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Stop complaining about stun bubble...


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Ha ha ha... nice attempt at trolling mister OP.


Just yesterday, we were completely shut out 2 games in a row against a team in RWZ. Shut out by what? Smashers leap in, do their ****, AoE slow, right-click their bubble and choose the time when they want to stun us. They basically shut us out completely. The amount of DMG the 2 smashers where doing, combined with the slow, repetitive stuns, mass AoE from Sniper and Sorc, I think we got 3 kills, and we couldn't even get their EWH Merc healer down to less than 50%. And, if we ever got in range, he'd pop this stupid bubble and get away, to get a new one a few seconds later.


This bubble sorc completely shut out a team of 8, by itself. And of course, your resolve simply doesn't go up as your only slowed and blinded while being torn up by AoE from all side. I think their main healer at the end of the match had like 150k healing and the sorc 120k. Our damage averaged 50k each, some even lower. No one could do a thing.


Take out smash and bubble-stun, we'd have had a chance to win that.


And who cares about the top tier healing talent, when you just don't need to heal anymore, since the other team can't even move...

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Oh and about those saying bubble doesn't count towards healing. Wow...


Even if it didn't, I couldn't care less about the amount of healing some dude is doing or not doing. The only thing that counts is winning games.


The rest is BS.

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Really? Explain why I have never received any healing points from my Static Barrier.


Bubble does count as a heal and it is easy to test it. Just like someone said, bubble yourself and run trough fire in Huttball. Make sure it is at the start and you will get 2.5 k healing medal.

That is how hybrid spec. healer get his/her heals. They are only, and I say only, bubbling people and cast heal here and there.


It is normal thing to see a Sage running towards the healer just to pop the bubble into healer's face. There are also some people who just 'bring' the bubble, stop next to you, do nothing, wait until your stun is gone and pop it.

It should be fixed and it will be. :)

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People have been saying the same thing about marauder root locks through resolve, and facing the absurd defensives and damage of marauders in general for months now- not fun to face a class doing double your burst damage, who isn't taking any damage, jumping all over, stealthing, moving extra fast, etc... and getting some of the top group utility on top of having so much damage and mitigation.


Marauders have been the biggest fun suckers in the game since 1.2- nobody likes taking two steps, being leap smashed, another step, leap root ravage root throw executed, etc... either.


Basically all you're saying is- what makes the game unfun for melee classes is a huge issue that BW needs to address right now- but what has been making the game unfun for certain classes for well over half a year still isn't something that needs to be addressed.


You can still act when you are rooted. You can cc the marauder to interrupt ravage, etc. This is a l2p issue, especially the 31/31 spec in your second paragraph.


You have some serious marauder hate. Maybe show us on the doll where the marauder touched you? It seems that what you want is to be able to kite marauders all day long without the ability for them to get to you. What the rest of us want is a defensive mechanic for sorcs that doesn't turn warzones into massive unfun stunfests.

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You can still act when you are rooted. You can cc the marauder to interrupt ravage, etc. This is a l2p issue, especially the 31/31 spec in your second paragraph.


You have some serious marauder hate. Maybe show us on the doll where the marauder touched you? It seems that what you want is to be able to kite marauders all day long without the ability for them to get to you. What the rest of us want is a defensive mechanic for sorcs that doesn't turn warzones into massive unfun stunfests.


I don't know if the bug is fixed, but at one point you could not rotate when rooted.


This was exploited to a Marauders advantage where you just need to stand behind the rooted person to take zilch-damage because they cannot face you to cast any skills..

Edited by Yeochins
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Ha ha ha... nice attempt at trolling mister OP.


Just yesterday, we were completely shut out 2 games in a row against a team in RWZ. Shut out by what?

Good question, let's see what info you give us.

Smashers leap in, do their ****, AoE slow, right-click their bubble and choose the time when they want to stun us.

The manual release of bubble is OP and should be nerfed. I agree there. Your issue with smashers =/= bubbles are OP

They basically shut us out completely. The amount of DMG the 2 smashers where doing, combined with the slow, repetitive stuns, mass AoE from Sniper and Sorc, I think we got 3 kills, and we couldn't even get their EWH Merc healer down to less than 50%. And, if we ever got in range, he'd pop this stupid bubble and get away, to get a new one a few seconds later.

So you're saying the better team won? It seems to me, they played to the strengths of the classes they had. The only imbalance created by the stun bubble is the fact that you can manually fire off the CC


This bubble sorc completely shut out a team of 8, by itself. And of course, your resolve simply doesn't go up as your only slowed and blinded while being torn up by AoE from all side. I think their main healer at the end of the match had like 150k healing and the sorc 120k. Our damage averaged 50k each, some even lower. No one could do a thing.

Did he now? Hmm, my win rate should be 100% then, cuz I've been running with bubbles since 1.3 (yeah, the mezz was just as big a counter to bad melee players then as it is now. You just had a greater risk of bad puggers breaking the mez.


Take out smash and bubble-stun, we'd have had a chance to win that.

wait, what... Didn't the bubble sorc win that one singlehandedly?

And who cares about the top tier healing talent, when you just don't need to heal anymore, since the other team can't even move...


Who cares about the top tier talent? Well.. I do. I would love to see an increase of my ACTUAL usefulness in a warzone if I specced full healing. I see bigger numbers running full spec, but I won't be as useful.



Have some cheese with your whine, you got beat by a better team. Oh and yes. Bubbles need to only stun IF they get broken by damage. That's the ONLY change needed (IF the statement from devs are true: Smashmonkeys perform at balanced levels)

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Have some cheese with your whine, you got beat by a better team. Oh and yes. Bubbles need to only stun IF they get broken by damage. That's the ONLY change needed (IF the statement from devs are true: Smashmonkeys perform at balanced levels)


So you're ok with the stun giving half the resolve that it's supposed to?


(In before "but it's not on-demand." Then why didn't it give 150 resolve when it was a mez?)

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Not actually. That 100k healing your seeing is from a hybrid DPS Sorcerer healing themselves. I know, I average 120k healing a match with Unnatural Preservation, MedPaks, with Dark Heal and Infusion. On the rare occasion will I be able to channel a heal on a teammate, when the opportunity presents itself for me to do so. The only thing Static Barrier does is absorb a buttload of damage. It is a stretch to call that a heal, you do not receive any points towards medals for Static Barrier or Force Armor.



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Don't worry that is coming soon with a fix to right clicking the bubble off as well. The sorc/sage will get the stun affect only and resolve will be just like the other stuns. So no more bubble pop video and yes a nerf is incoming as hole premade have used this to gain advantage over others.



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Stun bubbles are retarded, there's far too much CC going on in this game with people throwing grenades etc. in WZ's on top of class abilities. A sorc with a good tank and stun bubble itself is a pain to take down, add stun bubbles to everyone on the team and you spend more time standing around then you do actually playing, it's game breaking and extremely frustrating to the point I'll leave a wz and re-queue so I can actually play.
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Stun bubbles are retarded, there's far too much CC going on in this game with people throwing grenades etc. in WZ's on top of class abilities. A sorc with a good tank and stun bubble itself is a pain to take down, add stun bubbles to everyone on the team and you spend more time standing around then you do actually playing, it's game breaking and extremely frustrating to the point I'll leave a wz and re-queue so I can actually play.


Then ask for marauder CC to be toned down, for pushes/pulls to give resolve based on the time you're unable to do anything while under their effect as well, for roots to give resolve since they're practically stuns, and for interrupts to give resolve since they can be used to almost entirely shut down some specs if you know what you're doing. (with just interrupt- not including the one on leap- an annihilation mara can interrupt a heal specced sorc literally forever- a million times in a row).


Whining about an UP class which relies on CC and the group just to survive is stupid if you're going to ignore the insane CC of high damage, high defensive, high mobility classes.


A marauder can root you through resolve for 36 seconds per minute- that's over 50% of the time they can keep you from moving... and resolve can't help you.


Or, keep complaining about a class with no baseline cc breaks, no baseline roots, a snare that lasts less time than the CD, zero defensives, and some of the worst burst in the game.

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I agree that stun bubbles are stupid, but the poorly thought out design of the sorcerer class is ever stupider


Just in case you didn't realize as few people who complain about the stun bubble actually have a sorc I will simplify the problem for you.


Simply increasing the resolve of the stun bubble will not fix the problems with the sorceror class. The class's entire survivability is based around CC and controlling your opponents resolve. Going against any good player with already full resolve as a sorc dps almost guarantees that you will lose as you lack any way to survive or kite. This needs to be addressed as well as the stun bubble

Edited by AdmiralParmesan
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Then ask for marauder CC to be toned down, for pushes/pulls to give resolve based on the time you're unable to do anything while under their effect as well, for roots to give resolve since they're practically stuns, and for interrupts to give resolve since they can be used to almost entirely shut down some specs if you know what you're doing. (with just interrupt- not including the one on leap- an annihilation mara can interrupt a heal specced sorc literally forever- a million times in a row).


Whining about an UP class which relies on CC and the group just to survive is stupid if you're going to ignore the insane CC of high damage, high defensive, high mobility classes.


A marauder can root you through resolve for 36 seconds per minute- that's over 50% of the time they can keep you from moving... and resolve can't help you.


Or, keep complaining about a class with no baseline cc breaks, no baseline roots, a snare that lasts less time than the CD, zero defensives, and some of the worst burst in the game.


Spare me the story. Try playing a commando healer or dps, then come back and complain.

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Spare me the story. Try playing a commando healer or dps, then come back and complain.


I have- mercs are the one class that sucks more than a sorc. So you're saying because there's one class worse than the sorc- sorcs should get another big nerf? Logic- can u has?

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Then ask for marauder CC to be toned down, for pushes/pulls to give resolve based on the time you're unable to do anything while under their effect as well, for roots to give resolve since they're practically stuns, and for interrupts to give resolve since they can be used to almost entirely shut down some specs if you know what you're doing. (with just interrupt- not including the one on leap- an annihilation mara can interrupt a heal specced sorc literally forever- a million times in a row).


Whining about an UP class which relies on CC and the group just to survive is stupid if you're going to ignore the insane CC of high damage, high defensive, high mobility classes.


A marauder can root you through resolve for 36 seconds per minute- that's over 50% of the time they can keep you from moving... and resolve can't help you.


Or, keep complaining about a class with no baseline cc breaks, no baseline roots, a snare that lasts less time than the CD, zero defensives, and some of the worst burst in the game.


My main is a full min/maxed Deception Assassin, I eat Mauraders for lunch so I have no reason to complain about them rolling their faces across the keyboard lolsmashing while they're force slowed to death.


What I am tired of though is 1/2 the warzone holding their eyes blinded by lolzsTunz. Nothing wrong with Sorcs having the stun bubs, you guys need it to help survivability because I can beat you down too but the rest of your team doesn't need stun bubbles.

Edited by djcetra
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Who cares about the top tier talent? Well.. I do. I would love to see an increase of my ACTUAL usefulness in a warzone if I specced full healing. I see bigger numbers running full spec, but I won't be as useful.



Have some cheese with your whine, you got beat by a better team. Oh and yes. Bubbles need to only stun IF they get broken by damage. That's the ONLY change needed (IF the statement from devs are true: Smashmonkeys perform at balanced levels)


Are you angry man? The stun-bubbler completely locked down our team. 1 wp bubbler, and some coordination on releasing manually the bubbles combined with basic focus fire = auto-win.


Tell me it ain't broken when 1 guy can cripple a whole team for the rest of his team to burn in AoE or focus-fire 1 by 1.

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Stun bubble is fine if it was only used by TK Sages/Lightning Sorcs (which is what BW tested probably since i bet they are not testing hybrids)


The hybrid builds are broken tho when you have no cooldown on the bubble and it costs less force so you can spam it is just meh wrong plus the ability to still heal decently so you dont take over a dps spot in your group


Both skills (Preservation and Kinetic Collapse or Efficacious Currents and Backlash) should be moved up in their skill trees to remove the possibility of the hybrid builds. For example both tier 5 instead of the current tier 3 and 4.


If you want to heal you wont have the stun but you'll still have the reduced cool down and resource. If you want to stun with it you wont be able to heal but will have to dps ( specially since to be able to afford bubbling other ppl you have to use attacks to trigger Effusion) plus the 5 sec cooldown on the bubble will prevent you to bubble spam and guard more than 2-3 ppl


There are skills that can be moved down in both trees without breaking anythng else.

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Stun bubble is fine if it was only used by TK Sages/Lightning Sorcs (which is what BW tested probably since i bet they are not testing hybrids)


The hybrid builds are broken tho when you have no cooldown on the bubble and it costs less force so you can spam it is just meh wrong plus the ability to still heal decently so you dont take over a dps spot in your group


Both skills (Preservation and Kinetic Collapse or Efficacious Currents and Backlash) should be moved up in their skill trees to remove the possibility of the hybrid builds. For example both tier 5 instead of the current tier 3 and 4.


If you want to heal you wont have the stun but you'll still have the reduced cool down and resource. If you want to stun with it you wont be able to heal but will have to dps ( specially since to be able to afford bubbling other ppl you have to use attacks to trigger Effusion) plus the 5 sec cooldown on the bubble will prevent you to bubble spam and guard more than 2-3 ppl


There are skills that can be moved down in both trees without breaking anythng else.


I see, you want to erase all sorcs from the WZ's once more.

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I see, you want to erase all sorcs from the WZ's once more.


lol no i have a sage and i'm having a lot of fun with it both as dps and heals yes both roles need some tweaking but you cant rely on a broken hybrid spec to be your only tool. I much rather BW buff a bit some other skills than to keep the current situation just so you can find a spot in a wz group.

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