use for them down the road, even though they were only rifles, I still bought two of everything and now they are just sitting in my cargo hold.


I'm 100% ready for the next one now but I really would love to finish my C.O. gear. Any chance of that or do they never repeat World Events in MMOs?


No, a world-event will never be repeated. But if there would be seasonal events, like World of Warcraft has with Christmas, Halloween, Valentines Day and Brewfest, that would be done every year at the same date.

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